
作者&投稿:路环 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 What's the weather like in Switzerland?

2 Are there details of the etiquette in Switzerland that should be paid attention to?

3 What is The popular currencyis in Switzerland?

When I was young ,I know little about the world, so I was scared about something nutrally not terrible at all.

When I have grown up ,I went to school and I have lerned much knowledge ,I never feel scared at all.

1,You ordered 400 ties from our shop a few days ago. We promised you that we would give all to you on March,4th, but we are so sorry that we are too busy to keep the promise, so we will try our best to give all the ties to you on March 8th.

2,Would you please tell us your address? Then, we will send them to you.

3,Would you please to get them yourselves or we send them to you, and the ties are a little bit heavy.


1. Recent days, we shop for you to the 400 collars, originally promise you this month on the 4th to you now because the factories busy, I have to be on the 8th to give you.

2. You tell us the address, I will let you send drivers to the past.

3. You up with (goods), or do we send the past, a heavy cargo.


1,You ordered 400 ties from our shop a few days ago. We promised you that we would give all to you on March,4th, but we are so sorry that we are too busy to keep the promise, so we will try our best to give all the ties to you on March 8th.

2,Would you please tell us your address? Then, we will send them to you.

3,Would you please to get them yourselves or we send them to you, and the ties are a little bit heavy.

These are my suggestions,which I hope will be of some help to you.

帮忙翻译几个英语小句子 谢谢
请问您找那位? Who are you looking for?有什么可以帮到你的吗? What can I do for you?Good morning\/afternoon!早上好\/下午好 Hi! Can I help you?\/How can I help you?\/Are you being helped?您好!你有什么事吗?Did you make an appointment with him\/her?你跟他\/她预约了吗?What'...

she always stay at home and watch TV.

1.We married 10 years ago.2.When the train left 20 minutes,we come to the train station.3.I remember we lived in the villiage forever.4.???5.I worked in this factory.6.He must find a good job if he studied hard.7.He go to bed until his mother go back.8.You stud...

有时 sometimes ; at times ; now and then 奇怪 strange ; odd ; queer ; surprising 物体 body ; substance ; object 看见 catch sight of ; see 高空 high altitude ; upper air ; welkin 不明 not clear ; unknown 飞行 flight ; flying ; aviate ; voyage 不明飞行物 unidentified ...

这句话感觉有误 正确的是: A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真知!按楼主的翻译:一个没有困难的朋友可能是真正的朋友。14. The Internet can be a blessing or an evil.因特网要么是祝福要么是罪恶。也可翻译为:因特网是把双刃剑 15. Who can be role models for college ...

1.小王子,你是我的希望。1. The Little Prince, you are my hope.2.一切都是因为你的肯定,天空才如此美丽。2. All because you are certain that the sky was so beautiful.3.我会一直爱这你,实现你的希望,疲倦的时候想着你,就擦亮我的梦想。3. I will always love you this, you ...

2: There are eight players in each baseball team.每个棒球队有8名球员 3: In winter,there is no base ball season.在冬季,棒球联赛休赛 4: After the baseball season,people only talk about foorball in America.在棒球联赛休赛以后,美国人只会谈论橄榄球 5: American football is perhaps ...

1. I finally realized that not everything in the world could be acquired by hard work.2. Please say "good bye" before you leave.3.Cherish what you have before you lose it.4.Let's stop here for the whole journey.

5.Several weeks earlier a company laboratory in town had asked him to work for them at almost twice the salary he was getting as a teacher.几个星期前,一家城镇公司实验室以几乎两倍的薪水请他为他们工作担任老师。6.The boy was jolted into reality as his admission(允许进入) depends...

邵尚异乐:[答案] 1.这次课程/研讨会的规定目标是什么? 2.您希望参加之后能获益什么? 3.课程是否满足您所期待的目标? 4.您会将所学的多少知识落实到现实中?并将其怎样贯彻到工作中? 5.在这次课程之后,您将做出怎样的改进? 6.您觉得您受益于这次课程吗...

古县15886859195: 请帮我翻译几句英语 谢谢 -
邵尚异乐: 1.她糟糕的表情吓到我了,她看起来很虚弱很痛苦.2.今天,万事万物都都不同了,世界变得很拥挤.3.没有大自然,就没有生命!想象一下,如果世界没有树、没有花、没有动物,有的只有人类,那将会多糟糕!

古县15886859195: 请帮忙用英语翻译下面几句话,谢谢. -
邵尚异乐: 1, assembles computer. 2, takes away computer two from our place. 3, returns our place computer three. 4, replaces computer four. 5, tests computer five.

古县15886859195: 请用英语帮忙翻译几句话,谢谢! -
邵尚异乐: "Whenever and wherever you are, I hope you can do a independent woman, a treasure of emotion, a woman can rely on their own will grasp the destiny of women, I hope you peace and happiness forever, treat ourselves."

古县15886859195: 请帮忙翻译两句英文谢谢! -
邵尚异乐: 问候应该随着一天中的时间或者情况的形式进行变化.他在他的整个职业生涯中不断打破得分纪录.大概是这样.

古县15886859195: 请帮忙标准翻译一个英语句子,谢谢 -
邵尚异乐: 你好:为您提供满意解答翻译为:经验告诉我,决定你是谁的不是你付出了什么,而是你是怎么使用它的.谢谢,不懂可追问 学习宝典团队为你解答

古县15886859195: 请帮忙翻译两句英语,谢谢
邵尚异乐: 1、让桌上的线再细一点.2、在垂直方向适当拉伸字符.

古县15886859195: 请帮忙翻译几句,谢谢! -
邵尚异乐: I will be your points of concern to provide more detailed information, and so...

古县15886859195: 请帮忙翻译两个英语句子,谢谢. -
邵尚异乐: 1.Please believe he said speech, because he has received the good education, is born in the command respect family, his manner is more importantly reliable.2.Is startled...

古县15886859195: 请帮忙翻译下面这几句话成英文 -
邵尚异乐: 1.I'm to transfer my flights here.或,I am here to transfer to flights. 2.I have bought the ticket from here to Japan with the flight on 20th. 3.Excuse me. Where could I have my flights transferred, please?或Could you please inform me where to go through ...

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