帮忙翻译几个英语小句子 谢谢

作者&投稿:潘闹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

在甲苯和具有相同的初始摩尔分数的正癸烷的存在下,在650 K时,形成一氧化碳减少到原来的50%,乙醛减少到原来的12%,1-丁烯减少到原来的1.5分之1,乙烯和丙烯减少到原来的二分之一。
后面几句省略了reduce,reduce by a factor of几就是变为原来的几分之1.

1, at present, because of their schools, parents, from aspects of social pressure, plus the arduous study tasks and exam the fierce competition, student physique worse, it has become a social concern.
2, the imbalance, such as dietary intake ignore breakfast, picky, etc
3, teenagers increases, the incidence of obesity can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity
4 maintain a balanced diet
5, doing aerobic exercise, such as walking, swimming, cycling, dancing, etc

请问您找那位? Who are you looking for?
有什么可以帮到你的吗? What can I do for you?

Good morning/afternoon!早上好/下午好
Hi! Can I help you?/How can I help you?/Are you being helped?
Did you make an appointment with him/her?
What's your name?
How to spell your name?
May I see your ID, please?
Give me one second please. /
One moment please, let me call him/her first.
I'm sorry. He is busy right now. Would you like to call back later?
He was here just now. He just stepped out.
Would you like to leave a message?
I'm sorry. He is talking on the phone now. Please call back later.
May I know who is calling?
Nobody answered the phone.

Please sign your name here.
Take care!
Have a good day!
Have a nice weekend!
Have a good one!
Happy New Year!


who do you want ?

can i hellp you ?

Hello,who you are calling for
Whant can i do for you
Hang on please
Let me check if....
It's supposed to be ready
I'll call you back when time is ready
He's not here at the moment but I can leave him a message

1 With his promotion , he will take on greater responsibilities .2 He doesn't think that it's necessary for him to make such a commitment to John .3 Mary likes going shopping in her spare time . Instead ,Lucy likes reading books at home .4 At best , he is ...

He is too busy to help me

I was born on 18 December 1993.I am 12 years which is in "Cork Year" ,Blood group A. I like reading books and playing computers.I like english especially.I have a happy family with my dad,my mom and my sister.My parents are usually very busy.My sister and I are both ...

两个英语小短文和几句英文翻译 很简单的谢谢
busy \/ 5bIzI \/ adj. 忙的;繁忙的;忙碌的 but \/ bQt \/ conj. 但是 buy \/ baI \/ v. 购买;买 call \/ kC:l \/ v. 打电话 can \/ kAn \/ modal v. 能;可以;会 can't (=can not)card \/ kB:(r)d \/ n. 卡;卡片;纸牌 carrot \/ 5kArEt \/ n. 胡萝卜 case \/ keIs \/ ...

帮忙翻译几个英语小句子 谢谢
稍等,我给他\/她打个电话.I'm sorry. He is busy right now. Would you like to call back later?对不起.他正忙.您过一会再打来好吗?He was here just now. He just stepped out.他刚才还在这.他刚出去.Would you like to leave a message?您要留言吗?I'm sorry. He is talking on ...

1. I and three classmates sharing a room 2. Small sport regularly, are now playing tennis.3. This semester, I chose nine course, I'm very busy 4. My cousin in north university law, he wants to be a legal teachers.5. Do you know what time the spring semester of general...

1.那些大多是虚构想象 most of them are imaginary.2.没有任何证据证明外星生物的存在 there is no evidence to prove the existence of alien.3.其他星球没有水、空气、阳光、适宜的温度等条件支持智慧生物 on the other planet, there is no water, air, sunlight and confortable temperature to ...

英语句子,越短越好,100个100分,要中文翻译 200个150,,300个300分,整齐点,翻译在句子后面... 200个150,,300个300分,整齐点,翻译在句子后面 展开 6个回答 #热议# 你发朋友圈会使用部分人可见功能吗?jacklion88838321b2 推荐于2018-02-03 · 知道合伙人教育行家 jacklion88838321b2 知道合伙人教育行家 ...

请楼主仔细看看啊,好辛苦的。1: 大学四年结束后,我会很难过,因为我从很小开始就开始上学的,大学毕业对我来说,意味着我的学习生涯结束了。I would be very sad after concluding four years’ university life because have been in school since I was a kid. What’s more, graduation from...

帮忙英文翻译 小短句 谢谢
知道小有建树答主 回答量:334 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:101万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 我可以请您帮个忙吗? Do you mind if I ask you a favor? *要注意回答“可以”时用No,“不可以”时用Yes。 Do you mind if I ask you a favor? (我可以请您帮个忙吗?) No, not at al...

苏尼特左旗13565647574: 帮忙用英语翻译几个句子啊,很急!谢谢啦.1,我担心你不能及时完成任务2,那个科学家宣称已经找到治疗癌症的方法3,以便于多挣钱养活她的孩子4,就... -
林吴乳果:[答案] 1, I'm afraid you can finish the task in time 2, the scientists claim to have found method for the treatment of cancer 3 in order to earn more money to support her children 4, as far as I'm concerned 5, absolutely don't play games with the feelings of others ...

苏尼特左旗13565647574: 帮忙翻译几个英语句子,很简单,谢谢!1.Mr Green delicious rood very much. He often eats such food in a big restaurant, but he needn't pay money. Do you ... -
林吴乳果:[答案] Mr Green delicious rood very much. 这句翻译不出来,句子不对,看看是不是打错了,后面一句:他经常在一个大餐厅里吃这样的食物,但是他不需要付钱.你知道为什么吗?他是. 在墙之间藏着一个有耳朵的男人.在那儿,他不停地讲话,但是没有人...

苏尼特左旗13565647574: 帮忙用英文翻译几个句子1.小王子,你是我的希望.2.一切都是因为你的肯定,天空才如此美丽.3.我会一直爱这你,实现你的希望,疲倦的时候想着你,就擦亮... -
林吴乳果:[答案] 1.The Little Prince,you are my hope.2.All because you are certain that the sky was so beautiful.3.I will always love you this,you hope to achieve,tired when you think,polished my dream.4.Please do not...

苏尼特左旗13565647574: 帮忙用英文翻译几个句子,谢谢了~一、大量的生活污水污染了水资源,二、我们可以将水资源储存起来,三、我认为保护水资源有三个方法,四、我认为缺... -
林吴乳果:[答案] 一、大量的生活污水污染了水资源, ----- A great mass of domestic sewage has polluted the water resources 二、我们可以将水资源储存起来, -----We can store the water resources. 三、我认为保护水资源有三个方法, ----- I think there are three ways ...

苏尼特左旗13565647574: 请帮忙翻译几个短句,谢谢 -
林吴乳果: 1.Internet将世界变bai小,将时间du缩短,将距离拉近. The internet makes the world smaller, the time shorter and the distance closer.2.新闻向世界开zhi放,dao消息来自全球. The news is open to the world and the information comes from every part of the world.3.在网络上以最快的专速度发布最属新的消息.The latest news is released at the quickest time possible on the internet.

苏尼特左旗13565647574: 英语短句翻译!谢谢.
林吴乳果: 1重要的事,在生活中是有一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它. 2哪里有愿望,就会有方法. 3成绩提供了唯一真正的快乐生活. 4你必须相信自己.这是成功的秘诀

苏尼特左旗13565647574: 帮忙翻译几个句子 【英文】 1 他多久去一次图书馆?2 我希望再见到你.3 他希望我准时去参加聚会.4 李先生下周要离开武汉去北京.5 我花了半小时才解决这... -
林吴乳果:[答案] 1 How often does he go to the library?2 I hope to see you again3 He expected that I can go to the party on time4 Mr Li will leave WuHan for Beijing next week5 I spent half an hour solving the problem

苏尼特左旗13565647574: 帮忙翻译下英语,简单的句子,谢谢!!!!! -
林吴乳果: I can lose sleep in order to accompany youI used the life in this endless nightWhen I miss you I can't breatheI don't care about the los...

苏尼特左旗13565647574: 请帮忙翻译两个英语句子,谢谢. -
林吴乳果: 1.Please believe he said speech, because he has received the good education, is born in the command respect family, his manner is more importantly reliable.2.Is startled...

苏尼特左旗13565647574: 能帮忙翻译几个英语句子吗? 谢谢
林吴乳果: 1.你明天来的时候他将已经离开了(用将来完成时) He will have left when you come tomorrow. 2.到下周末你的车就修好了(同上) Your car will have been fixed on the next weekend. 3.火车刚到上海天就下雨了(用 no sooner than做或handly ...

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