
作者&投稿:平方 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

When the next rain, it is the devil's singing. I walk through the emptiness of the world, a desire for freedom. Wandering in the bloody way is lonely, lonely heart. Unable to get rid of things, by my hand. Lack of, destruction ... ...


When rain in under time, is devil reciting.I go through in the nihility world, earnestly seeks a freedom.Paces back and forth in the sanguinary rule, is lonely, the lonely heart.Cannot lay down the thing, hands over by my hand.Cannot obtain, deconstruction ......

summer is going fast

only with suffers

listening to " The Violet hour" , living this small(normal) life

it's pretty comfortable

next semester i'm going to be quiet! (静?进?进的话= next semester i'm coming!)

the purple Provence

i'm looking forward to it

i'm coming, Provence!

let me achieve my dream!

I'm Li Hua, today it is my responsibility for the reception of our school's visiting British education delegation. In the morning, I took the delegation to visit our school, at noon, we had luch with the students in the school canteen. In the afternoon, the representive teacher of the British delegation, John had given a geography lesson to our school's senior 2 class 4. Tomorrow morning, head of the British delegation, Mr. Taylor, will give a lecture about the British education situation in our school's report room, And in the afternoon, I will take them to visit Guilin and enjoy its sceneries.


I'm li hua, today is responsible for the reception to visit our school English education delegation. By morning I took my delegation to visit the school, at noon in the restaurant and students have lunch, afternoon by the delegation of British teacher John for senior high school English four class section geography lesson. Tomorrow morning Mr. Tarlor delegation in the lecture about the British education situation for lecture, afternoon visit guilin landscape

which had opens a new era in the history of China. From then on, China put an end to its history of humiliation, which was as long as 100 years. And China had become an independent nation truly; Chinese people stood up from then on and became the master of the country.壮...


在这个冬天,寒冷的东北地区并不是一个好呆的地方,所以,正好趁机去佛罗里达州萨拉索塔度过周末。在出门去晒晒太阳之前,我得先收拾好行李。 我去的地方很温暖和充满维生素C,我是指海滩和橘子树。 当我们著陆见著蓝天和暖阳的时候,我不禁发出小小感恩的祈祷。游泳池、去品酒和周末的粉红色日落(在正常...

我喜欢你 my love for you 是我独家的记忆。should be my exclusive memory.

请帮我把下面的一段话翻译成英语,语言要优美一点哦,先谢谢啦!_百度知 ...
毫无疑问地,如果我有曾更深入她们的生活,我就不会那么嫉妒她们了。上帝没有把我造成女的,这使我更容易看到她们优雅的一面。 她们中很少有人在外面工作,即使有也是薪酬卑微的职工服务员之类的工作。 那时我并没有察觉家竟然也可以是监狱。因为家对我来说比任何工厂都要明亮,气派得多的地方。我没...

"I am very fond of traveling, my biggest dream is round-the-world, I am going to Beijing, fly to Hong Kong. then riding a bicycle shop in Mong Kok circle. a flight from Hong Kong to Singapore, I will stay in Singapore for a week then to New York, New York, I will ...

麻烦帮我详细翻译一下下面这段话,高分~ 回答好的追加~!
在她在这家医院实习期间,这位在冠心病监护室(coronary-care-unit ,CCU,我下面用“CCU”代替这个词)工作的护士报告了一位被成功复苏患者的“灵魂出窍”的真实经历(在这里“out-of-body”指的是精神离开肉体,仿佛能从其他视角观察自己身体的状态,我暂时翻译成“灵魂出窍”)。一次夜班时,急救车送...

将下面这段话翻译成英文。 亲爱的,不是我不想和你在一起,我有逼不得...
Dear, not I don't want to and you together, I have compelled to anguish. I leave you, I just want you to be happy. Do you know? I have become accustomed to with you every day. If leave you in the future, I don't know I have no courage to live!!!

所以此处应该是指爱人)所以对another human being处理成了爱人或是进行了省译。另epitome原意为典范,方括号内的译文更忠实,但介于电影台词,要有抒情的考虑,所以会相对地砍掉些细节】。我知道你只把我当朋友看待,你也从未想过要跨过那条界限。可是我不得不说,我仅仅是,我真的再也无法忍耐下去了...

把下面这段话用英文翻译: 我爸爸的书房很漂亮窗台上有一盆花,窗户旁有...
我爸爸的书房很漂亮窗台上有一盆花,窗户旁有一张书桌,书桌旁有一个书柜,里面有很多书。墙上有幅画,他喜欢看中国名著 My father's study is beautiful on the window sill a potted plant, the window there is a desk, the desk there is a bookcase, there are a lot of books.There is ...

封丘县19533104741: 谁可以帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文? -
枕兔茶苯: Hyun boring boring game dance ... .. I will in due to his fascination with it?

封丘县19533104741: 帮我把下面这段话译成英文春 游上周星期二,我们去了趟春游,是去野炊!我们非常非常高兴!8个人为一个小组.在去的路上,我们一直说的说,笑的笑.(... -
枕兔茶苯:[答案] Last Tuesday,we went to a field trip,it was a picnic.We were very happy and excited.And we have groups of eight people.During the trip,we were talking and laughing all the way through.The sun was shin...

封丘县19533104741: 请帮我把下面这段话翻译成英语:15年前我没赶上titanic的首映,15年后我又将错过.我不相信上帝让我遇见你,仅仅是个偶然. 两个月的相识,胜过20年的相... -
枕兔茶苯:[答案] I missed the Titanic Premiere 15 years ago.I shall miss it again 15 years later. It's just a coincidence,and I couldn't believe that the lord would let us meet.Two months of acquaintance is better than knowing each other for 20 years,isn't it? 很高兴能够帮到...

封丘县19533104741: 帮我把下面这段话翻译成英语
枕兔茶苯: 我想说分手,这也是为了你好I want t say good-bye to you,which is also good for you.

封丘县19533104741: 英语帝速来!急求!帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文 急求!嘿兄弟,我是你的超级粉丝! 从你在XXX的时候我就一直在关注你.前几天我和我的三个朋友打了... -
枕兔茶苯:[答案] Hey buddy,I'm your super fan.I have been paying close attention to you since you are in xxx.A few days ago,I have a bet with three friends of mine,if I canxxxxxxxxxx,they will chip in to buy a Lamborg...

封丘县19533104741: 谁能帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文,不要中式英语,不要机器翻译的,那些都有太多的语法错误.中国饮食文化源远流长,素有“烹饪王国”之称. -
枕兔茶苯:[答案] China has a long history of food culture and it has long been known as the "kingdom of cuisine".

封丘县19533104741: 谁能帮我把下面这段话翻译成英语?急用,谢啦. -
枕兔茶苯: To check whether you understand the story or not, I have some questions as following:1 What is the name of the puppy(little dog)?2 What is the color of the puppy?3 How old is the puppy?

封丘县19533104741: 帮我把下面这段话话翻译成英文
枕兔茶苯: Anyway, I never regard you as a puppet, I really just joking with you, that's not true, but thank you can forgive me.

封丘县19533104741: (帮我把下面一段话译成英文 谢啦…)急用
枕兔茶苯: 你好 可以这样翻译: I like reading book and listening music!我喜欢看书听音乐 I'm lively also I'd like to make friends!我很活泼我也喜欢交朋友! I hope we will be the best friend with all of you in the class!我也希望和班里每位同学成为最好朋友!

封丘县19533104741: 帮帮忙,帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文,非常感谢. -
枕兔茶苯: 根据我们经常写邮件用的语气帮您写了一下,不知道是否合要求,请参考!Sorry for bring you brouble! I know the contract were issued in January with the ETD in April. However, we meet difficulties in supply chain. Our raw material supplier delayed...

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