
作者&投稿:栾垂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

人物:唐僧、孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧、白骨精、女儿、老头、老太婆、四小妖场景:三座假山 音乐开始,唐僧师徒四人走上,唐僧做骑马状,孙悟空在前面打望,八戒跟在唐僧周围,沙僧挑担跟后。 唐僧:徒弟们,前面地势险要,难以行走,大家要小心哪! Apprentic, the road is rough, watch your step!悟空:师傅,放心吧。有我呢。 Master, don’t worry, I’m here.八戒:没事的,猴哥在前面探路。 Yes, nothing dangerous, brother monkey is ahead. 师徒四人做艰难行走的样子,在舞台上兜一圈,之后唐僧停下,三位徒弟围上来,唐僧作擦汗的样子。 唐僧:走了半天,已经饿了,在这里歇息一下。悟空,你看看哪里有人家,去化些斋来吧! We’ve walked so far, I’m hungry. Let’s have a rest. Wukong, please go to get some food.悟空:好吧,我马上去,但只怕这荒山野岭,没有人烟,化不到斋饭,先让我去看一看。 Ok, I am going right now , but I’m afraid I can’t get any food for I don’t see any houses here. 悟空作蹦跳状,踏上其中一座山头顶,手搭凉棚,作四处观望状,再跳下山来,跑到唐僧面前,单腿跪下禀报。 悟空:师傅,这里确实没有人烟,但我看见远处山上有一片红色的地方,好象是桃子熟了,等我去摘一些来,拿给师傅和师弟们充饥。 Master, there’s really no people around here, but I see some peaches. I’ll go to get some for you.唐僧:好吧,快去快回。 All right! Come back soon.悟空转身欲走,又想起了什么。转过身来,对大家说。 悟空:师傅,这里山势险峻,阴风阵阵,只怕有妖精出没,待我画一个圈把你们围起来,我没有回来,你们不要踏出圈外。 Master, It’s look terrified here, I’m afraid here’s a sprit, let me draw a circle, don’t go out until I’m back.唐僧:好吧。All right.八戒:好好的,画什么圈呢。(作不高兴状)Why do you draw a circle?沙僧:大师兄一片好心哪。(劝八戒) 悟空用金箍棒围绕唐僧等画了一圈。 悟空:八戒、沙僧,好好保护师傅,我马上就回来。 Bajie, Shaseng take good care of the master, I’ll be back soon.沙僧:大师兄,放心去吧。Big brother, just go ahead. 悟空蹦跳着下去了。 八戒:走得这么辛苦,还要呆在这猴子画的圈里。 We’re so tired, Why do we have to stay in the circle?沙僧:二师兄,不要这么说,好好休息一下,等待大师兄回来吧。 Second brother, don’t complain. Let’s have a rest and wait for the big brother. 师徒三人坐在一块休息。远处山上白骨精和四小妖探头探脑,张望这边。白骨精走出来,四小妖跟在后面。 白骨精:远处来了几个人,估计是西天取经的唐僧到了,听说吃了他的肉能长生不老,哈哈!可终于让我等到这一天了。Some people are coming this way. One is supposed to be TangSeng. It’s said that we will be immortal if we eat him.小妖们:恭喜大王,恭喜大王!Congratulations! Congratulations!小妖甲:我们去把唐僧抓来献给大王。(作出准备出发的样子) Let us get him!白骨精:回来!唐僧哪是你们能抓得回来的?他周围的几个徒弟个个神通广大,你们去了只有送死。Come back! How can you get him?His prentices are so powerful that you won’t win .小妖甲:大王,那可怎么办?What to do, my master?白骨精:我自有办法!唐僧逃不出我的手掌心。看我怎样把唐僧抓回来。(狰狞地笑) I have an idea! TangSeng won’t escape. Just wait and see! 白骨精作潜行的姿态,躲入舞台中间的山后,其余小妖躲回舞台边的山后,一阵烟雾,中间的山后走出一个年轻女子,手提竹篮,内放食物,走到台上,并逐步向唐僧这边靠过来。 八戒:(看到女子,高兴地跳起来)师傅,师傅,猴哥说这山里没有人家,你看那里,不是 走来了一个小媳妇吗?可能还拿着吃的东西呢。Master, Master, Brother Monkey said it’s barren here. But you look, is that a young lady? Maybe she has something to eat.唐僧:是啊,八戒你去看看吧。Maybe! Go and have a look, BaJie。沙僧:师傅,不能这样,大师兄说了,这里可能有妖精出没,我们要待在师兄画的圈子里才对。 No, Master. Big Brother said that there might be genies. We’d better stay in the circle he drew.唐僧:八戒,不要去了,还是休息一下,等你师兄回来吧。 Ok, So don’t go. Let’s take a rest and wait for your brother.八戒:什么都听猴哥的。(不高兴地坐下)Why should we always defer him?! 小女子靠近唐僧师徒,并向八戒微笑示意,八戒高兴地跳起来,跑出圈外。 八戒:女施主,我们几个是去西天取经的,路过此地,现感到饿了,不知道女施主有没有斋饭施舍。 Madam, we are all going to the west for Buddhist scriptures. And we feel hungry right now. Could you please dole us something?小女子:我这里有一些馒头,准备送给在田里耕种的丈夫的,你们是出家人,就请先用吧。 I have some steamed bread for my husband,who is working in the field. Here you are since you’re monks.八戒高兴地从篮子里拿过两块馒头,这时,孙悟空上台。从后面远远地打量这个小女子。 八戒:师傅,师傅,你看这女施主多好,给我们送斋饭来。(做出准备吃馒头的样子) Master, Master, How kind she is.悟空:呆子,就你好吃,把馒头退给她。Stop, you silly! Give them back to her.(八戒吓得马 上把馒头扔回篮子里,悟空冲上前来挡在小女子与八戒之间,并仔细打量女子,女子 非常紧张,连忙躲避。唐僧、沙僧也已起来,走出圈外) 悟空:(回到唐僧那里)我看过这荒山野岭根本没有人烟,师傅,不要吃这女子的东西,吃 我带来的桃子吧。(呈上桃子)Don’t eat her stuff, Master, because it’s barren here. Please eat these peaches.八戒:(跑到女子那里,并拿过篮子)放着好好的斋饭不吃,吃什么桃子!这能吃饱吗?师 傅吃馒头吧。 Why not eat the nice meal? How can we get full with these peaches? Master, please eat these steamed bread.八戒提着篮子跑到唐僧面前,小女子紧跟其后,挨近唐僧。悟空连忙把女子推开。 悟空:你这妖精,不准打我师傅的主意,否则我饶不了你。 You’re a bad spirit. If you hurt my master, I will never forgive you.小女子:师傅救命,我不是妖怪。(边说边躲到唐僧后面,唐僧出来劝阻) Help me, master, I’m not a spirit.唐僧:悟空,不得伤害无辜。(唐僧后面的女子作出要扑杀唐僧的样子) Stop! Wukong! You should not hurt an innocent person!悟空:休伤我师傅,看棒!Don’t hurt my master! Look what I have!(举棒打向唐僧后面的女 子,女子吓得逃命,边逃边喊救命,跑到靠山的地方,被悟空一棒打倒,惨叫倒下, 滚入山后,一阵烟雾)唐僧:悟空,你怎能伤害无辜。Wukong! How can you do that? You can’t hurt an innocent man!悟空:师傅,它是妖精,你看她拿来的食物。Look at the food she brought for us, Master! (八戒去篮中拿起东西一看,是石头、青蛙之类的东西)沙僧:刚才这篮里明明是能吃的斋饭,怎么现在变成了石头和虫子。 Oh no! All of the food turned into the rocks and bugs?唐僧:原来真的是妖怪?She is a really bad spirit, isn’t she?八戒:师傅不要信那猴头,这是猴哥使的障眼法来骗您的。Master, don’t believe that monkey, He’s treating.沙僧:二师兄,不得胡说!Elder brother, don’t way that.唐僧:悟空,出家人慈悲为怀,即便那女子是妖怪,也不要将她打死。 Wukong, be kind. Don’t kill her even though she was a monster.悟空:师傅教导得是,徒弟下次不敢了。师傅请吃桃子。 Yes, master, I never do it again. Have a peach, please. 师徒几人正在吃东西,山后白骨精望着他们狞笑几声,再躲入山后。接着山后又出来一位老太太,边走边喊:女儿啊,女儿啊!慢慢靠近唐僧。 八戒:师傅,你看,猴哥打死的那女子,根本不是妖怪,现在她妈妈来找女儿了。 Master, you see, that girl was not a monster. Here comes her mother.唐僧:啊?悟空惹下祸了,这可如何是好?(做焦急的状态) What? Wukong made a big? What shall we do?悟空:师傅,不要理她,这还是个妖怪。Master, leave her alone. She is also a monster.八戒:别人明明是来找女儿的,哪来这么多妖怪。 It’s clear that she’s coming for her daughter. She’s not a monster. 老太婆走近唐僧师徒,行礼,唐僧答理。 老太婆:敢问几位师傅,可曾看见我的女儿?Excuse me ,did you see my daughter?八戒:你看你看,别人来找女儿了吧。看你们怎么办?(唐僧紧张得不知道如何回答) Look, she’s coming for her daughter. What should you do ?悟空:你这妖怪,刚才未曾打死你,现在又想来害我师傅,看棒!(一棍下去,老太婆尖叫倒地,滚入山后,唐僧气得浑身发抖。) You monster. I didn’t kill you just now. you want to play aa trick again.Watch!唐僧:你这泼猴,怎么不问一问就打?(悟空正想解释)you naughty monkey, why not ask first?八戒:师傅,这猴子你不用紧箍咒教训一下他,是改不了的了。 Master, he will never change. You should give him a lesson with the magic spell. 唐僧念紧箍咒,悟空疼得惨叫,抱头奔蹿打滚,八戒幸灾乐祸的样子,沙僧内心焦急,决定上前劝阻。 沙僧:师傅,大师兄一路上降妖除魔,忠心耿耿,是不会乱伤无辜的,请师傅饶了他吧。(唐僧停了下来) Master, eldest brother is royal. He will not good people, please stop.唐僧:即便是妖精,出家人也不应杀生,这次教训一下你,如若再犯,定和你断绝师徒关系。 We shouldn’t kill anybody even if it’s a monster. If you do it again. Don’t call me master any more. 沙僧将悟空扶起,悟空又跑去扶住唐僧。 悟空:师傅,天色不早了,我们继续赶路吧。Master, it’s late. Let’s go on! 师徒四人在台上走了一圈,同时远处山后白骨精探头观望后,再从山后变出一个老头,站在舞台边,作探望状。 八戒:前面有户人家,我们去那里歇息吧。There’s a house over there. Let’s go and have a rest.悟空:那里有妖精,师傅,不要去那里。我们走别的路吧。 The monster is there. Master, let’s take the other way.唐僧:明明是一个老头,哪来的妖精(师徒四人走过去,老头也迎上来) He’s really an old man, not a monster.唐僧:老施主,我们是去往西天取经的和尚,经过此地,想在此歇息一阵,不知方便否? Sir, we’re the works to the west.老头:东土高僧前来,老朽自然高兴。只是今天早上我女儿外出送饭,至今未回,老伴出去 寻找也不见踪影,不知高僧一路上是否看到? I’m so glad to see you! My daughter went out this morning, been back yet, so did my wife. Did you see them?八戒:你看,你看,都说不是妖怪,都怪这猴哥,把他们全打死了。 (沙僧准备阻止他也来不及了) See. I have told you that they were not monsters. It’s the monkey’s fault.老头:什么?我的女儿和老伴都被这猴子打死了?(唐僧惭愧地点头承认,悟空冷眼旁观) 还我的女儿和老伴来。这位师傅,你怎么有这样的徒弟?还敢去西天取经?(唐僧羞 愧地走开) What? My daughter and wife were killed by the monkey? Bring them back to me. Sir, how can you be his master? How dare you go to the west?悟空:你这妖怪,三番四次来打我师傅的主意,前两次未曾打死你,现在又来骗人,我岂能 饶你?看打! You monster, I didn’t killed you for the last two times. And now you play the trick again. Watch! (悟空追逐老头,老头跑到唐僧后面求助,唐僧马上念紧箍咒,悟空痛倒在地,八戒幸灾乐祸,沙僧焦急万分,先恳求唐僧停止念咒,老头躲在后面偷笑,并准备抓唐僧。沙僧又跑过去扶悟空,老头见有机可乘,扑向唐僧,悟空见状,奋起打向老头,老头惨叫摔到山后,山边几位小妖惊呼:“这次大王真的被打死了,我们快跑吧Our queen really killed. Let’s go!”,就吓得跑出来。八戒、沙僧一人打死一个,悟空打死两个) 唐僧:怎么真有妖怪?(沙僧跑到山后看,拿起一个骨髅架子。) There is a real monster here.沙僧:师傅,大师兄没打错,这老头确实是个妖怪,是白骨精变化成的。是这些小妖的大王。 Master, eldest brother was right. The old man is a real monster, It’s BaiGujing. She is the queen of these little monsters.悟空:师傅,这白骨精善于变化,先后变成小女子、老太婆、老头,都是想来谋害你的。沙僧:师傅,大师兄在大闹天宫时炼就了火眼金晴,能识别妖魔的变化,是不会看错的。 Master, eldest brother got a pain of bright and sharp eyes when he fought in the heaven. Of course he can tell the monsters.唐僧:原来如此,错怪徒弟了。Oh, I see. It was my fault.八戒:大师兄真了不起。You’re really great, eldest brother.悟空:师傅,天色不早了,我们继续上路吧。Master, It’s late, let’s go. 摆出造型,结束。

天,唐僧师徒四人来到一座高山前,只见山势险峻,峰岩重叠。走了一天的路,唐僧感觉饥饿,就让孙悟空去找些吃的。悟空跳上云端,四处观看,见南山有熟透的山桃,便要摘些来给师父充饥。 悟空刚走,唐僧就被妖怪白骨精发现了。白骨精不胜欢喜,自言自语道:“造化!造化!都说吃了唐僧肉可以长生不老。今天机会来了!”它正要上前,见唐僧身边有猪八戒和沙僧保护,就摇身变作美貌的村姑,拎了一罐斋饭,径直走到唐僧面前,说是特地来请他们用斋的。唐僧一再推辞,八戒嘴谗,夺过罐子就要动口。 正在这时,悟空从南山摘桃回来,睁开火眼金睛一看,认出村姑是个妖精,举起金箍棒当头就打。唐僧连忙扯住悟空。悟空说:“它是个妖精,是来骗你的。”说着,就朝妖精劈脸一棒。妖精扔下一具假尸首,化作一缕轻烟逃走了。 唐僧责怪悟空无故伤人性命。悟空打开罐子,从里面跳出来几只青蛙、癞蛤蟆,根本没有什么斋饭。唐僧这才有些相信那村姑是妖怪。 师徒们吃了桃子继续赶路。山坡上闪出一个年满八旬的老妇人,手拄着弯头竹杖,一步一声地哭着走来。悟空见又是那妖精变的,也不说话,当头就是一棒。白骨精见棍棒落下,又用法术脱了身,丢了具假尸首在路上。 唐僧一见,惊得从马上摔下来,坐在地上,不由分说,一口气念了二十遍紧箍咒。悟空头痛难忍,连忙哀告。唐僧喝道:“你为何不听劝说,把人打死一个,又打死一个?”“它是妖精!”唐僧非常生气:“胡说!哪有那么多妖精!你无心向善,有意作恶,你去吧!”悟空说:“师父若真不要我,就请退下我头上的金箍儿!”唐僧大惊:“我只学过紧箍咒,却没有什么松箍咒儿!”悟空说:“若无松箍咒,你还带我走吧。”唐僧无奈:“我再饶你这一次,但不可再行凶了。” 悟空忙点头答应,扶着唐僧上了马,继续前行。 白骨精不甘心就这样让唐僧走了,又变成一个白发老公公,假装来找他的妻子和女儿。悟空把金箍棒藏在身边,走上前迎着妖精,笑道:“你瞒得了别人,瞒不过我!我认得你这个妖精。”悟空抽出金箍棒,怕师父念咒语,没有立刻动手,暗中叫来众神,吩咐道:“这妖精三番两次来蒙骗我师父,这一次定要打死它。你们在半空中作证。”众神都在云端看着。悟空抡起金箍棒,一棒打死了妖精。妖精化作一堆骷髅,脊梁上有一行字,叫做白骨夫人。Days, tang's monk teacher and pupil four people came to a high mountain, see landform forbidding, peak rock overlap. A day's walk the road, tang's monk feeling hungry, let sun wukong to find something to eat. Wukong jumped on clouds and looked around and saw nanshan have squashy ShanTao, they want to pick some to give the master to appease hunger. Wukong just went, tang's monk was devil bones jing discovered. Bones jing be glad, said to himself, "nature!! All say sleight ate tang xuanzang meat can forever. Today the opportunity came!" It was going forward, see tang's monk nearby have a pig and shaceng protection, will shake the body became a beautiful village, carry a pot, why go straight to tang monk in front, saying is specially to please them with observed. Tang's monk repeatedly refuse, eight quit mouth, take from jar will accuse saying. Just then, wu empty from nanshan pick peach back, open.none a look, recognize village is a demon, raise gold hoop stick pledge dozen. Tang's monk hurriedly pull live wu empty. Wu said: "it's a goblin, is to trick you." Say, is a great PiLian toward goblins. Goblins dropped a dead body, into a wisp of false light smoke and fled. Tang's monk blame wu empty life. Without hurt Wukong open jar, from inside jump out to several frogs and toads, have no why. Tang's monk this just some believe that village is the devil. Mentoring are eaten peach to go ahead. A hillside flashing back over 80 years old lady, hand leaning elbow bamboo sticks, step 1 to cry comes along. Wukong saw again the goblins change, also don't talk, pledge is a great. Bones jing see sticks, and with spell falling off of the body, lost with false dead bodies on the road. Tang's monk a see, astonished fall off, sit on the ground, not from cent say, breath read tight the hoop curse twenty times. Wukong headache bear hard, hurriedly crying. Tang's monk shout: "why don't you listen to the people, killing one, and killed one?" "It is a demon!" Tang's monk very angry: "nonsense! Where have so many demon! You intentionally unintentionally to do good, evil, you go!" Wukong say: "teacher if true don't I, please stand down my head of gold hoop son!" Tang's monk frightened: "I only learned magic spells, but no loose hoop curse son!" Wukong say: "if not loose hoop curse, you still take me away." Tang's monk reluctantly: "I'll give you this time, but no longer a ault." Wukong busy consent, holding on the horse, tang's monk to carry on. Bones jing unwilling so let tang's monk walked, and become a white-haired mumuu, pretend to find his wife and daughter. Wukong gold hoop stick hid in the side, went up against the goblin, say with smile: "you detect others, hiding from me! I know you this demon." Wukong drew gold hoop stick, afraid teacher speak the words, didn't immediately begin, secretly call to the gods, and commanded to say: "this demon twice to deceive three transgressions of my teacher, this time shall kill it. You in midair testimony." The gods were among the clouds watching. Wu lun the gold hoop stick, a great killed the demon. Demon into pile skeleton, backbone on there is a line of words, called madam.

希望采纳~ 能力有限

This day, four people of teacher and pupil walk the deep mountain.Tang's 僧 is hungry, the 悟 is empty to jump up the high in the clouds then on hoping," the south mountain one is fresh and red, wanting that is a mature mountain peach necessarily, treat I take off the amount to allay one's hunger with teacher." Drew a circle with the gold hoop stick when 悟 get empty to walk, instruct the teacher, teacher the younger brother:" deep mountain in there will be the devil, you ten million can't come out a son!"
????There is indeed as expected a bones 精 in this mountain, she think:" hearing of to eat the meat of Tang 僧 can longevity."Taking advantage o the 悟 gets empty to leave, she rushes toward then the bottom grasps Tang's 僧 , wasing however stabbed dizzy by the light of gold that circle send out.The bones 精 changes to make a beautiful looks woman then, saying only that send the monk the rice, want to near to Tang's 僧 .Those eight quit to see woman's bone all 酥 , where still know demon.The 悟 got empty to come back at this time, he that fire eye gold however the 睛 is difficult to bilk, raising the iron staff and then beat to go to towards the demon.That demon makes" solution corpse method", throw down the false dead body, the true body escaped.
????Seeing that woman dies on the ground, Tang's 僧 blames and scold the 悟 the empty harming the human life again.The 悟 is empty and then show teacher that" send the rice" jar, all of the insides is the insect of amount 蛆 , the clam of 癞 ?Tang's 僧 just contain several cents believe, eight quit to come to instigate again:" this is the 障 eye method of the senior!"Tang's 僧 kicks out then the 悟 gets empty.The 悟 is empty to entreat repeatedly, just getting the 饶 ?
????Deathless heart in 精 in bones, become the old woman again, shout all the way:" daughter, where are you?"Eight quit to say:" teacher, this next trouble is big."The old woman sees the over ground false dead body, on dying to clench Tang's 僧 ," does my daughter is how?I want you to pay with life to come!"The but again was got empty to find by the 悟 , splitting head a stick, that demon still uses to solve the corpse method got away to walk.
????Tang's 僧 frighteneds," you how connect the wound two life!"Curse then the tight hoop connect to read aloud 20 timeseseseses, get a monkey a 勒 a bottle gourd, the painful empty everywhere in 悟 rolls.Tang's 僧 says:" you are a not intentional seeking after the good, having intention to do evil things, I can't stay you positively!"The 悟 gets empty to say:" the teacher really does not want me, please read the loose hoop in ‘ curses', back this hoop son come down, I like to go home."Difficult way in Tang's 僧 :" I but only would be tight, can't pine."" The then it hoop son can not leave me," the 悟 gets empty to say," I also can not leave the teacher."Tang's 僧 sees the 悟 empty to say like this, have to again 饶 he is a.
????That demon have no successful twice, wishing:" again westward 40, is not my site.In case Tang's 僧 was got to go to by the elsewhere demon, ited is a pity that too."Hence she change to make an old man for the third time, call all the way:" daughter!Wife!"Come again to calculate Tang's 僧 .Eight quit to say:" teacher ah, the somebody else sought to come!You should pay with life, I should exile, sand the monk is engaged in hard work, that is however the monkey slip away quickly!"The 悟 get empty to be called the spirit of mountain, land looks after secretly, then do not let demon succeeded in escaping.Sees to rises only the stick fall, the old man falls flop.
????The 悟 gets empty to say:" teacher, you see!"Lie a heap of dry skeleton on the ground." This is the bones 精 ."Tang's 僧 has believed, hearing again eight quit to say:" the senior is to fears you read to curse, becoming intentionally like this."Tang's 僧 makes a firm decision then, finding out paper pen, write a the piece devaluates book to 悟 empty," do not want again you did the disciple, going to!"The 悟 is empty to feel sad very much, he instruct the sand the monk wants to look after the teacher," meet the devil and then say that the old Sun is your big senior, they dared not to make a mess of."The 悟 gets empty to want to pay a farewell call the teacher finally, but the teacher do not want he do obeisance, he have to become a few substitutes the round and round surrounding, making Tang the 僧 forced to suffer on doing obeisance.
????Kick out the empty empress in 悟 , Tang's 僧 is again the strange under charge in yellow tunic in a son mountain a month hole encounters difficult.Sand monk drive 擒 , eight quit the break out of, don't what then, this idiot has to the thick thick- skinned goes to the flower and fruit mountain begs for the reinforcements.The 悟 gets empty to ask eight quit:" do not go to take through, come to do what here?"Eight quit to pull a 谎 :" the teacher misses you."" kick out since, still miss what?Do not go to!"Eight quit to fear to beat, have to the next mountain go to, scolding in mouth.
????The 悟 is empty to have already sent the small monkey eavesdrops, quiting then eight grasp back to to beat, eight quit to have to the matter that speak the teacher meet with danger.The 悟 gets empty to say:" you does not tell the devil why, is old Sun the big disciple of Tang's 僧 ?"Eight quit to make aroused the method," he is on hearing your name, say that to shell your skin, your 筋 in take out!"The 悟 is empty to have a fit, then with eight quit to beat the yellow tunic strange.The both parties fights each other, the 悟 gets empty to use on recruiting" leaf's bottom steals the peach power", the devil is beaten unexpectedly have no the 影 have no the 踪 .Finding out afterwards this strange is in the sky the constellation 奎 wood wolf come down to earth.
????The 悟 gets empty the extrication teacher, Tang's 僧 is again grateful, again regretfuleply.

Sun Wukong San Da Baigujing?

opened a prelude to the three strikes. (at the same time the play, walk to the left side of the stage, and then to the right, while his side, look like.) (the end) Wu: I'm Sun Wukong,

This day, four people of teacher and pupil walk the deep mountain.Tang's 僧 is hungry, the 悟 is empty to jump up the high in the clouds then on hoping," the south mountain one is fresh and red, wanting that is a mature mountain peach necessarily, treat I take off the ...

三打白骨精英文剧本如下:Days, tang's monk teacher and pupil four people came to a high mountain, see landform forbidding, peak rock overlap. A day's walk the road, tang's monk feeling hungry, let sun wukong to find something to eat. Wukong jumped on clouds and looked around ...

孙悟空vs猪八戒 An English play--- Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King 悟空:师傅,是不是太累了?休息一下再走吧。 Master, are you tired? Let’s have a rest. 唐僧:没关系,前面不远就有人家了,到了那里再休息吧。 I am fine. Let’s have a rest later. Look! There is a house ov...

八戒、沙僧一人打死一个,悟空打死两个) 唐僧:怎么真有妖怪?(沙僧跑到山后看,拿起一个骨髅架子。) There is a real monster here.沙僧:师傅,大师兄没打错,这老头确实是个妖怪,是白骨精变化成的。是这些小妖的大王。 Master, eldest brother was right. The old man is a real monster, It’s BaiGujing. ...

求 孙悟空三打白骨精 英文剧本 不要搞笑的 要正直感人的
two pedal ploughing on vine. Heaven and earth such as rotation

三打白骨精英文剧本 Unfortunately, as an AI model, I don't have access to a pre-written English script for "Three Times' Beating the White Bone Demon," a famous story from the ancient Chinese novel *Journey to the West*. However, I can provide you with a brief outline and ...


三打白骨精 Three Times’ Beating Monster 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒 J:沙僧 B:白骨精(何平) B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆B3:B变化成的老头 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now?S: Bajie,map!E: (摸出,递给S)S: Look,boss (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E)T...

三打白骨精剧本Three Times’ Beating Monster(2008-12-19 21:54:48)标签:剧本 文化 分类:情感随笔人物:T唐僧 S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒 J:沙僧 B:白骨精 B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头 N:哪吒 T:阿弥陀佛,我们现在到哪了?S:八戒,地图!E: (摸出,递给S)...

永昌县17533892184: 三打白骨精英文剧本(全部情节及全部人物的语言动作等) -
爰贤澳格: This day, four people of teacher and pupil walk the deep mountain.Tang's 僧is hungry, the 悟is empty to jump up the high in the clouds then on...

永昌县17533892184: 谁有孙悟空三打白骨精英语剧本 -
爰贤澳格: 孙悟空vs猪八戒 An English play---- Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King 悟空:师傅,是不是太累了?休息一下再走吧.Master, are you tired? Let's have a rest. 唐僧:没关系,前面不远就有人家了,到了那里再休息吧. I am fine. Let'...

永昌县17533892184: 急求《三打白骨精》的英文剧本~
爰贤澳格: This day, four people of teacher and pupil walk the deep mountain.Tang's 僧 is hungry, the 悟 is empty to jump up the high in the clouds then on hoping," the south mountain one is fresh and red, wanting that is a mature mountain peach necessarily, ...

永昌县17533892184: 求三打白骨精的英语剧本,要英文也要汉译!快快 -
爰贤澳格: 天,唐僧师徒四人来到一座高山前,只见山势险峻,峰岩重叠.走了一天的路,唐僧感觉饥饿,就让孙悟空去找些吃的.悟空跳上云端,四处观看,见南山有熟透的山桃,便要摘些来给师父充饥. 悟空刚走,唐僧就被妖怪白骨精发现了.白骨精...

永昌县17533892184: 呃..要求高一左右水平的短篇英语课本剧 表演时间在8分钟以内 "狐假虎威" "皇帝的新衣"我们都表演过了 所以 -
爰贤澳格: 英语短剧剧本-三打白骨精Three Times' Beating Monster人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒 J:沙僧B:白骨精(何平) B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆B3:B变化成的老头T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now?S: Bajie,map!E: (摸出...

永昌县17533892184: 求 孙悟空三打白骨精 英文剧本 不要搞笑的 要正直感人的 -
爰贤澳格: One day, Tang four came to a mountain top, and steep mountains, peak overlap. A day's walk, I feel hungry, let Sun Wukong find some food, but he does not rest assured that the master is in around, draw a circle, and had the pig and Friar sand to ...

永昌县17533892184: 哪里有《三打白骨精》的英文剧本
爰贤澳格:http://www.enteacher.cn/RESOU/2005/7/24/ART4527.htm 这里下载!

永昌县17533892184: 西游记三打白骨精的剧本,稍带一些搞笑,记住,是一些 -
爰贤澳格: 三打白骨精剧本 Three Times' Beating Monster(2008-12-19 21:54:48) 标签:剧本 文化 分类:情感随笔 人物:T唐僧 S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒 J:沙僧 B:白骨精 B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆 B3:B变化成的老头 N:哪吒 T:阿弥陀佛,我们...

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