求 孙悟空三打白骨精 英文剧本 不要搞笑的 要正直感人的

作者&投稿:蔺友 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

天,唐僧师徒四人来到一座高山前,只见山势险峻,峰岩重叠。走了一天的路,唐僧感觉饥饿,就让孙悟空去找些吃的。悟空跳上云端,四处观看,见南山有熟透的山桃,便要摘些来给师父充饥。 悟空刚走,唐僧就被妖怪白骨精发现了。白骨精不胜欢喜,自言自语道:“造化!造化!都说吃了唐僧肉可以长生不老。今天机会来了!”它正要上前,见唐僧身边有猪八戒和沙僧保护,就摇身变作美貌的村姑,拎了一罐斋饭,径直走到唐僧面前,说是特地来请他们用斋的。唐僧一再推辞,八戒嘴谗,夺过罐子就要动口。 正在这时,悟空从南山摘桃回来,睁开火眼金睛一看,认出村姑是个妖精,举起金箍棒当头就打。唐僧连忙扯住悟空。悟空说:“它是个妖精,是来骗你的。”说着,就朝妖精劈脸一棒。妖精扔下一具假尸首,化作一缕轻烟逃走了。 唐僧责怪悟空无故伤人性命。悟空打开罐子,从里面跳出来几只青蛙、癞蛤蟆,根本没有什么斋饭。唐僧这才有些相信那村姑是妖怪。 师徒们吃了桃子继续赶路。山坡上闪出一个年满八旬的老妇人,手拄着弯头竹杖,一步一声地哭着走来。悟空见又是那妖精变的,也不说话,当头就是一棒。白骨精见棍棒落下,又用法术脱了身,丢了具假尸首在路上。 唐僧一见,惊得从马上摔下来,坐在地上,不由分说,一口气念了二十遍紧箍咒。悟空头痛难忍,连忙哀告。唐僧喝道:“你为何不听劝说,把人打死一个,又打死一个?”“它是妖精!”唐僧非常生气:“胡说!哪有那么多妖精!你无心向善,有意作恶,你去吧!”悟空说:“师父若真不要我,就请退下我头上的金箍儿!”唐僧大惊:“我只学过紧箍咒,却没有什么松箍咒儿!”悟空说:“若无松箍咒,你还带我走吧。”唐僧无奈:“我再饶你这一次,但不可再行凶了。” 悟空忙点头答应,扶着唐僧上了马,继续前行。 白骨精不甘心就这样让唐僧走了,又变成一个白发老公公,假装来找他的妻子和女儿。悟空把金箍棒藏在身边,走上前迎着妖精,笑道:“你瞒得了别人,瞒不过我!我认得你这个妖精。”悟空抽出金箍棒,怕师父念咒语,没有立刻动手,暗中叫来众神,吩咐道:“这妖精三番两次来蒙骗我师父,这一次定要打死它。你们在半空中作证。”众神都在云端看着。悟空抡起金箍棒,一棒打死了妖精。妖精化作一堆骷髅,脊梁上有一行字,叫做白骨夫人。Days, tang's monk teacher and pupil four people came to a high mountain, see landform forbidding, peak rock overlap. A day's walk the road, tang's monk feeling hungry, let sun wukong to find something to eat. Wukong jumped on clouds and looked around and saw nanshan have squashy ShanTao, they want to pick some to give the master to appease hunger. Wukong just went, tang's monk was devil bones jing discovered. Bones jing be glad, said to himself, "nature!! All say sleight ate tang xuanzang meat can forever. Today the opportunity came!" It was going forward, see tang's monk nearby have a pig and shaceng protection, will shake the body became a beautiful village, carry a pot, why go straight to tang monk in front, saying is specially to please them with observed. Tang's monk repeatedly refuse, eight quit mouth, take from jar will accuse saying. Just then, wu empty from nanshan pick peach back, open.none a look, recognize village is a demon, raise gold hoop stick pledge dozen. Tang's monk hurriedly pull live wu empty. Wu said: "it's a goblin, is to trick you." Say, is a great PiLian toward goblins. Goblins dropped a dead body, into a wisp of false light smoke and fled. Tang's monk blame wu empty life. Without hurt Wukong open jar, from inside jump out to several frogs and toads, have no why. Tang's monk this just some believe that village is the devil. Mentoring are eaten peach to go ahead. A hillside flashing back over 80 years old lady, hand leaning elbow bamboo sticks, step 1 to cry comes along. Wukong saw again the goblins change, also don't talk, pledge is a great. Bones jing see sticks, and with spell falling off of the body, lost with false dead bodies on the road. Tang's monk a see, astonished fall off, sit on the ground, not from cent say, breath read tight the hoop curse twenty times. Wukong headache bear hard, hurriedly crying. Tang's monk shout: "why don't you listen to the people, killing one, and killed one?" "It is a demon!" Tang's monk very angry: "nonsense! Where have so many demon! You intentionally unintentionally to do good, evil, you go!" Wukong say: "teacher if true don't I, please stand down my head of gold hoop son!" Tang's monk frightened: "I only learned magic spells, but no loose hoop curse son!" Wukong say: "if not loose hoop curse, you still take me away." Tang's monk reluctantly: "I'll give you this time, but no longer a ault." Wukong busy consent, holding on the horse, tang's monk to carry on. Bones jing unwilling so let tang's monk walked, and become a white-haired mumuu, pretend to find his wife and daughter. Wukong gold hoop stick hid in the side, went up against the goblin, say with smile: "you detect others, hiding from me! I know you this demon." Wukong drew gold hoop stick, afraid teacher speak the words, didn't immediately begin, secretly call to the gods, and commanded to say: "this demon twice to deceive three transgressions of my teacher, this time shall kill it. You in midair testimony." The gods were among the clouds watching. Wu lun the gold hoop stick, a great killed the demon. Demon into pile skeleton, backbone on there is a line of words, called madam.

希望采纳~ 能力有限


An English play---- Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King


Master, are you tired? Let’s have a rest.


I am fine. Let’s have a rest later. Look! There is a house over



Daddy, mommy, I, I …


Honey, hurry up. The spirit is coming soon.




Master, here we are.


Excuse me, sir. I am the monk from the east. Can we stay over here


Oh, you are the monk from the east. Sure. Sure, come in, please ……



Master, please save my daughter, save my family…


Don’t be sad, madam. Take it easy. What happened?


Master, there is a spirit here. He wants to marry my daughter,
tonight. We are all
afraid of him.


Calm down, sir. My apprentice has great capability. Maybe, he can
help you.


Alas! , master, there have been many people who boast to be very
capable. But every
time, they were defeated by the spirit. You’d better keep away


What? Is the spirit really so strong? I’d like to see how great he
is. All of you
just stay inside. Don’t come out no matter what happens.



Darling, here I am.



Darling, don’t be so shy! Please come to me. Come on, we will be a



Darling, don’t be afraid. Although I am ugly, I am so powerful. I am
sure that I
can make you happy.



Darling, why do you look like a monkey ?


When I am happy, I always tickle.


Fine, let’s go to the bedroom.



Darling. Why are you so powerful?


Honey, your appearance will frighten my parents. We’d better go to
your home.


Go to my house?OK. that’s a great idea. Let’s go.



I cannot walk any further. Can you carry me on your back?


Carry you on my back? All right. You're my wife after all. Come on.


Darling, Let's go.


Okay. Let’s go.



Darling, why are you so heavy?


Do you think so? Don't you want to carry me?)


Yes, I do. I do.



Darling, are you OK? Darling, where are you? Why can't I see you?


Honey, I am here.

八戒:哇,娘子, 你怎么摔到高的地方去了?

Darling. Why did you go up there?


That's your fault.


Sorry, darling. I’m very sorry.


You look so tired, and I feel sore. Let’s have a rest.

八戒:太好了。 我们就休息一下吧!

Have a rest? That’s a good idea. Let’s have a rest.



Honey, how can I marry you? I don’t even know where you come from.
You must tell me
the truth first.


Alas! Don’t mention it. I was Tianpeng marshal, I could fly between
heaven and the
world. Only because I made a big mistake, I was punished by Yudi. So
I became a pig.
That’s why I am so ugly.


You look too ugly to meet people.


I didn’t want to come here. Nanhai Guanyin asked me to wait for
Tangseng. I've been
waiting for a long time, but nobody has come. It’s lucky to meet
you here.


You said that you were an immortal in the heaven . Why can’t you
carry me? It’s


I am really the immortal. Why don’t you believe me?


Show me some gongfu then.八戒:好,让我露两手来给你看看。

OK, let me show you my gongfu.



Darling. Why are you so strong? &

One day, Tang four came to a mountain top, and steep mountains, peak overlap. A day's walk, I feel hungry, let Sun Wukong find some food, but he does not rest assured that the master is in around, draw a circle, and had the pig and Friar sand to protect the master, do not leave the circle. He jumped on the clouds look around, to see the mountain with ripe peach, will pick some to his master. He just left, Tang's monk by the monster king found. But be glad, automatic speaking : " good fortune! Good fortune! Said to eat Tang can ever-young. Today the opportunity to!" She was going to see his side, pig and Friar sand protection, will shake the body turns make beautiful village, was carrying a pot of food, go straight to the Tang monk in front, that have come to ask them to use the studio. Tang has repeatedly declined, not greedy, snatched the pot will be moving mouth.

Just then, Goku from Nanshan to pick the peach back, open a piercing eye, recognized her is a fairy, raised his head. Tang's monk hurriedly pulled wukong. He said:" it was a fairy, is to deceive you." Then, in a bar across the fairy. Fairy threw down a false body, into a ray of smoke.

Tang's monk Wukong without destroying life. He opened the jar, jump out a couple of frogs, toads, no food. Tang's monk that some believe that she is a monster.

The children eat peaches to continue. The hill was an age of eight years old woman, hand leaning on the elbow of bamboo, a loud cry. Monkey see again the fairy change, also do not talk to, is to lead a stick. You see the sticks down, again with the spell off the body, with a false body lost along the way.

Tang's monk saw it, was to fall from his horse, sitting on the ground, allowing no explanation, breath twenty prayers inhibition. The headache is unbearable, he asked. Tang said:" why don't you listen to advice, to kill a man a, and killed one?" " It was the fairy!" I was very angry:" nonsense! Where has that many fairy! You no good, to do evil, you go!" He said:" if it is not my master, please return my head gold hoop!" I was surprised:" I only tight spell, but no loose hoop charm!" He said:" if there are no loose spell, you still take me away." Tang's monk helpless: " I forgive you this time, but can not attack." The busy nodded, when Tang on his horse, move on.

But is not willing to let him go, and become a white-haired old man, pretending to look for his wife and daughter. He put his hiding in the side, went up against the goblins, smiled and said:" you got someone, hiding from me! I know you are the fairy." He pulled out his master, for fear of an incantation, did not immediately hands, secretly called the gods, said:" this fairy over and over to deceive my master, this time to kill it. And you in mid-air." All the gods in the cloud at. He swung his stick, a dead fairy.


The monk on the horse, and the tiger was trembling with fear, I can not be made. Pig beside laughed again:" good walker! Wind up! Only a half-day trip road, it killed three people!" Tang was chanting, Walker is urgent to the horse, said:" the master, Mo Nian, Mo Nian! You and to have a look to his appearance." It is a pink skull there. I was shocked:" Goku, this person died, how it into a pile of skulls?" Walker said:" he is a latent spirit now zombies, this charming the, I fight, he is the truth. He is the backbone of a line, called the white lady." Tang smell, but also the letter. How can the pig next to instigate the mouth : " master, his hand stick fiercely, to kill a man, if you want that word, deliberately change the appearance, cover your eyes!" Tang's monk really ears soft, had believed him, with complex thinking. Walker could not pain, knelt by the roadside, called:" Mo Nian, Mo Nian! Speak out!" Tang:" Hericium erinaceus! What else is talking! The monk who do good, such as spring garden grass, do not see its long, daily increase; evil people, such as sharpening stone, do not see its loss, have a deficit. You in the wilderness, for killing three people, still no report, no. If the city, people gathered for the funeral, you took the stick, temporarily not to know good from bad, lay people, bump into a catastrophe, taught me how to escape? You may go!" Walker : " master mistake me also. This guy is clearly an ogre, he want to harm you. I'd kill him, for you except harm, you did not know, the letter that nerd. Mood, often by me. As the saying goes, strikes. If I do not go away, is really a dirty shameless. I go I go! Go to, but you no." Tang's monk is angry: "this monkey more rude! Look, you are the only person, Wu, Wu Jing can not?" The Monkey King Wen said he two is the person, stop condition of miserable, Tang sound:" bitter! You at that time, out of Changan, Liu Boqin sent you. The two mountain, get me out of here, investment and study with you. I have to wear Kwu Tung, into the deep forest, a strange magic to catch; collect pig, have no, have go through untold hardships. Today's kid seemed to confuse, taught me back, this is Niaojingongcang, Tusigoupeng! Strike, strike, strike! But more than just the" tight hoop charm"." Tang said: " I don't read." Walker said:" to say. If the treatment is not out of misery, pig, sand monk could not save you, at that time, think of me, could not help but also recite together, is one hundred thousand miles, my head is aching; if see you again, do not do this." Tang's monk saw his speech language, more tim angry, roll saddle horse, called no baggage out pen and paper, namely Yu Jian water, stone ground, wrote a paper derogatory book, handed in Walker : " Hericium erinaceus! With this to look, don't you do the apprentice! If meet with you again, I'll fall the Avici hell!" Walker was then demoted Calligraphy:" master, don't swear, I go." He put the books into the left sleeve, but soft, Tang:" master, I am with you a Bodhisattva, who teach, now give up halfway, Ceng Cheng had fruit, you sit down, I worship, I also go to the assured." Tang's monk turned back, the mouth, the murmur : "I am a monk, you were not bad!" He saw that he don't care, and that a body, the back of my hair pulled out three, the mouthpiece Xianqi, called: "change!" That changed in three walker, even itself in four, all around her. The elders about the hide off, good road is a worship.

He jumped up, put them out, or hair, but also commanded the sand monk : " brother, you are a good man, but you must keep a pig speech, way more carefully. If a fairy take master, you said that I was his apprentice. Western Sulley, smell my means, can't hurt me." Tang said:" I am a good monk, not that you the wrong name, you may go." The good old times" two complex, not a change of heart, not how to. You see him: he resigned sorrow tears elders, to enjoin the sand monk. A swab from the slope before grass, two pedal ploughing on vine. Heaven and earth such as rotation, across Hai Fei hill first can. Suddenly missing shadow, in return the old road. You see his defeatist don't master, longitudinal diameter back somersault cloud, water curtain cave go. Alone in a desolate, and smell underwater grate on one's ears, and in the sky look, originally is the boundless sea tide. See, think of him, can't stop the cheeks tear, stop cloud live step, a party to. After all, I do not know the how to repeatedly, and listen to mum.


two pedal ploughing on vine. Heaven and earth such as rotation

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