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As the economy continues to strengthen the process of globalization, tariffs and traditional non-tariff barriers are gradually reduced, technical barriers to trade has become the main form of international trade barriers. Technical barriers to trade in developed countries to protect their own products is not only a new means, but also embodies the national quality and safety of consumer products and environmental protection and demands attention. As China's integration into the world economy, export enterprises face of increasingly serious technical barriers to trade, the paper recalls the first encounter Zhanjiang Guolian Aquatic U.S. FDA "ban in June" event, analysis of the need to deal with technical barriers to trade, from the introduction of technical basic theoretical issues of trade barriers, the analysis of technical barriers to trade export enterprises face the current situation, causes, from Zhanjiang Guolian model to explore how to use WTO rules and provisions related to deal with technical barriers to trade, government, industry associations and enterprises on how to actively deal with technical barriers to trade

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1,英文的第一句不太准确,“经济全球化”有明确的定义,句子应该改为:With the economic globalization strengthening over the world.(用进行时和over the world强调全球化的发生和持续、继续性,表达进程这个概念。)

2,第二句tariffs and traditional non-tariff barriers are gradually reduced, technical barriers to trade 这里的逗号应该改为句号,下一句大写首字母(即reduced.Technical...) 。或者在逗号之后加上and(即reduced, and technical...)。因为英语里面一组主谓单独成句,不适用逗号。

3,technical barriers 本身就是“技术性贸易壁垒”,而且要强调的话,我以为用in trading更合适,表示出贸易过程中的使用手段。

4,“技术性贸易壁垒既是发达国家保护本国产品的新手段”,英文译的不贴切(“发达国家中的...”)。该句改为:Technical barriers are uesd by developed countries to protect their own products as a new means,which also embodies the respect(重视) and requiremants for safe product quality and environment-friendliness(环保) from global consumers.

5,As China's integration into the world economy这句语法错误。用as的话句子必须有完整主谓,否则用with伴随状语。而且“融入,一体化”用merge/mergence更好。另外这一过程还在进行,用进行时更能表现全球化的力量。这里可以写成:With China merging in world economy/As China is merging in.../With China's mergence in ...[world economy属于一般词汇,不用定冠词特指。]

6, export enterprises face of increasingly serious technical barriers to trade, the paper recalls 首先指出逗号的错误,参照上述第二点。“面对(挑战、困境)”最适用confront这个词。尤其是主语被迫面对的时候,使用be confronted with.“本文”改为The text.

7,"本文先回顾湛江国联水产遭遇美国FDA “六月禁令”事件,从介绍技术性贸易壁垒基本理论问题出发,分析出口企业遭遇技术性贸易壁垒的现状、原因"这句译为: The text begins by looking back on the first encounter of technical barriers known as the "ban in June" event that Zhanjiang Guolian Aquatic was confronted with by U.S. FDA .Starting with introducing basic theory of technical barriers, the text analyzes the current situations and causes of technical barriers that export enterprises are put through.

8,"借鉴湛江国联模式,着重探讨如何运用WTO相关规则、条款应对国外技术性贸易壁垒和应对国外技术性贸易壁垒时政府、行业协会及企业的积极行为选择。"改为:Using Zhanjiang Guolian mode for reference, the text(it)focuses on how to apply the relevant rules and items to deal with foreign technical barriers in trading and react to the positive choices the government as well as industrial associations and enterprises makes.

As the economy continues to strengthen the process of globalization, tariffs and traditional non-tariff barriers are gradually reduced, technical barriers to trade has become the main form of international trade barriers. Technical barriers to trade in developed countries to protect their own products is not only a new means, but also embodies the national quality and safety of consumer products and environmental protection and demands attention. As China's integration into the world economy, export enterprises face of increasingly serious technical barriers to trade, the paper recalls the first encounter Zhanjiang Guolian Aquatic U.S. FDA "ban in June" event, from basic theory to introduce the issue of technical barriers to trade, the
Analysis of technical barriers to trade export enterprises face the current situation, causes, from Zhanjiang Guolian model, focusing on how to apply the relevant WTO rules, provisions to deal with foreign technical barriers to trade and deal with technical barriers to trade abroad, the Government, industry associations and enterprises to choose the positive behavior.

Along with economic globalization advancement's unceasing enhancement, the customs duty and the traditional nontariff barrier is reducing gradually, the technical trade protectionism present has become the main international trade barrier form. The technical trade protectionism is not only the developed country protects our country product the new method, simultaneously has also manifested various countries' consumer to the product quality security and the environmental protection value and the request. Integrates the world economics along with our country, the Export enterprise faces more and more serious technical trade protectionism, this article is reviewing the Zhanjiang League of Nations aquatic product to encounter American FDA first “in June prohibition rule” the event, embarks from the introduction technical trade protectionism elementary theory question, the analysis Export enterprise encounters the technical trade protectionism the present situation, the reason, profits from the Zhanjiang League of Nations pattern, how discusses emphatically using the WTO related rule, the provision to deal with the overseas technical trade protectionism and deals with when the overseas technical trade protectionism the government, the profession association and enterprise's positive behavior choice.

as the economy continues to strengthen the process of globalization, tariffs and traditional non-tariff barriers are gradually reduced, technical barriers to trade has become the main form of international trade barriers. Technical barriers to trade in developed countries to protect their own products is not only a new means, but also embodies the national quality and safety of consumer products and environmental protection and demands China's attention.as integration into the world economy, export enterprises face of increasingly serious technical barriers to trade, the paper recalls the first encounter Zhanjiang guolian aquatic u.s. FDA "ban" event in June, from basic theory to introduce the issue of technical barriers to trade, the analysis of export encountered barriers to trade ¬ì§þ¾ç corporate status, reason, learn from Zhanjiang guolian model, focusing on how to apply the relevant WTO rules, provisions to deal with foreign technical barriers to trade and deal with technical barriers to trade abroad, the Government, industry associations and enterprises to choose the positive behavior



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