
作者&投稿:蒸肩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I met my English teacher while I was walking in the street.
Concentrate your attention to the teacher while you are in class.

The wind determines the direction of the dandelion, and it's you that determines my mood. Love is the most beautiful clothes, what could I do to stay unaffected when love lost。

6点,也就是他们到达后一个小时,英国军人和6名法国飞行员搭乘英国皇家方舟号航空母舰(the Royal ark)离开了Lucioles 2号军事基地。他们接到的命令是把基地指挥官(Lucioles 2号基地)的战斗号令(rallying)带到Ouakam(塞内加尔地名)或者进行有效压制。在顺利起飞后,法国飞行员杀死了打猎小组(hunting group)的指挥官。但根据一组武装人员透露的消息,袭击者们被俘虏了。


the English are off Lucioles 2 of the Royal ark with a half dozen airmen french.

the English of the Royal ark with a half dozen airmen french are off Lucioles 2.

the Royal ark“皇家方舟”号航空母舰是英国皇家海军设计建造的航空母舰。

a half dozen 6个

Lucioles 2综合资料推测(一个法国设立在塞内加尔军事基地,塞内加尔曾是法国殖民地)


Be off 离开

neutralize 和neutralization 的处理。
1.The orders are to get the rallying of the base commander to Ouakam or neutralization.

2.After being raised without any difficulty, aviators Gaullists neutralize the commander of hunting group,
这两句是最难的,难在neutralize 和neutralization 的处理。

neutralization - (euphemism) the removal of a threat by killing or destroying it (especially in a covert operation or military operation)

所以第一句话的意思是军人有2选择下战斗命令或者把袭击(从下文得知袭击者组织叫Hunting group)压制下去,当然neutralization的代价和伤亡比WAR还是小点的。个人觉得有点定点打击的味道,哪疼治哪,类似军事外科手术。

第二句中的neutralize the commander of hunting group,

aviators Gaullists = airmen french法国飞行员
Gaullist n. 戴高乐主义者,(第二次世界大战中法国的) 反纳粹德国占领运动的支持者
合起来得到戴高乐主义的飞行员, 就是指前文的airmen french,看来文章作者很爱咬文嚼字。

6点钟的时候,也就是他们到达后的一个小时,这些英国人从皇家路西奥二号机场起飞(Lucioles 2 of Royal可能是一个机场的名字),同时还有六七个法国飞行员。随后地勤指挥官下指令,让他们到Ouakam集合。在顺利起飞后,飞行员Gaullists开的飞机一直控制着拦截小组的指挥官,但很快就被一些武装人员解救了,袭击者随即被抓进监狱。

在6:00,在他们的到来以后的1小时,英国皇家平底船的Lucioles 2号与六号法国的空军。命令是有召集基地司令中立化。在被上升没有任何困难以后,飞行员戴高乐中立化搜索小组的司令员,但是它由一个小组武装的人发布。攻击者被采取了囚犯。

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吉净卡洛: 1. Mary finished the task ahead of three days.2. She was so tired that she fell asleep while watching TV.3. There is a nice light suspending from the ceiling.4. They are keeping contact since having graduated.5. You' better not arrange them two to ...

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吉净卡洛: Medical devices 医疗设备 • This is an extremely broad category -- essentially covering all healthcare products that do not achieve their intended results through predominantly chemical (e.g., pharmaceuticals) or biological (e.g., vaccines) means, ...

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吉净卡洛: Conceal by the lake for generationsImprint the honor of a county family Imprint the history of an honorable family(英文表达内容基本上均能与中文原意契合)

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吉净卡洛: I'll protect you.我会保护你的.I will never let you injured.我不会让你受半点伤害.—————————————————————————————— I yearn for the power to protect you,my pretty.

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吉净卡洛: 1 On hearing the knock of the door, she stopped her work to open the door. 2 I hope you will forgive me for asking so many questions. 3 The light is bright enough for reading. 4 He is proud to be a Chinese. 5 When he comes to attend the meeting, ...

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吉净卡洛: I love your loving me ,and I know that you love being loved as well .我认为 这样翻译比较有感觉!而如果单纯的根据字面翻译为 I love being loved by you. I know that you love being loved by me .会显得僵硬 所以我倾向于前者的意译 而非后者的直译.如果还有不明白的请追问 如果我的回答能够解决您的问题 请采纳 谢谢!

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