
作者&投稿:赤耍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder这是主句部分;if they shouldn’t have had kids这个是做wonder的宾语成分,因此事宾语从句;but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives.这整个部分是和前面部分并列的,称并列句。unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message这是后面部分的主句。that children are the single most important thing in the world:这个部分是做message的同位语成分,起解释说明的作用。obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives.这部分是同位语从句中的一部分。

Nice to meet you again
1. in particular 尤其
2. smoking and stress in men 吸烟和有压力的男性
3. the regular use of pain-releasing medicines in women 经常使用镇痛药的女性
4. were linked with an increased risk of developing an ulcer 和患溃疡的风险增加有关
link with 和……有关


一般把 and 作为一个划分点,然后找出相关的意群,将句子拆分


When it comes to是英语中的常用固定句式,意思是"当提及到.....的时候",不可强硬用语法解释.
bit one's nails是英语中的俚语,用咬指甲生动的表达紧张,焦虑的意思.
not ... just yet = 还没有...

it 是形式主语 没有确切意义,只是充当主语的作用,因为英语里一般不允许无主句
与这句类似:It's raining.
bite one's nails 短语:陷入绝境、绝望
not yet “还没有”
just 表示语气,“至少,还”

比较容易理解的翻译:经济疲软时期来的时候,ellen spero一点都不急

英语时态分为16种:1.一般现在时 I sometimes go to work on foot.我有时步行去上班。2.一般过去时 I was born in 1973.我生于1973年。3.一般将来时 I will go to the zoo next Sunday.下周日我将去动物园。4.一般过去将来时 I thought he would come. 我以为他会来。5.现在进行时 It...

这是我自己翻译的:1. 我能知道你的名字吗?你的名字怎么拼写?2.你在哪个学校\/班级?3.你喜欢英语吗?为什么?4.你学英语多久了?5.能告诉我你住在哪里吗?6.你在哈尔滨多久了?7.你喜欢你的家乡吗?8.你家里有多少人?他们是谁?9.今天是什么天气?10.你的家乡下雪吗?你喜欢下雪吗?11....

1,他一从学校回来就忙于他的繁重的作业 As soon as he came back from the school,he was busy doing his homework.2,知道我发现门锁上了才意识到自己忘记已经锁过门了。I didn't realize that I forgot that the door had been locked until I was it.3,我很遗憾的通知你,你的航班不得...

The early morning sunshine through the soft green leaves Saxiang land, in the ring have the time to Qingse future on a beautiful legend, the Olympic rings in the green like a warm embrace the bright halo enveloped in Beijing under the blue sky .或者 In the morning the green ...

其实it might be a good movie是一个宾语从句放在look like后面作介词like的宾语。结构简单,主语it,might be是谓语,a good movie是表语。前面的what looks like 也是宾语从句,作介词for的宾语,因为句子本身缺主语,由what来引导。

I gave him some advice instead of money.Some of us study English, others study French.According to our records, the book you borrowed should be returned to the library.The result is basically satisfactory.China has more population than Japan.Either my father or my brother will come...

we(主语) can decide(胃语) that(后面是that引导的宾语从句) the thing(宾语从句的主语) presenting the challenge (是the thing 的分词定语)isn’t(宾语从句的胃语) worth the trouble and call it quits(and 后是宾语从句并列的decide 的宾语)当面临挑战时,我们通常有两种选择。一则我们可以尝试...

一个 巨难 解释的英语句子 ---务必高手帮忙
这个可以通过联系上下文来理解。因为情景是地震,所以地面肯定在震动。作者拿bucking escalator来做对比是为了让读者有一个更形象的理解,因此bucking也可以理解为震动或摇晃(原意可以为猛然震荡),bucking escalator是剧烈摇晃的电梯。接下来是staked away,这个的确是短语。意思是无法固定。前文说了kicking ...


然而,我知道有一天你将有一番伟大作为,令你侪身于最优秀者的行列。2.Lately,though,I've come to believe he'd want me to move on to what comes next:to be proud of,and believe in,somebody else.可是,近来我开始相信他们希望我(放下从前)转向下一个:为另一个人感到骄傲并相信他。

万宁市15646982533: 帮忙分析一下这个英语句子的句型结构if your travel stories are written well,the appriciations from known and unknown persons alike are the greatest rewards ... -
蛮堵补肾:[答案] 主体结构appreciations are rewards.主谓宾(if your travel stories are written well)条件从句,the appriciations (from known and unknown persons alike)介词短语做后置定语 are the greatest rewards (for ...

万宁市15646982533: 一个英语句子结构的分析 - ------------高手帮忙 -
蛮堵补肾: 把句子转换一下:my luggage looks like (what) you think of (what) 这么一转化,成分就很明了了吧 你可以把前者当成宾补,后者当成宾语

万宁市15646982533: 帮忙分析一个英语句子的句式结构 -
蛮堵补肾: should引导的虚拟条件句放在句首要倒装=if such a calamity were to occur should+动词原形)或“were to+动词原形”(表示与将来事实相反的假设)

万宁市15646982533: 英语语法问题,who was it that they want to help?请帮我分析一下这个句子的结构,that在句子里是什么作用以及句子的主谓宾是谁? -
蛮堵补肾:[答案] 英语中的强调句式 It's+被强调部分 that+.【如被强调部分为人,可用WHO代替that】如: It's Mr Brown that/who wants to help me.【是Mr Brown想帮助我.】如对Mr Brown划线提问.就是:Who is it that wants to help you? 其实你的句子就是对强调句式...

万宁市15646982533: 帮我把英语句型分析一下,越具体越好,帮我看看下面的英语句子都有什么结构之类的.帮我看看下面的英语句子都有什么结构之类的,有什么需要注意的,... -
蛮堵补肾:[答案] S+V+P主系表 主语 A standard,系动词 is,表语 the level,of expected performance与 for a given goal都是分词短语作定语修饰the level. S+V+O主谓宾 插入语 For example,主语employee goal setting for motivation,谓语(实意动词) is built(完成时...

万宁市15646982533: 请英语高手帮忙分析句子结构 帮忙划分一下这个句子的结构.Thus,in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers,coupled with the ... -
蛮堵补肾:[答案] 句子主干:it is the demand Thus(状语),(in the American economic system 地点状语)it is the demand (of individual consumers定语,修饰demand),(coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize pro...

万宁市15646982533: 有一个英语句子的句式成分不太懂,望指教 -
蛮堵补肾: 基本可以算作是一种比较委婉的请求,口语化的说话就是您行行好,将我的建议考虑进去,如果专业点翻译的话就加个请,比如翻译成烦请您考虑一下我的建议

万宁市15646982533: 英语句子结构分析!!如下~谢谢 -
蛮堵补肾: 1、句型it is +adj.+to do sth,it作形式主语. 翻译为:做某事...可以把句子简化:It is better to be early than too late 这是句子的主干,比较容易看懂.翻译为:早到比迟到好.句子去掉了even a fraction of a minute ,即使一会的意思这是让步状语,修饰整个句子,因为状语的位置在句子里比较灵活,可以把它放在句子后面 It is always better to be comfortably early than too late even a fraction of a minute.

万宁市15646982533: 一个英语句子的句式结构问题when one considers the obstacles to achieving the meritocratic ideal,it dose look as if a fairer world must be temporarily ordered... -
蛮堵补肾:[答案] must be的主语应为a fairer world does的主语是it 分析:it是主句主语 does look as是主句谓语 if引导条件状语从句

万宁市15646982533: 英语句式分析You shall be punished for what you have done.麻烦帮忙分析一下这个句子的句子成分.尤其是what you have done是从句吗,是什么从句?谢谢 -
蛮堵补肾:[答案] You是主语 shall be punished for整体作谓语 后面确实是从句,是宾语从句. 这个句子不仅用到从句,而且还是被动语态 极限英语为您服务★ 您的满意就是我们的动力~❤

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