
作者&投稿:乐正志 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



The early morning sunshine through the soft green leaves Saxiang land, in the ring have the time to Qingse future on a beautiful legend, the Olympic rings in the green like a warm embrace the bright halo enveloped in Beijing under the blue sky .
In the morning the green sunlight will sprinkle by the gentle leaf to the earth, in the annual ring was once blue the astringent time to narrate to the future the beautiful fable, in the Olympic Games five link's green warm hug bright corona covered likely under the Beijing deep blue sky.

The early morning sunshine through the soft green leaves Saxiang land, in the ring have the time to Qingse future on a beautiful legend, the Olympic rings in the green like a warm embrace the bright halo enveloped in Beijing under the blue sky .

The early morning sunshine through the soft green leaves Saxiang land, in the ring have the time to Qingse future on a beautiful legend, the Olympic rings in the green like a warm embrace the bright halo enveloped in Beijing under the blue sky .

kind of busy a little busy a little bit busy

他从早忙到晚,帮助许多病人,每个人都很喜欢她。He was busy from morning to night, helping many patients. Everyone liked her very much.

“你能帮我一个忙吗?”口语翻译:Could you do me a favor please? 或Could you give me a hand please?“我服了你了!”口语翻译:You are the man. 或 You got me on this one.“我为什么要闭嘴,我有说错什么吗?”口语翻译:Why tell me to shut up? Is there anything wrong ...

keep yourself busy,then many things just fade off。

牛仔很忙The Cowboy Is Busy 彩虹Rainbow 青花瓷Porcelain 阳光宅男The Sunny House Boy 蒲公英的约定 Dandelion' Promissory 无双 No Match 我不配 I Deserve Not 扯 Gossip 甜甜的 Sweet 最长的电影The Longest Movie

My father is the busiest in my family.

I'm going to be a busy weekend."a busy weekend"的意思是忙碌的一个周末。


On the Earth Day, the kids were busy _in picking up trash or pasting posters_ about environmental protection in the park.忙着做某事be busy in doing something.【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!

你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,这道题的正确答案应该为:都可以的 It's a buy morning.或 This is a buy morning.不过用this更符合 ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!

瑞丽市17348489707: 帮忙翻译一个英语句子
终成佳择: I need the robot to help me to look after my son or to help me to write the plan of instruction. In brief, my irrelevant matter needs his help

瑞丽市17348489707: 英语翻译帮忙翻译两个英语句子,要人工翻译,1.这是一件红色的夹克衫 2.桌子上的那本书是绿色的. -
终成佳择:[答案] 1.this is a red jacket 2.the book on the table is green. 希望对你有用 :)

瑞丽市17348489707: 帮忙翻译几个句子!急!帮忙翻译几个英语句子!急!1:读书能带给我们快乐,我们能从书本中获得知识和真理.2:我最喜欢的是《读者》,海明威是我最... -
终成佳择:[答案] 1:reading can bring us happiness,we can be gained from books knowledge and truth.2:my favorite is "reader",Hemingway is one of my favorite writer.3:let us enjoy reading it,reading can make you strong ...

瑞丽市17348489707: 帮忙用英语翻译一个句子
终成佳择: 我也很抱歉没有时间陪你聊天 I'm also sorry for I don't have time to chat with you

瑞丽市17348489707: 帮忙用英文翻译一个句子
终成佳择: I suffer from allergic rhinitis, I am allergic to dust或I have allergic rhinitis, I'm allergic to dust

瑞丽市17348489707: 帮忙翻译一个英语句子 :科学家们已经在研究做什么可以阻止全球变暖 -
终成佳择:[答案] Scientists have been working on how to prevent the globe from getting warmer

瑞丽市17348489707: 英语翻译帮忙翻译一个句子的说(中翻英):1.如果我的外国朋友想要了解中国. -
终成佳择:[答案] If my foreigner friends want to kown about China.

瑞丽市17348489707: 帮忙翻译一个英文句子
终成佳择: If I could go back to the past,I would do a lot of things,but what a pity that everything just can't go back.So from now on,I will chrish every minutes.

瑞丽市17348489707: 帮忙翻译几个英语句子1.The holiday was a complete surprise----I only find out about it the day before we left.2.The Broadcasting Museum also offers Saturday ... -
终成佳择:[答案] 1.假日完全是一个意外——直到我们出发前一天我才发现有假日 2.传播博物馆同样给孩子们提供了周六研习班,他们可以沉浸在电台的世界里. 3.仅仅说道他们服务的质量的话,还只是他们生意成功的一小部分,我花了很长时间发现全部成功的因素. ...

瑞丽市17348489707: 帮忙翻译个英语句子,谢了. -
终成佳择: 1.这钢琴有些不对劲,但是我无法说清楚(put one's finger on) There is something wrong with the piano, but I can't put my finger on it.2.这条裤子不但太大,而且与我的夹克也不配(apart from) Apart from its large size, the trousers don't fit my ...

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