
作者&投稿:李药 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

丫环数量的对比 林黛玉进贾府的时候,带了两个人:一个是自幼奶娘王嬷嬷,一个是十岁的小丫头雪雁。而“迎春等例,每人除自幼乳母外,另有四个教引嬷嬷,除贴身掌管钗钏盥沐两个丫鬟外,另有五六个洒扫房屋来往使役的小丫鬟。”如此算来,迎春等人,每人至少有十二个仆人,是黛玉的六倍。王熙凤出场时,是被一群媳妇丫鬟围拥着。再从全书看,当时荣府上下大小主子有十四人(加惜春),总人口约有四百人,主子与仆人之比达到了1∶25。而从她们的家世看,贾林两家都是世袭王公贵族。贾赦,时袭一等将军;贾政,时任工部员外郎。林如海是前科探花,兰台寺大夫,钦点巡盐御史,林如海父亲以上曾四代袭过列侯。家世相当,门第相当,豪侈之气则有天壤之别,贾府安能不败?结局安能不惨? 人物描写的对比 王熙凤和众人之比 王熙凤出场时,作者采用了未见其人,先闻其声的写作手法,正当贾母说多配一料丸药时,“一语未了,只听后院中有人笑声,说:‘我来迟了,有曾迎接远客!’”。而其它人个个皆敛声屏气,恭肃严整。在林黛玉看来,此人实在是放诞无礼。但这恰恰突出了王熙凤在贾府中特殊的地位和身份,刻划出她性格中泼辣的一面。她深受贾母的宠信,除了贾宝玉,合府再无一人敢在贾母面前如此说笑。正因为万千宠爱集一身,所以才敢如此恣行无忌。 王熙凤和贾氏三姐妹之比 贾氏三姐妹出场时,只有轮廓描写:“第一个肌肤微丰,合中身材,腮凝新荔,鼻腻鹅脂,温柔沉默,观之可亲。第二个削肩细腰,长挑身材,鸭蛋脸面,俊眼修眉,顾盼神飞,文彩精华,见之忘俗。第三个身量未足,形容尚小。”而王熙凤呢,“这个人的打扮与众姑娘不同,彩绣辉煌,恍若神妃仙子:庆头上戴着金丝八宝攒珠髻,绾着朝阳五凤挂珠钗……”一略一详,一简洁一铺陈,一高贵一庸俗,写出了贾氏三姐妹的神韵和高贵气质,暗示了王熙凤的贪婪及俗气,侧面反映出她内心世界的空虚。 王熙凤和王夫人之比 黛玉去拜见贾政时,“王夫人再四携他上炕,他方挨王夫人坐了”。到了吃饭时,“贾母正面榻上独坐,两边四张空椅,熙凤忙拉了黛玉在左边第一张椅上坐了,黛玉十分推让”。一“携”一“拉”,一亲切一热情,一稳重一猛浪。作者在这里突现了王熙凤的热情,而这种热情无非是一种表演,是以取悦贾母为最终目的的,体现了王熙凤的精明和狡诈。 林黛玉和贾宝玉之比 宝黛相见时,两人都有一种似曾相识的感觉。“黛玉一见,便吃一大惊,心下想道:‘好生奇怪,倒像在那里见过一般,何等眼熟到如此!’”“宝玉看罢,因笑道:‘这个妹妹我曾见过的。’贾母笑道:‘可又是胡说,你又何曾见过他?’宝玉笑道:‘虽然未曾见过他,然我看着面善,心里就是旧相识,今日只作远别重逢。亦未为不可。’”一个是寄人篱下,一个是混世魔王;一个是步步留心,时时在意,一个是率性而为,心直口快。所以尽管感觉相同,但一个只是深隐内心,另一个则是赤裸裸地表达出来。这样的描写,使环境和人物达到了完美的融合。 林黛玉对贾宝玉认识之比 林黛玉从王夫人口中得知贾宝玉是一个孽胎祸根,是一个混世魔王,一时甜言蜜语,一时有天无日,一时又疯疯傻傻,所以不知是怎生个惫懒人物,懵懂顽童,心想倒不见那蠢物也罢了。结果一见之下,却是面如中秋之月,色如春晓之花 虽怒时而若笑,即嗔视而有情。何等眼熟到如此!心有灵犀,立即站到了贾宝玉一边。成为背叛封建家长、背叛封建社会的坚定同盟者。欲扬先抑,突出了林黛玉对贾宝玉的认同感。 贾宝玉和封建学士之比 文中说“黛玉亦常听得母亲说过,二舅母生的有个表兄,乃衔玉而诞,顽劣异常,极恶读书,最喜在内帏厮混”,这在众封建学士看来实在是荒唐之举,所以西江月中批道:纵然生得好皮囊,腹内原来草莽。 倒不通世务,愚顽怕读文章。可怜辜负好韶光,于国于家无望。天下无能第一,古今不湛肖无双。宝玉无意于功名利禄,厌《四书》而喜《西厢》,避功名而趋闺房,自为封建家长所不容,也必遭封建统治者所唾弃,所以才会屡屡遭贾政责打。西江月似贬实裹,却成功地塑造了一个封建统治阶级叛逆者的光辉形象。 通过对比,我们能一窥贾府败落的原因;通过对比,我们能一睹人物的风采,黛玉的细心谨慎、娇弱风流,宝玉的似傻如狂、离经叛道,凤姐的庸俗泼辣、张狂精明;通过对比,我们可一叹曹雪芹的笔力,人物的出场,先后适宜,详略得当,虚实兼用,不但笔法变化多姿,而且在众多人物中可使描写的重点突出。加深对文章的理解,加深对红楼梦的了解。

确实是黛玉说的,兴许是你记错了。 在第七回中宝钗是这么说的:再别提起这个病!也不知
作引子,异香异气的。他说犯了时吃一丸就好了。倒也奇怪,这倒效验些 。


Tai-yü was assenting to every bit of advice as it was uttered, when unexpectedly she beheld a waiting-maid walk in. “Her venerable ladyship over there,” she said, “has sent word about the evening meal.”

Madame Wang hastily took Tai-yü by the hand, and emerging by the door of the back-room, they went eastwards by the verandah at the back. Past the side gate, was a roadway, running north and south. On the southern side were a pavilion with three divisions and a Reception Hall with a colonnade. On the north, stood a large screen wall, painted white; behind it was a very small building, with a door of half the ordinary size.

“These are your cousin Feng’s rooms,” explained madame Wang to Tai-yü, as she pointed to them smiling. “You’ll know in future your way to come and find her; and if you ever lack anything, mind you mention it to her, and she’ll make it all right.”

At the door of this court, were also several youths, who had recently had the tufts of their hair tied together, who all dropped their hands against their sides, and stood in a respectful posture. Madame Wang then led Tai-yü by the hand through a corridor, running east and west, into what was dowager lady Chia’s back-court. Forthwith they entered the door of the back suite of rooms, where stood, already in attendance, a large number of servants, who, when they saw madame Wang arrive, set to work setting the tables and chairs in order.

Chia Chu’s wife, née Li, served the eatables, while Hsi-feng placed the chopsticks, and madame Wang brought the soup in. Dowager lady Chia was seated all alone on the divan, in the main part of the apartment, on the two sides of which stood four vacant chairs.

Hsi-feng at once drew Tai-yü, meaning to make her sit in the foremost chair on the left side, but Tai-yü steadily and concedingly declined.

“Your aunts and sisters-in-law, standing on the right and left,” dowager lady Chia smilingly explained, “won’t have their repast in here, and as you’re a guest, it’s but proper that you should take that seat.”

Then alone it was that Tai-yü asked for permission to sit down, seating herself on the chair.

Madame Wang likewise took a seat at old lady Chia’s instance; and the three cousins, Ying Ch’un and the others, having craved for leave to sit down, at length came forward, and Ying Ch’un took the first chair on the right, T’an Ch’un the second, and Hsi Ch’un the second on the left. Waiting maids stood by holding in their hands, flips and finger-bowls and napkins, while Mrs. Li and lady Feng, the two of them, kept near the table advising them what to eat, and pressing them to help themselves.

In the outer apartments, the married women and waiting-maids in attendance, were, it is true, very numerous; but not even so much as the sound of the cawing of a crow could be heard.

The repast over, each one was presented by a waiting-maid, with tea in a small tea tray; but the Lin family had all along impressed upon the mind of their daughter that in order to show due regard to happiness, and to preserve good health, it was essential, after every meal, to wait a while, before drinking any tea, so that it should not do any harm to the intestines. When, therefore, Tai-yü perceived how many habits there were in this establishment unlike those which prevailed in her home, she too had no alternative but to conform herself to a certain extent with them. Upon taking over the cup of tea, servants came once more and presented finger-bowls for them to rinse their mouths, and Tai-yü also rinsed hers; and after they had all again finished washing their hands, tea was eventually served a second time, and this was, at length, the tea that was intended to be drunk.

“You can all go,” observed dowager lady Chia, “and let us alone to have a chat.”

Madame Wang rose as soon as she heard these words, and having made a few irrelevant remarks, she led the way and left the room along with the two ladies, Mrs. Li and lady Feng.

Dowager lady Chia, having inquired of Tai-yü what books she was reading, “I have just begun reading the Four Books,” Tai-yü replied. “What books are my cousins reading?” Tai-yü went on to ask.

“Books, you say!” exclaimed dowager lady Chia; “why all they know are a few characters, that’s all.”

The sentence was barely out of her lips, when a continuous sounding of footsteps was heard outside, and a waiting maid entered and announced that Pao-yü was coming. Tai-yü was speculating in her mind how it was that this Pao-yü had turned out such a good-for-nothing fellow, when he happened to walk in.

He was, in fact, a young man of tender years, wearing on his head, to hold his hair together, a cap of gold of purplish tinge, inlaid with precious gems. Parallel with his eyebrows was attached a circlet, embroidered with gold, and representing two dragons snatching a pearl. He wore an archery-sleeved deep red jacket, with hundreds of butterflies worked in gold of two different shades, interspersed with flowers; and was girded with a sash of variegated silk, with clusters of designs, to which was attached long tassels; a kind of sash worn in the palace. Over all, he had a slate-blue fringed coat of Japanese brocaded satin, with eight bunches of flowers in relief; and wore a pair of light blue satin white-soled, half-dress court-shoes.

His face was like the full moon at mid-autumn; his complexion, like morning flowers in spring; the hair along his temples, as if chiselled with a knife; his eyebrows, as if pencilled with ink; his nose like a suspended gallbladder (a well-cut and shapely nose); his eyes like vernal waves; his angry look even resembled a smile; his glance, even when stern, was full of sentiment.

Round his neck he had a gold dragon necklet with a fringe; also a cord of variegated silk, to which was attached a piece of beautiful jade.

As soon as Tai-yü became conscious of his presence, she was quite taken aback. “How very strange!” she was reflecting in her mind; “it would seem as if I had seen him somewhere or other, for his face appears extremely familiar to my eyes;” when she noticed Pao-yü face dowager lady Chia and make his obeisance. “Go and see your mother and then come back,” remarked her venerable ladyship; and at once he turned round and quitted the room.

On his return, he had already changed his hat and suit. All round his head, he had a fringe of short hair, plaited into small queues, and bound with red silk. The queues were gathered up at the crown, and all the hair, which had been allowed to grow since his birth, was plaited into a thick queue, which looked as black and as glossy as lacquer. Between the crown of the head and the extremity of the queue, hung a string of four large pearls, with pendants of gold, representing the eight precious things. On his person, he wore a long silvery-red coat, more or less old, bestrewn with embroidery of flowers. He had still round his neck the necklet, precious gem, amulet of Recorded Name, philacteries, and other ornaments. Below were partly visible a fir-cone coloured brocaded silk pair of trousers, socks spotted with black designs, with ornamented edges, and a pair of deep red, thick-soled shoes.

(Got up as he was now,) his face displayed a still whiter appearance, as if painted, and his eyes as if they were set off with carnation. As he rolled his eyes, they brimmed with love. When he gave utterance to speech, he seemed to smile. But the chief natural pleasing feature was mainly centred in the curve of his eyebrows. The ten thousand and one fond sentiments, fostered by him during the whole of his existence, were all amassed in the corner of his eyes.

His outward appearance may have been pleasing to the highest degree, but yet it was no easy matter to fathom what lay beneath it.

There are a couple of roundelays, composed by a later poet, (after the excellent rhythm of the) Hsi Chiang Yueh, which depict Pao-yü in a most adequate manner.

The roundelays run as follows:

To gloom and passion prone, without a rhyme,
Inane and madlike was he many a time,
His outer self, forsooth, fine may have been,
But one wild, howling waste his mind within:
Addled his brain that nothing he could see;
A dunce! to read essays so loth to be!
Perverse in bearing, in temper wayward;
For human censure he had no regard.
When rich, wealth to enjoy he knew not how;
When poor, to poverty he could not bow.
Alas! what utter waste of lustrous grace!
To state, to family what a disgrace!
Of ne’er-do-wells below he was the prime,
Unfilial like him none up to this time.
Ye lads, pampered with sumptuous fare and dress,
Beware! In this youth’s footsteps do not press!


西湖梦寻 的原文和译文


纵豆蔻词工,青楼梦好,难赋深情。 二十四桥仍在,波心荡、冷月无声。念桥边红药,年年知为谁生。 3. 扬州慢全文翻译 1、全文翻译 淳熙年丙申月冬至这天,我经过扬州。夜雪初晴,放眼望去,全是荠草和麦子。进入扬州,一片萧条,河水碧绿凄冷,天色渐晚,城中响起凄凉的号角。我内心悲凉,感慨于扬州城今昔的变化,...

兴尽晚回舟,误入藕花深处。 争渡,争渡,惊起一滩鸥鹭。 ——宋·李清照《如梦令·常记溪亭日暮》 2、昨夜雨疏风骤,浓睡不消残酒。试问卷帘人,却道海棠依旧。知否,知否?应是绿肥红瘦。 ——宋·李清照《如梦令·昨夜雨疏风骤》 3、梦后楼台高锁,酒醒帘幕低垂。去年春恨却来时。落花人独立,微雨燕双飞。


点绛唇 屏却相思 的译文并且回答第三句的意境


译文:肩挨肩,脚挨脚,像泉水一样涌入。 翻译:并肩接踵;川驰泉水涌出。”译文:肩挨肩,脚挨脚,像泉水一样涌进来。 四、人来人往 白话释义:人来来往往连续不断。也形容忙于应酬。 朝代:清 作者:曹雪芹 出处:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第一百十回:“这两三天人来人往,我瞧着那些人都照应不到,想必你没有吩咐...

楼上看山;城头看雪;灯前看花;舟中看霞;月下看美人;另是一番情景。 山之光;水之声;月之色;花之香;文人之韵致;美人之姿态;皆无可名状,无可 执着。真足以摄召魂梦,颠倒情思! 假使梦能自主,虽千里无难命驾,可不羡长房之缩地;死者可以晤对,可不需少 君之招魂;五岳可以卧游,可不俟婚嫁之尽毕。 以爱花之...


澄迈县17810373055: 红楼梦第三回的解释 -
左丘羽替考:[答案] 全书一百二十回,其中第三回"贾雨村寅缘复旧职林黛玉抛父进京都"在全书中具有举足轻重的地位.通过这回,曹雪芹把整个故事的序幕完全呈现给读者面前,故事的主要人物也将一一地粉墨登场.我们可以用"豹头虎尾"来形容的整个故事,那么...

澄迈县17810373055: 红楼梦第三回中的凤辣子初见林黛玉那段翻译成现代文????快点 在线等 -
左丘羽替考: 一语未完,只听后院中有笑语声,说:“我来迟了,没得迎接远客!”黛玉思忖道:“这些人个个皆敛声屏气如此,这来者是谁,这样放诞无礼?” 心下想时,只见一群媳妇丫鬟拥着一个丽人从后房进来.这个人打扮与姑娘们不同,彩绣辉煌,...

澄迈县17810373055: 谁有红楼梦第三回的大概意思 简略点写 谢谢 -
左丘羽替考: 第三回 贾雨村夤缘复旧职 林黛玉抛父进京都 这回通过黛玉进府描写了贾府的富丽堂皇.对贾府的房屋结构和人物都做了介绍. 黛玉进府的路上所见所闻都是对贾府,尤其是荣国府的描写,大半天的路程不仅说明了贾府的大,而且轿夫的一再更...

澄迈县17810373055: 《红楼梦》第三回的内容
左丘羽替考: 《红楼梦》第三回 - 内容简介: 黛玉母逝;贾母要接外孙女黛玉;林如海写信给贾政为雨村谋求复职.黛玉进贾府,不肯多说一句话,多行一步路,怕被人耻笑.贾母疼爱林黛玉;“凤辣子”出场;王夫人要黛玉不要招惹宝玉;宝黛相会.你好!这是文言文版 《红楼梦》第三回 的内容简介,望采纳,谢谢!

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左丘羽替考: 第三回 贾雨村夤缘复旧职 林黛玉抛父进京都 黛玉与父亲洒泪拜别时,其父如海所言感人. 雨村入荣国府,投的是宗侄名帖,做法不错!得到贾政优待,入情入理,并得到贾政力举终于谋了职位,出而复入,书里写得轻巧,其实中间颇费了一番...

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左丘羽替考: 林黛玉——因母早丧下无兄弟而投奔到外祖母处;亦因心中早已知晓外祖母家的不同,所以,她来到贾府是“步步留心,时时在意,不肯轻易多说一句话,多行一步路,惟恐被人耻笑”.虽然外祖母疼她,但她总有寄人篱下的感觉,待人处世始...

澄迈县17810373055: 娴静时如娇花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风 是什么意思 -
左丘羽替考: “娴静时如娇花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风”出自《红楼梦》第三回,是描写林黛玉的,意思是她安静的时候就像娇花照水般迷人,行动时像弱柳随风摇曳,婀娜多姿. “娴静时如娇花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风”只能描写特定的美人,林黛玉体弱,患有先天疾病,所以行动处似若柳扶风,这2句是描写林黛玉的病态美,并不是所有的美人都适用这2句.《红楼梦》第三回描写林黛玉的词: 两弯似蹙非蹙眷烟眉 一双似喜非喜含情目 态生两靥之愁 娇袭一身之病 娴静时如娇花照水 行动处似弱柳扶风 心姣比干多一处 病如西子胜三分

澄迈县17810373055: 精锐教育:“态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病”是宝玉对黛玉的第一印象,其中“靥”是指什么? -
左丘羽替考: “靥”是指面颊上的微涡,即酒窝 儿 . 原文: 两弯似蹙非蹙罥烟眉,一双似喜非喜含露目.态生两靥之愁,娇袭一身之病.泪光点点,娇喘微微.娴静时如姣花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风.心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分. 这是清曹雪芹《红...

澄迈县17810373055: 《红楼梦》第三回黛玉抛父进京都,宝玉第一次见到黛玉,作者对黛玉的描写是什么?她有什么样的性格特点? -
左丘羽替考: 林黛玉初进大观园 时时留心 处处在意 展现了她细心谨慎 聪明伶俐的一面 同时也反映了林黛玉寄人篱下的谨小慎微 她与贾宝玉初次见面时 两人都感觉好像在哪里见过对方 一见如故 为后来的宝黛之恋埋下伏笔 林黛玉的性格特点:柔弱 多愁善感 细心敏感 聪明 才华横溢 有个性 不随波逐流 而是有自己的独到见解 又是也显得有些刻薄

澄迈县17810373055: 请各路高手帮我概述一下红楼梦的第三回内容,谢谢! -
左丘羽替考: 第三回:托内兄如海酬训教,接外孙贾母惜孤女 林如海托贾雨村将黛玉送至宁荣国府贾母处,并向内兄贾政推荐贾雨村,贾雨村在贾政帮助下,轻轻谋了一个复职候缺,不...

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