
作者&投稿:隗邢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1询问他关于他对他的爸爸的影响作为篮球运动员 -- 知道更多他的防守和柔韧,出去一个恶劣的转向移动。

1. Thank the Singapore Government for giving us this opportunity to thank the school provide the opportunity for this.

2. At home, I am sure that the ideal can be admitted to a university, but universities are charging, my home is not very rich, and you have provided scholarships, and Singapore's Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore is the world famous, all my choice, I enjoy.

3. To the city school for the deaf counseling homework or take part in fund-raising, one of the study of life they know, are two means to help them make some things. Sentiment: thank my parents for a healthy body.

4. My classmates, he is also very good, if he lost the spot to play are probably poor. Hope he will seize the opportunity after all.

5. Are prepared to accept the terms of related services. In the next ten years to do my job and study full.

6.Through school teacher knows the things to students. We are teachers and schools recommend a combination of the selection.

7. My ability to adapt relatively strong, the exchange of good teachers and classmates. Will make some simple dishes, noodles in the water after opening, otherwise the batter will be into a pot.

8. Written test score should be better able to take part in an interview today that can be. My strong points are organized language ability, ability to mathematical logic. Class can be maintained at Class at the forefront of English have also been prize contest.

9. No matter what, I communicate the same age and are well on their studies, the more aspects of life. As a girlfriend, and some of my age, I am positive that there will be the selection.

10. I have to adapt to the new study are confident that the living environment. According to our alumni in Singapore, the Singapore is suitable to their learning and development, I think I will.

1 Thank the Singapore Government has given us this opportunity to thank the school provide the opportunity for this.
2 At home, I am sure that the ideal can be admitted to a university, but universities are charging, my home is not very rich, and you have provided scholarships, and Singapore's Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore, who also is one of the world school, all my choice, I enjoy
3 To the city school for the deaf counseling homework or take part in fund-raising, one of the study of life they know, are two means to help them make some things. Sentiment: thank my parents for a healthy body.
4 My classmate, he is also very good, if he lost the spot to play are probably poor.Willing to accept the terms of related services. In the next ten years to do my job and study full. Hope he will seize the
5.Willing to accept the terms of related services. In the next ten years to do my job and study full.
6 School through the Teacher to students to know things. We are teachers and schools recommend a combination of the selection.
7 My ability to adapt relatively strong, the exchange of good teachers and classmates. Will make some simple dishes, noodles in the water after opening, otherwise the batter will be into a pot
8 Written test score should be better able to take part in an interview today that can be. My strong points are organized language ability, ability to mathematical logic. Class can be maintained at Class at the forefront of English have also been prize contest.
No matter what, and I communicate very well the same age, on the school, talk of more aspects of life. As a girlfriend, and some of my age, I am positive that there will be the selection.

10 I have to adapt to the new study are confident that the living environment. According to our alumni in Singapore, the Singapore is suitable to their learning and development, I think I will.

累死了 !!!!!!


规则说明越简单明了越好,没必要按中文的说法一个字一个字对着翻译 “球着地了但是不在球门内” 这么拗口的说法,难为LZ你想的出来……这不就是射偏了么?足球上的术语叫 shoot wide 另外 后面的按键操作可以用 tips 即提示 翻译如下:rules:将球射进球门,取得胜利 Shoot the ball into the ...


咁你又算点呢---你想怎么样 办乜捻嘢啫---无需作威作福 你咪一鸠样---你原本就是这个样子 唔系我唔屌你唔得--不是我骂你不行 而系你唔屌唔得---而是你本身不行 (朋友,粗口语句不要模仿。)

5、请你帮我找能辅导我小孩语文的老师。5. Please help me to find a literature tutor for my child.6、非关税壁垒由于近几年日益凸显的作用而名声大噪。6. Non-tariff barriers have become famous in recent years because of its effectiveness.7、一旦目标确立,我不会轻易放弃。7. I would ...

求 英语达人 帮翻译几个句子 急!!!
1, The seeds of accounting were most-likely first sown in the city of Babylon around 4000 B.C. when record keeping probably began in this civilized area.早在大约公元前四千年的巴比伦,会计的种子就已被播下,当时在这一文明地区可能已经出现了帐簿记录。2, It was beautifully ...


6 .整理在库:が各お客様を备えており、在库の処理に発送お伝えします。7 .回款:适时回款と、顾客回款率だった。8 .お客様と関连して、各种证明书、资料などが含まれている。9 .原文:会议に翻訳され、语通訳、翻訳、协賛経理仕事を进めていく。

1、I attended a summer training camp, this is our team mirror image. 2、This is this school movie studio, you may see that some 30 about camera, also has a very big gate probably in that side, it is said that this gate may advance a tank.3、This is Cinema institute's ...

AFモード ;单次AF模式监测 シングル ;单个;モニタリング ;监视;デジタルズーム ;智能数码变焦 スマート ;漂亮;プレシジョン ; 准确度;机能ガイド ; 功能向导 AFイルミネーター ;手ぶれ补正 ;オートレビュー ;フォーマット;BGMダウンロード;LCDバックライト;LCD背光 セッ...

北辰区15313122180: 英语翻译英语大神帮我翻译几个句子!1.将来会有更多的树2.人们将会活到200岁吗?3.人们将不使用钱4.我想,未来汽车会更少 -
陶通五味:[答案] 1. There will be more trees in the future 2. People will live to be 200 years old? 3. People will not use the money 4. I think the future car will be less

北辰区15313122180: 希望英语达人来帮忙翻译几个句子
陶通五味: 1:我们这里有冰沙 果汁和意大利的冰激凌! We serve ice cream, juice and Italian ice cream. 2:请问先生您对我们产品的感觉怎么样? What do you think of our foods? 3:非常感谢您对我们的建议!请您用餐愉快. Thank you very much for our suggestions! Please enjoy yourself! 本人在酒店工作,也经常有和外国人交流,上面有很多回答都可以,但对于服务行业来说,最准确的来说是要具有礼貌性和专业性,这是我经常说的,希望对你有所帮助.

北辰区15313122180: 请英语达人翻译一下英语句子
陶通五味: NO.1 Here it will rain/rain here...... NO.2 Warm prompt: drink many cans of drinks bad to the body, so I suggest you drink boxes of fresh orange many, so to your body good some ~

北辰区15313122180: 英语达人、帮忙翻译几个句子 、...
陶通五味: Do you need help open tary table Careful hot Do you need newspaper Let me help you 5. We have a Sprite, coke. Mango juice

北辰区15313122180: 请英语达人帮我翻译一下几个句子~ -
陶通五味: First: to control our own destiny, they would have to be. Second: face reality and do not live in the past or in fantasy. Third: frank others. Fourth: Do not just management, leading to the Institute. Fifth: forced to reform before the reform. Sixth: If there are no competitive advantage, not to compete with them.

北辰区15313122180: 求英语达人帮忙翻译几个句子,谢谢啦.
陶通五味: 1. He believes that he can focus his energy on what he really likes to do after retirement.2. Most doctors think that patients have the right to know the truth about their illnesses.3. We think there's still much to be done in terms of environmental ...

北辰区15313122180: 英语达人给我翻译几个句子
陶通五味: 1 . Tom跟他来自于美国的朋友们一起正在玩游戏. Tom are playing with his friends who come from USA. 2 . Harry是个男孩,他的妈妈是我们的数学老师. Harry is a boy whose mother is our maths teacher. 3. 你的爸爸是唯一一个能帮你的人. Your ...

北辰区15313122180: 请英语达人 帮忙翻译几个句子 -
陶通五味: 1.Freeze! Put your hands up!2.I'm only going to say this once3.Where did you put the drughe is the man 如果是字面的意思, 就是 他是个男的口语我猜是 他是头(掌管这里的人)

北辰区15313122180: 请英语达人帮我翻译3个句子,是英译中,多谢拉.最好是4天内解决. -
陶通五味: .As he reached the bottom of the landing craft`s ladder and extended his booted left foot to touch the moon`s surface,he said:"That`s...

北辰区15313122180: 英语高手来帮我翻译句子
陶通五味: 1. Will you take part in the first experiment? 2. We must admit that he is a person who is full of responsibility. 3. The Olympic Games is held once every four years. 4. This athlete got two gold medals in the Olympic Games 5 Playing basketball is a kind...

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