
作者&投稿:蹉齿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一种:How do you feel your diet and lifestyle?
Very good.
第二种:What you think of your diet and lifestyle?
Very good.
2.她再也不喜欢在河里游泳了(not any more)和(no more).
第一种:She does not like swimming in the river any more.
第二种:She will no longer be fond of swimming in the river.
All the best with your work. 或者 Every success in your job.
Lately ,I seldom read in bed. 或者 I seldom read books in bed recently.
How do they carry so many things?

It’s The Thought That Counts
This past Christmas was one of the best I have ever had. This was made possible by my sister, Amy. She is eight years older and has already made it into “real world”.
My sister bought me three wonderful gifts, but only one would capture my heart forever. First she handed me the smallest. Because Amy is careful with her actions, I knew this was her least favourite. It was a bottle of perfume (香水). I was happy with it, yet curious as to what lay ahead. Next she handed me a box. After tearing away the wrapping paper, I found a stylish and expensive sweater. I was deeply moved that my sister was so generous. Then she handed me the last gift. Judging by the familiar size and shape, I knew, it was a CD. It was the soundtrack to the movie “Rocky”, with songs inspiring to all athletes, dreamers… I immediately loved it, but not as much as I would after what my sister explained to me.
She was referring to a knee injury that cost me half of my soccer season. I desired to be with my team-mates and suffered each minute I sat on the bench. I tried hard, hoping my knee injury would heel soon. This was what led my sister to buying that CD.
After mentioning what was behind the gift, Amy played the CD for me. Even though I had heard those songs a thousand times, each note struck me as if it was new. It played in my soul and on my emotions. I listened breathlessly, as the words “Trying hard now. It’s so hard now” sounded through the room. It touched me in a way beyond the happiness most gifts could bring. I couldn’t help crying and hugged my sister. Knowing that my sister had felt my problem so deeply made me realize that I am the luckiest little sister in the world. I had never received a gift with so much thought behind it! I’ll cherish it forever.

We are looking forward to visiting the Great Wall.

He reads English every day.

Tomorrow is to be a new movie.

I will go to America for sighting.

We are looking forward to visiting the Great Wall.
He reads English every day.
Tomorrow is to be a new movie.
I will go to America next month.

1. We are looking forward to sightsee the Great Wall Tour.
2.He reads English every day.
3. There is gong to have a new movie tomorrow.
4. Next month I will go to tour America or I'll visit America next month.

1. We are expecting the tour to the great wall.
2. He reads English everyday.
3. There'll be a new movie tomorrow.
4. I will go to America for travelling in next month.

1. We're looking foreward to visit the Great Wall.

2. He reads English everyday.

3. There will be a new movie tomorrow.

4. I'll visit America next month.

He runs a passenger service company, but it was soon closed because of a lack of staff.我必须大声吆喝以吸引乘客,以免他们走上其他公司的BUS。I had to shout loudly to attract passengers, so that they would not get on the buses of the other companies.我要在车上呆一整天,还要...

亲爱的XX:你好,我是A,我想跟您说一下期末考试的事。因为我们组的个别成员联系不上,人数不够,所以至今为止,期末的口语还未准备好。我们想把我们组的成员分开加入到其他组中去。希望您能同意,如果可以的话,请你回我短信,我会尽快通知我们组的成员。谢谢 Hello Mrs\/Mr XX:I'm A, I want ...

1。行乐及时,上天给你什么,就享受什么。千万不要去听难堪的话,一定不去见难看的人。或者是做难做的事情,爱上不应爱的人。Be happy, take what's been given. Hear no evil, see no evil, do no difficult task and love no undeserving.2。蛋糕非常香,咖啡十分甜,这里又没有地震,活着...

请帮忙翻译一下这几句话--十分感谢--不要用金山等软件直接译 --请...
完成终端设计工作 accomplish the development of terminal.出各种新机种的效果图,以供客户确认。develop the intention scheme of new type products verified by customer.跟进客户更改的需求做出新图纸。Follow customer change requirements and develop new intention scheme.研发新型整体卫浴产品,对新产品...

全文翻译是:Many would agree that when we think of Chr ist mas,we probably think of gifts,Chr ist mas trees and Santa Claus.很多人同意这一点:当我们想到sheng dan jie时,我们或许会想到礼物,sheng dan树和sheng dan老人。But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Chr ...

直到填满了整个房间,并使用您的自由,来来去去,请你不道歉 五。除了正直和尊重, Mrs.Baroda也是一个明智的女人 六。该名男子居住在福利开始成立了自己的市场,一步一个脚印和他的生意兴旺 七。这是难以实施的新法律,因为人们不准备采取行动 八。他说不亚于真理当他放下他所看到 ...

偶尔会无原由的流下眼泪.(以前)12.슬픈노래 듣고 울어본 적 있다听了悲伤的歌,哭过.13.쓰러진적 있다昏倒过.14.남자때문...

对不起,先生打扰一下 Excuse me! May I help you?不好意思.请稍侯 Just a minute, please!小姐你好.女士你好 Hello, miss\/madam!请问先生有什么吩咐 How may I help you,sir?请问先生有什么需要 May I get you anything, sir?请问先生有什么可以帮到你的 May I help you with anything, sir...

1、金钱可以用数目来衡量,而爱情是无价的。Money can be measured while love is invaluable.2、有了爱情,两个人可以共同努力获取金钱。As long as there is love, the two can make joint effort in earning the money.3、建立在金钱基础上的爱情往往是不可靠不真实的。Love built on material ...

帮忙翻译一下 :1.生财有大道,生之者众,食之者寡,为之者疾,用之者舒...
“生财有大道,生之者众,食之者寡,为之者疾,用之者舒。则财恒足矣,是则平”的意思是:生财有方法、规律可循。这就是干活的要多,吃饭的要少,生产效率要高点,消费速度要慢点,那么财富就永远充裕了。本句话选自《礼记》大学 具体原文如下:大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。知止...

南丰县19220074829: 几句话帮忙翻译一下!~~~初一的!~~~~~~超简单!~~ -
缪败泻痢: 1.They are loking forward to visiting the Great Wall2.He reads English everyday3.There's a new movie tomorrow.4.I'am going to sightseeing in American next month.

南丰县19220074829: 帮忙翻译几句话.初一的.
缪败泻痢: 1. How often does Katy dance?2. How long does Katy dance every day?3. What does Daniel plan to eat for breakfast?4. What does Daniel want to do? What does Daniel plan to do?

南丰县19220074829: 帮忙翻译几句话.初一的. -
缪败泻痢: 1.Katie wants to be a teacher2.Katie takes care of his diet because he wants to be healthy3.Sweets are unhealthy because they can't give people energy4.Katie and Daniel have healthy diet and life style

南丰县19220074829: 帮忙翻译4句话(初一句子)
缪败泻痢: 1. Dose Tom live with his grandparents? No. His grandparents live in the countryside. 2. My auntie usually leases her student dormitory to the students 3. This is a coat with flowers on it. 4. There are something wrong with his ears, so he can hear nothing.

南丰县19220074829: 帮忙翻译几句英语句子
缪败泻痢: This story tells me that people encounter difficulties to help others. Can not work hard when others laugh at other people. People get busy, not lazy

南丰县19220074829: 帮忙几句初中英语翻译!1.许多商店里都卖这种专门为儿童设计的自行车.2.还有一种可能就是穿厚底鞋容易扭伤脚踝.3.如果不能正确区分刹车和油门踏板,就... -
缪败泻痢:[答案] The bike made especally for the children are sold in many stores.There is another posibility that it is easy to twist ankle wearing the thick bottom shoes.It is easy to make an accident if one can not...

南丰县19220074829: 帮忙翻译几句话!初一的!高手进!人工翻译!谢谢!急~~~~ -
缪败泻痢: You mustn't stay at home today,I need you to go shopping with me.He wants to buy the same bike as mine.Amy spends 14yuan buying the presents for Simon and Sandy.The presents for Simon and Sandy cost Amy 14yuan.

南丰县19220074829: 初中英语翻译几句话
缪败泻痢: 1. Weeping and fearing are of no help to us while we are in trouble or in danger. 2. Keeping calm is the only way to help us out of trouble or danger. 3. In fact ,our brain is powerful enough to help us solve any difficult problems. 4. In addition,we should ...

南丰县19220074829: 几句话帮忙用简单英语翻译 急急急急急急急急急求!!!!!!!! -
缪败泻痢: 1. Time is out, the key lies in you would squeeze. 2 don't only immediate enjoyment, long-term vision of a future will be. 3 to learn confidence, have a good attitude. 4 complete homework, will have a good result. 5. The teacher doesn't know as well, ...

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