
作者&投稿:祁叶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Standard Putonghua Proficiency Test Certificate, issued by the Anhui Provincial Language Commission

I have sat for the Standard Putonghua Proficiency Test on December 2, 2014 and assessed as Grade B Level 2.

My Putonghua proficiency has been enhanced to some extent.


Walt Whitman (1819~1892),在1819年5月31在一个长岛农场里出生,他作为美国最重要的诗人而闻名。他在不同的长岛学校里读过书并且为几家报社工作。他出版了一些他的作品,但是直到三十多岁都没有显现些微他独一无二的天赋和想象力。在1855年他自己出版了《Leaves of Grass》。Ralph Waldo Emerson给Whitman写了一封贺信,信中的几行著名的话语有如此多的作家渴望听到:“我发现它是美国为世界贡献的最非同寻常的、幽默和智慧并存的作品……我在你伟大的事业之初向你表示敬意。”1982年3月26日Whitman在新泽西卡姆登逝世,在这之前他出版了《Leaves of Grass》的第九版。许多作家被赞为永恒的,但是Whitman应该用一种特殊的形式来形容。他的诗歌都是关于他自己的,语言朴素简单,尤其是那首令人着迷的《Song of Myself》,这首诗歌赞颂人们心中的极度欢乐。他的诗歌就想日记一样在性别上直率,而且语言的韵律把“自由诗歌”带进了一个新的开始,它就像尺度和押韵从来没有存在过一样。Walt Whitman 对现代世界具的影响意义重大。在描述Walt Whitman在拉丁美洲出现的时候,斯坦福大学的Fernando Alegria教授曾经说过:“在说西班牙语的美国诗歌中研究Whitman就像寻找幽灵的足迹,无所不在,但又无处看见。”

I am an optimistic girl. I always take a positive approach when facing various situations. I am not afraid of failures. I believe that as long as I face the challenges with courage, I would succeed. Hence, whenever I encounter problems, I would overcome them. I am also a meticulous person, and I treat all tasks seriously. I have a lot of hobbies, like having pets, singing, sewing clothes for dolls, etc. I may not be the prettiest, and I may not be the most outstanding, but I am an unique girl and I have my own style.


I am an optimistic girl,I treat everything with optimism.I'm not afraid of failure ,I believe that I will reach any goal with my courage.so,I will conquer every obstacle that I meet.And I am a very careful girl ,I do everything with my determination.
I have many hobbies,for example,feeding the pets,singing,making clothes for dolls..maybe I am not very beautiful,or very special,but I am unique and I have my own style!


I am a very optimistic girl. I always look at things in the bright side. I am not afraid of failure because I believe that if I face the difficulties I will succeed in the end. This is why, whenever I face a challenge I will try to solve it. I am also very detail orientated. I will do everything carefully and not just trying to get it done to get by. I have many interests and hobbies, such as taking care of my pets, singing, making clothes for my dolls....Perhaps I am not very pretty, nor am I outstanding, but I think that I am truly unique. I have my own style.

"I was an optimistic girl. I often use optimistic attitude to face. I fear failure, I believe that as long as brave face difficulty, you will succeed. Therefore, whenever I encounter difficulties, to overcome. I am also a careful girl, I always feeling is conscientious, never careless. I have many hobbies, such as: pets, singing, help baby clothes... maybe I am not pretty, maybe I don't, but I think I'm a unique girl. I have my own style.”

"I am a positive girl. I always go with the face of positive things in mind. I am not afraid of failure, I believe as long as the brave face of difficulties, will succeed. Therefore, whenever they have difficulties to overcome, I will go. Me too a careful girls, my feelings are always serious, never sloppy. I have many interests and hobbies, for example: pets, singing, make doll clothes to help ... maybe I do not pretty, maybe I do not outstanding, But I think my girls are a unique. I have my own style. "

by greens, which make you happy. My hometown is very cold, it is always covered in white, people usually make snowman and have snow fight. Welcome to my hometown---Jilin.这个语法应该没什么大问题,不过你的原稿是有点散文的味道,这个在英文里很难翻出来,我已经尽力了。。

结合查找的专业词汇,现翻译如下,若不周之处,可自行修改,但相信不多。Human pulse signal contains many physiological and pathological information, extracting the pulse signal accurately and effectively makes prevention of diseases earlier. In traditional pulse examing human factor makes a ...

John Denver is the pop music and the country music folk music talent,he is a super singing star, many times occupies the first place in thepopular song and in the village song order list, he or work someclassics likes "Village Path" and "Makes contact with Jet plane" the...

grade!! Each day I miss you!!! Day by day!!!Year by year!! It's near 4 years till now!! I'm eager to speak out the words I LOVE YOU before you!!! But I'm afraid you'll reject me!!童鞋,早恋么?早恋麻烦好好考虑一下,初三了,还有几天就升学考试了,学业为重 ...

性格开朗,责任心强,热心周到, 乐观上进,能吃苦耐劳。在校期间,在学好学校开设的课程外,利用课余时间,对自己的事业尽心尽责,不但跟自己的员工友好相处,而且也得到了辅导班家长们的高度信任和认可。相信在贵公司我也会以执着的工作精神来换取公司对我的信任。翻译:I have strong communication skills ...

HELLO,I have recieved your message(不知道是什么样的信,你自己改),thank you for your attention(不知道你是做什么的用什么类别的关注,你自己改)。 You want it to be made the same as what picture A shows? Picture B shows our products(不知道产品是不是很多,自己改),just have...

帮我用英文把下面的话说一下。 别用词典翻译。
As Chinese, I never hate Americans. I study in Florida. I get along well with my teacher and classmates. They all like me very much. I don't know when the saying "Chinese hate Americans" have started. So our situation is the same. I only want to say, no matter Chinese ...

欧洲的翻译资格考试非常发达,尽管他们统一了货币;尽管领导人在一起说的是英文或者是法文或者是德文,他们是所有的文件都要翻译成欧盟各个成员国本国文种。所以欧洲是翻译量最多的一个大陆之一。外企老板希望他们的员工有一个统一的翻译资格认证。 最后我要强调一点,我们这个考试目前是实验,毕竟是二十年来我们第一次...

第三天.我跨进北京故宫.从宏伟的紫禁城经过.在北京的天坛上采野花 The third day, I entered the summer palace, passed through the big forbidden city, and I picked wild flowers in Beijing's temple.第四天.最后一天的游玩.我把全部精力都放在写日记上.记下在北京前三天的点点滴滴 (觉得用...

翻译:Help me to take a look at this .希望能帮到你,望采纳!

和龙市13694274746: 请帮我英文翻译一下. -
狄庄依克: Staurday,August 23,2010 sunny I finally got to go to see the Expo!It's like a dream come true for me.I shall learn as much as I can to take this oppotunity to improve myself.

和龙市13694274746: 请帮我用英文翻译!!!谢谢 -
狄庄依克: Hi,nice to meet you! I'm LXM,my hometown is Luoding,my favrite food is chicken wings.My dream is certainly not a small matter, but great and so far away.thank you!

和龙市13694274746: 请帮我用英文翻译
狄庄依克: 致那些认为得到别人的帮忙是理所当然的人:人活着就要心存感激,请记住每个帮助过你的人,并学会感谢,如果你连这点都做不到,那你的生命还有价值吗?? To those who are taking others's help for granted: We should be grateful as long as ...

和龙市13694274746: 请用英文帮我翻译下 -
狄庄依克: He loves mountain climbing.Yes, he always talk with me.He will not tell us if there is something bad. But we all know that, and try to talk to him about that.You are welcome.

和龙市13694274746: 请帮我翻译一下 用英语 -
狄庄依克: Hello, I am your beloved classmate Caroline, you are a special laughing boys, slightly annoying, but in the Mid-Autumn Festival, or wish you 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 字典 - 查看字典详细内容

和龙市13694274746: 请帮我用英语翻译一小段中文
狄庄依克: As a result of day after day the storm, the school decided that will be originally scheduled for January 20 winter vacation ahead of time (on January 10) this semester test to postpone to tomorrow to next semester begins school at the beginning, will ...

和龙市13694274746: 请帮我用英文翻译这段话 谢谢 -
狄庄依克: please change this to english,thank you

和龙市13694274746: 请帮我用英文翻译一下、 -
狄庄依克: Curiosity, the feeling of freshness and the need to possese are different from simply liking something.Don't be a selfish person.Fight for what you really want.

和龙市13694274746: 帮我用英文翻译下中文
狄庄依克: that bike is theirs those bags are theirs this is my book these postcards are yours

和龙市13694274746: 请帮我用英语翻译一下,急求! -
狄庄依克: 1.不要在林中用火,以便保护环境 Don't set fire in the forest in order to protect the environment. 2.不要乱扔垃圾,离开时,请把废纸,塑料袋带走 Don't litter at random...

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