
作者&投稿:东野全 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Earthquake (earthquake) global earthquake every year about five million five hundred thousand times.
Earthquake often cause serious casualties, can cause fires, floods, toxic gas leakage, bacteria and radioactive substances diffusion, may also cause tsunamis, landslide, collapse, ground fissure, etc secondary disaster.
临震应急准备1. 备好临震急用物品,2. 建立临震避难场所、吃和住的问题,是一件大事。
Imminent earthquake emergency preparation 1. Ready for the imminent urgent need items, 2) to establish the imminent shelter, eating and living problems, is a great thing.
3. 划定疏散场所,转运危险物品4. 设置伤员急救中心 在城内抗震能力强的场所,或在城外设置急救中心,备好床位、医疗器械、照 明设备和药品等。
3. Defined for evacuation, transport dangerous goods 4. Set the wounded first aid center in the town seismic ability place, or outside the city set up emergency center, ready for bed, medical equipment, according to Ming equipment and medicine, etc.
5. 暂停公共活动6. 组织人员撤离并转移重要财产7. 做好家庭防震准备
5. Stop public activity organization personnel evacuation and transfer important property 7. Do family shock preparation

Nowadays, phenomenon of late marriage is getting more and more common. What exactly is the reason that causes it ? What consequence it shall lead to? Next, I shall provide you all an analysis about it.
Number 1, people are getting married late is because this is the rapid growth period of our country. The modern lifestyle rythm is getting faster and faster. Work press is piling on, inflation and property prices are rocketing. Many young people cannot even afford to buy their own home , let alone get married!
Number 2, Huge changes of pre-married and post-married: Money made before the marriage, which would only be spent by yourself, doing whatever you like, and life is so free. But when you are married and have children, apart from the cost to keep the children, there will be midnight changing of diapers and feedings, have to tolerate their crying noises and imagine those times that you have to spend on taking care of them, which means that you have to say good bye to those free, good old days!
There are still many reasons for getting married later, which I can't list them all out one by one here. And the most serious consequence of late marriage is the aging of the population. Young people are the pillars of a country, an aging population would affect the society's development. And from there shall lead to a string of problems.


HELLO,I have recieved your message(不知道是什么样的信,你自己改),thank you for your attention(不知道你是做什么的用什么类别的关注,你自己改)。 You want it to be made the same as what picture A shows? Picture B shows our products(不知道产品是不是很多,自己改),just have a look,please. Our products can be made into volume production。
As for the BCC as you mentioned,we can alter it based on the original funderation according to your demands.(更改不知道事修改,还是改造,自己改)

Hello, thanks for your attention and I have received your letter, your purpose is to make A picture look like it is in? B pictures are pictures of our products, please see our product can be produced, as you said BCC that, we can according to your specific requirements, based on the original and then make the appropriate changes .

hello ,thanks for your attention ,i ‘ve got your letter .do you want to make it the same as the picture a ? our product is shown in the picture B ,please have a look .We can achieve this and repeat it.when it mentions to the bbc , we can make some change according to the original foundation
能力有限 见谅~~

Hi Mr/Ms ... ,

Thank you for so much concern. I have received your letters(email?)Did you want to make the part as picture A shows? Please note Picture B is our current product and we can mass produce.As for the BCC model you mentioned, we can modificate upon exist one base on your specified requirement.

Hello, thanks for your attention and I have received your letter, your purpose is to make A picture look like it is in? our product is shown in the picture B ,please have a look .We can achieve this and repeat it.when it mentions to the bbc , we can make some change according to the original foundation

“我”翻译成英文是:“I”。i 发音:英 [aɪ];美 [aɪ]翻译:pron. (代词)我(人称代词,表示第一人称单数主格形式)短语搭配 i quit 我退出;我辞职;我放弃 i am fine 我没事;我很好 so do i 我也一样;我也是 双语例句 I don't like bananas.我不喜欢香蕉。I didn'...


i am mine

我I (主格) 我me (宾格) 我的mine(名词性物主代词) 我的my(形容词性物主代词) 我自己myself(我自己 反身代词)

1. I,me,my2. we or our字:我拼音:wǒ字意:自称,自己,亦指自己一方:我们。我见(我自己的看法)。我辈。我侪(我们)。自我。我盈彼竭。人尔敌笔画数:7;部首:戈;我I;me;人;尔;敌;吾;我 wǒ ㄨㄛˇ(1)(会意,从戈。“我”表示兵器。甲骨文字形象兵器形。本义:兵器...

me 或者 I。

我 英文怎么翻译


翻译:I am what I am 或I am who I am 两者都是可以的。例句:1、I am what I am (1)I am what I am because of him;由于他,我成为了现在的我;(2)I'm sorry, campanula, but I am what I am.对不起,坎帕努拉。但是我就是我。2、I am who I am (1)For one thing,...

反身代词 我自己myself 他自己himself 她自己herself 它自己itself 你自己yourself 你们自己yourselves 他们自己themselves 我们自己ourselves

万秀区17830687277: 帮我翻译成英文?? -
狄鲁复方: 1. What do you want to buy?2. How many do you want?3. Eight yuan.4. Sorry it can't be less.5. You need to wait for 10 minutes.6. Please MSN me the next time before you come. I'll get the goods prepared and you can come directedly to get them.7. Nice cooperation! See you next time!

万秀区17830687277: 帮我翻译成英文 -
狄鲁复方: My world,DON'T leave me.!I LOVE YOU!注意强调语气

万秀区17830687277: 帮我翻译成英文!
狄鲁复方: 这是我的房间.This is my room. 我的书在桌子上面.My books are om my desk. 我的钢笔在床上面.My pen is on my bed. 我的帽子和棒球在我的书包里.My cap and my baseball is in my backpack.

万秀区17830687277: 帮我翻译成英文~ -
狄鲁复方: the story i'm going to tell is..."名字"在此是可以不译的,因为已经有很明显的暗示

万秀区17830687277: 帮我翻译成英语 -
狄鲁复方: 1. in the peaceful suburb or the countryside 2. big library, the big athletic field 3. daily two classes, the massive time reads 4. time establishment 9:00 am to attend class, 3:00 pm fi...

万秀区17830687277: 帮我翻译成英文...谢谢 -
狄鲁复方: Lin Zi Gui, I am so afraid of losing you .Please treasure this feeling, can you?没道理用过去式was的 am就可以了 用ok?做反问一般是上下级关系很不客气 用一般的反问形式就可以了

万秀区17830687277: 中文帮我翻译成英文
狄鲁复方: E.T. ,A young extraterrestrial being who is stayed carelessly in on earth by the companion, young Ailiaote good and honest discovers , he collects furtively being holding out on mother but lucky cover to have left lonely helpless E.T. ,Give it the dog , ...

万秀区17830687277: 帮我翻译成英文 -
狄鲁复方: The skull that appeared on the wall is dripping tears of blood.或者Tears of blood can be seen dripping down from the skull which appeared on the wall.或者A skull surfaced on the wall, cr...

万秀区17830687277: 帮我翻译成英文!!! -
狄鲁复方: Surprising love needs more time to cure.

万秀区17830687277: 帮我翻译成英语 -
狄鲁复方: Country under the sun shone. TBS, the darling of God

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