
作者&投稿:富季 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译英文句子。 不要机器直译的哦!!!!~

We hope that people will get information for this SF story that man are growing up in furnaces.


1. As 20 centuries, the most important one of invention , computer aspect apply to our life possessions all broadly. 2. First, the computer and modern science and technology become a global village beyond doubt with the world. 3. But if turn over is all these factors, the benefit that public school educates exceeds the benefit that private school educates. 4. From what higher authority discusses that, conclusion that our at last reaches: The company ought to encourage the above person of 55-year-old to retire , to give the rising generation more chances thereby. 5. Therefore, positive what our knows is had no not hesitating to the computer in education field by extensive use, but the teacher in class still pricks up the important effect. 6. One of the responsibility besides, being the government to the youth education. 7. Therefore, from what higher authority discusses that, people can only reach this conclusion: Although theory knowledge can't have use, but university certain should provide a little practice training much. 8. After knowing cause above, can be very clear and definite now saying: Gaining a little work experience before choice studies in university is sagacious movement. 9. Do not seldom put up this conclusion after thinking still carefully now: Protecting an animal only when choosing is really sagacious.


1. one of as the 20th century most important inventions, the computer all aspect widespread application which lived in us. 2. first, the undoubtedly, the computer and the modern science and technology becomes the world a global village. but if 3. considered carefully all these factors, the Public school education's advantage surpasses the Private school education the advantage. 4., we who discusses from above finally obtain conclusion: The company must encourage 55 year-old above person retirement, thus gives young generation of more opportunities. therefore 5., the direct positive I understood not, although the computer is widely applied in the educational fields, but the teacher still raised up the vital role in the classroom. 6. other, to the youth the education is one of government's responsibilities. therefore 7., discusses from above, the people can only draw this conclusion: Although the theoretical knowledge also has certain use, but the university should provide some practice training. 8. after understanding above reason, now may say very explicitly: Before the choice goes to college, obtains some work experience is the unwise action. 9. present, after again careful consideration, is not difficult to draw this conclusion: Only the choice protect animals are unwise.

1. As 20 centuries, the most important one of invention , computer aspect apply to our life possessions all broadly. 2. First, the computer and modern science and technology become a global village beyond doubt with the world. 3. But if turn over is all these factors, the ben...

1、正如科学家所预言的那样,全球污染成了人类面临的最严重的问题之一。(global)Just as the scientists conjectured, the global pollution become to the one of the most serious problems that human being have to face.2、谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈——今年的求职者(applicant)是去年的五倍。...

2. 他在我措手不及的时候捧着玫瑰花出现,给我热泪盈眶的惊喜。Every time I’m not myself, he always out there with roses in hands. There is nothing but bursting into tears.3. 他记得我最在乎的事,惦记着我最爱的人,一步一步帮我实现未完成的梦想。He cares about what I most ...


Aloe oil (芦荟油) アロエオイル PPB(尼泊金丙酯) プロピルパラベン Glycerin (甘油) グリセリン P.G (丙二醇) プロピレングリコール Xanthan gum(汉生胶) キサンタンガム AM20 (甜菜碱保湿剂) ベタイン保湿剤 Water 水 MPB (尼泊金甲酯) ...

麻烦高人帮忙翻一下下面这段文字 翻译成英文 谢谢!
Learning is the foundation for the work which it is so important,学习是为工作打基础,所以很重要,at the same time, we have to participate the work actively so as to obtain more work experience when we are studying in the university.Because i really think that the combination of ...

1。His dancing skills have been improved a lot since 2009.2. He is the last person who joined this team.3.His brave earned him lots of respect from other people.4. He is gratitude to everything.

高手帮忙做几个翻译 高分奉上啊
1.爱国主义作为一个历史的概念,象中国古代的"天下兴亡,匹夫有责"的国家、民族利益至上观念,公而忘私、国而忘家的大公无私观念,不忘国耻,忧国忧民的民族忧患意识,精忠报国、舍身取义、勇赴国难的英勇献身精神,等等,都是这种民族精神的具体体现。1. The patriotism took a historical the concept,...

帮帮团 认证团队 合伙人 企业 媒体 政府 其他组织 商城 法律 手机答题 我的 麻烦高手翻译几个历史词语,多谢! 写一个东西要用到一些历史专用名词,但是手头没有专门的词典,只好在此请教达人,麻烦各位了。如果有推荐的历史专业在线或不在线词典更好,多谢多谢!尚书,牧誓,牧野,武王伐纣,纣... 写一...

Abundant energy; strong sense of responsibility and the spirit of innovation.Beijing *** (2005\/11--2006\/09)Industry: institutions Title: Human Resources Management Department staff Job Description: responsible for day-to-day administrative work, skilled use of office automation equipment, ...

建水县19549425048: 这几个句子麻烦高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢1.ifting the heavy box, I suddenly understood that no matter how negative his words had seemed, nothing could erase ... -
谈窦天诚:[答案] 1.抬起盒子的一瞬间,我忽然理解了不管他的话听上去有多么消极,没有什么能够抹去他一片片填满盒子的具体动作,即使我离开了他 2.当我回想时,清晰的明白他已经不经意的记住了全部那些,为避免破坏我们快乐而被隐藏的的事情

建水县19549425048: 请高手帮忙翻译两句话,着急用,十分感谢!!
谈窦天诚: Please make enough room for the spare parts in the storage room. reduce the forklift picking time, improve the work efficiency, and reduce the possibility of damage.

建水县19549425048: 麻烦各位朋友帮我翻译下下面那段话,译成英文,十分感谢! -
谈窦天诚: At that moment, we hugged tightly, we fell in love, without too many words;At that moment, your hug was so warm and also warmed my heart;the first...

建水县19549425048: 麻烦英文高手帮助翻译以下句子.不胜感谢.
谈窦天诚: 你可以使用“有道“翻译 —— 我不能告诉你我是多么的希望我和你现在知道你难过.我想做的一切,请您让你感觉满意所以需要.我真的很想陪伴你,因为我知道如果我是我能成为一个良好的支持.我希望你得到一些睡眠.也请握紧你的花瓶,他们对你是重要的,他们是如此美丽,这是不公平的,如果你不得不卖掉他们.

建水县19549425048: 麻烦日语高手帮忙翻译几个句子,谢谢 -
谈窦天诚: 1、睡过头了 寝すぎてしましました 寝坊した2、那时正好有事 あの时はちょうど用事がありまして あの时ちょうど用があった3、强装笑脸好累 作れた笑颜がどっても疲れます 作れた笑颜が超疲れる4、由于工作原因,平时比较忙 仕事の原因で普段は忙しいです 仕事のせいで普段は忙しい5、有没有其它和这款类似的游戏呢?他にこれと似たようなゲームがありませんか?他に似てるゲームはないの?6、中文都是由汉字组成的 中国语は全部汉字で成り立てます 中国语はすべて汉字なんですね7、能认识你真好 あなたとお知り合いましてとても幸いです あなたと知り合ってよかった===== 所以句子全部翻译成两种,前者是敬语型,后者是口语型.

建水县19549425048: 句子英译中麻烦各位能人帮忙翻译以下句子,无甚感激!1.None of the servants were available when Mr.Smith wanted to send a message.2.Convenience ... -
谈窦天诚:[答案] 1.当史密斯先生需要发送消息时,那些仆人都不在. 2.即可烹饪的方便食品在杂货店可买到. 3.没有从主干道通向那座房子的... 5.因部分大陆被茂密森林覆盖,到达南美部分地区仍有困难. 6.他现在束手无策了,你的意见对他来说极其宝贵. 7.虽然知道这...

建水县19549425048: 英语#麻烦大家帮忙翻译几个句子,谢谢哈1.美国一项研究显示,每周只少用一晚智能手机,即有助提升上班族的工作表现和幸福感.2.众所周知,今天的智能... -
谈窦天诚:[答案] 1.美国一项研究显示,每周只少用一晚智能手机,即有助提升上班族的工作表现和幸福感. According to a U.S. research, ... 2.众所周知,今天的智能机已经非常普遍,它带给我们许多便利的同时,也带来了许多麻烦 As we all know, the universal ...

建水县19549425048: 麻烦帮忙翻译2句 句子 谢谢 -
谈窦天诚: 第一句翻译同上 第二句:只有你去我才去.

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