
作者&投稿:家青 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Love is just too much expectation, too eager to money, as we would like to have it both ways, do not know if this will not happen between the collision between love and money Who better to win, everyone may have a different point of view , Different conclusions. Money, love and who will find only a cognitive differences only.


The story reflects the variety of people around the competition for such a beautiful garden and the old houses and other property, five days in a murder case that occurred until the analysis and detection, the entire process of receiving the money. 

The story describes a mother and children were among the scores. Originally, human love is the most beautiful things in the world. The money is an indispensable element of a family's material conditions. However, to obtain money to build a proper way in the basis. 

This story can be murder for love. In order to obtain money, the wife can be killed by her husband. Each family member because of the demand for different interests, I would like to receive the property from his mother. 

Finally, in his mother's birthday that night, it was poisoning her. Then who did? Although every member of the family hated her mother, but her a slip of the tongue of a word, so I know that earlier than the detectives of the perpetrators of the killings.






The story reflects the variety of people around the competition for such a beautiful garden and the old houses and other property, five days in a murder case that occurred until the analysis and detection, the entire process of receiving the money. The story describes a mother and children were among the scores. Originally, human love is the most beautiful things in the world. The money is an indispensable element of a family's material conditions. However, to obtain money to build a proper way in the basis. This story can be murder for love. In order to obtain money, the wife can be killed by her husband. Each family member because of the demand for different interests, I would like to receive the property from his mother. Finally, in his mother's birthday that night, it was poisoning her. Then who did? Although every member of the family hated her mother, but her a slip of the tongue of a word, so I know that earlier than the detectives of the perpetrators of the killings. Control of the family and the victims are mothers. Daughter of the gardener and home gardens in love, the mother has abandoned gardener economic distress, rather than agree to this match. Therefore, the gardener, she hopes to buy half of the garden, the mother very angry. While her little daughter because they know what killed the mother and father get things garden and house, often used to coerce mothers, a lot of money extortion. This taxing mother. The son would like to garden in her mother's co-launching with a friend in order to obtain more profits, the mother does not agree. Therefore, everyone hates her death, she hated everyone. In this family there is no love, affection, and only money is full of money.

◆◇╮逝爱... 08月17日



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