
作者&投稿:郑质 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This article reflects the different kinds of people compete with such a beautiful garden and ancient houses and other property, five days before the murder of the whole process of analysis and detection.Each family member because the interests of the different requirements to receive his mother's property.Finally, in his mother's birthday that night poisoning her.Who did it?Each family member who hate her mother, and everyone has a reason.So, everyone hate her, she also hate everyone.There is no love the family, affection, only money.

This article reflects the different kinds of people compete with such a beautiful garden and ancient houses and other property, five days before the murder of the whole process of analysis and detection.Each family member because the interests of the different requirements to receive his mother's property.Finally, in his mother's birthday that night poisoning her.Who did it?Each family member who hate her mother, and everyone has a reason.So, everyone hate her, she also hate everyone.There is no love the family, affection, only money.

范文:My feeling is that people's hearts are sinister. All the people in Clarkson's family have hungry wolf eyes and stare eagerly at Molly's huge property. 

Everyone is looking forward to her early death and getting her countless real estate and shocking huge inheritance, including her biological daughter, Diana and son Roger, They all need the money urgently to pay for their luxurious life.

Jackie, the other daughter, resented her mother's disapproval of her marriage to Tom, another gardener; There is also Molly's brother-in-law Albert, who urgently needs the money to treat his wife. But no one really loved Molly.



True love is not necessarily a perfect match in the eyes of others
But people who love each other each other's heart each other
Is to make them live better and devote quietly
This love not only with their own warm, also wen run those secular heart
True love is in can love, know how to be grateful
True love is to love, know how to let go
Because that letting go is having everything...
Please cherish the time and have a good to love
True love is a kind of concern and care, from inner no gorgeous words, no grandstanding action, only you can feel in dribs and drabs in word and deed. So plain so firmly. And swear, promised that its not sure, don't ever believe that sweet words. Feel it with your heart

Ren Shijian, in real life there really love you » Chan He does not love impurities there? » I was certainly convinced that, I believe the existence of true love, now the letter, but I think such a thing likely too small, you probably will not happen in my possession, but I still believe that it is there! No, we should firmly believe that! Maybe I said it's a bit whimsical, let us return to reality, you say the experience is like the shadow of many people sad, of course, the existence of love, but in the present time, everything is all so true , Then the explicit, really do not want to mention that all "money", however, it is like ghost, you are all about! Of course, including emotions, the love you! Everyone has the impulse to the pursuit of love, starting the moment everything is so beautiful, so people Xinzui, so no worries, no worry! When we go on the way in reality, the "ghost" there, so it took us silently to the impulse, our enthusiasm, our endurance, let us think of a better finish increasingly blurred, so What about » Taking notice of us! In fact, each person's happiness, can be grasped in its own.


Jackie, the other daughter, resented her mother's disapproval of her marriage to Tom, another gardener; There is also Molly's brother-in-law Albert, who urgently needs the money to treat his wife. But no one really loved Molly.我的感受就是人心险恶,在克拉克森家中所有的人都怀着...

也许我说的有点异想天开吧,让我们回到现实中,你说的经历好象也是很多人伤心的影子,诚然,有爱的存在,可是在现在的时间中,一切的一切都是那么的真实,那么的露骨,真是不想处处提到那个“钱”字,然而,它就像是幽灵,左右着你的一切!当然包括的情感,你的爱! 每个人都有追求真爱的冲动,在起跑的瞬间一切都是那么的美...


Love or Money Today, I read a book called LOVE OR MONEY, After reading this novel, I had so much feelings now, let me tell you. The novel told a story that the connection of love and money. There was a family,the Clarksons.The family had three Childs,two daughter,...

Money is not the most important thing in our life.Love is the most important thing on earth.Love and money can be hypocritical flowers of symbiosis or tears of hurt.Every young man and woman in the city can't escape thinking and choosing between them.In my opinion,love and mo...

随着宴会的举办不难发现,不止小女儿觊觎母亲的金钱,儿子,邻居,姐夫以及和莫丽住在一起的女儿杰基也对她的金钱虎视眈眈。其中纠缠皆不同,但都是为了钱。  其中一条爱情线是莫丽和她的丈夫。50岁之前的莫丽也是一个觊觎丈夫金钱的女士,于是她暗暗谋划开车撞死了丈夫,拥有了万贯家财的支配权...




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