
作者&投稿:沙军 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello,every passengers!(改下,把cross 改为pass through)
We are passing through the city of Nanchong now,which is located in the Northeast of Sichuan Basin, exsits in the middle area of Jialing River.It also becomes the west of XiaoPing's hometown,at one time,it is joined with ChongQin in the South,joint with Chengdu in the east,contacted with Guangyuan in the North.
Nanchong have the right of three counties and five sections and a city,with a dimensionality of 12479 square kilometres,havintg a population of seven million and forty hundred and nine .
Nanchong is a important area of east of Sichuang,with the three hundred long beautiful and long Jialin River on its bed(记住,这里是比喻),also obtaining quantities of exciting moutains and water.Nanchong is a famous place of trip interests,which contains lots of excellent sence ,highframe age-old and monuments(名胜).Also, there is one of four Chinese most famous old cities,such as a Chu encouraged - gem Mountain Scenic Area; a three cultural sources - Western Hills rolls of floor here.


How to master Specialized English of Computer
Specialized English of Computer is indispensable for students who major in it, and the very first step to master it is to practise it consistently.
What learning of a language needs most is persistence. We've been learning English for more than ten years, yet professional English requests us to put more energy in it!
At the very beginning, be diligent in memorizing specialized vocabularies related, which we're all lacking in. This is because daily English conversations are already familiar to us. Thus we should put more thoughts into memorizing those we don't use more in daily life.
Furthermore, strengthen related knowledge to computer and try to combine English learning with computere theory. In this way, your overall ability will be enhanced.
Lastly, mentality. We're supposed to attach importance to psychological aspect, telling us not to be embarrassed about some mistakes we make. And we should have a faith that we're able to learn it well.
I strongly believe that, with the three points above done, you will surely master Specialized English of Computer.

mr li, a musical school young teacher, he wanted to be rich,then he become a singer,but failed,he is depressed.
one day, li met a migrant worker,a strange idea came to li's mind because the migrant worker has a harse voice. li asked" why do you have harse voice?" migrant worker ansered"in my hometown, the water is bitter,drinking for a long time, all the people in my hometown have got the harse voice" li said"do u want to be rich?" migrant worker said"really want" li said"you can be rich just doing what i said" migrant worker "ok" later, the migrant worker is illiteracy and don't know the music book, li taught him in the way that li sang one song, migrant boy repeated, but the migrant boy always out of tune. two months later, li became the migrant worker's broker. they hold a concert. at firt performance, the migrant boy clean his face,but still unkempt,wearing poor clothes, singing like duck shouting, to our surprise, he became famouse star. up to one year, the migrant worker have millions income,so did mr li.


so crazy

i feel scary...这是白话文来的

Li, a young music teacher of a vocal music conservatory, wished to make a fortune by becoming a pop singer, but he did not succeed and retired with frustration.

One day, Li met a rural wage-earner, who had a hoarse voice. Then li had an idea. Li asked him: "Why do you have such a hoarse voice?" The wage-earner said: "The water in my hometown is bitter. People there have been drinking it for a long time, so they all have the voice disease." Li said: "Would you like to make a fortune?" The wage-earner said: "Very much." Li said: "You will get rich quickly if you listen to me." The wage-earner said: "OK." Subsequently, because the wage-earn was illiterate and knew nothing about music notes, Li taught him singing like a parrot imitating its master and often going out of tune, but the wage-earner had an excellent memory. Two months passed and Li became the agent of the wage-earner. He organized a personal solo concert for the wage-earner (stage name "Ugly Duckling"). In his first show, the wage-earner cleaned his dirty face, but still had the untidy look, wearing dirty work clothes. He sang like a duck shouting loudly and became a new star at one stroke. In less than a year, the wage-earner earned a million while Li already had millions of deposits.

A certain Mr Lee,who is a young music teacher teaching in Music Academy, is eager to get rich. So he turned popular singer, but never succeeded and finally got out of that field in low spirits.

One day, Mr Lee ran across a migrant worker, who had a hoarse voice, and got a wonderful idea. Mr Lee asked the worker,"Why is your voice so hoarse?"
"It's because of the bitter water in my hometown," answered the worker,"I have drunk so much this water,so I get a voice like this."
Mr Lee asked,"Do you want to be rich?"
"Of course!"the worker replied.
"Follow my advice, and you will get rich easily."
The worker answered,"Yes!"
Howver, the worker was literate and didn't even know anything about opern. Mr Lee taught him to sing but he couldn't learn anything and was always out of tune.
Two months later, as the his broker, Mr. Lee held a solo concert for the worker, whose stage name was ugly duckling.
In the first performance, with washed face but unkempt hair and raunchy cloths, the worker song like a duck.Unexpectedly,he got popular soon and became a new star.
No more than one year, this worker became a millionaire, and Mr.Lee already had several millions.

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