
作者&投稿:氐娜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have listened to a song,it's about a girl named Lucky
She is a Hollywood movie star.rich and popular to people,often take part in virous reception and entertainment.
But sometimes she felt pain at the bottom of her heart,because the
pressure of work often make her cry till the morning.

After listening this song,I find that the inside world of a star never like what people thought,for the stars should undertake pressure several times than ordinary people.


November 24,1859 was a special day in London. On that day,many Londoners rushed to a bookstore to buy a book that was just published. The first printing of 1,250 copies sold out on the firet day.The popular book was The Origin of Species by British naturalist Charles Darwin. In the book,Darwin argued that different forms of life could change over time because of natural selection.This means that only those who are best suited to their environment will live and reproduce.
1859年11月24日是伦敦的一个特殊的日子。这一天,许多伦敦人赶到书店买了刚刚出版的一本书。 第一次印刷的1250册在当天就销售一空。这本畅销书是由英国博物学家查尔斯达尔文所著的《物种起源》。在这本书中,达尔文认为,生命的不同形式因自然的选择可以随着时间的推移而变化。这意味着,只有那些最适应生存环境的生物才能繁衍下去。

Darwin supported his arguments with examples he found during his around-the-world trip in The 1830s.The book laid the foundation of modern biology It changed how other scientists understood the appearance of life on Earth.

A hundred and fifty years later, Darwin's theory of natural selection still has great influence in the world of science. But some people have a question:since medicine and modern life have made people healthier, are we still evolving by natural selection?

The answer is yes, according to Stphen Sterns and his team of Yale University researchers.They did a study on 2,238 women in the US. They found that shorter, heavier women have more children than thinner,taller ones. This trend runs among their female children and grandchildren. So if this continues, women in 400 years will be about 2cm shorter and a klio heavier.
的答案是肯定的,根据耶鲁大学的Stphen Sterns(斯蒂芬.斯特恩)和他的研究团队对2238名美国妇女所作的研究,发现身材较矮小,体重较重的妇女往往比瘦高的妇女有更多的孩子,而且这个趋势一直往她们的女儿和外孙女延续。如果这种情况持续下去,400多年后的妇女将变矮2厘米,增重1公斤。

Sterns' findings are supported by other scientists.For example, John Hawks at the University of Wisconsin humans.Those variations allow people to drink milk, fight disease and improve brain development.

"The gale blows, swings, the wind has stopped, also very relaxed the heavy rain to come, to bend the back to let the rain pouring, the rain stop has gained ground the station pin... ... " Whenever hears this first song, I can think about that to remain obscure long forever under the people foot grass.
After that is storm, I stand after the courtyard the big mouth am sucking in the rain the fresh air. As soon as lowers the head, a remnant Ye Bai Chinese prickly ash tree and some scattered about wild flowers map my view. I shake the head, also looks pours on the place the grass, is sighing wind and rain heartlessness.
I am cleaning in courtyard this piece of disorder, while I bend the waist ascends the fallen leaf time, discovered a grass slowly has straightened up the waist unexpectedly! Then second, third... ... To 10 minutes, nearly all grasses all re站直! I am dumfounded. Again has a look the flower and the tree, their old style, again has not been able to restore the original design actually. One kind arises spontaneously to the grass's sentiment of admiration. Several crystal clear dewdrop stand still on grass's body under, shines in the sunlight appears 晶莹剔透, reflects a grass bluer onion to be deep green.
From now henceforth, my not envy tree big stiff, does not love the flower tender and delicate gorgeous, the alone love grass tenacious is tenacious, it let me feel the life, has felt the hope, drove I 奋发向上.

"big wind, hiding our heads if a quake, the wind stopped, and upright waist heavy rain, Wanzhe back to 1993-2000, Yuting a lift up our heads Zhanzhi feet : :" Every time I heard this song, I will always think of the unsung people feet long in the plant. It is a storm, I Zhanzaiyuanzili a big mouth suck pure and fresh air after the rain. A bow, a flat defeated the Huajiaoshu sticks and some pieces of wild flowers come to my front. I shakes her head and was looking at the tree fell to the floor of things, the relentless sigh of wind and rain. I sweep the yard of this piece ended, when I stoop up leaves when he found a plant slowly upright the waist! Then two trees, three trees : : Less than 10 minutes, almost all things are re-Zhanzhi! I stun. Look at the flowers and trees, they are fired, no longer have to restore it. To recreate a feeling of admiration arises spontaneously. Several things glistening dewdrop 305,200 in the body, in the light of the sun is sparkling, more green features a dark green plant. Henceforth, I do not envy the tall trees upright, not unless the tender and delicate beautiful flowers, the indomitable perseverance independence love things, it let me feel life, the feeling of hope that inspired me to strive upward.

Great wind, hiding our heads if a quake, the wind stopped, and upright waist heavy rain, Wanzhe back to 1993-2000, Yuting a lift up our heads Zhanzhi feet : : "Every time I heard this song, I will always think of the unsung people feet long in the plant. It is a storm, I Zhanzaiyuanzili a big mouth suck pure and fresh air after the rain. A bow, a flat defeated the Huajiaoshu sticks and some pieces of wild flowers come to my front. I shakes her head and was looking at the tree fell to the floor of things, the relentless sigh of wind and rain. I sweep the yard of this piece ended, when I stoop up leaves when he found a plant slowly upright the waist! Then two trees, three trees : : Less than 10 minutes, almost all things are re-Zhanzhi! I stun. Look at the flowers and trees, they are fired, no longer have to restore it. To recreate a feeling of admiration arises spontaneously. Several things glistening dewdrop 305,200 in the body, in the light of the sun is sparkling, more green features a dark green plant. Henceforth, I do not envy the tall trees upright, not unless the tender and delicate beautiful flowers, the indomitable perseverance independence love things, it let me feel life, the feeling of hope that inspired me to strive upward.

"big wind, hiding our heads if a quake, the wind stopped, and upright waist heavy rain, Wanzhe back to 1993-2000, Yuting a lift up our heads Zhanzhi feet : :" Every time I heard this song, I will always think of the unsung people feet long in the plant. It is a storm, I Zhanzaiyuanzili a big mouth suck pure and fresh air after the rain. A bow, a flat defeated the Huajiaoshu sticks and some pieces of wild flowers come to my front. I shakes her head and was looking at the tree fell to the floor of things, the relentless sigh of wind and rain. I sweep the yard of this piece ended, when I stoop up leaves when he found a plant slowly upright the waist! Then two trees, three trees : : Less than 10 minutes, almost all things are re-Zhanzhi! I stun. Look at the flowers and trees, they are fired, no longer have to restore it. To recreate a feeling of admiration arises spontaneously. Several things glistening dewdrop 305,200 in the body, in the light of the sun is sparkling, more green features a dark green plant. Henceforth, I do not envy the tall trees upright, not unless the tender and delicate beautiful flowers, the indomitable perseverance independence love things, it let me feel life, the feeling of hope that inspired me to strive upward.

Great wind, hiding our heads if a quake, the wind stopped, and upright waist heavy rain, Wanzhe back to 1993-2000, Yuting a lift up our heads Zhanzhi feet : : "Every time I heard this song, I will always think of the unsung people feet long in the plant. It is a storm, I Zhanzaiyuanzili a big mouth suck pure and fresh air after the rain. A bow, a flat defeated the Huajiaoshu sticks and some pieces of wild flowers come to my front. I shakes her head and was looking at the tree fell to the floor of things, the relentless sigh of wind and rain. I sweep the yard of this piece ended, when I stoop up leaves when he found a plant slowly upright the waist! Then two trees, three trees : : Less than 10 minutes, almost all things are re-Zhanzhi! I stun. Look at the flowers and trees, they are fired, no longer have to restore it. To recreate a feeling of admiration arises spontaneously. Several things glistening dewdrop 305,200 in the body, in the light of the sun is sparkling, more green features a dark green plant. Henceforth, I do not envy the tall trees upright, not unless the tender and delicate beautiful flowers, the indomitable perseverance independence love things, it let me feel life, the feeling of hope that inspired me to strive upward.

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镇坪县19478978422: 帮我翻一片英语文章行吗? -
邲响人胎: "big wind, hiding our heads if a quake, the wind stopped, and upright waist heavy rain, Wanzhe back to 1993-2000, Yuting a lift up our heads Zhanzhi feet : :" Every time I heard this song, I will always think of the unsung people feet long in the plant....

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邲响人胎: Cheap airplane tickets. To fly for less money, you can buy non-refundable plane tickets two or three months before your trip. The cheapest way to fly is as a courier. In return for delivering a package for a courier company, you get a plane ...

镇坪县19478978422: 帮我翻译一篇英语文章 -
邲响人胎: 给你三篇,你选一篇吧. The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not ...

镇坪县19478978422: 帮我翻译一篇英语文章!意思差不多就行! -
邲响人胎: 她是我的朋友.她非常美丽.她有一个亭亭玉立的身形,与白色和天鹅绒皮肤和黄色头发. 她眼睛非常明亮.她的嘴和鼻子是非常小,但是非常美丽的.当她微笑时,您能看到在她的...

镇坪县19478978422: 帮我翻译一篇简单的英语文章 -
邲响人胎: 最有名的食物,在这里,韩国kimchi.it是粮食,我们每天吃的.有大约190种kimchi.each的地方有不同的类型.同时,也有不同时代的.举例来说,在春季水泡菜,我们称之为mool泡菜,白菜都是popular.in夏天,年轻的萝卜泡菜,我们称之为冲...

镇坪县19478978422: 能帮我翻译一篇英文文章吗?
邲响人胎: 从前有一个住在城里的老人. 他老是把事情忘记, 所以他的太太便常常提醒他, “不要忘记这!”某天他独自去了旅行, 临行前他太太告诉他 “ 你现在有了这些(3). 它们是你旅程的必须品. 你要小心看管.” 老人便去了火车站购票乘车.5小时之后, 检票员开始检查车票. ,到了老人身旁时他问: “ 请出示你的车票?” 老人在衣袋里寻找车票但找不到. 他担忧地问: “ 我找不到车票, 但我的确买了后才上车.”检票员说: “我相信你是买了. 好吧, 你不用补票了.” 老人担心地问: “ 可是, 我不知道我的目的地是哪? 我忘记了是哪一个车站.

镇坪县19478978422: 帮我翻译一篇英语文章

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镇坪县19478978422: 请帮我翻译一段英语文章 -
邲响人胎: Take my hand my friendI wish to help you alongJust knowing there are two of usCan help to make you strong请握着我的手,吾友我愿助你发展只因有人为你分忧使你坚强勇敢I know life seems unfairAnd sometimes gets you downBut know that I am...

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