
作者&投稿:房桦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Micro-economics courses Description: micro-economics, including the general equilibrium price theory, theory of consumer behavior, the producers of theory, theory of market structure, elements of market theory, general equilibrium theory and welfare economics and microeconomic policy. Micro-economics in the analysis methods, the use of both empirical analysis and use of standard analytical methods, large-scale use of a balanced analysis and marginal analysis methods. Micro-economics in the transaction cost economics to the direction of development, according to the information and whether or not completely symmetrical, the formation of micro-economics and information economics branch. These micro-economics reflect the new development trends.


国际金融 International Finance
国际技术与服务贸易 International Technology and Trade in Services
合唱与合唱指挥 Chorus and Conductor
当代世界经济与政治 Contemporary World Economy and Politics
证券投资学 Stock Investment
人力资源管理 Human Resource Management
国际结算 international settlement
国际贸易专题 International Trade
市场调查 Market Research
学年论文 Term Paper
市场预测 Market Forecast
国际商法 International Commercial Law
商务英语听说 Business English——Listening and Speaking
财务管理 Financial Management
就业指导 Career Guide
国际税收 International Revenue
国际经济学 International Economics
国际营销学 International Marketing
商务谈判 Business Negotiation
英文函电 English Correspondence
电子商务 Electronic Commerce

1. Management Information System Course Description: training with the basis of modern management theory, computer knowledge and application of science and technology capacities, ideas and information systems analysis and design methods, such as information management with the knowledge and ability, in the national levels Management departments, industrial and commercial enterprises, financial institutions, scientific research units engaged in information management and information systems analysis, design, implementation, management and evaluation of high-level personnel. Main courses: computer systems and software, data structures and databases, computer networks, computer programming, management information systems analysis and design.
2. Micro-economics courses Description: micro-economics, including the general equilibrium price theory, theory of consumer behavior, the producers of theory, theory of market structure, elements of market theory, general equilibrium theory and welfare economics and microeconomic policy. Micro-economics in the analysis methods, the use of both empirical analysis and use of standard analytical methods, large-scale use of a balanced analysis and marginal analysis methods. Micro-economics in the transaction cost economics to the direction of development, according to the information and whether or not completely symmetrical, the formation of micro-economics and information economics branch. These micro-economics reflect the new development trends.
3. Econometric Course Description: Econometrics in mathematical economics and mathematical statistical basis for the theory and methodology of science-based. With the objective economic system with random characteristics of economic relations for the study, using mathematical model describing the specific economic variables, econometric analysis to provide specialized guidance theory and analysis methods. Statistical, economic theory and mathematics among the unity of this constitutes a quantitative economics. Econometric view that economic relations between the random variable characteristics of mathematical statistics on economic variables have become economic theory and quantitative concept of the effective ways. Mathematical model used quantitative description of relations between economic variables is the basic tasks of econometrics, including setting up model, the estimated parameters, testing and use of model model of relationship between economic variables, such as specific tasks.
4 statistical Course Description: Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics, mainly through the use of probability theory to establish mathematical models, the observation system to collect data to quantify the analysis concluded, and thus inferred and projections for the relevant decision-making The basis and reference. Statistics also divided into the main description of statistics and statistical inference. Given a set of data, statistical summary and can describe the data, this usage as a description of Statistics said. In addition, the observer data to the establishment of a form to explain its randomness and uncertainty of the mathematical model to the inference to study the steps and the mother, such usage was called statistical inference. Both can be used as the application of Statistics said. It is also called a mathematical statistical disciplines devoted to this subject behind the doors of the theoretical basis.
5. Modern financial markets Course Description:
(1) financial market as a market system in the organic part of the overall analysis, reveal the financial markets and products, key elements of the market; physical and monetary flow of traffic; financial intermediation and financial markets; financial markets and the inherent social and economic ties.
(2) the financial markets as a system to describe, and reveal the financial markets of the objective requirements of the development of financial markets, the shape of the market and their mutual relations.
(3) from the perspective of checks and balances on interest rates, securities prices and exchange rates balanced, and their movements restricted, and with this phase of the financial markets, financial flows and flows.
(4) from the control theory point of view on the financial markets controlled goals, means and controlled the controlled area, as well as the financial policy of diversification and balance, and other issues.
(5) on the financial market standardization.
(6) on international and domestic financial market development characteristics, development trends and analysis.
6. Corporate Banking Course Description: against the company operating and financial markets of the growing internationalization of the status quo, from the point of micro-finance for the company's various activities on a more comprehensive, including: value and value assessment, risk and return, capital budgeting, Long-term financing decision-making, investment decision-making, capital structure theory, dividend policy and so on. Also involved in financial analysis, financial budget, acquisitions and the corresponding financial support, and other special areas of financial behavior. The company of various theories to explain the financial, economic model and helping to understand the inner meaning and method of origin.

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My job is accounting assistant, two years ago, I went through the internal recruitment of the Ministry of Finance. I have to use spare time on the undergraduate accounting, although I am not yet Official staff, but I will work hard to accumulate experience as a qualified financial...

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subject, English. At that time, it was my English teacher who offered me a helping hand. He\/She really helped me a lot and I became confident again. Because of this, I overcame those learning obstacles one after another and at last, here I am in this examination hall....

1. Management Information System Course Description: training with the basis of modern management theory, computer knowledge and application of science and technology capacities, ideas and information systems analysis and design methods, such as information management with the knowledge and ...

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慈宏前列: 1. Management Information System Course Description: training with the basis of modern management theory, computer knowledge and application of science and technology capacities, ideas and information systems analysis and design ...

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慈宏前列: Title: Sales Management Research Incentive Abstract: The only successful enterprise sales to survive, and sustainable development; with all operating activities of the enterprise to invest only through the sales activities in order to recover. Therefore...

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慈宏前列: Idioms are some unique long-term use of phrases and sentences fixed. Idioms usually have distinct image, and in the process of translating, faithful, if can idioms significance of the original image of idioms, will be better able to maintain the style of ...

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慈宏前列: 学院办公室 (College Office) 教务科技处(Educational Technology Statistics) 学生工作处(Students Adaption) 组织人事处(Organization of Personnel Division) 财务资产处(Financial Assets Office) 后勤保障处(Logistics Office) 督导...

前进区15989708968: 紧急求助:请英语专业高手帮忙翻译论文英文摘要! -
慈宏前列: Idioms are some unique set phases and clauses used by people for a long time, which often has bright image. During the translation process, besides faithful to the original meaning of the idioms, the style of the original text will be maintain if the ...

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