
作者&投稿:原彭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

首先想说,你提的这3个问题都很好。如果不搞清结构是翻译不对的。楼上的我就不说了... 尤其是句子3)

1> K`naan is trying to change the way his country is viewed.
是定语从句,实际应该是 K`naan is trying to change the way (in which)his country is viewed.
也就是说 in the way 是 his country is viewed. 这句从句的方式状语,也就是说定语从句应该是 his country is viewed in this way.
由于,the way ...基本都是方式状语,介词固定接 in,所以会出现省略。
逐字翻译是 K`naan 努力试图改变(其他人)看他的国家的方式。
意译是 K`naan 努力试图改变(其他人)对他的国家的看法。

2> being born in a certain place that changes everything and your destiny.
这是一个强调句,原句是主语从句 It changes everything and your destiny that you were born in a certain place. It 为形式主语 代 you were born in a certain place. 而原句being born in a certain place 为动名词省略句代替主语从句,因为宾语中有 your 不会造成歧义,所以可以用省略句。同时用该省略句作为实际主语代替形式主语 it. 由于是强调句所以 that 不能省略。强调的内容是实际主语 being born in a certain place。 这里 that 可以理解为 being born in a certain place的同位语。
不应理解为定语从句,因为整句主语是 being born in a certain place, 谓语是 changes, 宾语是 everything 并列的宾语是 your destiny。 没有从句。

翻译是: “只是(/仅仅因为)你出生在这个地方”,就改变了一切以及你的命运!

3> IT is a voice of so many coming out of him

It (主语) is (系动词)a voice 表语 of so many (介宾短语做定于修饰 a voice)coming out of him (现在分词作定于修饰 a voice.)

这里要强调2点, 1. many 这里是代词,意思是 很多(人)。 2. coming out of him 现在分词作定于修饰的是a voice, 而不是 so many, 这是因为,of so many 介宾短语很短,而意思与 a voice 比较紧密,同时发生在coming out of him 之前,所以位置放在 coming out of him 之前。
另外,不知道你有没有注意到这里用了 a voice “可数名词单数”而修饰 词 of so "many" 是可数名词复数标志词,具体的原因希望你看了翻译以后可以明白。

按照结构逐字翻译是: 这是很多人(共同的一个)声音,(而)这个声音从他(的口中)说出。

所以意译是:他说出了很多人想要说的话。/ 他说出了很多人共同的心声。




第1.2句错,3.4句正确。3.4句只差一个宾语从句的引导词that(“ that it is best that you should stay here”作think的宾语从句),宾语从句引导词可以省略。it is best that you should stay here句中的that you should stay here是个主语从句,it 是形式宾语。
这些从句乍一看容易把人搞糊涂,慢慢分析句子成分和从句的引导词,就会明白了。祝:Day Day Up!- 。-

I think it best that you should stay here.----错. 我认为它最好您应该呆在这里。(改为:I think it would be better if you should stay here.)

I think that it best that you should stay here.----错.我认为它最好您应该呆在这里.( 改为:I think that it is best that you should stay here.)

I think it is best that you should stay here.----对.我认为这是最佳您应该呆在这里。

I think that it is best that you should stay here.--对.我认为这是最佳您应该呆在这里。

I think that...后面要加从句,是一个独立完整的句子.

I think that: it best that you should stay here.
it 后面应该有is,不然句子中就没有动词了.

I think it+adj就是强调句句势.


第2个 best前缺is


或者:I think it would be better if you should stay here.

3.我自从去年以后没有见到他(这句好象用过去式吧,因为有last year,不清楚对不对)I have not seen him since last year.正确!4.自从1980年,我就每天早上游泳.(完成式)I have been swimming every morning since 1980.这句话表示一直发生的事情,所以用现在完成进行式。5.我从未去过美国 I have...

I did not want to see my lovely grandmom groaning painfully, lying on the bed.

5、 is expected(被期待);by。 by April 19th "四月十九日前"

3.He runs the most slowest of all the boys (in)his class

练习是里的答案F是正确的。因为从整篇文章你找不到这么确定的话The heat of your body can kill the virus.只能看到这样的语言:You get a fever,but he heat of your body is killing the virus.这里的单词错了一个,he应该是the。所以提供的F是正确的。

看下这些英语句子对错,错的话 ,纠正下。对的话说下这个对。
1.Sometime my father took me to the school?有时候我父亲带我去学校。2.Sometime my father drove me to the school.有时候我父亲驾驶车带我去学校。3. I was studying at home yesterday.昨天我是在家学习。4. I 'm going to school tomorrow. 或 I will go to school tomorrow.明天...

英语翻译 下列句子【去年的今天我决定留下,可现在还不知道当初的决定是...
Today in last year I decided to stay,but still don't know the original decision was right or wrong unluckily now I am calm

去掉reading 中文可以这么说 英文这么写不地道~去掉the books 因为和后面的书重复了 要不写in this month 要不写within one month , within this month 肯定是不对的 书名用斜体或下划线~ 还有of的o小写 话说现在小学英语已经这么难了?!?! 英语专业某人望天………I must finish ...

1.上床睡觉,应该这么表达 go to bed 2.我现在感觉累,晚上睡觉是将来时,所以要用will 3.与I 连接的系动词是am (be 包含 is , am, are)表达这句话的意思,正确的形式应该是 I am tired. I will go to bed early tonight.

他的英语语法错误很大:其一,‘fine’词的最高级前不加定冠词;其二,‘fit’的词意多数是指人身体‘healty’,其最高级是‘fittest’,他在‘fittest’前加了定冠词,这是不应当出的错误。2. 你的意见是对的,‘crash’后面加‘ing’,成为现在分词,与后面的部分一起构成分词短语,做‘soul’的...

焉耆回族自治县17736562132: 搞不清对错的英语句子!帮个忙~这几个句子哪个对哪个错?也许都对?I think it best that you should stay here.I think that it best that you should stay here.I think ... -
程琦菲普:[答案] 第二句有错! I think that...后面要加从句,是一个独立完整的句子. I think that:it best that you should stay here. it 后面应该有is,不然句子中就没有动词了. 这是几个强调句! I think it+adj就是强调句句势.

焉耆回族自治县17736562132: 英语你不会明白怎么写 -
程琦菲普: 1. My brain doesn"t work.我搞不清楚. 这可是个非常实用、而且也非常好用的句子.当我们讲话讲到一半舌头打结,或是讲到不知所云时,都可以用“My brain doesn"t work.”跟人家讨论一个问题的时候,你知道答案,却偏偏想不起来,也...

焉耆回族自治县17736562132: 用英语怎么说 我很抱歉,我没有搞清楚,误 -
程琦菲普: 我很抱歉,我没有搞清楚 这个句子 用英语表达 翻译为 : I'm sorry, I didn't make it clear.

焉耆回族自治县17736562132: “ 我搞不清楚了!”用英语怎么说?急!!!!!!!!!!! -
程琦菲普: I'm not sure 我不敢肯定, 我不太清楚I'm confused 我很迷惘的意思

焉耆回族自治县17736562132: 判断英文对错请判断以下英文句子的对错 -- 不是语法上,而是常识上的对错:1.THERE ARE 20 TIMES AS MANY SHEEP AS PEOPLE IN NEW ZEALAND2.... -
程琦菲普:[答案] 1,新西兰的绵羊数量是人口的20倍. 2,猫生命中三分之二的时间都在睡觉. 3,长颈鹿脖子上的骨头数和人类的一样多. 4,嚼口香糖是清洁牙齿的好方法. 5,狗狗通过爪子排汗. 6,婴儿能够同时呼吸和吞咽. 帮你百度了一下,以上说法都是对的.

焉耆回族自治县17736562132: 一道英语题(判断句子对错,错的请改正)1.Are these your friend?2.That is my cousin. -
程琦菲普:[答案] 1.friend-->friends 2.正确.

焉耆回族自治县17736562132: 请问We don't eat in class这个句子是对的还是错的和We can't eat in class有什么区别.如果是错误的请说明原因.我搞不清楚. -
程琦菲普:[答案] we dont eat in class 如果作口语是没问题的,意思是绝对肯定意义 我们不在课堂上吃东西. we cant eat in class 意思是我们不能在课堂上吃东西 一个是 主动意愿 一个是 被提出的要求.

焉耆回族自治县17736562132: 英语句子看对错,急急急,各路神仙显神通阿 -
程琦菲普: 买什么是pay for eg. I paid for the pen. 付钱给谁就是pay to eg. 你的例句.

焉耆回族自治县17736562132: 正式英语中下面这两句话正确的应该怎么说?我都分不清对错了.请给出语法理由.1):cartoon world is on from 6:30 p.m to 7:00 p.m.还是cartoon world is from 6:... -
程琦菲普:[答案] cartoon world is from 6:30 p.m to 7:00 p.m. cartoon world is on between 6:30 p.m and 7:00 p.m.

焉耆回族自治县17736562132: “搞清楚”用英语怎么译 -
程琦菲普: figure out make sense make sure不对,那是确定 find out 也不对,那是发现

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