
作者&投稿:冶狗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  I have to admit that delicious food not only can satisfy my stomach, but also can let me love cooking. When I eat some very tasteful food, I will think about how to make the food. Personally, I have tremendous interest in cooking.
I don’t know whether my cooking methods are correct or not, because sometimes I will use my own thought to cook some foods. During my cooking period, I once succeeded in cooking very delicious food and meanwhile I also experienced failures. However, I never regret loving cooking. Cooking makes my daily life more substantial.
From cooking, I also can learn some knowledge about health. I always look through the cooking websites to find new ways to make food. When I look at these websites, I can find out that there are many little healthy knowledge of daily life. For instance, fruits and vegetables are advantageous to our health, so we should have a balance diet in our daily life.
Cooking various foods makes me have a deeper understanding of life. Daily life is full of kinds of triviality and we must have enough patience to face them. Take cooking as an example, if you cook food with a good mood, you will find that life is so beautiful. Therefore, when I meet some terrible things, I cook some foods. Thus, I will forget unhappy experience for the time being. After I finish cooking, I will find life’s beauty again.
Cooking makes me more confident to live. From cooking, I can learn unique life attitude. I love cooking.



  I have the best memories of food and cooking. My grandmother made the most fantastic things. I might not have been able to sample some of the things from her heyday, like homemade nutrolls and breads, but I did get some really fantastic meals cooked by her. She introduced me to the best combo ever, PB and honey on toast. To me PB&J is about the nastiest combo around. Ew, kids, ew. Gimme me PB with honey any day! Whenever I stayed over, that was my breakfast in the mornings and sometimes I got to have it with some tea!
  My mom cooked us tons of meals all the time and her kitchen was small. Really small so I couldn’t really hover too much but I was able to sit at the bar facing the kitchen and watch her make things. I learned a lot just by observing, which created a foundation so that when I attempted things on my own I had a starting point.
  In middle school we had to take Home Ec (do they still even have home ec classes in school anymore?) and you would think that I loved the cooking part but you would be wrong. I hated it. It was so restricting! We had to follow the recipe exactly, no room for creativity. How boring. I remember making tuna melts one class and being frustrated because the cheese on top was so small. We had to take a slice of American cheese, fold into quarters and use one quarter per piece of toast.


  I recently had my old cooker repaired. It had been replaced by another that we had picked up for free and “made do” with for some time. It made me realise how much better the original one is and how I had subsequently not done so much cooking since it broke down.
  However, it is now back again and here is the recipe for the first thing I made in it: A Chocolate Banana Cake Recipe
  It’s got me thinking about why I love cooking:
  I can let out the creative side of me
  I love the challenge of providing good food for my family on a budget
  It’s a time when I can usually chill out in my kitchen with my favourite music
  I love filling the house with welcoming smells
  I like touching and handling food- there’s something threrapeutic about stirring, kneading and rolling….
  I love making an occasion when we can come together to share and eat
  I enjoy learning about nutrition and discovering what certain foods do in preparation and when we eat them
  I like to control what is in our food, so I know we are getting the best
  I can try new things, but equally enjoy bringing together the family favorites that give us a sense of identity
  I love food!



4、我的爱好就是做饭,不上班的时候在家做饭,我觉得这所有的一切都是自己的美好! 5、自己下厨最香了,白开水烧的一绝。 6、我很享受这样的假期,约上三五个好友,亲自下厨做些好吃的,喝喝酒,聊聊人生,这就是打工人的最放松时刻。 7、亲手做一顿美味佳肴,只有这个时候才能让自己感受到一种美味的食物,自己动手...

1、做饭可以让自己静下心来,同时还能为家人带来美味和健康,何乐而不为?2、上晚班的时候就可以一个人在家安安静静地弄顿美食吃,很享受这种自己动手 做饭的感觉,你认真做饭的样子真的很帅气哦。3、原来我做菜这么好吃啊。4、自己动手丰衣足食,我好像对做饭感兴趣了。5、昨晚准备好的早餐,今早...




晒自己厨艺的幽默说说 怎么幽默夸别人厨艺好
不得不说,现如今会做饭的人确实相对比较少,但是会做饭真的很加分,下面就为大家分享一些晒自己厨艺的幽默说说和怎么幽默夸别人厨艺好吧。晒自己厨艺的幽默说说 1、自己动手丰衣足食,我好像对做饭感兴趣了。2、穷穷的自己,只能自己动手做饭,10块钱解决一天。3、陪伴与懂得,比爱情更加重要。一个...





昭平县18555307426: 我的兴趣是做饭怎么说 -
羿终氟米: 私の趣味はご饭を作ることです

昭平县18555307426: 面试食堂工作人员时考官问你有什么兴趣爱好怎么回答 -
羿终氟米: 看你面试的是什么职位,如果你是面试厨师,兴趣爱好就是做饭,再加上别的,如果是面试别的,就可以说读书、唱歌、运动之类的

昭平县18555307426: 要描述自己的兴趣爱好和擅行的事情,我这样写OK不OK,I am interested in music and is good at cooking food.
羿终氟米: 一定要把 is 去掉.因为句子的主语是 I ,谓语动词一定是 am, 而前面已经有一个am了,所以 good at 前就不用加 am 了. 最好说 I am interested in listening music. 如果你是想说创造音乐,那就是 I am interested in creating music.最好把 food 去掉,cook 本身就有做饭的意思,I am good at cooking. 这样更地道一些.

昭平县18555307426: 业余爱好烹饪算吗 -
羿终氟米: 当然算啊,所谓业余爱好,就是在业余时间里,能给你带来快乐和满足感的事情,任意的事情都可以,有人喜欢打乒乓球,有人喜欢下棋,当然有人把烹饪当做爱好,做出美味的食物与别人分享,满足感很强烈的

昭平县18555307426: 谁能分享一下自己的兴趣爱好.或者说,在下班后的时间都做点什么? -
羿终氟米: 我最喜欢做饭了,别笑话我这个大男人啊.当你找到做饭的乐趣时,做饭就不是难干的家务活了,从买,到做出色香味美的菜,再看别人吃,这个过程真的很有意思.自己的时候也很享受,我去年才学会做红烧肉,现在隔几天就特制一小碗,喝着酒,吃着这么好吃的肉,别提多惬意了...

昭平县18555307426: 有谁跟我一样,对烹饪感兴趣的? -
羿终氟米: 可以让你的兴趣变成你一生的职业,在热门的技术行业就属厨师了,现在学厨师的人也挺多的,主要是厨师不愁找工作,现在工资挺高的. 尤其是川菜,是中国第一大菜系.厨师作为一个技术行业,永远不愁没有好工作.

昭平县18555307426: 怎样才能对做饭有兴趣 -
羿终氟米: 把做饭当作消遣和娱乐,把饭,菜做香的时候,你会有一种成就感和自豪感,循序渐进,不断咨询和观察,讨论,多去特色饭店品尝琢磨,回家试验,终将在做饭中产生浓厚的兴趣和乐趣.~~

昭平县18555307426: 《我的爱好》作文450能不能写爱做饭? -
羿终氟米: 篇一:我的爱好 说起我的爱好,那可数不胜数,玩电脑,写作文,画画,体育,舞蹈,看书等,但是,我最喜欢的还是看书.记得有一次,我放学回家,早早地把作业做好了,我的妈妈晚饭还没烧好,我就迫不及待地拿起了《格林童话》,来到...

昭平县18555307426: 急需一篇关于《做饭的乐趣》的作文 -
羿终氟米: 做饭的乐趣 我有一个愿望,就是能自己做一次饭.但因为爸爸妈妈的反对,我的这一愿望一直没有如愿.直到不久前的一天,爸爸终于被我的恒心所感动. 这天早上,我对爸爸说:“爸爸,我第一百次请求,让我自己做一次饭.等会儿你买菜...

昭平县18555307426: kitchener、cook、cooker分别适应什么用法?对于一般的烹饪爱好者来说 应该是哪个 -
羿终氟米: kitchener(这个在国外的词典中没找到) n.厨师cook vt.& vi.烹调; 编造; 篡改; 密谋 vt.烹调; 煮 vi.烹调; 做菜 n.厨师; 厨子cooker n.炊具; 锅; 炉灶; 造谣者

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