
作者&投稿:龚艺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一个高山 去公园
In the forest, in the river, on a hill

If you need to

I surprise I see him over there!
I was surprised I saw him over there!
I am surprising I am seeing him over there!
I was surpring I was seeing him over there!

Li Lei surprises and looks at me.
Li Lei is surprising and looking at me.
Li Lei surprised and looked at me.

I surprise her prograssing..
I surprised her prograssing...

一位中国足球运动员 A Chinese soccer player 三年零两个月 Three years and zero two months 开始做某事 Start to do sth 开始学英语 Start to learn English 创作音乐 Music music 停止做某事 Stop to do sth 学习弹钢琴 Learning to play the piano 太…而不能…Too ... Instead of ...在...

...谢谢了啊在线等,急急急。 要求:我翻译出来的不用你们翻译了。_百度...
1. 当心做某事 2. 无法忍受做某事 3. 让谁做某事 4. 代替 5. 位某事做讨论 6. 期待发生 7. 出来 8. 在十九世纪三十年代 9. 例如、像。。。一样 10.准备做。。。11. 确保,保证。。。12. 开始的时候、结束的时候 13. 和。。。有关 14. 开始从事,拿起 15. 上表演,演唱课程 1. ...

교수님 저에게 10분간의 시간을 주세요.저는 이번 시험에 관하여 드릴 말&#...

有人拿着地券虚报自己的田地数,包拯都严格地加以检验,上奏弹劾弄虚作假的人。 包拯性情严峻刚正,憎恶办事小吏苟杂刻薄,务求忠诚厚道,虽然非常憎恨厌恶,但从来没有不施行忠恕之道的。(他)跟人交往不随意附和,不以巧言令色取悦人,平常没有私人信件,连朋友、亲戚都断绝来往。虽然地位高贵,但(穿的)衣服、(用的)...

求英语翻译。急急急 (请大家帮我翻译下面一段文)
we can arrange the seats to set the different gender sitting together, so they can help each other, and can enhance the friendship between the classmates.If mentioned why disagree to have the equal between boys and girls? That would be the physical aspects. For instance, female ar...

1 the growth process 一直跟父母生活在一起,父母在我身上花费了很多精力,所以不仅教我养成了好的学习习惯,而且教育我要自力更生。初中的时候虽然性格内向,但从高中开始参加了篮球社团,我也渐渐开朗起来。进入大学后,学习了一年多韩语专业,很喜欢韩语所以来到了韩国。在韩国认识了很多新朋友,与韩国...

점점 힘들어지고있다!그러나 대학생의 취업은 경제증장을 이끌어가는 ...

翻译是语际交流过程中沟通不同语言的桥梁。一般来说,翻译的标准主要有两条:忠实和通顺。忠实 是指忠实于原文所要传递的信息,也就是说,把原文的信息完整并且准确地表达出来,使译文读者得到的信息与原文读者得到的信息大致相同。通顺 是指译文规范、明白易懂,没有文理不通、结构混乱、逻辑不清的现象...

韩语求翻译 急急急

Grandmother:         Read Jimmy’s card to me please, Mary.Mary:                    “I have just arrived ...

定陶县18790937550: 英语翻译急求翻译题.要求语意连贯,我看过了Thanks very much!我分不清到底是哪个更好.所以开投票了(1)“总说纷纭,莫衷一是”很棒.不过应该是“众... -
章温盐酸:[答案] 人们往往很难分清主观意念和现实

定陶县18790937550: 英语翻译如题 急求这句中文的英文翻译(书面语/口语都OK)准确!不同说法都可以列出来 -
章温盐酸:[答案] The last time I met (saw) you when you were still a kid. 不是you are,是 were,因为是已经过去的事了

定陶县18790937550: 求英语翻译 急急急~~~ -
章温盐酸: 我的房子旁边有一个新公园.今天的天气很好.我和我的家人都来到了公园里.在我的左边,有一个咖啡店.在我右边的,有一个大的湖泊.有许多花和树木在湖边.湖后有座小山.在湖边,有一个标志,“不要在湖里游泳 !”公园中间有一个操场.门附近有许多小商店.这个公园真漂亮.我们很喜欢它.

定陶县18790937550: 求 英语翻译 和 答案 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 在线等…… -
章温盐酸: What class are you in? Calss 3 or class 4?Is your toy bus new or old?Are your parents in the supermarket or at home?Do you speak in Chinese or English?What do you want to drink,cola or milk?Will peopel have robots in their homes?Does he has ...

定陶县18790937550: 速求英语翻译句子,急急急
章温盐酸: In the past ten years, my hometown has taken on a new look 若您的问题已得到解决. 请点击我回答下面的“采纳为答案” 务必要五星与好评, 举手之劳,谢谢!祝你每天都有好心情!

定陶县18790937550: 初二英语翻译,急急急. -
章温盐酸: 答案是: Sally once invited me to go to Englandhave you ever thought about travelling around the world ? ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳、给与好评!~

定陶县18790937550: 英语翻译急求两句话的翻译,是一个白酒的说明,要求单词、语法正确,译文流畅优美,原文:致亲、致友,浓情满溢;情感、祝福,满斗相送;道一声吉... -
章温盐酸:[答案] 致亲、致友,浓情满溢; The filled endless love to relatives and friends; 情感、祝福,满斗相送; The truehearted affection and blessings to all of you; 道一声吉祥如意, Wish you all with good fortune and happiness, 愿永远如意吉祥. And to be ...

定陶县18790937550: 求英语翻译急急急
章温盐酸: 1有钱用于医疗 have money to use for the medical treatment2了解有关眼科手术 to know about eye operations3在我上次访问期间 during my last visit 4做手术 have an operation 5战争以后 after the war 6而不工作 instead of working.或者don't work

定陶县18790937550: 求英语高手翻译!!急急急~~ -
章温盐酸: 1, the cathedral is Helsinki's most famous buildings, located in Parliament Square, is a Lutheran church. It is a symbol of Helsinki, Helsinki, is also an important landm...

定陶县18790937550: 几道英语翻译题!急求!1.根据中文翻译句子We want to know if he can - _ - __ - __ - money.我们想知道他是否能再多存点钱.Our parents - _ - __ - __ - __ - ... -
章温盐酸:[答案] 1)save much more 2)are supposed to be 一年到头 all year round 外国产的照相机 foreign cameras trekking planning 4.private/personal

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