
作者&投稿:米于 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear All,

We are on the way to the right direction. For all our dreams, this is everything. And I guarantee that everything will become better and better. Thank you all!

老师,你每天的努力,教学生教太累了,我希望你能永远年轻。在2009年,第一个祝愿希望你新年快乐。“每当我轻轻走过您窗前, 明亮的灯光照耀我心房”,您总是微笑面对我们.我们在上英语课时,您总是想出游戏让我们读英语,让我们提高英语成绩,我真的非常感激你,如果你希望我没完没了的说的话,

BATA will wave its tail when it see Nancy, but it will bark loudly to strangers. It becomes the doorbell of Nancy's house. It's really greedy. As a small dog, it is unlikely for BATA to eat so much, but it is always thinking of food and act like a spoiled child when there is not enough food. And it often pass water and wastes everywhere.
However, BATA is still a lovely dog and I hope it can grow up happily.

BATA will see NANCY Yao Weiba,But to see a stranger will shouting,It became NANCY home, "rang the doorbell."It is also very Tanchi, it is a very small dog will not eat a lot, it can always eat things, eating things not on the Sajiao. But it is often anywhere in urine。
No matter how kind, BATA is a lovely dog, I hope it's happy with growth


今年是建国六十周年,在这个国庆假期里,全国各地都有大型的庆祝活动。在佛山,也有大型的烟花汇演。就在10月1号晚上我们去看了烟花汇演,然后就一起散步回家了。This year is the 60th anniversary, in this National Day vacation, the land has the large-scale celebration. In Foshan, also has t...

we found that many fish were dead in the river of our town.Now the water pollution are more serious.Water pollution will do harm to our health.people will be sick after drinking polluted water.Because of the water pollution,many animals(creatures) are dead(extinct).so we should ...

寂(さび)しくてもいいと思(おも)っていた あなたに会(あ)うまで ずっと 今(いま)は少(すこ)し弱(よわ)くなったよ 同(おな)じように过(す)ごしているのにね もうあの顷(ごろ)の様(よう)に戻(もど)れない事(こと) 気(き)づいていても I can't st...

加急。拜托帮我把这段话,翻译成英文。。还有nice to meet you和good to...
首先,nice to meet you和good to meet you没什么区别,非要说区别,可能nice to meet you 显得更加庄重些。译文:I'm very glad to see your reply so soon. With your help, I have found your company's vedio that I wanted to see.(Also),thank you for your blessings,and I'll ...

あなたがほしい人は私ではありません。你想要的人不是我 真心がこもっている人はどこにいりますか。抱持着一颗真心的人在哪儿呢?まじめな时、あなたは私の恋人、胜手気ままだ时、あなたは私の何?认真的时候,你是我的恋人,任性妄为的时候,你又是我的什么呢?若しかしたら、一度昔...


My best friend's name is XX.She is a becility girl. She is 12-year-old and younger than I. She comes from HaiKou as me as well. Her telephone number is ***. She like Super Junior Best. They are goot at singing and dancing and they are Korean. XX like Kim HeeChul...


Performance management is the work of business management is an important task is to protect and promote the orderly operation of the internal management mechanism, the management of enterprises must be a management goal of the act. As China's market economy is becoming more perfect ...

松溪县17044719616: 高手帮我把这段中文翻译成英语,大概意思差不多就行.急呀 -
禄苇安乐: More and more people emerge the big city, some questions then along with it production. For instance traffic congestion, municipal pollution, even presents the criminality. I hoped that everybody in a friendly way is together in a city, lets our big family be more beautiful

松溪县17044719616: 请高手帮我把这段英文翻译成中文,很急,谢谢拉! -
禄苇安乐: 我的结束就是一无所有 一片空白 每个人都是瞎子 我想要一条新的路 开始美丽的生活 我曾经在该死的女同性恋里的世界疯狂 我再也不要这样... 过去已经愚蠢够了 我不打算继续自我伤害 来自我家里的所有爱可以足够支持我继续我的道路 其他的在...

松溪县17044719616: 急求帮忙: 请高手帮我把这段中文翻译成英文,谢谢!!
禄苇安乐: His computer and telephone will be instralled by IT headquarter according to stated process and program. It will take at least 8 working days as I told you before. However, I have hurried them up for many times, and they also told me that they...

松溪县17044719616: 高手来帮忙把这段中文翻译成英语
禄苇安乐: You look like not very happy recently. A little haggard. Smile less. I know. Perhaps you are facing great pressure. You may have unpleasant things. Anyway. I hope you to be happy. Refueling. And my mind you had it. My heart has always been more worried about you. I love you. Oil 希望采纳

松溪县17044719616: 那位英语高手能帮我把中文译成英文这是一段A和B的对话,麻烦谁能帮我把它翻译成英文,感激不尽,绝对不要翻译器的,语法一定要正确,句意不非得一... -
禄苇安乐:[答案] A:I did not expect to see you here ,how`s your work going ? B: thank you ,it`s fine ,and how about you ? A:I got some trouble ... B:better ,sorry anyway.does not give you birthday wishes at the first time. A: No worries , forget it . 我翻译的比较口语化.不过我...

松溪县17044719616: 高手请帮我把下面的一段中文用英文表达出来! -
禄苇安乐: Come on, man! I know the last year of the high school's st...

松溪县17044719616: 英.语高手来邦我把这段汉语翻译成英语
禄苇安乐: My wife,I love you,and i really do,You're mine,and i'm your's.I will be nice to you all my life.If i were dead first,You need to live forever,and forget me!Your dear husband.

松溪县17044719616: 请帮我把这段中文翻译成英语,高手请帮忙,谢谢.
禄苇安乐: Many schools are now in the Ministry of Education assessment of undergraduate education, excellent and quality is currently the subject of much debate - many people and organizations are looking for new ways to promote excellence in our ...

松溪县17044719616: 英语翻译请高手帮我把这段话翻译成英文,"我会把你永远珍藏在心里,即使我以后遇到很多人,我也只想听到你的声音,只想寻找你的样子." -
禄苇安乐:[答案] I will be in heart treasuring up you forever,even if I come across many person hereafter,also only,I want to hear your sound ,want to seek your appearance only.

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