
作者&投稿:苍梧洋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

First wash and cut the beef into pieces, then heat it in the pot, blanch the bleeding water, skim the floating powder and take it out for standby. Then heat the pot with cold oil, saute ginger and garlic until fragrant, then stir fry the beef, a spoonful of bean paste, a little chili sauce and a large piece of rock sugar.
Add water without beef, boil over high heat and turn to medium heat for minutes. Then boil another pot of water to cook the noodles, take them out and spread them at the bottom of the bowl. Then pour the beef and soup on the noodles, cook two green vegetables, sprinkle some shredded green onions, and the beef noodles are finished.


1.The first will cook,tomato,red turnip sliced,onion cut into sections,garlic clap broken spare;
2.Boil a pot of water,cook the diving in the hot will after with water blunt side by hand,will remove extrusion press cook until no blood out.Drain and set aside,
3.A pot of salad oil and incense in hot ginger garlic.Add the flank and stir constantly,gradually add hot bean sauce,soy sauce,make the flank coloring,peppery appear;
4 in the pan,add stock with slightly overshadowedall the flank shall prevail,and cut tomatoes,red white radish,octagon,Onions,rock sugar,halogen bag add to the soup

  • Frist cut up two tomatoes and cut up some beef .      首先切两个西红柿,切一些牛肉。

  • Next put some noodles in boiled water .add two teaspoons of honey to the bowl .     然后在开水中放些面条,在碗里加两茶匙蜂蜜。

  • Then mix them up.        然后把它们混合起来。

  • Finally pour them into the bowl.        最后把它们倒进碗里。

Frist cut up two tomatoes and cut up some beef .
Next put some noodles in boiled water .add two teaspoons of honey to the bowl .
Then mix them up.
Finally pour them into the bowl.



1. 准备材料 牛肉:选择适合炖煮的部位,如牛腩或牛腱子。面条:可以选择干面或鲜面,根据个人喜好。蔬菜:常见的有白萝卜、胡萝卜、洋葱、姜、蒜等。调味料:酱油、料酒、八角、桂皮、香叶、盐、糖、胡椒粉等。. 2. 牛肉处理 将牛肉清洗干净,切成块状。在锅中加入足够的水,放入牛肉块,大火烧...


牛肉面制作方法 做牛肉面的步骤

一、材料准备 牛肉面是一道美味的中式面食,主要材料包括面条、牛肉、牛骨高汤,同时还需要准备适量的香菜、葱、姜以及各种调料,如酱油、料酒、盐、鸡精等。二、烹饪步骤 1. 煮面条:将面条煮熟,然后捞出沥干水分,放在碗里备用。2. 炖牛肉:将牛肉切成小块,加入牛骨高汤,用小火慢炖。炖煮过程中...


做法:1. 熟牛肉切小块;西红柿去皮切成小块。2. 锅中热油,下入葱花炒香,倒入西红柿和牛肉块,大火翻炒至西红柿成糊,加入1勺盐和1勺黑胡椒粉,翻炒均匀 3. 倒入足量的开水,大火煮沸后转小火盖盖儿煮15分钟,打开锅盖,加入挂面,大火煮开转中小火至面熟。4. 根据口味调入盐,关火,调入...

牛肉面的做法三 面的配方:牛腩肉,手工切面,泡菜,花椒,大料(既八角),茴香,葱段,姜片,香叶,咖喱粉,番茄酱,面粉,盐,料酒,味精,胡椒粉,酱油,白糖,五香粉。制作方法 :1.将牛肉洗干净后切成麻将块,炒锅上火,放底油烧热后放大料炸香,用葱段、姜片炝锅,放牛肉煸炒,烹料酒,放花椒...


石阡县13189376576: 用四句英语描写做牛肉面的过程中 -
抄翟健胃:[答案] Boil water.Add in noodles.Add in beef.Pour into bowl, finished. 烧水加面加牛肉倒入碗完成.>_>求采纳?

石阡县13189376576: 如何用英语叙述做牛肉面的过程五小句 -
抄翟健胃: How to make beef noodle soap Materials: Beef, noodles, water, tomato, cabbage, oil, pot and knife. Step 1: Wash and cut the tomatos and cabbages, and also cut the beef. Step 2: Turn on the fire and add oil into the pot. Step 3: When the oil boils, ...

石阡县13189376576: 一篇关于西红柿牛肉面条怎么做的英文作文,,,急求!! -
抄翟健胃: 方法一: 肉燥面的做法: 1. 红葱头(洋葱)洗净剥皮切粒,倒入烧热的油锅炸至焦黄; 2. 肉绞碎一同炒香后,加酱油及调味料拌匀入味; 3. 加少许水烧开,用慢火炖煮一个钟头; 4. 面、豆芽、虾煮熟捞起沥干,淋下肉燥卤汁即可.方法二: ...

石阡县13189376576: 请用英语,写个牛肉面的做法,需要什么 -
抄翟健胃:[答案] 1.The first will cook,tomato,red turnipsliced,onion cut into sections,garlic clap broken spare; 2.Boil a pot of water,cook the ... 转小火煮至牛腩软烂入味即为红烧牛肉汤; 5.将面条煮熟,倒入牛肉汤,加上葱花、烫青菜、酸菜,牛肉面即可食用.

石阡县13189376576: 用英文叙述一下西红柿牛肉面的做法1.先将两个西红柿和一些牛肉切成小块.2接着往锅里放少些油油热以后,把西红柿和牛肉放在锅翻炒几分钟然后加两碗水.... -
抄翟健胃:[答案] 1.先将两个西红柿和一些牛肉切成小块. Firstly,cutting two tomatoes and some beef into small pieces. 2接着往锅里放少些油油热以后,把西红柿和牛肉放在锅翻炒几分钟然后加两碗水. Then,place some oil into the pot and heat,after that,put tomatoes ...

石阡县13189376576: 用英语写制作牛肉面的过程 -
抄翟健胃: thefirst thing is to cook flour.it is very important.we put them into.the soup .then we put a lot of thing like salt.then,we put some beef,i like it very much

石阡县13189376576: 制作西红柿牛肉面用英文写一篇60词的小短文 -
抄翟健胃: today is sunday, jim green couples with children to the house of noodles for lunch. mr. green would like a large bowl of beef noodles, mrs green to a medium bowl of chicken and carrot noodles, jim to a small bowl of tomato egg noodles, they also ...

石阡县13189376576: 初二英语作文 制作番茄牛肉面范文 -
抄翟健胃: Frist cut up two tomatoes and cut up some beef .Next put some noodles in boiled water .add two teaspoons of honey to the bowl .Then mix them up.Finally pour them into the bowl.

石阡县13189376576: 用英文叙述一下西红柿牛肉面的做法!!! -
抄翟健胃: 1.先将两个西红柿和一些牛肉切成小块.2接着往锅里放少些油油热以后,把西红柿和牛肉放在锅翻炒几分钟然后加两碗水.3水开以后把面条放入煮5分钟,再煮五分钟最后加一点盐和少许调味品你就可以吃了..:1 first two tomatoes and some ...

石阡县13189376576: 怎么做牛肉面?把做牛肉面的步骤,用英语说出来怎么说? -
抄翟健胃: Raw materials:One piece of well done beef, two tomatoes, right amount of one Adjuvants:Spring onions, salt, black pepper powder, gourmet powder, sesame oil, coriander Method : 1、Familiar beef cut yuan little. The tomato peels and cuts small ...

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