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牛郎织女的故事 ?~



Rumour has it that the cowboy’s parents died in the prime time ,he was ill-treated by his brother and sister-in- law. One day ,his cow counseled him to marry the weaver .

Long ago, there was a boy named Cowherd. He got married to a girl from the heavenly palace. Soon they had a lovely boy and a girl. While the Cowherd worked in the fields , the heavenly princess weaved at home to help support the family. Villagers called her Weaving Girl. The family lived moderately but peacefully and happily. The Celestial Empress knew it and ordered her to go back home . So she had no choice but to leave. Fearing that the young man would catch up, the empress took out her hair spin and drew a big river across the sky, known to the Chinese as the Silvery River (the Milky Way in the West). She wanted to separate the family forever.

The story of Cowherd and Weaving Girl
Long ago, there was a boy named Cowherd. He got married to a girl from the heavenly palace. Soon they had a lovely boy and a girl. While the Cowherd worked in the fields , the heavenly princess weaved at home to help support the family. Villagers called her Weaving Girl. The family lived moderately but peacefully and happily. The Celestial Empress knew it and ordered her to go back home . So she had no choice but to leave. Fearing that the young man would catch up, the empress took out her hair spin and drew a big river across the sky, known to the Chinese as the Silvery River (the Milky Way in the West). She wanted to separate the family forever.
Only on the seventh day of the seventh month every year can the family enjoy a brief reunion.

Rumour has it that the cowboy’s parents died in the prime time ,he wasill-treated by his brother and sister-in- law. One day ,his cow counseled him to marry the weaver . The day arrived,thebeautiful fairy maidens had a bath in the river as the cow told .
And the cowboy took the fairy’s cloth awaysuddenly. The fairy maidens were at aloss,they hurried to put on the cloth and flied away except the weaver.
The weaver agreed the cowboy’s proposal under thecowboy’s begging. They lived happilyafter the marriage while man tilled the farm and woman weaved .
They looked aftered each other . The weavergave a birth to a boy and a girl. Later,the cow asked them preserve his skin before his death.They can use it whenthey were in emergency.. They buried thecow in tears .

him, and do not scruple to say that he is an inco

The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is china's valentine's day。it was said that the daughter of the god of heaven visited the earth。her name was zhinü and she met niulang。they fell in love with each other soon。
The got married secretly and they were very happy。when the goddess of heaven knew that her daughter was married to a human, she became very angry and order zhinü to return to the heaven。niulang tried to follow her, but the river of stars stopped him。
Finding her daughter was very sad, the goddess of heaven finally decided to let the couple cross the milky way to meet once a year。magpies make a bridge of their wings so the couple can cross the river to meet on the day。

急急急!!!谁能把“牛郎织女” 的故事用英文为我写一下啊..
The story of Chinese Valentine's Day In a Chinese legend, the Sun God had seven beautiful daughters.All his fairy daughters could weave beautiful clothes.One day, the seven fairies came down from heaven and were playing in a river.A cowherd walked by the river.He saw that the ...

Long ago, there was a boy named Cowherd. He got married to a girl from the heavenly palace. Soon they had a lovely boy and a girl. While the Cowherd worked in the fields , the heavenly princess weaved at home to help support the family. Villagers called her Weaving Girl. ...

A long time ago, the Cowherd and the old cow depended on each other.很久以前,牛郎与老牛相依为命。One day, the old cow asked the cowherd to go to the edge of the woods, and he would see a beautiful girl marry him.一天,老牛让牛郎去树林边,会看到一位美丽的姑娘和他结为夫...

原文 Myth and legend Qixijie always connected, it is a very beautiful, eternal love story spread, and has become one of the four legends of the folk legend.Passed long ago, there is an intelligent Nanyang Story cattle Shijiazhuang. Honest young man, premature deaths of parents,...

牛郎织女是一个很美丽的千古流传的爱情故事,是我国四大民间爱情传说之一。另外,每年农历七月七日,有百鸟到银河搭鹊桥,牛郎织女相会的美好传说。所以,这一天被称为七夕、七夕节、乞巧节、少女节或女儿节,现代又被称为中国情人节。另有同名黄梅戏电影、电视连续剧等。The Cowherd and the Girl WeaverOn...

but since Niulang has seen her naked, she must agree to his request for marriage. She became a wonderful wife, and Niulang a good husband . But the Goddess of Heaven finds out that a mortal has married one of the fairy girls and is furious. Taking out her hairpin, the Go...

有没有用英语介绍中国四大爱情传奇故事的啊? 中国四大爱情传奇故事是梁祝、白蛇传、牛郎织女、孟姜女。需要用英语简单介绍这四个故事。... 中国四大爱情传奇故事是梁祝、白蛇传、牛郎织女、孟姜女。需要用英语简单介绍这四个故事。 展开 2个回答 #热议# 发烧为什么不能用酒精擦身体来退烧?

Since then, the Cowherd and the weaver girl to live a mortal life. Wang Mu goddess and not angry, because he had to know why they're together.牛郎与织女被汹涌的天河隔开。每天只能面对面的说话,织女连自己的孩子也不能抚摸一下。可是有一天,奇迹出现了。牛郎身旁突然出现了一大堆的...

58英语网 Later, each lunar story, from the bridge to meet Myth of the day, the girl who would come Huaqianyuexia, looking at the rise of the night sky to find the Galaxy both Altair and Vega, they hope to see the annual God, begging God can allow ourselves such as ...

牛郎织女 [niú láng zhī nǚ]the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid 这是详细的英文解释· (In a Chinese legend who, once a happy couple, become stars separated by the Milky Way. They can meet only once in a year when magpies fly together to form a bridge over the Milky Way.);...

丰台区17147936914: 英语翻译牛郎织女的故事 -
壤石爱全:[答案] The story of Chinese Valentine's Day In a Chinese legend,the Sun God had seven beautiful daughters. All his fairy daughters could weave beautiful clothes. One day,the seven fairies came down from heaven and were playing in a river. A cowherd walked...

丰台区17147936914: 一篇关于牛郎织女的英语小说明,100字,简单点的 -
壤石爱全: Cowherd and Weaver Girl is a very beautiful love story through the ages, is one of China's four major folk love story. As a phrase could be interpreted as: Legend of Love for the mythological figure, from the Altair, the star Vega name derived from. ...

丰台区17147936914: 牛朗织女的故事英文版80词 -
壤石爱全: 牛郎织女是一个很美丽的千古流传的爱情故事,是我国四大民间爱情传说之一.另外,每年农历七月七日,有百鸟到银河搭鹊桥,牛郎织女相会的美好传说.所以,这一天被称为七夕、七夕节、乞巧节、少女节或女儿节,现代又被称为中国情人...

丰台区17147936914: 英语翻译要求把“牛郎织女”的故事翻译成英文的就行了,最好是美式英语.故事越详细越好. -
壤石爱全:[答案] Chinese Valentine''s Day Romantic legend The legend has been handed down for nearly 2 millennia.The story has been ... The Chinese people believe that the star Vega(织女星),east of the Milky Way,is Zhi Nu and,at the constellation of Aquila(天...

丰台区17147936914: 简要用英语描述牛郎与织女悲伤的爱情故事 -
壤石爱全: The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver On the east bank of the Heavenly River lived a girl weaver, daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. She worked hard year in and year out, weaving colourful clothes for gods and goddesses. Since she lived all alone, the...

丰台区17147936914: ...不料织女母亲王母娘娘强行把织女带回天宫,让两人隔着银河相望,但每逢七月七日,所有的喜鹊都飞上天去,在银河为牛郎织女搭鹊桥相会 .这就是牛郎和... -
壤石爱全:[答案] 织女是一个仙女,一次下凡认识了牛郎,牛郎织女两人彼此相爱,并私自结为夫妻,不料织女母亲王母娘娘强行把织女带回天宫,让两人隔着银河相望,但每逢七月七日,所有的喜鹊都飞上天去,在银河为牛郎织女搭鹊桥相会 Vega is a...

丰台区17147936914: 谁能够用英语简单讲述牛郎和织女的故事?牛郎用英语怎么说?王母娘娘
壤石爱全: 这是一个很美丽的,千古流传的爱情故事,成为我国四大民间爱情传说之一 传说天上有个织女星,还有一个牵牛星.织女和牵牛情投意合,心心想印.可是,天条律令是不...

丰台区17147936914: 急急急!!!谁能把“牛郎织女” 的故事用英文为我写一下啊.. -
壤石爱全: The story of Chinese Valentine's Day In a Chinese legend, the Sun God had seven beautiful daughters. All his fairy daughters could weave beautiful clothes. One day, the seven fairies came down from heaven and were playing in a river. A cowherd ...

丰台区17147936914: 求牛郎织女传说的英文版 -
壤石爱全: 全文: On the east bank of the Heavenly River lived a girl weaver, daughter of the Emperor of Heaven.She worked hard year in and year out, weaving colourful clothes for gods and goddesses....

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