
作者&投稿:抄亲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I looked and looked at her,

and I knew as clearly as I know that I will die...

that I loved her more than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on earth.

She was only the dead leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago,

but I loved her; this Lolita, pale and polluted,

and big with another man's child.

She would fade and wither, I didn't care.

I would still go mad with tenderness...

at the mere sight of her face.


Lolita,light of my life,fire of my loins.My sin,my soul.
Lo-lee-ta:the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap,at three,on the teeth.Lo.Lee.Ta.

"Lolita, or the Confession of a White Widowed Male," such were the two titles under which the writer of the present note received the strange pages it preambulates.


Despite our tiffs, despite her nastiness,despite all the fuss and faces she made, and the vulgarity, and the danger, andthe horrible hopelessness of it all, I still dwelled deep in my elected paradise — a paradise whose skies were the color of hell-flames — but still a paradise.

Despite our tiffs, despite hernastiness, despite the fuss she made, and the danger , helplessness of it all, despite all that, I was in paradise. A paradise whose skies were the color of hell flanes, but a paradise still.

"Lolita, or the Confession of a White Widowed Male," such were the two titles under which the writer of the present note received the strange pages it preambulates.这是原版书的第一页,其他PDF的全文如果需要,可以给你。

I looked and looked at her,and I knew as clearly as I know that I will die...that I loved her more than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on earth.She was only the dead leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago,but I loved her; this Lolita, pale and polluted,and big...

《洛丽塔》:作者:弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫,这是一部描写两性伦理与情感关系的小说,讲述了一个中年男子与未成年少女洛丽塔(Lolita)的恋爱故事。它的开头极为痴迷缭绕,蕴含着迷惘的深情和执念,非常感染人。中文译版:“ 洛丽塔,我生命之光,我欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵魂。洛一丽一塔:舌尖向上,...

英文原版 《洛丽塔》
Lolita,light of my life,fire of my loins.My sin,my soul.Lo-lee-ta:the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap,at three,on the teeth.Lo.Lee.Ta.


的强烈气味,使人联想起 Remnant n.剩余 Suspend vt.使悬浮,使暂停,延缓,推迟 Midge n.蚊子 Hedge n.树篱,障碍,模糊措辞,防损失的手段 Traverse v.穿过,来回移动,反驳,阻挠,详细研究,旋转 Rambler n.攀缘蔷薇,漫步者,漫谈者 Furry adj.毛皮的,盖着毛皮的,似毛皮的 Rigidity n.严格,刻板,僵化,坚硬,硬度 ...

求《洛丽塔》 Lolita 英文原版
求《洛丽塔》 Lolita 英文原版  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 说说这一年,有哪些人让你心生感恩?柏果尔 2013-10-30 · TA获得超过650个赞 知道答主 回答量:761 采纳率:50% 帮助的人:215万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 本回答被提问者采纳 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是?



关于洛丽塔的英文诗句 1.洛丽塔中关于爱情的句子英文版 Humbert: Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta:亨伯特:洛丽塔,我的生命之光,我的欲念之火。我的罪恶,我的灵魂。洛丽塔 Humbert:Lolita.From here to that old car that you know so well ...

石龙区13869109692: 《洛丽塔》这段文字的英文原文是什么?我的膝盖紧顶着那孩子的蓝色仔裤.她赤着脚,脚指甲上还留着桃红色惹丹,大脚趾上还有一小块胶布.上帝,彼时彼... -
彤怪强力:[答案] My knuckles lay against the child‟s blue jeans.She was barefooted; her toenails showed remnants of cherry-red polish and there was a bit of adhesive tape across her big toe; and,God,what would I not have given to kiss then and there those delicate-...

石龙区13869109692: 洛丽塔 英语原文 -
彤怪强力: 我在网上查了半天,可是英文版里的《洛丽塔》好像没有那么一句.我只能自己翻译了 :今生不该遇见你.遇见你不该爱上你. 爱上你不该不珍惜.分开后不该还想你.I shouldn't have met you in this life. When I did, I shouldn't have fallen in love with you. When I fell in love, I shouldn't have abandoned you. When we separated, I shouldn't still be thinking of you.~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、

石龙区13869109692: 求《洛丽塔》里面的一句台词的原版英文翻译,翻译器别来 -
彤怪强力: I looked and looked at her,and I knew as clearly as I know that I will die...that I loved her more than anything I'd ever seen or imagined on earth.She was only the dead leaf echo of the nymphet from long ago,but I loved her; this Lolita, pale and ...

石龙区13869109692: 《洛丽塔》中该段文字的英文原文是什么 ?急 !!!!谢谢 -
彤怪强力: The widower, a man of exceptional self-control, neither wept nor raved. He staggered a bit, that he did; but he opened his mouth only to impart such information or issue such directions as were strictly necessary in connection with the identification, ...

石龙区13869109692: 英文原版 《洛丽塔》 -
彤怪强力: Lolita,light of my life,fire of my loins.My sin,my soul. Lo-lee-ta:the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap,at three,on the teeth.Lo.Lee.Ta.

石龙区13869109692: 《洛丽塔》中第一句“我生命之光,我欲念之火,我的罪恶,不要原文,我是问这句话表达了什么情感?是主人公对洛丽塔的爱吗? -
彤怪强力:[答案] 这就是主人公对洛丽塔的爱,即使违背了道德,也万死不辞.爱情这东西,无论它让你多么肝肠寸断,但只要那个人的一个微笑,一句话,一个眼神,就足以毁灭你整个宇宙.正如张爱玲所说的那样,爱一个人,便愿意为他放低自己,低到尘埃里,于...

石龙区13869109692: 网上流传下面这段话出自<lolita>,可是貌似在书中没有看到,如果是,求这段话的英文. -
彤怪强力: 不能确定是不是,但可以给你英语原文.人生有三样东西是无法隐瞒的,咳嗽,贫穷和爱,你想隐瞒却欲盖迷章. 人生有三样东西是不该挥霍的,身体,金钱和爱,你想挥霍却得不尝失. 人生有三样东西是无法挽留的,生命,时间和爱,你想...

石龙区13869109692: 请问小说《洛丽塔》中哪一章有以下句子?"她是我的,她是我的,钥匙在我的手中,我的手在我的兜里,她是我的 -
彤怪强力: 是洛丽塔的第一部分的二十八章.那时候夏洛特死了,亨伯特带着毫无所知的洛丽塔去了一个宾馆.这句话的情境吧,是洛丽塔在房间熟睡,亨伯特在宾馆四处溜达,非常兴奋和紧张,这段话是当时他内心独白的一部分

石龙区13869109692: 帮忙看下这个版本的<洛丽塔>是不是完整的全译版!! -
彤怪强力: 我看了英文原版里有这句话 你看的应该也是全怿 只是洛丽塔最后可能当后记还是怎么了吧 不管怎么样我觉得你看的版本对你写的读书笔记没有影响 这是最重要的 没问题 安心啦 大不了 你把那句话加进去发挥两句 嘿嘿 同学你放假的时候 好用功哦 加油 新的学期新的开始

石龙区13869109692: 电影洛丽塔的最后汉伯特说的那句话 -
彤怪强力: 当时,我耳边音起的……是一片儿童欢笑声.令我心灰意冷的……不是身边没有洛丽黛,而是欢笑声中没有她.这是96年电影的那个版本,可能翻译的有所不同.下面是原著的原文,你可以比较一下下:我站在这高高的斜坡顶上倾听那悦耳...

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