
作者&投稿:羽疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

College students are likely to be influenced by the bad social mood and values because of their psychological immaturity and weak judgement.

谢谢!—— Thank you.
  多谢!-- Thanks a lot.
  对不起,麻烦你。—— Excuse me.
  抱歉。—— Excuse the mess.
  需要帮忙吗?--Can I help you.
  谢谢你的帮助。—— Thank you for helping me.
  无论如何,我还要感谢你。—— Thanks, anyway.
  您好。--How are you!
  初次见面问好。—— How do you do!
  很高兴见到你。—— (It's) nice to meet you.
  请问您从哪来。--Where are you from?
  请问贵姓。--Can I have your name?
  我叫...。—— My name is ... (I'm ...)
  很高兴认识你。—— It was a pleasure meeting you.
  很高兴见到你。—— Pleased to meet you.
  希望再见到你。—— Hope to see you again.
  这是不是说我以后可以再见到你?—— Does that mean that I can see you again?
  玩得快乐--Have a good time.
  祝你好运。—— Good luck.
  我希望没事。—— I hope nothing is wrong.
  怎么了?—— What's the matter?
  糟糕,严重吗?—— Oh, no! Is it serious?
  我真为你难过。—— I'm sorry for you.
  一路平安,走好。—— Have a safe trip home
Excuse me, How do I get to the ....... ? 请 问 如 何 前 往 ¨ ¨ ¨ ?
  How do I get to the airport? 请 问 如 何 前 往 机 场 ?
  How do I get to the bus station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 公 车 站 ?
  How do I get to the metro station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 地 下 铁 路 站 ?
  ( Metro 乃 欧 洲 常 用 字 )
  How do I get to the subway station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 地 下 铁 路 站 ?
  ( Subway 乃 北 美 洲 常 用 字 )
  How do I get to the underground station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 地 下 铁 路 站 ?
  ( underground 乃 英 国 常 用 字 )
  How do I get to the train station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 火 车 站 ?
  How do I get to the hotel XXX? 请 问 如 何 前 往 XXX 酒 店 ?
  How do I get to the police station? 请 问 如 何 前 往 警 局 ?
  How do I get to the post office? 请 问 如 何 前 往 邮 政 局 ?
  How do I get to the tourist information office? 请 问 如 何 前

Excuse me, Is there ....... near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 ...?
  Is there a baker near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 面 包 店 ?
  Is there a bank near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 银 行 ?
  Is there a bar near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 酒 吧 ?
  Is there a bus stop near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 公 车 站 ?
  Is there a cafe near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 咖 啡 店 ?
  Is there a cake shop near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 西 饼 店 ?
  Is there a change bureau near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 找 换 店
  Is there a chemist's near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 药 剂 师 ?
  Is there a department store near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 百 货 公 司
  Is there a disco near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 的 士 高 ?
  Is there a hospital nearby? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 医 院 ?
  Is there a night club near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 夜 总 会 ?
  Is there a post box near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 邮 政 局 ?
  Is there a public toilet near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 公 共 厕 所 ?
  Is there a restaurant near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 餐 厅 ?
  Is there a telephone near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 电 话 ?
  Is there a travel agent near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 旅 游 社 ?
  Is there a youth hostel near by? 请 问 附 近 有 没 有 青 年 旅 馆 ?

1, in many cases, have the meaning of a word in English and American English in the United Kingdom are different. (In many cases)
2 because she was in a Cantonese restaurant workers fought, so learn some Cantonese. (Pick up)
3 a compound word does not necessarily mean its components are the sum of mean. (Not necessarily)
4 English-speaking foreigners generally require two or three months time to customary European accent. (Be accustomed to)
5 Loanwords have been much into the English Village. (Mix into)
6 These words are my remark. (Straight from)

1. In many cases, words in English have different meanings with the words in American English.
2. She picked up some Canonese because she once worked in a Cantonese restuarant.
3. A compound noun does not necessarily mean the added-up meaning of its component.
4. Foreigners who speak English generally require two to three months to get accustomed to the European accents.
5. Many foreigner words have mixed into English.
6. These words have come directly from my heart.

1, in many cases, a words have meanings in American English and British English in different. (on) in seldom
2 because of her in a cantonese restaurant have played, so the learned some cantonese. (pick up),
3 a compound means not certain of its components are added. (not be)
4 English speaking foreign general need two three months to European accent habit. Accustomed to ().
Many words have been involved in English. Mix (they)
6 these words are my words. Straight (PPC)

in many cases the meaning of a word in American En is different from British En.
She picked up some Cantonese because she had worked in a restaurant of a Cantonese.
the meaning of a compound word doesnt not necessarily equal to the total meaning of every its element.
The foreigners who speak En need several months to be accustomed to European accent

Many loanword/foreign words was mixed into En
These words come straight from my heart.

1 In many cases, a word many have different meaning in American English and in British English.

2.Since she had worked in a restaurant run by a Cantonese, she picked up some Cantonese.

1:我有五个兄弟姐妹,三个哥哥,一个姐姐,他们都结婚了,就只有我单身的。我的父母都是农民,两个哥哥是工人,姐姐是个老师。我们一家人非常和睦,我很爱他们。谢谢!2:我的业务爱好就是运动,比如打球,篮球,足球和羽毛球。我喜欢读书,小说或历史书籍,然后就是喜欢唱歌了 1: I have five ...

1)我将在哪个地方呆一周,如果我有时间我会去看你。 I will stay in the place for a week. If I have time, I will go and visit you.2)昨天我收到了我哥哥的一封信,他告诉我,他很快 会来看我。 I received a letter from my elder brother yesterday. He told me that he would...

翻译几句句子,翻译成英文,不要有语法错误喔! 谢谢(英语)
1. Protection of the bad environment is everyone's responsibility, we should start small, from now on.2. I believe that someday, our city will be getting better and better!3. I believe that through our efforts will succeed!4. We how to keep healthy?5. Good or bad ...

楼主您好:以下是我的翻译:亲爱的老师,非常感谢您。感谢您对我的帮助,在英语课上你认真的教课。耐心的回答我们的问题。你值得我们尊敬。祝你感恩节快乐。永远年轻,健康。My dear teacher, thank you very much. Thank you for helping me. You try hard to teach in the class, and answer our...

1, in many cases, have the meaning of a word in English and American English in the United Kingdom are different. (In many cases)2 because she was in a Cantonese restaurant workers fought, so learn some Cantonese. (Pick up)3 a compound word does not necessarily mean its ...

1~~在去机场的路上,她出了车祸,受了点轻伤 She got a slight wound in a car accident on her way to the ariport.2``他考试不及格,老师很失望。The teacher was disappointed because he flunked the exam.3`~手术成功了,两位医生松了一口气,笑了。Two doctors relaxed and smiled after...

(5)我一直在琢磨这个句子是否有更好的译法。 (5) I've been wondering whether this sentence better translation.13、 13 (1)人类的种种技术,都是人的体力和智慧的延伸。 (1) All kinds of human technology, are people's physical strength and wisdom of the extension.(2)咖啡是世界...

the movement of your younger sister to ride a horse is really terrific!(不知道帅怎么翻译)2.你和你妹妹长得很像嘛!You looks like your younger sister very much!3.有不少人因为这次暴风雪离开了人世。Many people left the world because of this snowstorm.4.那些人为社会作出了牺牲,我...

1、Set off on a journey, bring sunshine, bring beautiful mood.动身踏上旅程,带上阳光,带上美丽的心情 2、Time, so in pursueing we look back, for a walk, never look back.时光,就这样在我们回首追寻中,兜兜转转间,一去不返。3、Youth is a ignorant and moving, always leaves ...

3.这些科学家把一生都奉献给了科学,并为科学事业作出了巨大的贡献。(devote)These scientists have devoted all their lives to science and have make great contributions to the science industry.4.直到现在,有些学生连简单的英语都不会说,更不要说写英语文章了。(much less)Up to now, ...

化隆回族自治县17020737546: 帮忙用英语翻译几个句子啊,很急!谢谢啦.1,我担心你不能及时完成任务2,那个科学家宣称已经找到治疗癌症的方法3,以便于多挣钱养活她的孩子4,就... -
通购点滴:[答案] 1, I'm afraid you can finish the task in time 2, the scientists claim to have found method for the treatment of cancer 3 in order to earn more money to support her children 4, as far as I'm concerned 5, absolutely don't play games with the feelings of others ...

化隆回族自治县17020737546: 各位大神些!帮我翻译几个句子!用英文翻译!急!谢了! -
通购点滴: 1: the shop owner charged me too much money.2: I like to play basketball, and my sister likes to listen to music.3: this is a very interesting book, and see it one more time.4: probably two-thirds of the students will pass the exam.5: and stay at home watching TV, I'm not as good as and you go out for a walk.

化隆回族自治县17020737546: 各位帮帮忙把下面的句子翻译成英语!谢谢了!...
通购点滴: 1.时间:6月5日晚上7点. 1. Time: June 5, 7 in the evening.2.地点:3号栋103房间. 2. Location: 3 building 103 room.3.内容:学生宿舍安全问题,安全用电,火灾应变,防止失窃. 3. Contents: student dormitory security issues, safe electricity...

化隆回族自治县17020737546: 英语翻译.一段话..急啊!谢谢了!
通购点滴:一年前,李哥哥带着我飞到了江苏的天珑山,我自己在景区参观,他不知去了哪里. A year ago, brother Li with me flew to the JiangsuTianlong mountain, I visited the scenic spot myself I doesn't know where he is 我看到了很多树,在山路上走了...

化隆回族自治县17020737546: 急需英语高手帮翻译英语句子…谢谢了
通购点滴: I hope you will adapt yoursel f to a new place and everything will go well with you.

化隆回族自治县17020737546: 各位朋友,帮忙翻译几个句子,翻译成英语…谢谢.急!!!! -
通购点滴: 1.我有一个很温馨的家,我的爸爸还在工作,妈妈已经退休了,他们已经50多岁了,我希望他们都会身体健康 ihaveawarmandhappyfamily,myfatherisstillworkingwhilemymotherisretired,theyarebothover50yearsold,ihopetheyarealwayshealthy. 2.我毕...

化隆回族自治县17020737546: 翻译成英文句子,谢谢了,急啊 -
通购点滴: 1, in many cases, have the meaning of a word in English and American English in the United Kingdom are different. (In many cases) 2 because she was in a Cantonese restaurant workers fought, so learn some Cantonese. (Pick up) 3 a compound ...

化隆回族自治县17020737546: 帮忙翻译一个句子成英语,谢谢啦!! -
通购点滴: "However,we can think about having some fast-food only when we are in a hurry,but we'd better eat them not so frequently,especially for the chidren." 搞定``

化隆回族自治县17020737546: 帮忙翻译下英语句子 谢谢 急呀 -
通购点滴: you are the only person who owns my persistence 差不多应该是这样吧我自己的理解

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