
作者&投稿:查婵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
中译英,句子 翻译~

1, he asked me whether I like pop music
2, there is a period of time the children tired of dancing.
3, I want to know is it right? Marie intentionally break the plate.
4, Lili doesn't work here, because she was going to study in the United states.

They started to make a fire to keep warm.
解释:start to do,开始做。
make a fire,生火。
keep warm,取暖。

1. Sunqiao Modern Agricultural Development Zone in the research conducted by the Chinese farmers will bring great economic benefits. (Benefits)
2. From the final exam, only five days, we learned that the review of the East and West. (go, time)
3. At first no one think that we have just introduced this system will be used, but it proved to be very effective. (Prove)
4. Father let his son take a good, it held on to his mother walked into the room. (Seat, help)
5. It is well known that the United States in technological development than the rest of the world in many advanced countries. (Ahead of)
6. I eat a number of attempts to stop a headache medicine, but also does not work. (Effect)
7. They abandoned the ancient castle, it soon became a theory in ruins. (Ruin)
8. Even if you were scared of heart, you must also appears to be calm in the interview. (Appear)
9. Railway construction in the vicinity of the village has brought great economic benefits. (Benefit)
10. The whole world is against China's tremendous achievements in the past 10 years was a great surprise. (Amaze)
11. In order to prove to the court of his innocence, John spare no effort in looking for evidence. (Prove)
12. You must be a reasonable diet, eating too much because too little is not conducive to healthy eating. (Healthy)
13. Do you think in the past five years, to the fashion designer who has the greatest impact? (Influence v.)


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①感谢你的来信 thanks for your letter ②我们想要通知你,你订的传送机已发货 We want to inform you that your order of transfer machine has been shipped ③三天内你将收到货物 You will receive the goods in three days ④希望你们会满意 I hope you will be satisfied ⑤我们期待你再次...

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1. Each football team is consisted of eleven players.2. This game is quite enjoyable.3. Teacher Li is sure to come tonight.4. It's not until the next morning he woke up.5. My parents led hard lives 20 years ago.6. They sit around the fire, singing and dancing.7. ...

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琼山区13121178160: 英语句子翻译(汉译英) -
万购敏定: If we keep on wasting the water, the water will be consumed sooner or later. 祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

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