
作者&投稿:啜净 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~    故事 呈现过程中:凸显故事性,弱化句型教学;故事感受过程中要做到:凸显整体性,实现分段理解;故事反馈过程中:凸显创造性,规避文本重复方式,全面提升 英语故事 教学的有效性。我分享关于嫦娥奔月的英语故事,希望可以帮助大家!
  The Mid-Autumn festival is the harvest family. In China's agriculture society, farmers in the abundant harvest season, has always been an issue and celebrate. This family became festival also and "chang e" this beautiful myth about.


  According to legend, ancient times, heaven appeared ten SUNS, baking to the earth, and the sea dry, the common people smoldering eyes cannot live. This matter stirred a call after yi hero, he climbed the kunlun peak power, hiking, beginning god arch, breath next nine extra SUNS, save the people to come to this. Before long, after yi has married a beautiful wife, that fragrance.


  One day, after yi to seek ways, kunlun visits of erreth-akbe from after the heavenly queen, then to the heavenly queen obtained a pack of undead medicine, according to persuade under the drug, can instantly into heaven, however, after yi won't immortal, leaving his wife to will not die medicine to charng-er stash.


  And, behold, it was MenKe caravans have saw yi yi montmorillonite, peng out after it was such bullying charng-er surrender not die medicine, charng-er know not peng have opponent, juncture horns, remove the undead medicine one mouthful swallowed it. Charng-er swallowed the medicine, the body immediately after flying off the ground, fly to the sky, because charng-er cared about her husband, then a hope of the moon from the earth recently became a fairy.

  后羿回来后,侍女们哭诉了一切。悲痛欲绝的后异,仰望夜空呼唤爱妻的名字,这时,她惊奇地发现,今天晚上的月亮特别圆,特别皎洁明亮,而且有个晃动的身影酷似嫦娥。后羿忙命人摆上香案,放上嫦娥最爱吃的蜜食鲜果,遥祭在月宫里的嫦娥。百姓们闻知嫦娥奔月成仙的肖息后,纷纷在月下摆上香案,向善良的嫦九祈求吉祥平安。从此, 中秋节 拜月的风俗在民间传开了。

  After yi after come back, the maids sobbing everything. The grief-stricken vision, after the night sky call the names of his beloved wife, then, she was surprised to find that today at night, the moon special circle, especially bright bright, but a dime on the scene resembles fragrance. After yi busy orders placed XiangAn, put on charng-er favorite eat fresh fruit, honey in remote offering chang-e charng-er. People smell know chang e become immortal shaw interest in in succession months after XiangAn, hem on to a good Chang nine pray lucky and peace. From then on, the Mid-Autumn festival in folk customs of worship months out.
  关于嫦娥奔月的英语故事:嫦娥奔月的 传说
  At the same time in Heaven the Jade Emperor wished to help the farmers raise animals and cultivate their fields. He gave orders to his ten sons to become ten suns and travel across the sky one at a time, each taking one day. The ten young men disobeyed; all ten of them came out every day, and the heat from ten suns shining all at once made the earth intolerably hot. People and animals died of heat, rivers dried up, land became barren and forests scorched and burned.


  cultivate: vt. 培养,耕作 intolerably: adv. 到难耐的程度

  barren: adj. 不孕的 scorch: v. 烧焦,枯萎

  The farmers prayed, giving sacrifices and burning incense to Heaven for deliverance. The Jade Emperor heard their prayers and saw the destruction caused by his sons. He sent Hou Yi, his bravest god, down to earth to solve the problem of the ten suns and end the catastrophe. Hou Yi was a good, courageous god with a beautiful wife, Chang Er. Deeply in love with each other, they were known as the Divine Couple. Chang Er didn't like the thought of going down to earth, but she was unwilling to be separated from her husband, so together they descended to earth and became mortals among the Eastern clans.

  Hou Yi was a great archer and brought his magic bow from heaven with him. Knowing that Hou Yi came from heaven, the people of the clans proclaimed him to be their leader.

  Seeing how much suffering and destruction were caused by the heat of the ten suns, Hou Yi climbed to the top of Tienshan mountain and began negotiating with the suns to have pity on the unfortunate people. He pleaded to the suns to take turns and make their journeys across the sky singly, one for each day, and explained the white blaze of ten suns is much too much for the land to bear. He also told them how much Heaven loves all living things.

  But the ten audacious suns considered it dull and boring to go across the sky one at a time and that much more fun was to be had by coming out together, so they refused to listen. They increased their heat and caused even more suffering. This angered Hou Yi. He took out his magic bow and arrows and shot down nine of the suns; the last sun begged for his life and promised obedience at performing his task of separating night from day.


  sacrifice: n. 祭品 destruction: n. 破坏 catastrophe: n. 大灾难

  proclaim: vt. 宣布 negotiate: v. 谈判 arrow: n. 箭

  Finally the earth was at peace and people enjoyed their work and lives. However, when Hou Yi made his report to the Jade Emperor, he was furious at Hou Yi for killing his nine sons, and refused to let the Divine Couple return to Heaven.

  As leader of the clans, there was much for Hou Yi to do on earth. He taught the people many ways to defend their land and themselves. He was so busy with his duties he became neglectful of his lovely and lonely wife. Chang Er was especially unhappy to be an earthly mortal with all of mortality's suffering, aging and death in particular. Also, she was angry at Hou Yi for shooting down the Jade Emperor's nine sons, and the couple became unhappy and estranged.

  To avoid arguing with his wife, Hou Yi spent his time travelling about the land alone. He became familiar to its people, performing many good deeds wherever he travelled. He also killed a gigantic, 100,000-foot snake and a nine-headed monster that had caused much distress and thousands of lives. Many times he prayed to the Jade Emperor to let himself and his wife return to Heaven, but the Emperor refused his plead and so Hou Yi and Chang Er remained as mortals, suffering as ordinary human beings do.
  The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for Chinese people all over the world to come together, eat special cakes and gaze at the full moon。


  Though a happy occasion, there's a heartbreaking story that explains how it came to be。


  Chinese legend tells of the hero Houyi and his beautiful wife Chang'e。


  As with many legends, there are differing and often contradictory accounts。


  One tells that Chang'e was a heavenly girl who worked among fairies and immortals in the palace of the Jade Emperor. One day, she broke a special porcelain jar and was banished to live among humans on earth, with the promise that she could return if she performed valuable deeds there。


  Joining a family of farmers, she met Houyi, a hunter and master archer, and eventually, they would marry。


  But the world of mortals soon found itself in peril. The Jade Emperor had 10 mischievous sons who transformed themselves into 10 suns, scorching the earth and its people. Houyi took it upon himself to save them. Using incredible strength and superior marksmanship, he shot down nine of the suns and left one in the sky so that humans could draw upon its warmth and light。


  It is here, again, that accounts diverge. One version has it that both Houyi and Chang'e were heavenly beings, and that a vengeful emperor condemned them to live on Earth as mortals thereafter. Houyi wished to avert death, so he acquired an elixir that would confer immortality. He was warned to drink only half the potion, and he reasoned that his wife could drink the rest。


  In one account of the legend, a greedy friend of Houyi's named Peng Meng tried to obtain the formula for himself, but Chang'e wouldn't let him, and drank it all. Another states that Chang'e could not resist immortality, and so consumed it herself。


  However you interpret the legend, it eventually transpired that Chang'e's body became light, and she flew out a window up to the moon, leaving her husband all alone on the Earth。


  On a clear night, Houyi saw Chang'e in the moon, called out to her and even tried to shoot it down, but it was too late。


  Now a lunar goddess, Chang'e was doomed to be apart from her husband forever. Houyi honoured his wife by arranging a table with incense, meats and fruits that she loved. The tradition of making sacrifices to the moon carried through the ages, from the Western Zhou Dynasty (1045 to 770 B.C。) onward。


  And so it is today, that Chinese all over the world meet outside, eat together and gaze at a plentiful moon, like the legendary and historical ancestors who came before。


... a women who abandon her husbend and flies to moon

写作思路:从嫦娥奔月的故事为写作目的、中心主旨入手,结合自身感受,真实得描述,新鲜有趣的材料,以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,正文:Mid Autumn Festival, a festival of eating moon cakes, is also the middle of autumn.中秋节,吃月饼的节日,也是中秋节。On that day, sister Chang'...

he became hunting again. She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi, immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents 中文版:从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥.一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙丹,就能立即成仙.后羿舍不得妻子,...

嫦娥奔月由来英文版 50-70字
Chang eating her husband from the West, where the Queen Mother begged to die of drugs, the fly to moon. But Qionglouyuyu, standing above the crowd, so-called "Chang'e must regret stealing the elixir, and Bihaiqingtian heart every night," she was feeling lonely arc of the ...

在很早很早以前,因为后羿射日立了功,受到百姓的尊敬和爱戴,不久,后羿娶了个美丽善良的 妻子,名叫嫦娥。人们都羡慕这对郎才女貌的恩爱夫妻。 一天,后羿到昆仑山访友求道,遇到王母娘娘,便向王母求得一包不死药。据说,服下此药,能即刻升天成仙。然而,后羿舍不得撇下妻子,只好暂时把不死药...

A long time ago, Tai Yi Dao Shanzhong hunting, when encountered in a laurel tree Chang, two will be in Laurel as the coal, married.About Yao to the age of 10 appeared in the sky the sun, burned crops, baked dead vegetation, people have no food. The same time, Jia Yu,...

嫦娥奔月的故事=The story of Chang 'e flying to the moon

Legend, in ancient time have a year, heaven appeared ten the sun, the earth smoking hot straight, the water of the sea is dried up, and the common people see can no longer life.It moved a hero named houyi, he boarded the kunlun peak, the full power of operation, ...

一 英语作文嫦娥奔月的故事(字数100字左右) According to Chinese old myth, it looks like a beautiful goddess under a big tree in the moon.She was Chang e, the wife of Hou Yi. Hou Yi was a hero who saved people through shooting the extra eight Suns by arrows. Hence, the emperor in the...

In ancient times there are ten sun, after yi take archery bow shoot down the nine sun, a lot of people admire after yi worship in his door. One day, after yi undead for medicine, it is said, take this medicine can become immortal. Three days later, after yi LvZhong ACTS...

江城区13222119974: 嫦娥奔月的英语故事短一些 -
召雁益肾: Once upon a time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was ...

江城区13222119974: 中秋传说之一——嫦娥奔月(英语、短一点) -
召雁益肾:[答案] Once upon a time,a man named Hou Yi,he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e.One day,he became hunting,met the Queen ... 中文版:从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥.一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙...

江城区13222119974: 150字左右嫦娥奔月故事,英文版 -
召雁益肾: 嫦娥奔月 The story should begin with Houyi shooting down the suns. Long long time ago, Houyi and Changer were known as a happy couple in heaven and were deeply in love with each other. After Houyi shooting down the suns, the Jade Emperor ...

江城区13222119974: 嫦娥奔月的神话故事(必须是英文版的)(短一点) -
召雁益肾: Once lived a couple happily. But the woman wanted to be God. So she ate two tablets and flew up to the moon und lived there alone forever.

江城区13222119974: 嫦娥奔月英语故事每句话加中文翻译最长25句话最短20句话 -
召雁益肾: According to legend, Chang'e and her husband Houyi were immortals living in heaven. One day, the ten sons of the Jade Emperor transformed into ten suns, causing the earth to scorch. Having failed to order his sons to stop ruining the earth, the ...

江城区13222119974: 写嫦娥奔月的英语作文30字 -
召雁益肾:[答案] Chang'e Files to the Moon Houyi, seeking perpetual youth, obtained the elixir1 of immortality3 from Queen Mother of the West... She is regarded by later generations as the goddess of the moon. This beautiful story has always been liked by the Chinese ...

江城区13222119974: 嫦娥奔月的英语短文50词 -
召雁益肾:[答案] Once upon a HouYi time,a man named Hou Yi,he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e.One day,he became hunting,met the Queen Mother,the first to seek immortality,the dose of immortality,we will be able to ...

江城区13222119974: 求一篇英文作文《嫦娥奔月》求一篇关于嫦娥奔月的故事 叙事篇. -
召雁益肾:[答案] Chang'e's husband was a great hero in their tribe,and he got a present from the angel from the heaven.The present were two pills which were long life drug.Chang'e's husband planed to share these two p...

江城区13222119974: 写嫦娥奔月的英语作文30字 -
召雁益肾: Hero legend shoot day after implement married a beautiful good wife named chang 'e. Hou yi in the heavenly queen, her mother gave hou yi a pack of medicine, was supposed to eat this medicine can be immortal, hou yi is not willing to give up the ...

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