
作者&投稿:诺致 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  Differences of Table Manners

  Linda: Hi, Maya. I want to invite a friend from America to have a western dinner on the weekend. So I want to ask you something.

  Maya: What would you like to know?

  Linda: I just don't understand the American table manners.

  Maya: You should learn about some Chinese cultures, especially the table manners.

  Linda: I think you are right. Can you tell me the differences between Chinese table manners and American table manners?

  Maya: The most obvious difference is that they use knives and forks, but we use chopsticks.

  Linda: Exactly. I know they often place the knife and spoon on the right of the plate. The fork is on the left.

  Maya: You'd better keep your left hand under the table unless you use it in the process of cutting.

  Linda: How can I know that he is full?

  Maya: He will tell you that he is full. And if he puts knife and fork in a position on the plate looking like the hands of a clock at 5: 30, it means that he is finished.

  Linda: There are really so many differences. Thank you.

  Maya: You are welcome.

  菜 品 形 式


  Appetizer/First Course前菜


  西餐的主菜,以大块肉类为主,或者是整块鱼,或大个头的海鲜中国人概念里的主食和素食,比如面包和土豆泥。也会作为配菜(Side Dish)一齐奉上美国快餐店的菜单,还有1主n配的套餐(Combo)。

  Dressing / Sauce酱汁




  食 材 类 型






  01.Dining in a Western restaurant, we have to learn a lot of dos and don'ts.


  02.Don't read at the table.


  03.Don't gar以e with your soup.


  04.No TV during dinner.


  05.Chew with your mouth closed.


  06.Please keep the table clean.


  07.Excuse me. I'll just get the phone.


  08.Don't put your elbows on the table.


  09.Don't talk with your mouth full.


  10.Excuse me for a minute.


  11.Don't take huge mouthfuls of anything.


  12.Don't slurp your soup.


  13.Put the bowl down gently.


Eating in American(II)美国人吃饭用刀叉,而且他们的用餐方式是很有讲究的。因此,在应邀与美国朋友一起吃饭时,应特别注意他们的用餐习惯。一般情况下,餐桌上摆放有一幅餐刀和两幅餐叉,外边的餐叉供你吃色拉,里边的餐叉用于吃主食和其它点心食品,餐刀用来切肉食。如果你两手并用,应左手握叉,右手...

Linda: Hi, Maya. I want to invite a friend from America to have a western dinner on the weekend. So I want to ask you something.Maya: What would you like to know?Linda: I just don't understand the American table manners.Maya: You should learn about some Chinese cultures,...

西餐礼仪 英文版
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eating can be a time when knife and fork to replace the use of each other.

should avoid to speak, can not arbitrary straight你好, quiet and calm,朋友. The mouth of food. On the table can be selfish, elbows should not rely on table edge, or hand on the back of a chair next to him, can not be impatient. Table must be gentle. 希望能帮到您 ...

关于西餐用餐礼仪的英文介绍~~~! 30 请高手帮忙攒找西餐用餐礼仪的英文介绍,大家帮忙,强烈感谢,有追加~~~!!!... 请高手帮忙攒找西餐用餐礼仪的英文介绍,大家帮忙,强烈感谢,有追加~~~!!! 展开 3个回答 #热议# 作为女性,你生活中有感受到“不安全感”的时刻吗? Tianxiaozhang 2006-10-08 ·...

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和谁一起吃西餐,要有选择,一定要是亲朋好友,趣味相投的人。第五个是“Manner”(礼俗) 遵循西方习俗,正确使用刀叉,一般会安排男女相邻而坐,讲究“女士优先”的原则,表现出对女士的殷勤。 第六个是“Meal”(食品) 西餐是以营养为核心。二、怎样点西餐菜点西餐菜对许多人来说都还较陌生,以下是西餐上菜顺序...

跪求十条西餐礼仪 要英文的 谢谢
Step 3 Hold a soup spoon in your right hand and scoop the soup away from you. You can also tip the bowl away from you.Step 4 Hold stemware by the stem rather than by the glass.Step 5 Keep your elbows off the table.Step 6 Butter a piece of bread that you have broken...

(1)Sit down, please. Here is the menu. May I take your order, sir? 请坐,给您菜单。先生,您要点菜吗?(2)What would you like to have, coffee or tea? 您要喝咖啡还是茶?(3)would you like to have some wine with your dinner?您用餐时要喝点酒吗?(4)It’s our ...

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倚疫银杏:[答案] There are a large number of table manners in western countries.They are used to using folks and knives when eating.And It's ... you can enjoy the delicious food!我可是手机一个个打得呃……我高三,不过这个文章水平估计也就初三水平.

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