
作者&投稿:蓝高 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Love without a condition will disappear.
people not treasured will leave.
It hurts, because it is not understood,
leave rather than scaring our selves,
my heart only rest with one that cares.

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Creative Fashion Show. Our company is aimed to produce kinds of fashion to meet customers' satisfaction with the simplest philosophy.Every fashion has its unique philosophy through elaborate design of our designers.We expect to develop long-term cooperation with more customers.Our fashion will begin, may you have a feast of this creative fashion show. Thanks.

I gratuated in management in July,2008. Although the grade was not as good as expected, I have been interested in this major and would like to apply related jobs. If luckily I beome your employee, I will finish my work at greatest effort. As for work experience, I did sale in my part time. With the greatest sincereness, I hope I can get the job and contribute to your company.

抱歉没有逐词翻译。 若是作为外企的应聘材料,我个人认为你的原文在很多地方还需要改进。例如, “如果有幸能受聘 我将全力以赴完成工作任务”。我想,完成岗位工作是最基本的要求吧,这并不是公司聘用你的期望。

我翻译的过程中感到你使用的是I- attitude, not You-attitude, which is basic for applying a job.


I graduated from the university in July ,2008.I am major in management, but my academic achievement is not satisfactory. However ,I take a fency to my major and I am so glad as well as honored to be here to apply this job.
If I am fortuned enough to be applied,I will put all my efforts into completing my tasks.
As for working experience,I have only done the job as a salesperson, so I come here more frankly and I hope I can get this job whole-heartedly.


I graduated with my degree of management in July, 2008. Although my score is not as good as I expected, I really enjoy my major and am looking forward to a job related. If I'm lucky enough to work with you,I'll try my best. As for working experience, frankly speaking, I just worked as a part-time salesperson before. Do hope I can work together with you.

I graduate the specialty at 2008 in July am the management in fact result am not but ideal I very much to like this specialty, therefore is glad very much, and is honored very much can come here to respond to a call for recruits the work which is related with it, if fortunately can be hired I whole-heartedly to complete the work mission speaking of the work experience me only to make seller's concurrent job, therefore the present more honest arrives at here to hope wholeheartedly can obtain this to work

I was graduated on July,2008, and I major in management. To be honest, I wasn't did well during my college course, but I like this major best all the time. Therefore, it's my pleasure and honest to be here for the job interview. If I could be the lucky one, I'll try my best to accomplish my job mission. For the job experiences, I just be part-time seller before. I do want this job seriously.

我很忙 不要打扰我 翻译 文言文


I helped my friend's homework until nine-fifty.上个星期,我非常忙,我上个星期做了什么?星期一晚上,放学后,我帮助我的同学的作业。星期二晚上,放学后,我去拜访了我的英语老师因为她病了。周三晚上,我在学校完成我的作业直到10:30。上星期四的夜晚,我练习弹钢琴一直到十点。上星期五晚上...

牛仔很忙The Cowboy Is Busy 彩虹Rainbow 青花瓷Porcelain 阳光宅男The Sunny House Boy 蒲公英的约定 Dandelion' Promissory 无双 No Match 我不配 I Deserve Not 扯 Gossip 甜甜的 Sweet 最长的电影The Longest Movie


一小段英语短文的翻译忙enough sleep
足够的睡眠。 你的采纳是我前进的动力 采纳




」其他还有不少,如怱次、怱促、狼忙、苍惶等。 2. 形容时光匆匆的古诗文句子有哪些 1.十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘。___苏轼《江城子·乙卯正月二十日夜记梦》 【翻译】两人一生一死,隔绝十年,相互思念却很茫然,无法相见。不想让自己去思念,自己却难以忘怀。 2.去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。___崔护...

秦都区13699046331: 帮翻一些短句,翻译出来的再加20到50分(拒绝翻译机),句子都比较简单 -
欧钟盘龙: 1.我不活了/我死了 生(い)きてられない/わたしは死んだ(しんだ)2.算了,不玩了 もういい、游ばない(あそばない)3.没发烧啊 热(ねつ)がないよ4.脑废的/脑残的 头(あたま)がおかしい/头(あたま)が障害(しょうがい)あり5.我脑残...

秦都区13699046331: 帮忙把一段中文翻译成英文 拒绝在线翻译 -
欧钟盘龙: 1.上上个星期我从楼梯上摔下来,这几天还不能上班,下星期一应该就可以了. 没什么大碍,多休息就行了 1.During the last fortnight early,I unfortunately fell off the stairs,I think I won't be able to work in several days until next Monday.It's not serious,...

秦都区13699046331: 汉译英,比较简短的一段话,求大虾帮忙翻译,不要在线直译的.拜谢~! 在线等! -
欧钟盘龙: Hi,Dennis,1. Shawn and I are from a hunting company instead of Avaya HR department.2. It was Jae Choi(supposedly he will be the person you report to) who called you this morning. He gave me feedback through phone that he had a quite pleasent...

秦都区13699046331: 人工翻译一段话,翻译成英文,拒绝机翻译 -
欧钟盘龙: Hello, 2 12 - February 20】 【7 days holiday is Chinese New Year holidays, Chinese New Year post office do not work, EMS messages are subject to different delays. Buyers want to be able to actively cooperate with the patience to wait, February ...

秦都区13699046331: (日译中,翻译机拒绝)帮翻译几个简单短句``谢谢 -
欧钟盘龙: おまえはわざとやってたんだ わたしはわざとやったのじゃないんです いそげ/はやく ネクスト(next)/つぎ

秦都区13699046331: 急求!!帮忙翻译一段话!谢绝在线翻译
欧钟盘龙:呵呵,我英语专业大三的哈,看看我水平如何哈~ To work at this very hall I could excise myself better than any other places, served for stangers with smile and all my heart and soul,Till now, not knowledged man flows for society, but combined it with...

秦都区13699046331: 谁能帮我翻译一段英文,(拒绝在线翻译) -
欧钟盘龙: 这英文写的很凌乱,不过我还是帮你大致翻译下: 很抱歉我曾经说过我会等你,但是现在我已经不能再等下去了.我准备放弃现在的工作,回到曾经给我美好回忆的地方,我只想安静一下,我不能给予承诺,因为我受到了伤害,你们都知道我的性格,我不想再这样继续下去,上次我们交谈之后我哭了一夜,我已经不再重视女性的外在容貌,她们在我的眼睛里全部变的模糊不清,我现在已经无法再像以前一样坚强,我想别人都不知道我哭过,因为我总是在他们睡觉的时候哭泣,我有很多伤心的事情,我已经不能再像当初一样留下来,所以我选择离开.逃避也许是一种好的方法,请原谅我!

秦都区13699046331: 求人工翻译这一小段话,拒绝任何词典翻译! -
欧钟盘龙: You can feel the hair very gently across the palm of your hand, very comfortable, just like you touching the animal fur.When your feet. He doesn't like othe...

秦都区13699046331: 帮忙把一段话翻译成汉语,谢绝机器翻译... -
欧钟盘龙: 故事并没有在此结束.在他的婚礼当天,Stoddard博士在汤普森夫人耳边轻声说, “谢谢你相信我,汤普森夫人.你让我感到自己很重要并让我展示了我能有所作为.”

秦都区13699046331: 帮忙翻译3个英语句子(机器翻译谢绝,满意会再追加分数) -
欧钟盘龙: 1.过来. (很认真的语气) 2.好了,我已经受够了. 3.行了,你正经点,我们继续(拔牙)吧.

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