
作者&投稿:范阳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I had a wonderful weekend last week. On Saturday, I invited my friends to watch a film in the cinema. We had popcorns and coke during the film. On Sunday, I went to a museum to watch an art exhibition. When I was home, I wrote a blog on the internet about my weekend. I decided to go to another museum next week.上周我过了一个愉快的周末。周六我和小伙伴去电影院看电影。我们一边吃爆米花喝可乐,一边看电影。周日我去博物馆看艺术展览。我回到家之后在网上写了一篇博客。我决定下周还要去博物馆。想要掌握英语学习技巧或者知识,推荐报班跟着外教学英语,或者先免费试听课程了解。免费试听课地址:【点击领取专属欧美外教免费试听课】试听完之后,外教老师会做英语水平测试结果,把报告发给你,抓住提供的免费试听课机会。很多学员表示因为阿卡索的性价比高,课程20元左右一节,还给学员匹配专属外教,可以自己挑选满意为止,教材既有原版,也有对标国内新课标自主研发,可供选择的丰富多样。希望可以帮到你啦!想要找到合适英语培训机构,百度搜下“阿卡索vivi老师”即可。百度搜下“阿卡索官网论坛”免费获取全网最齐全英语资源。

Apple is the king of the fruit, vitamin C, alkaline substances, etc.
Apple's appearance is very cute, looks like a small fat doll face, red and tender. Apple's color is uniform, mostly in the red. Not bad apples taste, chomp, taste sour and sweet, but delicious! My favorite fruit is an apple.

An apple is a kind of fruit .I like eating it very much.An apple is round.Its colour is green,it is not big,.It smells sweet and tastes good ,and it is a little sour.An apple is full of vitamin in it,it is good for us.So we say,"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

On Apple
Apple is a kind of fruit. Apple lets people think of George Washington, whose honesty story is still inspiring the young.Apple is healthy because it is said that one apple a day is better than a good doctor.In China, there is a story titled "Story of an Apple", which is about some brave Chinese soldiers in bad living conditions sharing an apple and reflects their great spirits.So apple is not simply a kind of fruit, it may mean a lot.

参考资料: 百度知道

Last week, I was pretty busy, what did I do last week? Last Monday nigh, after school, I helped my classmate's homeworkt I visited my English teacher last Tuesday night because she was sick. Last Wednesday night, I did finish my homework at school until ten-thirty. Last Thursday night, I practiced and played the piano until ten o'clock. Last Friday night, I helped my friend's homework until nine-fifty.

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