
作者&投稿:牢松 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He dances. 他跳舞(经常性的)
He is dancing. 正在跳舞
He has danced. 他已经跳舞了。(舞结束了)
He has been dancing. 他一直在跳舞。(仍在继续)
He danced. 他跳过舞。(过去某时跳过而已,与现在无关)
He was dancing. 他当时正在跳舞。
He had danced. 一般不单独用过去完成式。可译为他(在过去某时间之前)已经跳过舞了。
He had been dancing. 同上。他(知道过去某时)仍在跳舞。
He will dance. 他将要跳舞(意愿)
He will be dancing. 他快要跳舞了(有点照安排的意思)
He will have danced. (到将来某时)他已经跳过舞了。
He will have been dancing. (到将来某时)他已经在跳舞了。
He would dance. 他过去愿意跳舞。(也可接虚拟语气,译为如果……他就可以跳舞)
He would be dancing.
He would have danced. 他本可以跳舞的。(would have done表示虚拟)
He would have been dancing.他本可以(在过去那个时刻)正在跳舞的。

With the development of the city, and the improvement of living standards, the quality of life of people with high levels of comprehension. Villa life so that people can have a sense of belonging, dependence, this way of life need more close to nature, have more outdoor sports venues. The design of the villa is of simple European style style. Design to the development of new functional space, pay attention to the space of flows, transparent and bright


1. I usually surf the Internet during weekends.
2. LingLing invited Betty to a movie.
3. He often swims with his friend on Sundays.
4. Do you want to watch a football match with us?
5. How often do you have a PE class?

1. I usually surf the web during weekends.
2. LingLing invited Betty to a movie
3. He often swims with his friend on Sunday
4. Do you wish to see a football match with us?
5. How regular do you all have a Sports session?

1.I am always surfing on the internet on weekends.
2.LingLing invites Betty to the cinema.
3.He often goes to swim with his friends on Sundays.
4.Do you want to go and watch a soccer game with us?
5.How often do you guys have a Physical Education class?

1 On weekends, i always surf on internet, browsing websites.
2 Linlin invited Betty to see a movie.
3 He always goes swimmiing with his friends on Sundays.
4 Do you want to join us to watch the football game?
5 How often do you have PE classes?

3:一个来自美国的孩子把它最喜爱的那副乒乓球拍放到了教室的后面,因此同学们都很感激他。a child from America put his favorite pingpang racket in the back of the classroom. His classmates are very grateful to him.(把这些话语翻译成英文,一定要人工译,我用机器译过了,谁用机器译不给...


You know I would just like a little warm, I will own Sealing in a small universe, do not expect anything. Time will dilute everything, but the longer the longer miss. Unforgettable things that float in the sky, what I can grasp. Smile acceptance of everything, can not ...

就好比,你汉语拼音都没读利落呢,能说好中文吗?然后,多看一些纯正美语(或者英语,看你喜好了)的电影,电视,跟读。当然,学生时期还是不要看那个了,听VOA,BBC news都是不错的选择。如果有机会,去酒吧(不要去乱七八糟的吧,去静吧)找老外聊天,他们大多是很乐意的(我当初总爱去后海那边...

帮我翻译下这些句子,谢谢了! 1、知我者,谓我心忧,不知我者,谓我何求。(诗经王风黍离)2、人而无仪,不死何为。(诗经风相鼠)3、言者无罪,闻者足戒。(诗经大序)4、他山之石,可以攻玉。(诗经小雅鹤鸣)5、... 1、知我者,谓我心忧,不知我者,谓我何求。(诗经王风黍离) 2、人而无仪,不死何为...

多亏了巨大的流量的食物从整个世界,这些国家已经多年没有感到任何人口压力 6.Some people attempt to reduce life, mind and spirit to the puantitative categories of physics,chemistry and mathematics.一些人试图减少,大脑和精神生活的类别的物理、化学和数学。7.Income taxes should be related to ...

15.请让我看看你的照片的身份证,这是一个没有确定。16.请表现一下自己。17.我是在履行我的义务。18.它是危险品,所以你可以` ,使之走上飞机。19.我们是训练有素的工作人员。20我们专业。21.这个航班已拖延了恶劣天气影响。22.这个航班被拖延了机械故障。23.这个乘客登机,现在,请大家不要在...

A:你好,我叫lisa B:嗨,我是Leila,很高兴见到你 A:同样很高兴见到你,你今年多大了?B:我13岁了,你呢?A:我12岁。你的生日是什么时候?B:3月5号。你呢?A:我的生日是10月10号 B:啊,你的生日快到了,你会举办生日宴会吗?A:是的,我会。你会来参加吗?B:是的,我很乐意...

1 we often help each other.2 as helen and i were running together,i fell down suddenly and broke my head. she consoled me and sent ne home ,which made me moved.3 we can understand and tolerate each other ,whcich made our friendship last forever.4 our friendship grew deeper...

1.努力学习 study hard 2.学好一门外语 learn a foreign language well 3.跟我交朋友 make friend with me 4.看她的父亲 look after her father 5.在房间里唱歌 sing in the room 6.要不要给他回信 reply him or not 7.别在街上玩球 Don't play ball in the steet.8.去车站怎么走 ...

新绛县19571207190: 帮我把这些句子翻译成英文~我看见了猴子们正在荡,两只狮子在打架,大象们正在喝水,老虎在睡觉,鸟在飞,斑马在走,兔子在跳 -
安顾肺泰:[答案] I saw the monkeys to swing, two lions were fighting, the elephants were drinking water, the tiger was sleeping, the bird was flying, the zebra was walking, the rabbit was jumping

新绛县19571207190: 谁能帮我翻译几个句子,翻译成英文.1、你是我的所有2、我想每时每刻和你在一起3、我想你,很想很想4、我们,会很幸福 -
安顾肺泰:[答案] You are my everything. I want to be with you every moment. I miss you very much. We will be fair happy.

新绛县19571207190: 英语翻译请帮我翻翻这些句子 中文翻成英文1.爱著你就已经足够2.孤单的心在等待谁3.那个闪耀的舞台上4.不会熄灭的热情5.无止境的等待 -
安顾肺泰:[答案] 1.Loving you is much more than else. 2.Who is the lonely heart waiting for? 3.on the glittering platform 4.non-extinguishing passion 5.endless waiting

新绛县19571207190: 谁能帮我把下面几个句子翻译成英文:一分钱难倒英雄汉.钱不是万能的,没钱是万万不能的. -
安顾肺泰:[答案] A man without money is no man at all 一分钱难倒英雄汉. Money is not everything,but without it you can do nothing 钱不是万能的,没钱是万万不能的.

新绛县19571207190: 谁帮我翻译一下这些句子,(英语的),我有一个轻松的假期,我去了一些好玩的地方,还吃了一些美味的食物 -
安顾肺泰:[答案] have a relaxing holiday,I went to some interesting places,ate some delicious food

新绛县19571207190: 谁能帮我把这5句句子翻译成英文,并用上括号中的单词?1.我们进城
安顾肺泰: 1. We went into town in search of an inexpensive hotel. 2. You may complain, but I doubt whether it can work or not. 3. Let's take the radio apart to see what's wrong. 4. Victory belongs to the most diligent people. 5. I invited him to dinner in return for his help.

新绛县19571207190: 请帮我这些句子翻译成英文,谢谢! -
安顾肺泰: 1 my hometown in Shanxi, Yuanqu, that only a quiet mountain town 2 because I think that in a strange environment to improve their skills, including oral English ability, team cooperation ability. And I like American movies and Western History 3 my ...

新绛县19571207190: 谁能帮我把这几个句子翻译成英文?!!!!!急!!!!!!!!
安顾肺泰: 1.People's living standards greatly improved: the residents new house, color TV, computers, mobile phones and so on everything, and even some families with private cars. 2.Environment is getting better: Many new parks, widened streets, trees ...

新绛县19571207190: 谁能帮我用英文翻译以下句子(求语法正确):某人,从来都没有人能代替你在我心里的位置.我知道你很爱她,所以我只能默默地祝福你,只要你开心就好. -
安顾肺泰:[答案] Xx,no one could ever replace you in my heart,I know you love her deeply,thus I wish you nothing but the best for you,as long as you stay happy.

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