
作者&投稿:圭乖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

问:盂兰盆节用英文怎么说?答:盂兰盆节在英语中一般被称为:Obon Festival,或直接称为Bon Festival
The meaning of Bon FestivalObon (お盆) or just Bon (盆) is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the spirits of one's ancestors. This Buddhist-Confucian custom has evolved into a family reunion holiday during which people return to ancestral family places and visit and clean their ancestors' graves, and when the spirits of ancestors are supposed to revisit the household altars. It has been celebrated in Japan for more than 500 years and traditionally includes a dance, known as Bon-Odori.
The different dates of Bon FestivalThe festival of Obon lasts for three days; however its starting date varies within different regions of Japan. When the lunar calendar was changed to the Gregorian calendar at the beginning of the Meiji era, the localities in Japan reacted differently and this resulted in three different times of Obon.
“Shichigatsu Bon” (“Bon in July”) is based on the solar calendar and is celebrated around 15 July in eastern Japan (Kantō region such as Tokyo, Yokohama and the Tōhoku region), coinciding with Chūgen.
“Hachigatsu Bon” (Bon in August) is based on the lunar calendar, is celebrated around the 15th of August and is the most commonly celebrated time.
“Kyū Bon” (Old Bon) is celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and so differs each year. “Kyū Bon” is celebrated in areas like the northern part of the Kantō region, Chūgoku region, Shikoku, and the Okinawa Prefecture.
These three days are not listed as public holidays but it is customary that people are given leave.
The allusion of Bon FestivalObon is a shortened form of Ullambana (Japanese: 于兰盆会 or 盂兰盆会, urabon'e)。 It is Sanskrit for “hanging upside down” and implies great suffering.The Japanese believe they should ameliorate the suffering of the “Urabanna”。
Bon Odori originates from the story of Maha Maudgalyayana (Mokuren), a disciple of the Buddha, who used his supernatural powers to look upon his deceased mother. He discovered she had fallen into the Realm of Hungry Ghosts and was suffering.
Greatly disturbed, he went to the Buddha and asked how he could release his mother from this realm. Buddha instructed him to make offerings to the many Buddhist monks who had just completed their summer retreat, on the fifteenth day of the seventh month.
The disciple did this and, thus, saw his mother's release. He also began to see the true nature of her past selflessness and the many sacrifices that she had made for him.
The disciple, happy because of his mother's release and grateful for his mother's kindness, danced with joy. From this dance of joy comes Bon Odori or “Bon Dance”, a time in which ancestors and their sacrifices are remembered and appreciated.
The traditions of Bon FestivalAs Obon occurs in the heat of the summer, participants traditionally wear yukata, or light cotton kimonos. Many Obon celebrations include a huge carnival with rides, games, and summer festival food like watermelon.
Families sent their ancestor's spirits back to their permanent dwelling place under the guidance of fire: this rite was known as sending fire (Okuribi)。 Fire also marks the commencement (Mukaebi) as well as the closing of the festival.

1,死灵类的,如日本盂兰盆节(Obon)2,纪念伟人类的,如中国端午节。3,庆祝丰收类的,如欧洲感恩节(the Thanking Giving Day )4,春天到来的,如中国春节,巴西狂欢节等。参考资料:高中一年纪课本必修三。


the hungry ghost festival哪个国家
中国,中元节(the hungry ghost festival)。本来中元节是初秋庆贺丰收、酬谢大地的节日,后来道教视中元节为地官赦罪日,佛教传入后又以此日为盂兰盆节,加上东亚巫觋宗教及民间信仰习合,不少地区在同一日都有各式活动。民间俗称鬼节、七月半。华人地区的习俗主要是祭祖以及祭祀孤魂野鬼(又称“好兄弟”...

原始信仰和祭祀文化是春节形成的重要因素。习俗:such as Lunar New Year's dinner, keeping the age, New Year's money, temple fairs, flower lanterns and other customs.如团年饭、守岁、压岁钱、庙会、赏花灯等习俗。2、元宵节(农历一月十五日) Lantern Festival(龙灯节直译)由来:The ...


解惑: 中元节英文:HungryGhostFestival译文(鬼节\/饿鬼节)国外中元节习俗: 泰国:农历七月十五当天将会举办水灯节,人们放天灯为逝去的亡灵祈福。日本:盂兰盆节在飞鸟时代由隋唐时期的中国传入日本,俗称“お盆”(おぼん、发音:O-bon,盂兰盆会简称)。在城市七月十三日至十六日,在农村八月十三...


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“中元节”"Zhongyuan Festival"双语例句:1、在日本的“盂兰盆节”(也称“中元节”),人们要扫墓,烧香,以缅怀祖先。For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in menmory of their ancestors.2、论文根据实例对中元节的构成和象征体系进行了分析。The ...

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