花木兰是我国古代一位伟大的女英雄 英文

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花木兰 英文简介 带翻译~

Hua Mulan (Chinese: 花木兰) is a legendary Chinese woman warrior from the Northern and Southern dynasties period (420–589) of Chinese history, originally described in the Ballad of Mulan (Chinese: 木兰辞; pinyin: Mùlán cí). In the ballad, Hua Mulan, disguised as a man, takes her aged father's place in the army.
Mulan fought for twelve years and gained high merit, but she refused any reward and retired to her hometown. Though her existence is disputed she is most believed to be purely fictional.
The historic setting of Hua Mulan is in the Northern Wei (386–536). Over a thousand years later, Xu Wei's play from the Ming dynasty places her in the Northern Wei, whereas the Qing dynasty Sui Tang Romance has her active around the founding of the Tang c. 620.
In 621, the founder of the Tang dynasty was victorious over Wang Shichong and Dou Jiande, the latter was the father of Dou Xianniang, another female warrior who became Mulan's laotong in the Sui Tang Romance.
The Hua Mulan crater on Venus is named after her.

花木兰,亳州人,汉孝烈将军、汉文帝时期,朝廷募兵,因父老弟幼,木兰代父从军,征战十二年,得胜归来,帝欲纳为妃, 木兰以死拒之。
为表彰巾帼英雄花木兰,唐代追封她为“孝烈将军”,并在其故居建祠塑像,每年农历四月初八,皖、苏、豫、鲁交界百余里乡众来此祭祀贸易,形成古会, 流传至今。

1.tíng jùn páo2.常常 年纪 辞别 看望3.父亲年老多病,无法出征。弟弟年幼,还不够当兵的年龄。4.“略”

Hua Mulan is a heroine who joined an all-male army, described in a famous Chinese poem known as the Ballad of Mulan. The poem was first written in the Musical Records of Old and New from the 6th century, the century before the founding of the Tang Dynasty; the original work no longer exists, and the original text of this poem comes from another work known as the Music Bureau Collection, an anthology of lyrics, songs, and poems, compiled by Guo Maoqian during the 12th century. The author explicitly mentions the Musical Records of Old and New as his source for the poem. Whether she was a historical person or whether the poem was an allegory has been debated for centuries—it is unknown whether the story has any factual basis.

In the story, Mulan disguised herself as a man to take her elderly father's place in the army. She was later offered a government post by the emperor himself after her service was up. However, unwilling to commit anymore to the forces, she turned down the position so she could return to her family immediately. When her former colleagues visited her at home, they were shocked to see her dressed as a woman. The poem ends with the image of a female hare (Mulan) and a male hare (her comrades) running side by side, and the narrator asking how anyone could tell them apart.

The time setting of the story is uncertain. The earliest accounts of the legend state that she lived during the Northern Wei dynasty (386–534). However another version reports that Mulan was requested as a concubine by Emperor Yang of Sui China (reigned 604–617). Evidence from the extant poem suggests the earlier interpretation.

The poem is a ballad, meaning that the lines do not necessarily have equal numbers of syllables. The poem is mostly composed of five-character phrases, with just a few extending to seven or nine.

There are three uses of onomatopoeia in the poem. The sound of Mulan's weaving (or her lamentations) is 唧唧 jī-jī (i.e., "click-clack"); the Yellow River babbles 溅溅 jiān-jiān (i.e., "splish-splash") to her as she departs from it; at the military encampment the horses cry 啾啾 jiū-jiū (i.e., they whinny).

The story was expanded into a novel during the late Ming Dynasty (1368–1644). Over time, the story of Hua Mulan rose in notoriety as a folk tale among the Chinese people on the same level as the Butterfly Lovers. In 1998, Disney released an animated movie entitled Mulan very loosely based on the story.

[edit] Name
The word mulan refers to the "Magnolia liliiflora". (mù by itself means "wood" and lán means "orchid".) The heroine of the poem is given many different family names in the various versions of her story. According to History of the Ming, her family name is Zhu, while the History of the Qing say it is Wei. The Ballad of Mulan doesn't give her family name. The Ming scholar Xu Wei offers yet another alternative when, in his play, he gives her the family name Huā (meaning "flower"). This latter name has become the most popular in recent years in part to its more poetic meaning. Her complete name is then 花木兰, transcribed as Huā Mùlán in Pinyin and Hua1 Mu4-lan2 in Wade-Giles.

The Disney animated film popularised the version "Fa Mulan". This "Fa" pronunciation of 花 is found in various Chinese languages including Cantonese, while "Mulan" is the phonetic translation from Mandarin
Rough translation from Chinese:
The insects chirping happily outside,
Mulan sat opposite the door weaving;
No sound of the shuttle was heard,
Only sighs of the girl.
When asked what she was pondering over,
When asked what she had called to mind,
Nothing special the girl was pondering over,
Nothing special had the girl called to mind.
Last night she saw the military announcement,
The Emperor was conscripting,
There were twelve announcements of conscription,
And Father's name was in every one of them.
Father had no grown son,
Nor Mulan an older brother;
She wanted to buy a saddle and horse,
And from now on fought in place of her Father.
In the eastern market she bought a fine steed,
In the western market a saddle and a pad,
In the southern market a bridle,
In the northern market a long whip.
At daybreak she bid farewell to her parents,
At sunset she bivouacked by the Yellow River;
What met her ears was no longer her parents' call,
But the gurgles and splashes of the rushing waters.
At daybreak she left the Yellow River,
At sunset she arrived at the top of the Black Hill;
What met hers ears was no longer her parents' call,
But barbarians' horses neighing in the Yanshan Mountains.
On the expedition of thousands of miles to the war,
She dashed across mountains and passes as if in flight;
In the chilly northern air night watches clanged,
In the frosty moonlight armour and helmet glistened,
Generals laid down their lives in a hundred battles,
And valiant soldiers returned after ten years' service.
When she returned to an audience with the Son of Heaven,
The Son of Heaven sat in the Hall of Brightness.
A promotion of many ranks was granted for her merits,
With a reward than amounted to thousands of strings of cash.
The Khan asked Mulan what she desired to do.
'I don't need any high official position,
Please lend me a sturdy mount that is fleet of foot,
And send me back to my hometown.'
When her parents heard their daughter was coming,
They walked out of the town, each helping the other;
When the elder sister heard the younger sister was coming,
She decked herself out in her best by the door;
When her younger brother heard his sister was coming,
He whetted a knife and aimed it at a pig and a sheep.
Opened the door of my east chamber,
And then sat down on the bed in my west chamber;
Taking off the armour worn in wartime,
Attired myself in apparel of former times;
By the window I combed and coiffed my cloudy hair,
Before the mirror I adorned my forehead with a yellow pattern.
When Mulan came out to meet her battle companions,
They were all astounded and thrown into bewilderment.
Together they had been in the army for a dozen years or so,
Yet none had known that Mulan was actually a girl.
The male rabbit kicks its fluffy feet as it scampers,
The eyes of female rabbit are blurred by fluffy tufts of hair,
But when they run side by side in the field,
You can hardly tell the doe from the buck!

[edit] Hua Mulan in popular culture

[edit] English language literature
Maxine Hong Kingston re-visits Mulan's tale in her text, The Woman Warrior.
Yao Mulan, Lin Yutang's main character in his English novel Moment in Peking, is named after the legendary warrior.
In the alternative-history fantasy series Temeraire, by Naomi Novik, specifically, the book Throne of Jade, the legend of Mulan is (indirectly) referred to, as a woman taking her father's place in the military, taking the role of an aerial commander on dragonback. In deference to this honored legend, all officers in the Chinese Aerial Corps are women, which sets it apart from the English Corps, which uses female officers only for Longwings, a dragon breed which refuses male captains.
In The Dragonstone by Dennis McKiernan, the character Aiko is a Hua Mulan inspired warrior who sneaks off to battle against imperial decree.

[edit] Films
The story of Hua Mulan has inspired a number of film and stage adaptations without taking into account pre-modern Chinese plays and operas about the subject. These include the following:

Hua Mulan Joins the Army (1927 film) - a Chinese silent film released by the Tianyi Film Company and directed by Li Pingqian
Mulan Joins the Army (1928 film) - Mingxin Film Company production, directed by Hou Yao. The film was unsuccessful, in part due to the Tianyi film that was released the previous year
Mulan Joins the Army (1939 film) - popular Chinese film made during the war, directed by Bu Wancang
Hau Mu Lan (1964 film) - Hong Kong opera film
Mulan (1998 film) - Disney animated feature based on the Mulan legend
"Mulan 2" (2004 film) - Disney animated sequel following Mulan
Hua Mu Lan (1999 series) - Taiwan CTV period drama serial starring Anita Yuen as Hua Mu Lan

[edit] Miscellaneous
Hua Mulan Crater on Venus is named after her.
A character inspired by Hua Mulan is the mascot of the FIFA Women's World Cup 2007 in China.
New Tang Dynasty TV's 2006 Chinese Spectacular featured a stage performance of the story of Mulan.
Hua Mulan was included as a card in the Anachronism card game by TriKings.[1]
In 2005–2006, the Disney movie was replicated as a playable world in the video game Kingdom Hearts II.
In the Discovery Channel series "Warrior Women", aptly hosted by actress Lucy Lawless, the legend of Mulan is referenced as having been inspired by the true story of Chinese female general Wang Cong'er.

Hua Mulan,who is a women,is one of the great heroes in Chinese history.

Hua Mulan,who is a women,is one of the great heroes in Chinese history.

Hua Mu Lan is a great female hero in our history.


1、花木兰 中国南北朝时期一个传说色彩极浓的巾帼英雄。北魏时期,北方游牧民族柔然族不断南下骚扰,北魏政权规定每家出一名男子上前线。但是木兰的父亲年事已高又体弱多病,无法上战场,家中弟弟年龄尚幼,所以,木兰决定替父从军,从此开始了她长达十几年的军旅生活。去边关打仗,对于很多男子来说都是...



《大清一统志》:颍州谯郡城东魏村人 现在结论:1993年,虞城县举办了中国第一届木兰文化节。我国著名的历史学家聚集在商丘,一起分析了《木兰辞》内容和尚存的元碑记载。一致认为,花木兰的故乡在虞城,已确凿无疑。木兰故里在虞城,有花木兰祠为证。在京九铁路线上,有个虞城木兰站,不远处即为花...



饶是如此,也出现了平阳公主 沙天香 梁红玉等所谓的奇女子——其实是普通,如果其他女性没有受到此般禁锢的话。不要以为非要做出惊天大事业才是伟大,母亲对子女那无私的爱,就是伟大,就是勇敢,如花木兰一般。因此,花木兰并不特殊,她只是中国所有女性中的一员——无论是古代还是现代。或许,只是...

注释:唧唧(jī jī):织布机的声音。当户织 :对着门织布。机杼(zhù)声:织布机发出的声音。杼:织布梭(suō)子。惟:只 女:女子,这里指木兰。何所思:想什么。忆:思念。军帖:军队的公告。可汗(kè hán)大点兵:皇上大规模地征兵。可汗,我国古代一些少数民族最高统治者的称号。军书...


日喀则市18848739744: 花木兰是古时的英雄人物? -
恽晴金刚: 花木兰当然是中国古时的英雄人物! 花木兰,中国古代民族女英雄,忠孝节义,以替父从军击败北方入侵民族闻名天下,唐代皇帝追封为“孝烈将军”,设祠纪念,影响深远到全世界. 花木兰是中国南北朝时期一个传说色彩极浓的巾帼英雄,...

日喀则市18848739744: 花木兰是谁? -
恽晴金刚: 花木兰,中国古代民族女英雄,忠孝节义,以替父从军击败北方入侵民族闻名天下,唐代皇帝追封为“孝烈将军”,设祠纪念,影响深远到全世界.花木兰一直是受中国人尊敬的一位女性.

日喀则市18848739744: 关于花木兰的资料 -
恽晴金刚: 花木兰(412年-502年),中国古代巾帼英雄,忠孝节义,代父从军击败入侵民族而流传千古,唐代皇帝追封为“孝烈将军”.花木兰故事的流传,应归功于《木兰辞》这一方民歌,但花木兰的姓氏、籍贯等,史书并无确载.明代文学家徐渭将...

日喀则市18848739744: 历史上真有花木兰这个人吗 -
恽晴金刚: 有的,花木兰的事迹流传至今,中国古代巾帼英雄,忠孝节义,代父从军击败入侵民族而流传千古,唐代皇帝还追封其为“孝烈将军”设祠纪念. 在后世影响深远,其事迹被多种样式的文艺作品所表现,尤其是电影、电视剧多次重拍,甚至影响...

日喀则市18848739744: 说说花木兰是个怎样的人 -
恽晴金刚: 花木兰(412年-502年),北魏人,巾帼英雄,花木兰的事迹流传至今,中国古代民族英雄,忠孝节义,以替父从军击败入侵民族而闻名天下,唐代皇帝追封为“孝烈将军”.应归功于《木兰辞》这一方...

日喀则市18848739744: 花木兰是什么英雄
恽晴金刚: 巾帼英雄...

日喀则市18848739744: 花木兰简介 -
恽晴金刚: 花木兰花木兰,中国古代女英雄,以代父从军击败北方入侵民族闻名天下,唐代追封为“孝烈将军”,设祠纪念.在后世影响深远.其事迹被多种样式的文艺作品所表现,尤其是电影、电视剧多次重拍,甚至影响波及美国和全世界.花木兰其人其事仅限《木兰辞》中,纵观南北朝、隋唐诸史并无记载,所以其生卒年和故里有很大争议.

日喀则市18848739744: 花木兰是哪个朝代的 花木兰的故事 -
恽晴金刚: 花木兰故事发生在汉朝. 花木兰(412年-502年),花木兰的事迹流传至今,中国古代巾帼英雄,忠孝节义,代父从军击败入侵民族而流传千古,唐代皇帝追封为“孝烈将军”. 花木兰故事的流传,应归功于《木兰辞》这一方民歌,但花木兰的姓氏、籍贯等,史书并无确载. 花木兰事迹被多种文艺作品所表现,电影、电视剧、歌舞豫剧等.

日喀则市18848739744: 花木兰怎么死的? -
恽晴金刚: 死因: 花木兰是北魏或者更早的时代的人,她的死史书上没有记载,关于花木兰的死有两种说法:第一种说法是:花木兰是个悲情人物,代父出征,第一仗就被对方的公主俘虏了,公主看她是女的就留在身边当侍女.几年后公主看她表现好就放...

日喀则市18848739744: 历史上花木兰的介绍?越详细越好!谢谢! -
恽晴金刚: 花木兰(412年-502年),北魏宋州虞城(今河南商丘市虞城县)人,巾帼英雄,花木兰的事迹流传至今,中国古代民族英雄,忠孝节义,以替父从军击败入侵民族而闻名天下,唐代皇帝追封为“孝烈将军”.花木兰的事迹流传至今,中国古代...

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