
作者&投稿:祢吉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)








3. 你能不能记得在人行横道之前观望一下?

This series clothing is should enterprise's request design the production. This series clothing upper garment uses the Chinese dress to sew the craft and the characteristic, takes off costume is nearby the person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project full lotus leaf the group. Causes the female to put on the author to have one kind plain elegantly simple and many person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project Chinese flavors. This article primary coverage is divided six parts: First, this series clothing's inspiration origin; Second, modelling design; Third, color scheme; Fourth, the lining selects; Fifth, clothing industry making lithograph plates and typesetting; Sixth, the clothing sews the craft. This series uses Bai Yuhei in the color, the black white is the Chinese tradition ink and wash painting primary color, has the deep cultural inside story, the water ink essence, does not need to plaster. Therefore this series clothing take black and white as the essential color. On the lining uses the cotton and kapok material, the hemp material, as well as silk fabrics unifies, the main lining uses the cotton print, matches colors the lining to use the black the zebra grain hemp material.


The series clothing is should enterprise's request design the production. This series clothing upper garment uses the Chinese dress to sew the craft and the characteristic, takes off costume is nearby the person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project full lotus leaf the group. Causes the female to put on the author to have one kind plain elegantly simple and many person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project Chinese flavors. This article primary coverage is divided six parts: First, this series clothing's inspiration origin; Second, modelling design; Third, color scheme; Fourth, the lining selects; Fifth, clothing industry making lithograph plates and typesetting; Sixth, the clothing sews the craft. This series uses Bai Yuhei in the color, the black white is the Chinese tradition ink and wash painting primary color, has the deep cultural inside story, the water ink essence, does not need to plaster. Therefore this series clothing take black and white as the essential color. On the lining uses the cotton and kapok material, the hemp material, as well as silk fabrics unifies, the main lining uses the cotton print, matches colors the lining to use the black the zebra grain hemp material.

Key words

1、by 【失业人数去年下降150万。】2、from 【去年从450万降至300万。】3、to 4、by 【今年已经降了50万,降至本月的250万。】5、to 6、by 【通货膨胀率在10年内升了4%,即从5%升至9%】7、from 8、to 9、from 【然而,2000年,它从9%降至7%。】10、to 注:下降(或上升)多少,...

Neither is he afraid of new ideas, nor the future.58. 他是一个作家,也是评论家,但最重要的是他是一个政治家。 (above all)He is an author, a commentator, but above all he is also a statesman(politician).59. 我们常常发现运用一个规律比懂得它要难得多。(apply a rule)We often...

1、traffic (1分)B、交通 2、achievement (1分)B、成就 3、culture (1分)B、文化 4、due to (1分)C、由于 5、be skilled at (1分)A、擅长 6、交流(1分)C、communicate 7、实际的(1分)B、practical 8、责任(1分)D、responsibility 9、不考虑 (1分)C、push aside 1...

He died ___B___ the earthquake.A. shortly as B. shortly after C. shortly while D. short after 满分:5 分 2. We ___B___ that important new discovery ___ Albert Einstein.A. owe…for B. owe…to C. own…for D. own…to 满分:5 分 3. He didn’t seem to ...

1. 即便错不在己,也要对对方所做的任何一点积极努力给予肯定与赞扬,做到礼貌得体。Even when it's not your fault, you'd better give the other party credit for any efforts made and be gracious.2. 以他人为重的态度(这是我文章的一个小标题)Place others' interest first 3. 要求我们...

A. are expensive 在价格变得昂贵之前(抽象概念“价格”怎么会昂贵呢!)B. are cheap 在价格变得便宜之前 (同上)C. go up 在价格上涨之前 D. go down 在价格降低之前 根据情理,本句的意思应该是乘着价格便宜的时候买衣服”。这样看来, A 和 C 似乎都有一定的道理。但是仔细琢磨...

首先,老师要尽快了解学生,关心、帮助学生 First, the teacher as soon as possible to monitor their students ', caring for and helping students.了解每一个学生是建立良好师生关系的开始 Each student is the start of establishing good relationship between teachers and students.新学期开始,我就...

“点”与“些”是两个在汉语的不定量词中使用频率最高的量词,与越南语的不定量词“chút”、“ít”和“vài”基本对应,但用法不完全相同。The classifiers is one of the characteristics of Chinese and Vietnamese, which play the role of counting and describing. The function of classifiers...

But big dams tend not to work as intended.但是这些大坝的功用并未按照意愿体现 The Aswan Dam, for example, stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egypt of the fertile silt that floods left---all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it ...

问题一:这句话的主语是the idea of progress. loom做不及物动词解释为隐约出现。比如说The specter of war loomed ahead. 战争的阴影逼近了。loom so large 就是这么广泛地出现,是一个常用短语可以译为“显得突出”。整句话意思就是:“为什么进步的概念在现代社会这么广泛地出现。可以译为“为什么...

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占楠乳增: 1, I am not sure about this because everyone has varies kind of perfer, but I suppose that most of them like do the things such as talking with friends、 having a sun shower 、playing with sand or something like that. For me, I'd like to have a good ...

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占楠乳增: outdoors/upstairs/here都是副词 当然要加be 动词 to的后面一般加动词

庆云县17031736148: 求英语高手帮忙. -
占楠乳增: 预定房间A:Advance Reservations.Can I help you?B:Yes,Id like to book a single room with a bath from the afternoon of October 4 to the morning of October 10.A: Yes, we do have a...

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占楠乳增: 选A 你自己选择接不接受,没人会阻止你.ps: A接受 B 收到 C接受(提议) D除了……之外

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占楠乳增: Establish harmonious relationship between teachers and students, students become a favorite teacherHarmonious, harmonious teacher-student relationship, can mobilize the enthusiasm of students. The adolescent psychological characteristics of ...

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