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On etiquette education in kindergarten
Author: Zhou Jing
Instructor: Hlin Xia
Abstract: child care during a person of good moral character formation of a critical period in this period, the early childhood education for etiquette, so that young children form a good habit of ritual acts of great significance. Etiquette education is an indispensable pre-school education an important part of kindergarten and early childhood education for all workers facing important issue.
Key words: Kindergarten etiquette education

First, the teacher as soon as possible to monitor their students ', caring for and helping students.
Each student is the start of establishing good relationship between teachers and students.
Start of the new term, I passed through the student files, and calls from students ' parents, and his teacher exchange, down to exchanges with students in a variety of ways for students to know every student.
Understand the different needs of students with different interests, hobbies and can be targeted to care for them, to help them.
Which would make sense of students by the teacher is their friend, who are sincerely wanted to help them

Firstly, teachers should know, care and help students. Understanding each student is a start of establishing a good relationship between teachers and students. At the beginning of new term, I get understanding every student by different ways such as reading over the students' profiles, calling to students' parents, communicating with subject teachers, approaching to students to communicate with them etc.. . It is only able to give specific care and assistance to students, while knowing their interests, hobbies and different demands. By this way, it makes students consider teachers as their friends, as those people who are sincere to help them.

First, the teacher will know the students as soon as possible, care and help students. Know every one of the students is to establish a good relationship between teachers and students and start. At the beginning of semester, I will through the paging through the student records, with the parents of the students on the phone, and other teacher exchange, deep into the students to communicate with students in a variety of ways such as know every one of the students. Understand the students' different interests, and different after demand, can pertinently CARES about them, to help them. That will make the student feel the teacher is their friend, is sincerely want to help them.

英语高手请进来 帮忙翻译几句话!谢谢~~有加分!
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In the wake of the unceasing penetration into teachers' appoinment and engagement system reform, teachers' duties, evaluation and appointment have become seperated,the reform of competing for appointment to go on duty etc., has begun to develop extensively,while the reform has increased...

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成聪琥珀:[答案] A:I did not expect to see you here ,how`s your work going ? B: thank you ,it`s fine ,and how about you ? A:I got some trouble ... B:better ,sorry anyway.does not give you birthday wishes at the first time. A: No worries , forget it . 我翻译的比较口语化.不过我...

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黎城县13870827327: 请英语高手帮忙翻译,感激不尽 -
成聪琥珀: 那个,致仕单纯这样翻译是翻译是不了的,后面,根据致仕的意思,就是辞官回家的意思,于是我就反这翻译成resigned from office ,不知道这样可不可以啊,The Yuan Dynasty resigned from office the system to experience the foundation, to ...

黎城县13870827327: 请求英语高手帮忙翻译,感激不尽! -
成聪琥珀: Establish harmonious relationship between teachers and students, students become a favorite teacherHarmonious, harmonious teacher-student relationship, can mobilize the enthusiasm of students. The adolescent psychological characteristics of ...

黎城县13870827327: 哪位英语高手能帮忙翻译一个句子吗,感激不尽~~尽量婉转 你想怎么处理这件事呢,过几天我会发个明细 -
成聪琥珀: 你想怎么处理这件事呢,过几天我会发个明细账单给你.希望你能妥善处理这件事?How do you wish to deal with this issue? I'll send you the detailed statement in a few days, I hope you will take the appropriate actions. 明细账单: detailed statement 我觉得这样翻译比较恰当,地道,希望对你有帮助—— ♥

黎城县13870827327: 求英语高手翻译!!急!本人感激不尽!内容见详细描述!
成聪琥珀: i wish you being with happy and good health every day .you know , i am not a handsome person . but i have a tuth heart which love you very much ,try to believe me . ok ? i want to be with you forever . .

黎城县13870827327: 求英语大神帮忙翻译一下!感激不尽! -
成聪琥珀: 1、这一切看起来都如数学一般.教育展现在我面前就像一个方程式与一个我不想当的人画上等号.2、她,相反的,是良好的教育的一个克隆,富有的理想就像数年前我的老师所说的.这妇(女)人有盈利潜力;她是聪明的且世俗的.3、我突...

黎城县13870827327: 我感激不尽 这句谁会用英文翻译 急!!! -
成聪琥珀: 我感激不尽 1.i can't thank you enough 2.i can't thank youenough对于你的帮助,我感激不尽 1.i cannot be too grateful for your help谁能帮一下我,感激不尽(关于英语) 1.submitted at谁可以发这首的中文歌词给我感激不尽 1.what am i to you我将感激不尽 1.appreciate

黎城县13870827327: 英语高手翻译一下句子,感激不尽 -
成聪琥珀: 1.I was studying in the library2.when the boy gave the television station a call3.when the father was buying newspaper at the railway station4.What are you doing5.when she saw an accident

黎城县13870827327: 招英语高手帮我翻译几句话!感激不尽、谢谢!
成聪琥珀: The world is really unfair. I paid a lot, but not you. I want to know why? I hate this world, more hate myself

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