
作者&投稿:达晨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I'm glad to hear that you will visit my hometown in the future. I add you to my hometown, Suichuan, Jiangxi province. A county in the southwest. Ji'an is the largest and most populous county. It has a long history and culture, there are three kinds of characteristics of the red revolution according to the food. Are the duck, kumquat, and medlar tea. There are many famous tourist attractions, such as the first peak in Jiangxi, Delta water springs, Millennium Ukraine to camp. Here picturesque scenery, pleasant scenery, is a good place for tourism, I am looking forward to your arrival.
【原文如下】很高兴听到你将来我的家乡参观。我加为你介绍一下我的家乡遂川是江西省的。西南部的一个县城。是吉安市面积最大,人口最多的县。它有悠久的历史文化有红色革命根据地这里有三种特色食品。分别是卤鸭,金桔, 和还有枸杞茶。这里还有许多著名的旅游景点,比如江西第一高峰,热水洲温泉,千年乌到营盘。这里山清水秀,景色宜人,是一个旅游的好地方,我很期待你的到来。


  It forms the core of the method, not only to the content of the core of the doctrine of the mean thought is Confucianism. Confucius the so-called "'' is not a 'compromise' 'but in the understanding and treatment of objective things of a kind of' 'moderate' and appropriate" way. Confucius advocated the thought as a kind of understanding and handling affairs to look at, and should also be through their own self-cultivation and exercise. Put it into their daily behavior. To become a kind of virtue. The doctrine of the mean thought is Confucian thought and Chinese traditional culture important component. From to the present, has been for national construction, the national intelligence dissemination. National culture development. Play an immeasurable role

when we are in the face of social events and public events ,we can remark on sth. by ourselves,then this remark is best responsible.to another side,this kind of remark eventhough non-responsible ,everyone can seem out,or also don't to individual is not huge damage .but 0, don't hide in internet 's back to vent personal grievances,especially though anonymous operation to abusive insult sb you don't like.

When we face social events and public events, we can comment at will, and it is best to be responsible. On the other hand, this kind of review can be seen even if it is irresponsible, and it does not hurt a person too much. But do not hide behind the Internet to vent your personal grudge, especially by irresponsible way to insult and abuse someone you don't like.

is a great harbor and has an extent of 6,340 square meters. Shanghai belongs to the tropcal monsoon climate and has four distinguished seasons, plenty of sunlight, an abundance of rainfall, and an average temperature of 16 degrees Celsius of the whole year.先上四句,求采纳 ...

no idea how much stronger is China's national strength than your poor countries,countries kiss China's butt like yours ,daring to clamour here?A group of life's undredog!...To fight back the southeast Asians insulte Chinese in DOTA2.认真翻译的,语气也很火、希望帮到你、...

I can adapt to new life fairly quickly.He was absent from the meeting last night.Farmers used to sit around and tell about all kinds of news.It is impolite to make fun of the disabled.When we reached the top of the mountain, we were all out of breath, but happy in heart...

1,我上大学之前,我的祖父对我说的那几句充满智慧的话给我留下了深刻的印象。Before I went off to university my grandpa gave me a few words of wisdom which impressed me deeply 2,千万别把我的伤势告诉我父母,我会很感激你的。Never tell my parents about my injuries and l will be ...

画画使我的心情宁静,能感受世界上美好的事物,我还有个梦想,画医学图谱 Painting makes me feel quiet, can feel the beautiful things in the world, I still have a dream, painting medical atlas 画画使我的心情宁静,能感受世界上美好的事物,我还有个梦想,画医学图谱 Painting makes me feel ...

29. I give away my bike to children's home.我把我的自行车送给了小孩家。 (give away 在这里就是 送给 的意思了)30. I'm sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me.我相信你知道这个组织就是为了帮助像我这样的残疾人而建立起来的。31. Lucky makes...

Where we are now Daming Palace Ruins Park, in the northern suburb of Xi'an, this original dragon head on, as a national key cultural relics protection units.Tang Daming Palace, the larger one is the Tang Dynasty palace, but also was the most brilliant worldwide magnificent palace...

将汉语翻译成英语 急求大神帮忙 谢谢
英汉翻译常用技巧:增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或 "There...

求大神帮翻译 英语翻译
求大神帮翻译 英语翻译 翻译为“ 椅子是对人们活动起辅助作用的工具,首先必须能够承受人们活动带来的各种力量和冲击。设计师在设计初期就应该考虑到椅子对外部冲击的承受力,否则就不能充分体现椅子的实用功能因此设计师应在充分了解椅子构造的基础上进行设计以达到既美观又实用的目的为实现这个目的构筑了...

求英语大神帮我翻译一段英文~小弟就这点分 麻烦您了~英译汉 尽量翻译翻...
我是Kay Gallant,今天,Harry Monroe和我就向你讲述加菲尔德总统去逝后的故事。声音二:总统宣誓就职 加菲尔德总统受伤后,伤势一度似乎有所好转,但伤口感染了,两个月后,他因伤口感染而去逝。副总统亚瑟在总统去逝几个小时后宣誓就任总统。切斯特.亚瑟曾经是一位成功的律师,他从政已经有好多年了,但他...

德阳市15962839375: 跪求大神翻译成英文 -
楚肯波贝: qinger, 2014, your birthday I can't give you my all, today, May 2, I swear, this lifetime as long as you live another day. I will give you everything to me.

德阳市15962839375: 跪求大神帮我翻译成英文!!! 不要机器翻 要人工的!!!!!!!! -
楚肯波贝: 我的妹妹想让你以你的名义,申请她的一家人移民到美国定居,申请需要的费用她自己支付,到达美国之后另外支付2万美元给你作为报酬,你是否愿意?My sister wants to let you to your name, for her one family immigrated to the United States to settle, for the cost of her own to pay, to the United States after the other to pay $20000 as a reward to you, are you willing to?希望对你有帮助纯手工翻译

德阳市15962839375: 跪求英语大神帮我译成英语!
楚肯波贝:In the heart your knife, carving out your perfect I, just for one of your rabbit. To heart as pen, as you draw your heart for me, just for one of your husband 请采纳 谢谢

德阳市15962839375: 我被人欺负了,欺负我不会英文,实在要不下这口气,跪求大神帮我翻译成英文,如题“就你这垃圾,会两句英 -
楚肯波贝: You this rubbish, the two will be English there twitters, this level of home and teach! Don't make a fool of oneself.

德阳市15962839375: 跪求英语大神帮我翻译下是什么意思!!!!!!!!!!!! -
楚肯波贝: 人名上面是斯蒂夫下面是玛利亚姆 阿兰

德阳市15962839375: 跪求英语大神帮我用中文句子翻译成英文句子. “或许你真的很忙,甚至连回我一条短信的时间都没有.”
楚肯波贝: May be you are really too busy to reply my message.我大学专业是英语,不是机器翻译的哦. too---to 是一个句型,表示太...以至于不能......我的翻译就是:也许你太忙了以至于你都没有时间回我短信.

德阳市15962839375: 英文翻译 跪求大神帮我翻译这句话,我很喜欢. -
楚肯波贝: Every goodbye, say it with strength. Say another goodbye, as it may be the last goodbye. See another time, as it may be your last view.

德阳市15962839375: 求大神帮我翻译成英文
楚肯波贝: When Socrates were to met Confucius, what would happened? Firstly, they would be very surprised by the distinguished outlook of each other as Socrates came from the west while Confucius was origin from the eastern part of the world. Meantime, ...

德阳市15962839375: 跪求大神帮我翻译成英文一下
楚肯波贝: 中庸思想是儒家思想的核心内容.孔子所谓的“中''不是指''折中''而是指在认识和处理客观事物时的一种''适度''和恰如其分''的方法.孔子主张不仅要把这种思想作为一种认识和处理事务的方法来看待.而且还应该通过自身的修养...

德阳市15962839375: 麻烦英语大神帮我翻译一句话成英文 -
楚肯波贝: 我会在吴圩机场和你表白:I will confess my feelings to you at Wuxu Airport. 自己翻译的,保证语法地道,正确.如对你有帮助,请及时采纳—— ♥ 多谢 ⌒_⌒

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