
作者&投稿:枝刚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If going to university doesn't work out, student pay very little if any of their tution fees back.



not give a rat's ass是俚语, 意思是not care at all,一点也不在乎;根本不感兴趣。
give a rat's ass about……就是“很在乎……”的意思。



你认为上帝干我屁 事?
give a rat's ass是give a f uck的变型,意思是一点也不在乎,带一种轻蔑的口气
I give a rat's ass about god 就是 我一点也不在乎上帝

翻译成:干我pi事 更贴近那种语气。

想要理解这种句子先看一下这种举行的普通用法吧:I don't give a damn about god! 我才不关心上帝呢!这样说话的人也许是被激怒了,因为加上一定的语气这种话可以很有杀伤力…
在这个句子里,说话的人把damn(中文很不好翻译的一个词,一般单说都是可恶,该死的意思)改成了rat's ass(耗子的腚…),加深了damn的意思。也就是说一般人肯定连耗子的屁股都不回去想,也就是把上帝说的连耗子的屁股都不如了。意思就是他没有任何意思要去关心上帝。
希望能帮助到楼主,Good Luck!〜

You think I give a rat's ass about god?(1)你认为上帝很我有什么关系?(2)你认为上帝关我屁事吗?想满意并采纳!谢谢!



give a rat's ass 可以解作不在乎的

I don't give a rat's ass where you go

这是自己翻译的。Besides, there exists differences in the logic thinking of western culture and Chinese culture, please read the examples:3. Nobody could be too foolish today.The direct translation of the sentence would be, "Today nobody can be too foolish", but then you'd be ...

翻译 汉译英 大家帮帮忙。。。
1 my sister in the kitchen cooking food smells good 2.This article shows that when a person is extraordinary pressure will be a special diet 3.If I have seen that movie, I can give you the complete picture 4.She moved out from southwest to miss them too stimulating American ...

求英语高手帮忙翻译五个汉译英 急用!!!万分感谢!
1如果明天有空的话,他回来参加你的生日聚会 He will attend your birthday party if he is free tomorrow 2所有的工作都必须在这周五完成 All the job must be done before this friday.3他刚一进家门雨就下起来了 as soon as It started raining as soon as he arrived home.4只要我努力学习...

and qualities.Thus,the demand for high-quality talents with language skills,business practice and translation skills is rocketing.This passage mainly introduces the characteristics and translation skills of business english .以上都是自己翻译的。好久没有回答类似问题了。呵呵。希望有帮助。

Recent years Chinese domestic traveling development present situationwas the continuation develops with steady steps but also has therestriction factor. Because the Chinese domestic traveling development macroscopicbackground still was maintaining the habit, moreover the economicaland society's ...

请大家帮忙翻译几句话 中翻英
I think it is still not enough as an undergraduate's knowledge learnt . I want to accept higher education to study more knowledge and technical ability , can become one and competent at a working engineer afterwards. I plan to pass the preliminary examination of graduate student's ...

我们庆祝三王天以便记住 who followed the stars 跟随星星 to find Joseph, Mary, and Jesus the baby 找约瑟夫,玛丽,耶稣宝宝 On that day, we give money and we worship 在那天,我们把钱和我们敬拜 That's it!..就这样! . .希望对你有帮助,望采纳O(∩_∩)O哈哈~有什么不懂继续追问 ...

construction and management experience from my work, I am able to deal with problems of fire-fighting, to organize firepresuppression and to implementing measures.【我是美国留学生。纯手工翻译,由于要对楼主负责,确保语法正确,我用了半个小时以上的时间来翻译。希望对楼主有所帮助:)】...

SW 西南 SE 东南)中间靠左那个“AGPS data age ” —— “ AGPS 数据时间”中间靠右“Fix\/Sats.”——实在不知如何翻译 “pitch\/roll"——”倾斜\/转动”“brightness——亮度”USB——通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)其他的,恕我水平有限,加之不知道这张图描述的具体是什么。。。

in the author's mind are based on material foundation all along.当Rochester一无所有,甚至瞎了之后, Jane 才回到他的身边.Jane did not come back to Rochester's side till he was empty-handed , even blind.这不免显得有些市侩.It is sordid more or less.参考资料:献丑 献大丑了 ...

叶县15652065504: 请大家帮忙用英语翻译一下这个句子
鄢枯头孢: In order to get enough money, she was 33 years old also participated in the Beijing Olympic Games

叶县15652065504: 请大家帮忙,帮我把这句句子翻译成英文,谢谢 -
鄢枯头孢: 你好正确的翻译是这样:Accumulation of knowledge is more important than knowledge innovation. . .希望能帮助你

叶县15652065504: 请大家帮忙用英语翻译一个句子:一日三餐对于我们很重要,现在,我就告诉你我的三餐吃什么. -
鄢枯头孢:[答案] It,s important for us to eat three meals a day,now,let me tell you what to eat.

叶县15652065504: 请大家帮忙用英语给我翻译下这个句子.
鄢枯头孢: Life is that both you and I stay with you forever

叶县15652065504: 请大家帮忙翻译一句英文
鄢枯头孢: 应翻译为“我正凝视着地面”在这里没有必要累赘的翻译为柏油路面,其实在这就指的是地面.但是他为什么要说这句话,你就要结合上下文体会了.简明英汉词典 asphalt [ˈæsfælt] n. 沥青 They're walking on the asphalt road. 他们正行走在柏油路上. vt. 铺沥青

叶县15652065504: 请大家帮忙翻译一下这个句子 -
鄢枯头孢: By training the paralysis of their own, let the time sink into themselves, happy to say goodbye

叶县15652065504: 请大家帮忙翻译一个英语句子 -
鄢枯头孢: 把握我们所有的快乐时光,生活会更加精彩!翻译不能完全按照单词的原意翻译.

叶县15652065504: 请大家帮忙翻译个英语句子
鄢枯头孢: 来吧,为了你的梦想.现在没有困难,遇到困难再害怕 望采纳

叶县15652065504: 请大家帮忙翻译一个句子 -
鄢枯头孢: Qinchen houshan guide explain team of Dujiang city

叶县15652065504: 请大家帮忙翻译英语句子 -
鄢枯头孢: 夜里玩电脑的时间 nigth?拼错了吧?后面不用了,只要The time of playing computer 就够了

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