
作者&投稿:鄞昨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Q4: accused the evidence provided, whether to all embezzlement shall meet the requirements of "two conditions adverse possession" only the success of inverse infringement or individual occupation meet the above two conditions may successfully reverse infringement?
Answer: I think if embezzlement defendants among two is in accordance with the "two conditions adverse possession", namely "the fact tube" and "pipe has the intention" both conform to, according to the judgment of the defendant has no inverse tort is based on the "adverse possession" regulations, also no focus request embezzlement of more and less, therefore, the individual should be the defendant in accordance with the "expropriation of adverse possession" of the Ordinance is successful reverse infringement. Embezzlement defendants on the land, planting and fence and septic tank in spite of the fact that possession, but no intention significantly, but if the defendant without interruption for large-scale planting in the land, and the defendants had to rely on their own in the land planted in the behavior of people from outside the claimed to be the land the owner, in this sense, planting has obvious tube has the intention, even if the fence and septic tanks and did not meet the "adverse possession" pipe has the intention of this condition, but the planting the embezzlement, already is in line with the "adverse possession", but also constitutes a defendant may be successful occupation of the inverse land. To sum up, I think the defendant even if individual embezzlement achieve "adverse possession" condition has a chance to succeed against infringement.


被告人於作供时确认,由1971年至今,虽然他当472号土地(包括争议土地472SA)是他家的一部份,但由始至终471号土地与472号土地之间设有 一幅矮墙阻隔,墙上面更有铁丝网,高度比人还高,再连接一道铁闸,而铁闸经常关闭,所以要从他的住屋到该土地必须经过那一道铁闸。[31]被告人认同他从来没有进行任何改建将当时的472纳入471号土地的范围内。换言之,被告人在2004年前没有如自己居住在471号土地般把472SA建设围栏。
From the statement of the defendant, which he confirmed that from the year 1971 until now, although he treated plot 472(including the disputed plot 472SA) as part of his home, right from the beginning to the present, there wasn't a low partition wall between plot 471 and 472, neither a metal net on top of the wall taller than people nor a metal gate, which was always locked and from his property to the that plot(472)must go through that gate. [31] The defendant admitted that he has never any intention of converting plot 472 at that time into plot 471's perimeters. In other word, the defendant didn't build any fences on plot 472SA like plot 471 before 2004.

另外,被告人声称他於1998年6月开始以竹支及木板建立围栏,围起整块472号土地(包括472SA)[36]。於盤问下他说该围栏一直存在至2004年为至。这说法跟被告人声称拍摄於2000年的照片所显示的情况大相迳庭。被告人在其抗辩书及证人陈述书对大部份事件都写下日期,甚为仔细。偏偏就何时开始用木板竹枝围封这一重要因素闪烁其词,被要求提供状书的进一步详情,包括何时开始用木板竹枝围封的大约时间时,被 告人这部分的供词避重就轻,前後不一,所以以上两点不构成对该土地的实际管有。
Although the defendant claimed that in order to build a house on plot 471, he and his family had built a concret road leading to the house, even that was true, the road was not part of plot 471 and 472, and the intention of building that road was to provide a pathway for plot 471 of transporting the building materials. On top of that, the defendant claimed that he started to build fences using of bamboo sticks and wood planks to enclose the entire plot 472 (including plot472SA) from June 1998. [36] Under questioning, he said that the fences were remained there until 2004. His cliam seemed showing obvious contrast to the picture(s), which the defendant took in the year 2000. The defendant's statements and the witnesses' statements were mostly recorded with the dates on them and rather detailed. But just evasive on the important factor of when did he start using the bamboo sticks and wood planks fences. When being asked to provide a further detail statement and about since when there was an enclosure of bamboo sticks and wood planks fences, the defendant had beat around the bush, his statement didn't match with the eariler version. Therefore, based on the above two points, which doesn't consitute the defendant's actual ownership rights of that plot.


被告人於作供时确认,由1971年至今,虽然他当472号土地(包括争议土地472SA)是他家的一部份,但由始至终471号土地与472号土地之间设有 一幅矮墙阻隔,墙上面更有铁丝网,高度比人还高,再连接一道铁闸,而铁闸经常关闭,所以要从他的住屋到该土地必须经过那一道铁闸。[31]被告人认同他从来没有进行任何改建将当时的472纳入471号土地的范围内。换言之,被告人在2004年前没有如自己居住在471号土地般把472SA建设围栏。
另外,被告人声称他於1998年6月开始以竹支及木板建立围栏,围起整块472号土地(包括472SA)[36]。於盤问下他说该围栏一直存在至2004年为至。这说法跟被告人声称拍摄於2000年的照片所显示的情况大相迳庭。被告人在其抗辩书及证人陈述书对大部份事件都写下日期,甚为仔细。偏偏就何时开始用木板竹枝围封这一重要因素闪烁其词,被要求提供状书的进一步详情,包括何时开始用木板竹枝围封的大约时间时,被 告人这部分的供词避重就轻,前後不一,所以以上两点不构成对该土地的实际管有。

翻译:(英文)When the defendant to do for the confirm ation, by 1971, although he when 472 lan d (including the disputed land 472 sa) is a part of his family, but all no. 471 is equipp ed with a low wall between land and land, 472, the wall surface more barbed wire, is higher than a man, to connect an anchor man, despite often shut down, so from his house to the land must pass through an a nchorman. [31] the defendant agreed that he never had any modification will be at t he time of 472 into the land within the sco pe of 472. 2004 years ago, in other words, the defendant did not like yourself live in 471 land 472 sa building fences. Although the defendant claimed that he and his fa mily as the building area of 471 house, bu ilt the dirt road, through the house, even if it is true, the road is not 472/472 part of t he sa, and the defendant agreed to build t he road at that time only offers 471 chann els, the purpose of transporting constructi on materials. In addition, the defendant cl aimed that he began in June 1998 with ba mboo and wood building fences, surround a whole piece of land, 472 (including 472 sa) [36]. Under questioning, he said there has been for 2004 to in the enclosure. Thi s statement with the defendant claimed t hat 2000 shown in the photo today. The d efendant in the defense witness statemen ts and book to write down the date for mo st events, very carefully. It happened that when to start use wooden bamboo obfusc ating, enclosed the important factors are r equired to provide further the details of th e pleadings, including when to start use w ooden bamboo enclosure about time, be t ell people this part of the confession will e vade, inconsistency, so the above two poi nts do not constitute actual pipe have on t he land.〖帮帮忙啊,采纳一下吧!我发誓这是我一个个字母打出来的,没有用翻译软件啊!累死了,拜托,没有功劳还是有苦劳的,麻烦采纳啊!〗

The defendant to for confirmation, from 1971 up to now, although he when 472 of land (including land dispute 472SA) is a part of his house, but with a low barrier between No. 471 and No. 472 from the beginning to the end of land land, the wall more barbed wire, height is higher than people, is connected with an iron gate, and the iron gate often closed, so from his house to the land must go through an iron gate. [31] defendant agreed that he never made any alterations will at the time of the 472 into the 471 land within the scope of. In other words, the defendant in 2004 did not like their living in the 471 land as their 472SA construction fence. Although the defendant claimed that he and his family for the construction of 471 sector housing, built the road, through the housing, even if this is true, one part of the road is not 472/472SA, but the defendant had agreed to build the road only 471 channel, the transportation of construction materials. In addition, the defendant claimed that he was in 1998 June started with bamboo and wooden fence around the whole building, No. 472 of land (including 472SA) [36]. He said the fence for questioning has until 2004 to. This is very different with the defendant claim taken in 2000 photos show the situation. The defendant in his defence and witness statement can write the date for most events, very carefully. Just start with wooden bamboo enclosure to this important factor dodge about, are required to provide further details like books, including about the time when to start with wooden bamboo enclosed, people accused of this part of the confession evade the crucial point, inconsistent, so the above two points do not constitute the actual pipe in the land

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