
作者&投稿:张度 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求 英文翻译。~

Could you please tell me how Maria finishes her homework without any help every day?
She said she would not argue with her parents anymore。


Considering the business risk, we to the customer request raising prices. Please confirm.

Storage whether logistics supply extraordinary one link of summary in the chain, accurate and high-efficient storage whether logistics supply chain whole efficiency raise prerequisite and foundation, how efficiency and accuracy of improving the logistics of the storage are a question that the logistics needs badly at present. Though the bar code used extensively at present makes the efficiency of the logistics of the storage improve greatly compared with before, but still need to consume a large amount of manpower and materials. This text introduces a new kind of automatic recognition technology --Recognition technology of the radio frequency (RFID). Basic conception of RFID, function characteristic and what advantages does it have compared with bar code, range of application of it, for employ RFID technology systematic procedure in storage carry on detailed exposition prove, propose the problem existing when there is the advantage and is employed in the system.
With fast development of economy, global operation strategy and supply with chain manage idea get more and more approval of people too, storage as marketing and logistics an important content of strategy, get people's concern day by day. For make storage effective improvement storage efficiency of management, computerization and in course of entering into the management of the storage gradually automation, used for solving the efficiency problem of the storage. RFID gathers tools as a kind of new monobasic automatic datum, after being widely used in a lot of fields, applied to the management of the storage by people gradually too.
Keyword: Logistics; RFID technology; Manage the procedure in the storage


Storage is the logistics supply chain is a summary of the session, accurate and efficient supply chain logistics warehousing is improving overall efficiency of the prerequisite and basis for how to improve the efficiency of logistics and warehousing accuracy is currently in urgent need of a logistics problem. The current extensive use of bar codes while making the efficiency of logistics warehousing greatly improved than before, but still need to consume a large amount of manpower and resources. This article introduces a new type of automatic identification technology - radio frequency identification (RFID). RFID, including the basic concepts, features and bar codes and What are the advantages of comparison, the scope of its application, the application of RFID technology in the storage system in the process set out a detailed description and made in the system and the application of an edge in the The existing problems.

Key words: logistics; RFID technology; storage management processes

With the rapid economic development, global operations strategy and supply chain management concept has been more and more people have recognized, for warehousing
For the marketing and logistics strategy in an important part of people's growing concern. In order to improve the storage of more effective management of storage
Efficiency, computerization and automation are gradually into the warehouse management, warehousing solution to the problem of efficiency. RFID as a new one
Generation of automated data collection tool, in many areas to be widely used, have gradually been applied to storage management.


Storage is the logistics supply chain is a summary of the session, accurate and efficient supply chain logistics warehousing is improving overall efficiency of the prerequisite and basis for how to improve the efficiency of logistics and warehousing accuracy is currently in urgent need of a logistics problem. The current extensive use of bar codes while making the efficiency of logistics warehousing greatly improved than before, but still need to consume a large amount of manpower and resources. This article introduces a new type of automatic identification technology - radio frequency identification (RFID). RFID, including the basic concepts, features and bar codes and What are the advantages of comparison, the scope of its application, the application of RFID technology in the storage system in the process set out a detailed description and made in the system and the application of an edge in the The existing problems.

Key words: logistics; RFID technology; storage management processes

With the rapid economic development, global operations strategy and supply chain management concept has been more and more people have recognized, for warehousing
For the marketing and logistics strategy in an important part of people's growing concern. In order to improve the storage of more effective management of storage
Efficiency, computerization and automation are gradually into the warehouse management, warehousing solution to the problem of efficiency. RFID as a new one
Generation of automated data collection tool, in many areas to be widely used, have gradually been applied to storage management.
just this !~

Storage is the logistics supply chain is a summary of the session, accurate and efficient supply chain logistics warehousing is improving overall efficiency of the prerequisite and basis for how to improve the efficiency of logistics and warehousing accuracy is currently in urgent need of a logistics problem. The current extensive use of bar codes while making the efficiency of logistics warehousing greatly improved than before, but still need to consume a large amount of manpower and resources. This article introduces a new type of automatic identification technology - radio frequency identification (RFID). RFID, including the basic concepts, features and bar codes and What are the advantages of comparison, the scope of its application, the application of RFID technology in the storage system in the process set out a detailed description and made in the system and the application of an edge in the The existing problems. <br> <br> Key words: logistics; RFID technology; storage management processes <br> <br> With rapid economic development, global operations strategy and supply chain management concept has been more and more people have recognized, for warehousing <br> For the marketing and logistics strategy in an important part of people's growing concern. In order to improve the storage of more effective management of storage <br> Efficiency, computerization and automation are gradually into the warehouse management, warehousing solution to the problem of efficiency. RFID as a new one <br> Generation of automated data collection tool, in many areas to be widely used, have gradually been applied to storage management.

译文:苏武字子卿,年轻时,因为父亲职任的关系而被任用,兄弟都作了皇帝的侍从官。苏武逐渐被提升为汉宫栘园中管马厩的官。当时汉朝廷不断讨伐匈奴,多次互派使节彼此暗中侦察。匈奴扣留了汉使节郭吉、路充国等前后十余批。匈奴使节前来,汉朝廷也扣留了人来抵押。 天汉元年,且鞮刚刚立为单于,唯恐...

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一、《冻儿》全文翻译 艾子有个孙子,十岁左右,顽皮恶劣不爱学习,每次杖打他但不改变。艾子的儿子只有这个孩子,常常怕自己儿子不能承受棒打而被艾子打死,每次都哭着请求艾子饶恕。艾子说:“我这是因为你教子无方才这样啊!”(然而艾子)敲打孙子更厉害。他的儿子也没有办法。一天早晨,大雪飘落...


1、原文 君子曰:学不可以已。青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒于水。木直中绳。輮以为轮,其曲中规。虽有槁暴,不复挺者,輮使之然也。故木受绳则直,金就砺则利,君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也;吾尝跂而望矣,不如登高之博...

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丰宁满族自治县18036053064: 英语翻译英文翻译 -
斗卖尤力:[答案] Wish you will be happy forever and ever,my girl(love). 分给我,多经典的翻译啊

丰宁满族自治县18036053064: 英语翻译用英语怎么说? -
斗卖尤力: 人: English translator(书面翻译) English interpreter (口译)普通的说英语翻译就是 English translation

丰宁满族自治县18036053064: 英文翻译成中文 -
斗卖尤力: 翻译成中文的英语翻译是:Translate into Chinese,见下图百度翻译

丰宁满族自治县18036053064: 英文的翻译
斗卖尤力: English is becoming more and more widely.So we must attach importance to it to learn it well

丰宁满族自治县18036053064: 这个用英语怎么说 的英语翻译 -
斗卖尤力: 这个用英语怎么说? what's this in English? 求个采纳哦!么么哒

丰宁满族自治县18036053064: 2021的英文翻译 -
斗卖尤力: 有两种译法:一种是 two thousand and twenty-one, 第二种是 twenty twenty-one. 写作中可不译,读的时候是以上两种读法.

丰宁满族自治县18036053064: 请问英语翻译的英文怎么写? -
斗卖尤力: english translator 英语翻译translate this to english 翻译成英语要看你怎么用咯

丰宁满族自治县18036053064: 英语翻译(汉语翻译成英语) -
斗卖尤力: I think it is good for a teacher to have humor in class , because it can improve students'interest in this course.And humor can relax the brain, keep people away from the state of tension, and this make our learnning much more easier. Humor helps ...

丰宁满族自治县18036053064: 百度在线翻译英文 -
斗卖尤力: 季节,太阳 (特里插座) 再见,你我值得信赖的朋友 我们都知道对方,因为我们是9或10 我们一起爬上山和树木 得知爱和一架B C的 皮肤我们的心和我们的皮肤膝盖. 再见我的朋友,很难死 当所有的鸟类...

丰宁满族自治县18036053064: 英文翻译之一 -
斗卖尤力: God's justice 或God's righteousness The foolish persons want to use cunning to cover shame,but it's impossible!

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