
作者&投稿:爰袁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

又一说因为H是Hentai的首字母.H被广大网民简化,或是“黄”字的首字母,还有一说其实是因为罗马音发音 如:H小说、H漫画、H电影、H游戏等 也有H女(工口女)之说 上面的解释存疑 H来源于对日语词汇エッチ(罗马音:E Chi)的音译,该词的意思为“好色的”,“下流的”,以后慢慢地为了书写简便,H便有了和该词相同的意思,后传入我国,并广泛应用。 值得一提的是H和工口(日语词汇“エロ”(罗马音:E





全文: Once upon a time, four blind people wanted to know what an elephant looked like, but they couldn't see it and had to touch it with their hands.? 从前,有四个盲人很想知道大象是什么样子,可他们看不见,只好用手摸。 The fat blind first touched the elephant's teeth. He...

'There was a ship,' quoth he.喃喃言道:”曾有一艘船。”'Hold off! unhand me, grey-beard loon!'走开,你这个老疯子!Eftsoons his hand dropt he.他随即放手不再纠缠。The Wedding-Guest is spell-bound by the eye of the old seafaring man, and constrained to hear his tale. He...

"Thou wert with him"—quoth "the Damsel"? "No"—said Peter, ’twasn’t me— Jesus merely "looked" at Peter— Could I do aught else—to Thee? 他忘了—而我—却记得— 这是作为基督和彼得 许久以前的一件日常事物— “温暖他们”以“圣殿之火”。 “你和他”—谈论“少女”? “不”—...

爱米莉 狄更生 的诗
"Thou wert with him"—quoth "the Damsel"?"No"—said Peter, 'twasn't me—Jesus merely "looked" at Peter—Could I do aught else—to Thee?他弱,而我强—于是他弱,而我强—于是—他让我带他走进—我弱,而他强,于是—我让他领我回家。路不远—门就在附近—天也不黑—由于他去了—声不高—...

‘Just the thing to quench my thirst,’ quoth he. Drawing back a few paces, he took a run and a jump, and just missed the bunch. Turning round again with a One, Two, Three, he jumped up, but with no greater success. Again and again he tried after the tempting morsel, but at ...

Quoth the raven, "Nevermore. " And the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon that is dreaming, And the lamp-light o' er him streaming throve his shadow on the...

"Thenquothhe,"Thisisastrangemannerofdailybread,"andhebeganrecitinginextemporeverse: "Otoilerthroughthegloomsofnightinperilandinpain, Thytoilingstintfordailybreadcomesnotbymightandmain! Seestthounotthefisherseekafloatuponthesea Hisbread,whileglimmerstarsofnightassetintangledskein? Anonheplungethin...


( ) 1. What man art thou,quoth he, That lookest as thou wouldst find a hare; For ever on the ground I see thee stare.( ) 2. Here where nothing is private, the common affairs be earnestly looked upon...There where all things be common to every man, It is not to be doubted ...

陋室铭 的 英文翻译
Mountains are not high, but fairies are named. Water is not deep, dragons are spiritual. S is a shabby room, but Dexin is the only one.The moss stains are green and the grass is green. There are great Confucians in talking and laughing.You can tune the piano and read the...

开阳县17744154662: "H"是什么意思啊
阎娴司莫: 难道不是"HIGH"的意思吗?我一直都是这么认为的呀... 是"HIGH"吧,我认为!!

开阳县17744154662: "H""B""D"的十六进制的十进制转化
阎娴司莫: H不是十六进制数 B,D 分别对应的是 11,13 你是不是理解错了? 一般来说进制数H表示16进制 B表示2进制 D表示10进制.O表示8进制.

开阳县17744154662: 土豆下的视频旁边有个"H"是什么意思?
阎娴司莫: 那是高清视频.

开阳县17744154662: 铅笔有硬软之分 用英文字母来表示 下列符号相比哪个表示较硬:() -
阎娴司莫:[选项] A. "H" B. "HB" C. "B" D. "2B"

开阳县17744154662: "H" 是什么符号? -
阎娴司莫:[答案] 小时

开阳县17744154662: 请分别解释一下网络流行语:“萌”、“重口味”、“蛋疼"、"药不能停"是 -
阎娴司莫: 萌:原意为“植物发芽”,“事物的发生”,在动漫用于一般只特对于动画,漫画,游戏中的角色,情节等要素的强烈的爱好.曾与“秋叶原系”等词语一同选入日本2004年流行语大赏. 一般都认为,'萌え'一字是由'燃え'所变化而来,来...

开阳县17744154662: 集合里的"或"和"且"是在什么情况下用的
阎娴司莫: 或 表示可以是其中一种情况比如x<10或x>100,说明只要是满足其中一个情况的就可以了 且 表示必须同时满足这些要求比如x<10且x>5,那如果x=3虽然满足x<10,但不满足x>5,所以不满足这个集合的要求^_^ 明白否?

开阳县17744154662: "此事古难全"中的此事是指 - -----. -
阎娴司莫: “人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全.”诗人好像怕人识破借问月而泄出的愤慨,刚刚把心灵深处的真实感情略加发泄,便立刻用理智把他辩倒.虽然没有说自己心中的不满是不应该的,但却明明地表示:月的残缺,人的悲离都是不可...

开阳县17744154662: There is () "u" and "h" in the word "hour" -
阎娴司莫:[答案] a,an 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

开阳县17744154662: 什么时候用\"的\",什么时候用\"地\"? -
阎娴司莫: “的”用于形容词后,还有人称代词或姓名后面,“地”后面跟动词

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