
作者&投稿:英砍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

国家元首:女王伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II),1926年4月出生,1952年2月即位,1953年6月加冕。
经英国中央政府授权,英国苏格兰地区于2014年9月18日就是否脱离英国实现独立举行公投。公投结果显示,55%的民众反对独立,45%支持独立,“苏格兰独立”公投未获通过。现任苏格兰首席部长尼古拉·斯特金(Nicola Sturgeon)。





约克郡布丁(Yorkshire pudding)是英国的一种食品。它是英国人周日晚餐的重要组成部分,多为烤牛肉的配菜,以它独特的牛肉香味闻名世界。“烤牛肉加约克郡布丁”甚至被称为英国的国菜。

班尼迪克蛋其实是美国一种简易早餐的名称,做法非常简单,水波蛋(其实就相当于在水里煮没壳的生鸡蛋)配上英式的松饼、火腿和荷兰式酱汁(英文名hollandaise sauce)就完成了。


Exercise One

I. Name the Writers by the given passages. (10%)
( ) 1. What man art thou,quoth he,
That lookest as thou wouldst find a hare;
For ever on the ground I see thee stare.
( ) 2. Here where nothing is private, the common affairs be earnestly looked upon...There where all things be common to every man, It is not to be doubted that any an shall lack anything necessary for his private use, so that the common storehouses bars be sufficiently stored
( ) 3. Can honor set to a leg ?no, or an arm? No:...what is honor? A word, what is that word, honor? Air.
( ) 4. ...What though the field be lost?
All is not lost; the unconquerable will
And study of revenge, immortal hate,
And courage never to submit or yield...
( ) 5. It sucked me first, and now sucks thee,
And in this flea, our two bloods mingled be;
This flea is you & I,& this
Our marriage-bed, marriage temple is.
( ) 6. To err is human, to forgive ,divine
( ) 7. Imitation here will not to do the business.
The picture must be after Nature herself.
( ) 8. Mother bore me in the southern wild
And I am black, but O ! my soul is white;
White as an angel is the English child
But I am black, as if bereaved of light
( ) 9. Farewell my friend ! farewell my foes !
My peace with these, my love with those:
The bursting tears my heart declare-----
Farewell the bonnie banks of Ayr!
( ) 10. I love all that thou lovest
Spirit of Delight !
The fresh earth in new leaves dressed
And the stary night
Autumn evening, the moon
When the golden mists are born

II.True & False statement. (20%)
( ) 1. Chancer's contribution to English poetry lies chiefly in the fact he introduced from France the rhymed stanza in Iambic meter to English poetry.
( ) 2. Hamlet,the great tragedy of Shakespear, with perfect artistry, studys the big question "to be or no to be."
( ) 3. Bacon was the founder of modern science & also famous for his "essays."
( ) 4. Milton's Areopagistica is a pamphlet about religious abuse.
( ) 5. University wits contribute a lot in prose writing as well as drama writing.
( ) 6. Romance is a typical kind of noble literature & has nothing to do with common people.
( ) 7. Sperser's "Faerie Queene", Sidney's "Astrophel & Stella "& Shakespeare's"Sonnets" are the most famous sonnet sequences of Elizabethan Age.
( ) 8.Blank verse is the most popular literary form in 11th-14th century.
( ) 9. Marlowe was the greatest pioneer of English drama & it was Marlowe who first made blank verse the principal instrument of English drama.
( ) 10.The eighteenth century is an enlightenment century that most of the writers show great interest on reasoning, rationality & classicism (Neo-classicism)
( ) 11.Swift was born in London, England. He was a national literary figure & well-known by his humorous work-----Gulliver's Travels.
( ) 12.Defoe is the author of Robinson Crusoe, which is a scientific and fantastic work.
( ) 13.Richardison wrote his first novel when he was very young, he is thought as the follower of English psycho-analytical novelist.
( ) 14.Shelley is among the world's greatest lyric poets.
He is the most wonderful lyric poet England has ever produced.
( ) 15.Tom Jones is the masterpiece of Henry Fielding & it offers a panoramic picture of 18th century England with the life of people in London, in the countryside & on the open road.
( ) 16.Robert Burns is a peasant poet & is famous for his songs  written in the Scottish dialect on a variety of subjects.
( ) 17.Lamb,Hunt,Hazlitt & De Quincy are among the most famous prose writers in romantic period.
( ) 18.Sentimentalism is the transition period from realism to romanticism.
( ) 19.The best known historical novel created by Walter Scott is "Ivanhoe."
( ) 20.Charles Dickens is the best known representative of critical realism.

III. Put the literary terms into Chinese. (20%)
1. alliteration 2. Romance
3. allegory 4. blank verse
5. euphuism 6. tragic-comedy
7. ballad 8. elegy
9. pastoral 10. picaresque novel
11. heroic couplet 12. lyrics
13. metaphysical poets 14. Spenserian stanza
15. realistic fiction 16. Romanticism
17. canto 18. soliloquy
19. neo-classicism 20. interlude

IV. With the character of the book giving out, write down the name of the book. (10%)
1. The Wife of Bath 2. Bassanio ,Antonio
3. Sir John Falstaff 4. Friday
5. Joseph Andrews 6. Clarissa
7. Sophia 8. Don Juan
9. Cythna 10. Lilliputians

V. Match the following information.
1. William Shakespeare a. To Daffodils
2. Walt Scott b. Ode to West Wind
3. Percy Bysshe Shelley c. Ivanhoe
4. William Longland d. Pilgrim's Progress
5. Geoffrey Chaucer e. Oliver Twist
6. Charles Dickens f. Piers the Plowman
7. John Milton g. Troilus & Criseyde
8. John Bunyan h. Utopia
9. Thomas More i. Samson Agonistes
10. William Wordsworth j. Othello
VI. Listing. (20%)
1. List the most important dramas created by William Shakespeare (At least 8 of them) (8%)
2. List the famous women characters appearing in the works in each important literary periods.(5%)
3. List five important poets of different literary periods (5%)
4. List two best English elegies in English literary history(2%)

VII. William Wordsworth's literary theory of poetry.(10%)

1. Geoffrey Chaucer 2. Thomas More 3. Shakespeare 4. John Milton 5. John Donne
6. Alexander Pope 7.Henry Fielding 8. William Blake 9. Robert Burns 10. Percy Bysshe Shelley
1-5 T T T F T 6-10 T F F T T 11-15 F F F T T
16-20 T T F T T
1. 头韵 2. 传奇文学/罗曼司 3. 讽寓 4. 无韵诗/白体诗 5. 夸饰文体
6. 悲剧 7. 遥曲/民谣/民歌 8. 挽歌/诗 9. 田园牧歌作品 10. 流浪汉小说
11. 英雄双行/韵体 12. 抒情诗 13.玄学派诗人 14. 斯宾塞诗节 15. 现实主义小说
16. 浪漫主义 17. 诗章 18. 独白 19.新古典主义 20. 插剧
IV. 1. Canterbury Tales 2. The Merchant of Venice
3. Henry IV 4. Robinson Crusoe 5.Joseph Andrews
6. Clarissa Harlowe 7. Tom Jones 8. Don Juan
9. The Revolt of Islam  10. Gulliver's Travels
V. 1-5 JCBFG 6-10 EIDHA
VI.1. A Midsummer Night's Dream
As You Like It
The Merchant of Venice
Twelfth Night
King Lear
2. Wife of Bath,Portia,Betrice, Pamela, Clarissa, Cythna
3. Chaucer ,Edmund Spenser ,John Milton, Alexander Pope, William Wordsworth 
4.Shelley's "Adonais" & Mitton "Lycidas".
VII. 1. All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings
2. The theme is to be situations & incidents chosen from common life
3. The language used is to be a selection of language really used by men
4. Ordinary things are to be presented in an unusual way
5. finding of universal signicance in human society
Exercise Two
I. With the following passages, please name the writers.(10%)

( ) 1."Farewell,my friends ! Farewell, my foes !
My please with these, my love with those:
The bursting tears my heart declare_______
Farewell the bonnie banks of ayr ! "
( ) 2. The curfew tolls the knell of parting day.
The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea;
The plowman homeward plods his weary way,
And leaves the world to blackness and to me.
( ) 3. My mother bore me in the southern wild,
And I am black, but o ! my soul is white;
White as an angel is the English child,
But I am black, as if brereav'd of light.
( ) 4. Vain, very vain, my weary search to find
That bliss which only centers in the mind.
Why have I strayed from pleasure and repose
To seek a good each government bestows ?
( ) 5. When I had once addressed your lordship in public, I had exhausted all the art of pleasing which a retired and uncouthly scholar can possess...Is not a Patron, my lord,
one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the water, and, when he has
reached ground, encumbers him with help ?
( ) 6. Break, break, break,
On thy cold gray stones, sea !
And I would that my tongue could utter
The thoughts that arise in me.
( ) 7. The year's at the spring
And day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The will-side's few-pearled;
The lard's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn:
God's in the heaven ______________
All's right with the world !
( ) 8. If thou must love me, let it be for naught
Except for love's sake only. Do not say
"I love her for her smile...her look...her way
Of speaking gently...For a trick of thought
( ) 9. I shall not see the shadows,
I shall not feel the rain;
I shall not hear the nightingale
Sing on as if in pain.
( ) 10.Cast a cold eye
On life, on death.
Horseman, pass by !

II. Some of the following statements are true, some false. Mark them out.(20%)

( ) 1. W.B.Yeats was a poet and dramatist, who was born in Ireland.
( ) 2. Thomas Hardy was only a novelist, who didn't write any poem at all.
( ) 3. John Galsworthy was one of the most prominent of the 20th century English realistic writers.
( ) 4. Mrs Warren's profession is one of the "Plays Unpleasent" by Bernard Shaw.
( ) 5. Thomas Stearns Eliot was a poet, dramatist and a critic.
( ) 6. Alfred Tennyson was the only English poet ever to have been ennobled purely for poetry.
( ) 7. Ben Jonson was a famous poet-dramatist, who advocated reformation in classic  drama of old Greek and Roman masters.
( ) 8. Shakespeare's long experience with the stage and his intimate knowledge of  dramatic art thus acquired doesn't make him a master----hand for play----writing but
( ) 9. " O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon,
Irrecoverably dark,total eclipse
Without all hope of day !"
The above lines are from Byron's Don Juan, not from John Milton's Samson Agonistes.
( )10. Robert Burns and Walter Scott were born in Scotland, both of them are  the famous national poets.

III. Put the following literary terms into Chinese. (25%)

1. Aesthetic 11. iambus 21. cavalier poets
2. Imagism 12. poet 22. enlighten
3. Modernism 13. romanticism 23. sentimentalism
4. tragedy 14. trochee 24. naturalism
5. comedy 15. Critical Realism 25. historical novel
6. monologue 16. Renaissance
7. blank verse 17. humanism
8. sonnet 18. artistic
9. quatrain 19. literary career
10. anapest 20. metaphysical poets

IV. Write down the name of the book with the given characters. (10%)

1. Lady Chatterley 2. Tess and Angel Clare
3. Edith and Carker 4. Beck Sharp and Amelia Sedley
5. Mr.Rochester 6. Heathcliff and Catherine
7. John Barton and his daughter Mary 8. Adam Bede and Hetty Sorrel
9. Clarissa 10.Joseph Andrews

V. Link the author and the work together.(12%)

1. Shakespeare A. Dombey and Son
2. Dickens B. Ivanhoe
3. W.B.Yeats C. Tess of D'urbervilles Villes
4. T.S.Eliot D. Heartbreak House
5. Henry James E. Women in Love
6. Virginia Woolf F. Prometheus Unbound
7. James Joyce G. The Portrait of a Lady
8. Walter Scott H. the Tower
9. Bernard Shaw I. Ullysses
10. Hardy,Thomas J. Night and Day
11. D.H.Lawrence K. Waste Land
12. Shelly L. Othello

VI.Fill in the blanks.(8%)

1. __________________was the work that first make Dickens famous as a popular writer of novel.
2.After he went blind,Milton wrote and finished his three great works:epic masterpieces_________and ________and one biblical tragedy ___________.
3. Wordsworth was the world's greatest interpreter on ___________.He looked upon himself as _______________.
4.ALexander Pope was the undisputable master in the field of ______________and ___________verse.
5. Burns is a patriotic poet as well as a national symbol of ____________.
6. In 1884 ____________was made a Baron___________the only English poet ever to have been ennobled purely for his poetry.
7. "Dover Beach" is a poem by _____________,who was also a famous critic.
8. ________________was not only the last but the most perfect of romanticists.

VII. Comment on 20th century English modernism literature.(15%)

标 准 答 案
I. 1. Robert Burns 2. Thomas Gray 3. William Blake 4. Oliver Goldsmith
5. Samuel Johnson 6. Alfred Tennyson 7. Robert Browning 8. Elizabeth Barret
9. Christina Georgina Rossetti 10. W.B.yeats
III.1.审美原理 2. 意象主义(派) 3. 现代主义 4. 悲剧 5. 喜剧 6.独白
7.素体诗 8. 商籁体(十四行诗) 9. 四行诗 10. 抑抑扬格 11.抑扬格 12.音步
13.浪漫主义 14. 扬抑格 15. 批判现实主义 16. 文艺复兴 17.人文主义 18.艺术的
19.文学生涯 20. 玄学诗人 21. 骑士诗人 22. 启蒙主义 23.感伤主义 24.自然主义 25.历史小说
IV.1. Lady Chatteley's Lover 2. Tess of D'urbervilles 3. Dombey and Son
4. Vanity Fair 5. Jane Eyre 6. Wuthering Heights
7. Mary Barton,a Tale of Manchester Life 8. Adam Bede 9. Clarrisa Harlowe 10.Joseph Andrews
V. 1.(L) 2. (A) 3.(I) 4.(K) 5.(G) 6. (H) 7. (I) 8. (B) 9.(D) 10. (C)  11.(E) 12. (F)
VI.1. The Pickwick Papers 2. Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes
3. nature's message, nature's priest 4. satire, didactic 5. Scotland  6. Tennyson 7. Matthew Arnold 8. Keats
VII. omitted




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势鲁复方: Exercise One I. Name the Writers by the given passages. (10%)( ) 1. What man art thou,quoth he, That lookest as thou wouldst find a hare; For ever on the ground I see thee stare.( ) 2. Here where nothing is private, the common affairs be earnestly ...

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势鲁复方:[答案] 1Beowulf is an Old English heroic epic poem of unknown authorship,dating as recorded in the Nowell Codex manuscript from between the 8th[1] to the early 11th century,[2] and relates events described a...

洞头县15731287422: 英国文学史可能出到的考题,按以下所列做一下 -
势鲁复方: 1Beowulf is an Old English heroic epic poem of unknown authorship, dating as recorded in the Nowell Codex manuscript from between the 8th[1] to the early 11th century,[2] and relates events described as having occurred in what is now Denmark ...

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势鲁复方:[答案] There is much in common between Samson and Milton.Like Samson,Milton has also been embittered by an unwise 【marriage】,persecuted by his enemies,has suffered from 【blindness】 and yet is unconquerable. Ben Jonson 《The English ...

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势鲁复方: 英国在14世纪开始出现资本主义生产关系的萌芽.英法百年战争和持续了近30年的“玫瑰战争”,基本消灭了国内的旧贵族,建立了中央集权的君主制国家. 英国人文主义文学比法国、德国和西班牙出现早,只略迟于意大利.杰弗利·乔叟是英国人文主义的先驱.托马斯·莫尔是英国早期人文主义文学的代表人物. 16世纪中叶以后,英国的人文主义发展到鼎盛时期,诗歌、散文、戏剧都取得很大的发展,尤其是戏剧.诗歌的代表人物有锡德尼、斯宾塞、莎士比亚等.戏剧是文艺复兴时期英国文学的主要成就.

洞头县15731287422: 英国文学史选择题,说出原因,In the field of literature, the Enl -
势鲁复方: 首先分析题干 In the field of literature, the Enlighten Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works 在文学领域,启蒙运动引起了对旧古典作品兴趣的复兴. the standard of measuring all things. 衡量一切事物的标准. 看选项, A是感情,不对, B是热情,不对,C是理由,更不对.D是人文,符合题意. 把人文档做衡量一切事物的标准,这也是文艺复兴时期的理念, 这道题选D

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势鲁复方:[答案] 罗伯特·欧文,莫尔

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势鲁复方:[选项] A. 克伦威尔 B. 查理一世 C. 莎士比亚 D. 狄更斯

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势鲁复方: 一、单项选择题1.至18世纪仍然影响欧洲文学的一个重要因素是( ). A.古希腊文学 B.中世纪文学 所开创的传统是( ). A.现实主义传统 B.浪漫主义传统 C.讽刺传统 D.空想社会主义传统6.代表英国18世纪现实主义最高成就的小说是( ). ...

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势鲁复方:[答案] 书有可浅尝者


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