
作者&投稿:愈泄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Now, here goes the story.
High up into the sky went the kite.
1、为了避免句子部分内容不必要的重复,常用“so + be动词(助动词、情态动词)+主语”或“neither / nor + be动词(助动词、情态动词)+主语”的倒装句式。
其中第一个句式表示“与前面所述的肯定情况相同”, 第二个句式表示“与前面所述的否定情况相同”。如:
His brother is a college student; so is mine.
Hardly had she sat down when she heard someone knocking at the door.
3、当so...that, such...that中的so...和such...放在句首时,句子一般要倒装。如:
So serious was the situation that everybody faced a test.
Only in this way can you come up with a solution to the problem.



 强调句型
a) It is (was)+被强调的部分+that 从句
It is professor Li that (who) sent me the letter .给我寄信的是李教授。(主语)
It was Doctor James that (which) they talked about last week .她们上周讨论的就是这部小说。(宾语)
It is only when one is ill that one knows the values of health.人们生病了才知道健康的价值。(状语)
b) 主语+do(does,did)+动词+其她部分
You are quite wrong —she does like you .你大错特错——她的确喜欢你。
In the past ,some people did think that the earth was square .从前,有些人的确认为地球是方的。
Do send them electronic elements today .务必今天把这些电子器件送给她们。
c) What 引导的名词从句+is (was) +其她成分
What impressed me most was her image .给我印象最深的是她的形象。
What I like is his writing style .我喜欢的是她的写作风格。

1) 语法倒装句型
(一) 疑问倒装
Can you operate the new machine ?你能操作这台机器么?
In what way are they different ?她们在哪些方面不同?
(二) There be 句型的倒装
There are many forms of energy . 能量有多种形式。
There stands a stone bridge across the river .河上有座石桥。
(三) 表示祝愿的倒装
May you succeed ! 祝你成功!
(四) 以here, there, now, then, thus等副词为句首的句子倒装。谓语动词通常是be, come, go, exist, follow等不及物动词。
Here is the book you want .你要的书在这儿。
There goes the bell.铃响了。
Now is the hour when they say goodbye.她们告别的时候到了。
Then follows the fashion show .然后是时装表演。
(五) 表示否定或基本否定的词与词组放在句首的句子倒装。这样的词与词组主要有: never \ seldom \ scarcely \ hardly \ rarely \ little \ not
owhere ; hardly … when \ no sooner … than … \ in no case \ in no way \ on no account \ at no time
ot only … but also 等等。
Never has any country made so much progress in such a short time .从来没有任何一个国家在这么短的时间内取得这样大的进步。
Rarely did Tom leave his lab those days .那几天汤姆很少离开她的实验室。
No sooner had they got to the plant than they started to work. . 她们一到工厂就开始工作起来了。
(六) “Only +状语”放在句首的句子倒装
Only by working hard can one succeed .只有努力才能成功。
Only once have I seen him . 我只见过她一次面。
Only when one falls ill does one know the value of health .只有生病的时候才知道健康的可贵。
(七) 反复倒装。
如果前面分句中所述的情况也适合后面的分句,后面的分句常用so (肯定句),nor , neither 或no more (否定句)开头引导倒装句。
They can leave now , so can we.她们现在可以离开,我们也能。
Our society has changed and so have the people in it . 社会变了,人也变了。
He didn’t see the film last night , neither did she .她昨晚没有看电影,她也没看。
Energy cannot be created ,and neither can it be destroyed .能量不能创造,也不能消灭。
(八) 虚拟条件句中的倒装。虚拟语气中的条件从句省去if 时,were ,had 或should 须放在主语前面。
Were it not for your help ,I wouldn’t have got I have today .要是没有你的帮助,我就不会有今天。
Were there no air ,there would be no sound .没有空气就没有声音。
Had I left a little earlier ,I would have caught .我要是早点动身就赶上火车了。
2) 强调倒装句
(1) 状语放在句首
Down went the boat ! 船沉了!
Off is the train . 火车开走了。
Up went the rocket into the air . 火箭上了天。
Across the river lies a newly building steel bridge .新建的一座钢桥横跨这条河流。
(2) 表语放在句首
Great are our achievements in science and technology .我们在科技上的成就是伟大的。
Of all metal construction are wing structures of modern high-speed airplanes.现代高速飞机的机翼是全金属结构的。
(3) 宾语放在句首
What man has done man can do .前人能做的,后人也能做。
What he did I cannot imagine .我想象不出她做了什么。
Whether these figures are accurate ,I don’t know .这些数字是否精确,我不知道。
What will be the outcome ,no one can tell.后果会怎样,没有人知道。

1,He come back till 11 oclock last night. 一般句式
He didn't come back until 11oclock last night. 否定句
Not until 11 oclock last night, did he come back. 倒装句
It was until 11 oclock last night did he came back. 强调句
部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句子的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。

1.It was 11 when he got home last night . 肯定句
2.He didn't get home until 11 last night . 否定句
3.Not until 11 did he get home last night . 倒装句
4.It was not until 11 last night that he got home . 强调句
1.She was absent from school yesterday because of her sickness .
2.She didn't come to shcool yesterday because she was ill .
3.Only because she was ill yesterday was she absent from school .
4.It was because of her sickness that she didn't come to school yesterday .


求帮助用英语“翻译”一篇英语课文(就是用不同的句式重新写一下这篇文 ...
There are many changes being taking place in "food styles" in the Uuited States.Very solid and unchaging diet which is chiefly made up of meat and potatoes traditionally makes the United States foumous.Now a various ethnic food,health food and fast food supply us with many ...

be concerned with和about的区别是什么?
例句:①His research is mainly concerned with child development. 他的研究主要与儿童发展有关。②Parents are often concerned about the safety of their children. 父母经常对孩子的安全感到担忧。2、语境使用不同 be concerned with多用于表示与某主题、问题、领域等有关,而be concerned about则表达...

5.As还可引导让步状语从句.“尽管”.但是注意,as引导方式状语从句时从句必须倒装.而且这种倒装和一般的倒装不一样.as从句的倒装一般是把从句的表语或作状语的副词提到as之前,(如果表语是一个带有不定冠词a或an的单数名词,倒装后a或an必须省略).例如:Though he is a little boy,he knows a lot....

用不同的语气说 这个应该是用语音去说吧 所以在这个上面是没法回答这类的问题的 因为写出来和说出来根本就是两回事儿

how to deal with 和what to do with的区别是什么?
"What to do with"常用于描述与物品、信息、资源或抉择相关的问题,如处理剩余食物、决策如何利用时间、处理收到的礼物等。 4.语法使用和结构上不同: "How to deal with"的结构: "How to deal with"通常用作疑问句或陈述句的主语。其结构为: 疑问句:How to deal with + 宾语(问题、困境等)?例如:"How ...

with obesity 对付、治疗肥胖症,是现在分词短语作定语修饰treatment,不象new是一个单词的形容词可以直接放在treatment作定语修饰treatment,一个句子里不能有两个主语、谓语,碰到两个或以上动词,其中只有一个可用谓语,其他就用不限定动词(如分词形式-有现在分词和过去分词、动名词等)充当不同的句子...

我喜欢吃葡萄。 (陈述句)你喜欢吃葡萄吗?(疑问句)葡萄真好吃啊!(感叹句)句型:句子的结构类型。根据构成句子的语词的不同类别、序列、搭配方式等等,汉语的句子类型可分为主谓句、非主谓句、被动句、倒装句、兼语句、连动句等。比如:我被这个问题难住了。 (被动句)我的解释你明白了吗?(...

talk to和talk with的区别是什么?
②I talked with my boss about a possible promotion. 我与我的老板讨论了可能的晋升问题。区别三:语境使用不同 在日常生活中,talk to和talk with可以互换使用,但在某些语境中,如学术讨论、商务会议等,talk with更能体现出对话双方的平等地位。例句:①The teacher always talks to us about ...

3. 语法使用不同:therefore 常用作一个连接词,在两个或多个句子之间建立逻辑关系。thus 则更多地用于在句子内部连接结果与前提。 例句: - He loves to travel and explore new cultures, therefore he became a travel writer. (他热爱旅行和探索新的文化,因此他成为了一名旅游作家。) - The company implemented...

龙海市15267425279: 英语问题:用不同的句式(一般句式、否定句式、倒装句式、强调句式等),翻译下列句子. -
贡阙柠檬: 1.It was 11 when he got home last night . 肯定句 2.He didn't get home until 11 last night . 否定句 3.Not until 11 did he get home last night . 倒装句 4.It was not until 11 last night that he got home . 强调句 1.She was absent from school yesterday ...

龙海市15267425279: 英语所有提问的句式 -
贡阙柠檬: 一般疑问句句式:be动词/情态动词/助动词+主语+其他? 特殊疑问句句式:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句语序? 否定疑问句:be动词/情态动词/助动词+n't+主语+其他?如:Isn't .....? 反义疑问句:陈述句,附加疑问句(由be动词/情态动词/助动词+主语两部分构成)

龙海市15267425279: 英语句型有哪些,如:疑问句,一般疑问句,否定句 -
贡阙柠檬: 按使用目的可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句.1) 陈述句(Declarative Sentences):说明一个事实或陈述一种看法. Light travels faster than sound. 光比声速度快.(说明事实) The film is rather boring. 这部电影很乏味.(说明看...

龙海市15267425279: 用英语提问的4种句型 -
贡阙柠檬: 1.WHY not do sth? 2.how/what about doing sth? 3.why don't you do sth? 4.you'd better do

龙海市15267425279: 英语一般疑问的句型结构 -
贡阙柠檬: 一般疑问句的结构 一般疑问句有两个家族. 第一家族为含be动词或情态动词的一般疑问句,其结构为: be + 主语 + 其它部分? 情态动词 + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它部分? 肯定回答用“Yes,主语+be\情态动词.”,否定回答用“No,主语+...

龙海市15267425279: 用十个不同的英语句式造句? -
贡阙柠檬: 1. 一般现在时态:I am a boy.我是一个男孩. 2. 现在进行时态: Look! The old men are exercising in the park.看!那些老年人正在公园里锻炼. 3. 一般过去e799bee5baa6e78988e69d8331333433633337时态 I went to the mountains with my ...

龙海市15267425279: 讨论问题时候用的英语句式 -
贡阙柠檬: what if …… how about…… what about…… how does it sound like if we…………(问对方观点) what is your opinion/ideas to…………(问对方观点) then, hou dou you like if ……(问对方观点) I think it's gonna be okay if ……(加观点建议提议) let me put it like this (解释一个观点)

龙海市15267425279: 英语的句子形式详解什么是:陈述句,特殊疑问句,一般疑问句,选择疑问句,反意疑问句,祈使句,感叹句,简单句,并列句,复合句?我英语基础不好,... -
贡阙柠檬:[答案] 一、陈述句 用来陈述事实或观点的句子叫陈述句.朗读时用降调,句末用句号.陈述句分为肯定陈述句和否定陈述句两种形式.... —Only one. (一) 知识概要 初中所学的句型一般要分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句. 陈述句中有肯定句与否定句之分...

龙海市15267425279: 用几个英语句型造几个不一样的句子! -
贡阙柠檬: 1. too...(for ...) to do; so...as to do; so...that...; So...+倒装句+that... The box is too heavy (for me) to move. The box is so heavy as not to be moved (by me). The box is so heavy that I can't move it. So heavy is the box that I can't move it.(倒装句)2. such...

龙海市15267425279: 用英语的各种基本句式各造一个复杂的句式,,,标明所属句式 -
贡阙柠檬: 英语简单句5种基本基本句型:主 + 谓(不及物动词) S+V eg the birds are f lying 主 + 谓(及物动词)宾 S+V +O eg.dogs like bones 主 + 谓(及物动词)宾 + 宾补 S+V +O +OC he makes me laugh .主 + 谓(及物动词)直接宾 + 间接 宾 S+V +DO +IO eg mum bought me a book 主 + 谓(联系动词) +表语 S+V +P eg the flower looks beautiful

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