
作者&投稿:陈没茅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
关于英语定语从句的几个选择题 求英语高手~


2012年7月28日 伦敦奥运会女子400米个人混合泳冠军(4分28秒43打破世界纪录)[2]。
2012年7月31日 伦敦奥运会女子200米个人混合泳冠军(2分07秒57打破奥运会纪录)
楼主的标题定位是:关于英语定语从句的几个选择题, 不知道是楼主自己的归纳还是练习册上本身将这几题归入定语从句题。如是,则很有可能是编者的问题。
It's London ______ Ye Shiwen got worldly recognized for her excellent performance in the swimming pools. A where B that C in which D which
1. 如果本题确实是定语从句题,则是一个限制性的定语从句。主句是It is London. It 指代不清,需要上文。
2. London伦敦是一个专有名词,世人皆知,无需限制。即使是需要对没学过世界地理、世界历史的小学一年级学生说起她,需要补充说一句,如:London, (which is ) the capital city of England,用的非限制性定语从句,前应有逗号,如果要对体育迷们补充一项,最多是说:where the 2012 Olympic Games was held. 也不会补充 叶诗文 在这个城市的表现来说事。
3. 作为非限制性定语从句,如果能用where, 则用in which 表示“in London” 完全是正确的。则此题有两个答案。回答者说只能用where, 或尽量用where是不能让人信服的。
4. 是的,引导定语从句的where ,不是任何时候都可以改用in which的,同样,不是所有引导定语从句的介词+which都可以改用where的。例如:
He is sitting at the table 【under which】 there is a cat. 这个under which不能改成where,因为where没有under which的解释。where只有in/on/at/to which的作用。
The desk 【in which】 he put some papers ...., 这里的in which 也不能用where,
the farm 【where】 he worked ten years ago.... 这里的where可换成on which ,不宜用in which, 因为习惯说on the farm
不过,多数情况下,地点名词+where-定语从句,where都可以用in which来替换。

It was in London ______ Ye Shiwen got worldly recognized for her excellent performance in the swimming pools. A where B that C in which D which
不强调的句子是:in London Ye Shiwen got worldly recognized for her excellent performance in the swimming pools.强调的是过去发生过的事情中的地点状语从句,用that不用where,也不用in which, 而这正是学生容易弄错的地方。
另外,其强调结构词是It was .... that ...., 如果在London前加in的话,it's 也要改成was,
如果楼主漏打in (有这可能),总不会将it was 打成It's吧? 所以,还是判断:本题有误!!!

见正达美老师对第三题也提出异议,一看,发现采纳者这一题也答错了,细想,发现这一题同样有误:Yao Ming announced his retirement on July 20 of 2011()he will never forget in his life. A when B on which C for which D that
On July 20, 2011, Yao Ming announced his retirement from professional basketball.
A Basketball star Yao Ming announced his retirement on July 20th of 2011 after a great career that made him China’s best-known athlete and helped improve the game’s global growth.
作为一句话,Yao Ming announced his retirement on July 20 of 2011已经相对完整。无需限制性定语从句,也不需要同位语从句。而本题句却在后面加上了一个限制性的定语从句,也不知道先行词到底是整句话所表示的内容还是2011年七月20日这个日期。应该有个逗号,是非限制性的定语从句才对。
he(应该是指YM本人吧) will never forget 【it】in his life. 这应该是还原后的一句话,作为非限制性定语从句,作为一个补充,则关系词应该是用关系代词which才对!可惜的是,四个选项中就是没有这个which! 你说,这不是个谬题吗?!

Traveling,especially traveling abroad,has become a fashion,()is common even in the western area in China.A that B it C as D in which 确实只能选C,但是那是命题都逼的!as有“正如。。。那样”的意思。如果是填空题,我更愿意填which
有了even, 这里用as,我感觉很不通!

1、that与which的区别。1)用that而不用 which的情况:①先行词为不定代词all, anything, nothing, …;②先行词有最高级修饰,有序数词修饰;③先行词有only, very, any等词修饰;④先行词既有人又有物时。e.g. There is nothing that can prevent him from doing it. 没有什么能阻止他不干那件事。 The first place that they visited in Guilin was Elephant Trunk Hill. 在桂林他们所参观的第一个地方是象鼻山。 This is the best film that I have ever seen. 这部电影是我看过的最好的一部。 Mr Smith is the only foreigner that he knows. 史密斯先生是他认识的唯一的外国人。2)用which而不用 that的情况:①引导非限制性定语从句;②代表整个主句的意思;③介词 + 关系代词。e.g. He had failed in the maths exam, which made his father very angry. 他数学考试没有及格,这使他的父亲很生气。 This is the room in which my father lived last year. 这是父亲去年居住过的房子。3)as引导定语从句时的用法①as引导限制性定语从句通常用于the same … as, such … as结构中。e.g. I want the same shirt as my friend’s. 我要一件跟我朋友一样的衬衫。 Such machines as are used in our workshop are made in China. 我们车间使用的这种机器是中国制造的。②as引导非限制性定语从句既可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后,用来修饰整个句子。通常用下列句型:as is known to all, as is said, as is reported, as is announced, as we all know, as I expect 等。e.g. As I expected, he got the first place again in this mid-term examination. 正如我所预料的那样,他在这次期中考试中又获得了第一名。3)as 引导非限制性定语从句时与which的区别①当主句和从句语义一致时,用as;反之,用which来引导非限制性定语从句。e.g. He made a long speech, as we expected. He made a long speech, which was unexpected.②当非限制定语从句为否定时,常用which引导。e.g. Tom drinks a lot every day, which his wife doesn’t like at all.2. 关系代词在从句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词单数还是用复数应由先行词决定。e.g. The man who lives downstairs speaks English fluently. 住在楼下的那个人英语说得很流利。 The students who are in Grade Three are going to climb the hill tomorrow.3. 定语从句有时不直接紧靠先行词,中间由一个定语、状语或谓语隔开。e.g. There is an expression in his eyes that I can’t understand.4. 引导定语从句的关系副词有时可以用“介词 + which”来代替。e.g. October 1, 1949 was the day on which ( = when ) the People’s Republic of China was founded.5. 当定语从句中谓语动词是带介词或副词的固定短语动词时,短语动词的各个固定部分不要拆开。e.g. The sick man whom she is looking after is her father.6. 介词在关系代词前,只能用which和whom,且不能省略;介词在句尾,关系代词可有which, that, whom, 口语中也可用who,且可省略。e.g. The man (whom/ who/ that) you were talking about has come to school.


这两题中的引导词who或which/that 都可以省略的,都已经省略了,其它的选项都不对。

20题中的A后面多了一个him, B和D后面都缺少介词to,因为talk是不及物动词,后面必须加介词to才能接宾语



这两个 题 其实都可以 用 关系代词 但是 必须语句 语法通顺
第20题: 因为主语是 the docter 所有后边 主语重句里的 talk 后边必须有to 因为 talk是不及物动词 所以答案是C 完整的答案应该是 whom the nurse is talking to (whom 可去掉)
第21题: 跟20题是一样的 主语重句 所以不能加 it了 因为已经有主语了 the book
完整答案应该 which i bought or that i bought (which and that 也可去掉)

20. the doctor做的是the nurse is talking to 的宾语,也就是the doctor (whom/ that) the nurse talking to is.........,人做宾语,用whom,that或省略
21. 和20题差不多,原句为the book(which/that/\) I bought, book 做bought的宾语,用which,that或shenglve

the doctor that(whom) the nurse is talking to is leaving for Africa next month.
the book that i bought isn't in my schoolbag.

作成分(主,宾,),作宾语时可省略 在该句I shall come here to help you(主 谓 状)中,不缺主语,宾语,怎么会用that呢?缺 的 是状语,先行词又是指 时间,从句I shall come here to help you缺 的 是时间状语“在何时the last time ”,所以本题该选B when。别忘了::选择 关系...

定语从句不同于单词作定语的情况,它通常只能放在被修饰的词(即先行词)之后。高一定语从句选择题 1.I will never forget the day ___I joined the League.A. whichB. when C. in which D. on that 2.September 18,1913 is the day ___we’ll never forget.A. that B. when C. on ...

1 anthing 和take 之间存在被动的关系。anting 是由你来take的。所以选D 2借书和图书馆有一定的关系的,你是从图书馆借书。在这里where=from which 3instance在这里是情况的意思,遇到instance的时候就选in which 4in which 表示信里所指的内容 5先行词是mudslides 6where 相当于in this post ...

英语定语从句选择题填which that 之类的解题步骤方法求解吖
定语从句 一.先行词 关系代词:that,which,who,whom,as 关系副词:when,where,why 从句缺主、宾、表等主要成分是选用关系代词;不缺时选用关系副词 缺少定语(主句与从句的名词有从属关系时)用whose eg:Her mother wuldn't agree her to marry the young man whose hair has gone As常用于句首...

还有一种方式是:the leaves of which..., 这种结构多用于非限制性定语从句,用在这里,两个名词紧挨在一起,感觉不是很好:I have seen trees the leaves of which open at sunrise and close at sunset.这题可能出题者疏忽了,B项本来应改是:of which leaves, 这样答案就是唯一的了。16题...

1.The girl___is in red is marry.A whom B who C where D which 2. The factory___we'll visit next week is in Beijing.A where B to which C chich D in which 3.I like the boy___is singing very much.A where B who C whom D which 4.Tom doesn't like the bab...

其实这题根本属于强调句型而不属于定语从句。如果答案是A的话,则这是一个非限制性定语从句。没有它照理句子成立,但实际上,没有了它,主句中的it不知道是什么,而这个not the disease 是一个插入语。有些老师,用别人的题之前,自己都没有做过,想过!另一个出处是:定语从句专项练习之第10题...

24、turn to sb.for help,故选B;25、第一空which 引导定语从句,修饰KFC,第二空是考强调句型It is ...that;26、答案应该是A或B;27、some of which ;28、as引导非限定性定语从句,修饰前面整句话。

A. which 为正确选项。定语从句先行词是atmosphere,从句缺少主语,填上which 充当主语。其它三个选项都不对。【俊狼猎英】团队为您解答。

答:关系代词whose 可以引导定语从句,在从句中作定语,加上一个名词(这里是roof)后一起在从句中作主语或宾语。whose不仅可以指代人,表示“他\/她\/他们的”,也可以指事物,表示“它\/它们的”,用一个汉字“其”可综合所有的“Ta (们)的”房顶,英语中可以用its roof, 也可以用the roof of ...

临夏回族自治州13996538515: 英语定语从句选择题,看图20.21题,求分析选项,为什么这两题都不用关系代词,谢谢 -
乘叶心元: 20. the doctor做的是the nurse is talking to 的宾语,也就是the doctor (whom/ that) the nurse talking to is.人做...

临夏回族自治州13996538515: 一个关于英语定语从句的选择题The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people ,many of - ___left their village homes for a better life in the city.A.whom B.which ... -
乘叶心元:[答案] whom 作关系代词,指人,引导定语从句,宾格形式,放于介词of后,先行词为people.Who用于主格形式,也可作宾语,但不能放在介词后.

临夏回族自治州13996538515: 英语 - 定语从句 - 选择题15.Romeisaplace -
乘叶心元: 选D that引导定语从句,在从句中作宾语时可以省略:Rome is a place (that)I want to visit. 的确,我们说:Rome is a place in which I want to live.但我们不能说:Rome is a place in which I want to visit.

临夏回族自治州13996538515: 高一英语定语从句选择题(2题)1.From time to time we must look up words - ____.A.whose meanings we do not knowB.we do not know their meangingsC.... -
乘叶心元:[答案] 1.From time to time we must look up words _____. A.whose meanings we do not know B.we do not know their meangings C.whose meanings we are not familiar with D.the meaning of which we do not know 因为是定语从句,所以,B是不行的,因为...

临夏回族自治州13996538515: 英语定语从句选择题 1 This is just the farm on -- I am longing to live these years.A that B who C what D which2 This is just the place - __ - I am longing to live on ... -
乘叶心元:[答案] D A

临夏回族自治州13996538515: 英语——定语从句——选择题
乘叶心元: 选B 分析如下: A.where we went to 后面不需要to,where是副词,副词前不接介词,比如where did you go? where were you born? B.where we went 正确 C.which we went 后面要加to,go to at we went 同上,后面要加to,看以下例句 The PM's secretary found the village that Samy went to but could not see him for only the people who need treatment were allowed into the jungle.

临夏回族自治州13996538515: 一道有关定语从句的英语选择题 ()It showed me that the way of education in Canada is quite different from__in China. -
乘叶心元:[选项] A. one B. it C. that D. those 我奇怪句子中为什么不选D,光有that不是少了先行词吗?

临夏回族自治州13996538515: 一道英语选择题(定语从句)the world is full of competitions.as a matter of fact,life is a game【 】you are always competing答案为什么选 where? -
乘叶心元:[答案] 人生就像比赛,在比赛中竞争. life is a game where you are always competing =life is a game in which you are always competing =you are always competing in the game 选where,从句中作状语

临夏回族自治州13996538515: 定语从句的英语选择题1)Was it in this palace - ----the last emperor died?A that B in which C what D he 2)was it during the Second World War----he died?Athat ... -
乘叶心元:[答案] A A 两句都是强调句,1强调地点,2强调时间.

临夏回族自治州13996538515: 英语 定语从句 单选题The old temple - __ - roof was damaged in storm is now under repair.我选的 which whose -
乘叶心元:[答案] whose 意思是谁的.这句话意思是这座老庙的房顶在暴雨中被毁坏了,现在正在维修. whose代表The old temple which没有谁的意思.只是在句中做成分. 希望可以帮到你.

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