
作者&投稿:晁尝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1understand sb. do sth.排除ab,主动语态,故c
2lead to sth.故选c b是汉语的思维方式,非这样用也是lead her to marry
3because后面可跟整句但because of 后者能跟名词性成分,not应在分词前,故b
4用法是why not do sth.而且try doing是“试着做”,try to do是“努力做”
5固定搭配,chance of
19hear sth. doing,而且broken是过去分词或形容词,表状态,他怎么可能会听到状态呢?


1 `the new school is build on ( )once was a waste land
A what B that C which D where
2~it's cloudy.it's( )it is going to rain
A as though B even though C though D although
A。as though引导系动词be的表语从句,从句中不做成分,“好像”
3` i'm sorry,but you must get your room ( ) before going out to play
A to tidy up B tidied up Cto be tidied up D tiding up
B。考查非谓语动词,此处做使役动词get的宾补形式,get something done,"让……被做”


1.The recent medical record shows that it was the drugs, not the disease, ___ killed him two years ago.
A. the effect of that B. the effect of it
一道英语定语从句之题目The recent medical record shows that it was the drugs,
The recent medical record shows that it was the drugs,not the disease,_____ killed him two years ago.
A.the effect of that B.the effect of it C.when D.that 答案是B,请问为什么不是D(本句不是强调句吗?)莫非答案错了,真是不可思议!
The medical record shows that it was the drug, not the disease, ____ killed him two years ago. 检举 | 2008-8-31 15:07 提问者: 真·小白·猫 | 浏览次数:1195次
A. which B. what C. it D. that

满意回答: D这句属于强调句。在shows后面的那个宾语是这个强调句,格式是it is ...that .... 题目就是 it was the drug that killed him two years ago. 如果去掉 it is ...that 的话,这个句子的结果仍是完整的,就是一个强调句,例如 the drug killed him two years ago.
整句的意思是 病历卡显示,是这种药物而不是这个病,在两年前夺走他的生命的。
结果第二个可以(可能是百度自己的吧,另一个不行。是:天星教育网 >> 问吧 >> 问题分类 >> 英语 >> 高考英语的。
The recent medical record shows that it was the drugs,not the disease,_____ killed him two years ago.
A. the effect of which B. finally C. the effects of it D. that
其实这题根本属于强调句型而不属于定语从句。如果答案是A的话,则这是一个非限制性定语从句。没有它照理句子成立,但实际上,没有了它,主句中的it不知道是什么,而这个not the disease 是一个插入语。
10. The medical record shows that it was the drug, not the disease, killed him two years ago.
A. the effect of which B. finally C. the effects of it D. that
I. 1-5 D B D D B 6-10 C A B C D 11-15 C C C D C 16-20 B C B C B


1 选b that一般不跟在介词后边 除了 in that but that except that等固定搭配
2 是定语从句 翻译成正如正像的时候 只能用as 不用which 这是这两个词区别的一个点
3 也是定语从句 先看 后面的句子明显缺少主语 所以要用 关系代词which 因为where是关系副词 在定语从句中做状语 告诉你个诀窍 一看定语从句却成分 主语或者宾语肯定不会选择where
4 固定搭配 例如 to some extent
5选择A哦 in the play
6选择B over control of 或者over sth 这个要勤查字典哦
7因为 你首先看后面那个句子 主语all the people 谓语shall live in peace 这个句子是完整的哦 所以要选则一个关系副词添枝加叶就可以了 所以就选择when 判断用关系副词还是代词 要先看看后面句子主谓宾成分齐全不 缺的话就选择that which 等 不缺的话 就选when where 作状语 要知道 句子中状语可以可无 而主干一定要全
呵呵 我是学英语的刚刚才玩问问 以后有什么不会 欢迎来问 呵呵 在下自认为语法学的不错 在解答问题中共同进步吧

1.that 不能用于非限制性定语从句,所以不能选A
2.all the people in the word shall live peace.是个完整的句子,所以用when 来引导一个状语从句

1.A 2.B3.B4.to5.a6.a7.a

你确定第一到题没写错是吧?句义都分析不出来,the effect of ,不明白在这里跟谁有关系。麻烦你再确定一下是否抄错题,如果没有,我再想办法解答。
4、不一定;the extent of; to the extent 这就是两个结构,根据不同的句子所需要的成分及句义判断,在这里是to的原因:句义是能够预测到达什么程度价格变动会影响供需是有用的,在这里到达...程度,就是短语to a certain extent;基本高中遇到extent 都是想考与to有关的这个短语,所以命中率还是比较高。
5、选A。表示在该剧中出演角色(act in this play)
6、考的肯定是control over 这个短语,其余都不能跟control 搭配。先行词是parts,不是life
7、当然不能选A。从语法上,that做定语从句引导词,必须紧跟先行词,否则不能用that。从句以上,所有人在那一天(on the day 作状语)生活在和平之中。on which =when。

11. C 根据从句的主语是he 判断为主动语态,排除AD,由于本句为过去式,所以修表的时间应该发生在又变坏之前,所以为过去完成时,选C。12. A 先行词为All的时候,引导词只能用that.13. B 第一个空先行词是人(引导词可以填that和who),这里是非限制性定语从句所以排除that,第二空 在...的历...

This is the woman WHO (musician said) was regarded as the best pianist in the country.musician said 相当于 do you think 之类的插入语,可以省略。而the woman在从句中做主语,即the woman was regarded as the best pianist in the country。因此选A。这个女人被音乐家誉为全国最优秀的钢琴...

1.B .我曾经度过一本你谈论过的书。about 和后面的talked 相关,介词about后定语从句关联词用which。2.A. 她总说一些人们不能理解的话。不定代词sth 后的定语从句关系词用that。3.A. the only 后面的定语从句关系词用that,不用who, which.4.D. 我买的电脑……,定语从句前的先行词是物时,...

The train on which she was travelling was late. 她所乘坐的列车晚点了。which是关系代词,在句中的定语从句中作介词宾语,travel on...是搭乘...(交通工具)出(旅)行,属于习惯用法。如果on which改为where,The train where she was travelling was late. 这时,where是关系副词,在定语从句中...

D; C 第一题,逗号后面为非限制性定语从句,指人,只能用who 或者whom,由于of 为介词,后接宾格,故用 whom.第二题,逗号后有and 连接,为并列句,故选代词 them 指代之前的满意childern

1.The girl___is in red is marry.A whom B who C where D which 2. The factory___we'll visit next week is in Beijing.A where B to which C chich D in which 3.I like the boy___is singing very much.A where B who C whom D which 4.Tom doesn't like the bab...

1.这个句子可以拆成这样New York is a nice old city. I visited it last year.所以New York在句子中是作宾语。只能从A和B中选。因为是非限制性定语从句,所以要选B。2.句子的意思是:我能想到许多例子,很显然学生们是知道很多英语单词和表达,但却不能写一手好的文章。显然是缺少原因。所以选...

1. There isn't much ___ I can do.A. which B. that C. what D. those 2. This is the most important sentence ___ we should pay attention.A. that B. which C. to which D. what 3. Mr. White is one of the foreign engineers who ___ in our country.A. works B. ...

从句中不做成分,“好像”3` i'm sorry,but you must get your room ( ) before going out to play A to tidy up B tidied up Cto be tidied up D tiding up B。考查非谓语动词,此处做使役动词get的宾补形式,get something done,"让……被做”没有一个是定语从句的选择题。

五、注意先行词的特殊性和关系代词的选择。例1. All ___ I need is an English-Chinese dictionary.A. as B. that C. what D. which 分析:句子意思是:我所需要的就是一本《英汉词典》。先行词为all或先行词被all等词修饰时,限制性定语从句通常用关系代词that引导,所以本题应当选B。又如:Th...

荥经县18354373364: 英语——定语从句——选择题
钟宽盐酸: 选B 分析如下: A.where we went to 后面不需要to,where是副词,副词前不接介词,比如where did you go? where were you born? B.where we went 正确 C.which we went 后面要加to,go to at we went 同上,后面要加to,看以下例句 The PM's secretary found the village that Samy went to but could not see him for only the people who need treatment were allowed into the jungle.

荥经县18354373364: 问几道英语定语从句单选题,①This is the hotel_______last month.A.which they stayedB.at that they stayedC.where they stayed atD.where they stayed②He has... -
钟宽盐酸:[答案] 1.D.stay 是不及物动词,不带宾语,故用where做状语 2.A.先行词是不定代词,要用that 引导. 3.到C.电影是被放映,用被动,而且先行词是films,复数故用have 4.A.你能把你几天前谈论的那本书借给我吗? talk about :谈论.介词后不能用that 引导,...

荥经县18354373364: 几道关于定语从句的英语选择题1.For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread our further,______New York is an example.A.for which B.in which C.of ... -
钟宽盐酸:[答案] 第一题选C of which,which 指代前面的many cities第二题选C in which,由词组in a period而来第三题选D 首先排除A C,而后面的从句完整的句子,如果选which代替不了任何成分,所以选when第四题选D,空格后面句子的语序可...

荥经县18354373364: 英语定语从句选择题1.I'm glad to introduce Mr.Dmith to you ,without-----consideration our project would have ended in failure.A,whom B.his C whose D.who2.The... -
钟宽盐酸:[答案] CDB 1.没有(他的)建议 2.类似结构上应该这样的 3.考的是what as that的用法 注意句中.----is known to us all is that 中的IS代表前面应该有主语 故用 WHAT 对于(某人)来说 生活····· 另外 第三个的考法很多 但是只要弄懂 就不怕了 那三个单...

荥经县18354373364: 英语定语从句选择题 1 This is just the farm on -- I am longing to live these years.A that B who C what D which2 This is just the place - __ - I am longing to live on ... -
钟宽盐酸:[答案] D A

荥经县18354373364: 定语从句的英语选择题1)Was it in this palace - ----the last emperor died?A that B in which C what D he 2)was it during the Second World War----he died?Athat ... -
钟宽盐酸:[答案] A A 两句都是强调句,1强调地点,2强调时间.

荥经县18354373364: 英语定语从句选择题
钟宽盐酸: 1.This is such a difficlt question(A.that)he can not answer.

荥经县18354373364: 关于定语从句的选择题
钟宽盐酸: This is the last time______I shall come here to help you. A that B when该用哪一个呢 ... 者是定语从句,不是什么强调句,同位从句! 虽然“先行词中有序数词修饰关系代词...

荥经县18354373364: 英语定语从句选择题 -
钟宽盐酸: 1、C 非限定性定语从句 get ……5261 from 从……获取…… 题中没有,那就是4102提前了,为 from which2、A so……that …… 如此……以至于…… that 后必须是个1653完整的句子 题目中,如果out后若加专一个 it ,就选C 所以,是定语从句特殊的是,有so 就必须用属 as

荥经县18354373364: 问一道定语从句的英语选择题~ I'll never forget the day_______I became a middle school student. -
钟宽盐酸:[选项] A. where B. when C. why D. which

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