
作者&投稿:运单 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A: Would you like to go running?

B: I'd enjoy that. Where would you like to go?

A: We could go to the park. There shouldn't be many people there now.

B: Good. Just let me change.

A: How about going for a bike ride?

B: Sure. Where?

A: Let's call Harry and ask him. He always knows the best places to go.

B: That's a good idea. I'll get ready.

A: Let's go swimming.

B: OK. Where should we go?

A: Why don't we go down to the lake? It's not too far from here.

B: Fine. I'll be ready in a minute.

A: How about going hiking with us?

B: Sounds good to me. Where do you want to go?

A: Let's go up to the mountains. It should be beautiful there.

B: OK. Just give me a few minutes to get ready.

A hi,Jone look at this newspaper.
B what happened?
A An old lady who is not rich donates the poor college students to go to college .
B how kind of her..
A yes it is. Can I ask you a question?
B go on.
A do you think what is beauty.?
B I do think the person within sympathy, kind hearted and other fine qualities is beauty
A is there a person like this one around you?
B yes, there must be. Just like my father. And also,he is the person who I admire most
A please give an example to let me kown how a person your father is.
B ok.once on his way home after work, an old man was broken, and nobody wanted to help him except my father. My father drove him to the hospital and paied th medical bills.
A your dad is a good man. Nowadays, no one is willing to get into trouble
B I think so. Not everyone can have a good reputation.
A I kown, the most thing is how to keep a good reputation. What’s your opinion?
B I think,it is that doing your best to let others happy.
A but my thought is that making a good impression to everybody is so stupid, because not everyone likes you.
B yes, you are right.
A so that,let most people approve of you.just do it.
B yeah,to be good.
A oh it is time to class.
B oh yes,let’s go

A oh look at the newspaper
B what happened
A the news said, More and more college students choose out of school to rent a house to live in.
B i support it.
A why? Don’t you think,it is more safe to students live in school?
B come on please? College students have long as an adult, various aspects should be independent
A but,Since most of the students in the school has the dorm, so, why do they have to spend more money to rent.it is waste.
B I think there is more free space and more comfortable environment so they want to live out
A yeah,it is easy to make troubles to live with severals. So if you live out, you are willing to live alone?
B of course. How about you?
A I am more willing to live with another one person together.
B why? Don't you think a person liveing is more freedom?
A Yes, but also more lonely.
B ok,choose your favorite.but my thought is that We are adult,so we must be responsible for ourselves.
A I agree with this view. No one can be responsible for our life ,including our parents
B yeah, Our parents are old one day than a day,they Can't always pay for our mistakes .
A it is right.

A: Hi,do you know what is just over festival?
B: Yes. The Dragon Boat Festival.
A: Why are you celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival?
B We celebrate it to commemorate a great patriotic poet of China: Qu Yuan.
A Can you say some detailed?
B: Er, The origin of this summer festival centers around a person named Qu Yuan. Because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals, Qu Yuan finally threw himself into the Mi Luo river. For their admiration, the local people living adjacent to the Mi Luo River rushed into their boats to search for him while throwing rice into the waters to appease the river dragons. And their efforts are still commemorated today during the Dragon Boat Festival.
A: How do you celebrate it? What do people do in that day?
B: We'll have rice-dumpling ,the Chinese is zongzi. The stuffing in zongzi could be dates, bean paste, meat or other things. There are so many kinds. People in southern China like the zongzi with meat in it.
A Wow, I almost drooled because of your description.
BThere's more. There are also dragon boat matches in some places of southern China
A: I should go and see some if I have is a chance.Thank you for your introducing.
B you are welcome. 用叫医生吗?
Do you need a doctor?
Do you need a doctor? (用叫医生吗?)
Yes, I think so. (是的,请叫医生吧。)
Do you want me to get a doctor?
Do you need any help? (需要帮忙吗?)
Please call an ambulance. *ambulance“救护车”。
We need an ambulance now.
Please get an ambulance.
I'd like to see a doctor.
I'm not feeling well.
Could you send me a doctor?
What's wrong with you?
What's the matter?
Is anything wrong?
What are your symptoms? *symptom“症状”。
Let me check your temperature. *temperature“体温”、“温度”。
Did you eat something unusual?
Let me check your blood pressure.

更多参考资料:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_8a0c5d9a0101hvek.html (望采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢)

hello!what's your name?

I'm xxx .
My name is xxx . Nice to meet you .
Nice to meet you,too. I want to make friends with you.
Oh. Sure.

Hi ! How are you?

I'm fine. Thank you .And you?
I'm fine too .

hello, Xxx !

hi, Xxx .What's the date today?
Today is September [səpˈtembə] 5th .
oh,thank you very much.
Not at all .

人名字就 Bob Jack 什么之类的。

Jane and Susan are on their way home.
Jane和Susan 在回家的路上谈起对季节的感受.

Jane: hi, Sue, I feel a kind of chilly today.
Susan: It is very chilly now. Autumn is approaching.
Autumn is my favorite season.
Jane: oh yeah, I don't like it.
I feel depressed in autumn.
you see leaves are falling. grass is dying. Geese are ready to fly south. It seems everything is gone.
Susan: I don't think it that way.
I enjoy seeing the rainbow color of the leaves.
我喜欢看到多彩树叶. I enjoy stepping on the crunch and the rustle of leaves.
I like to take a deep breath of the crisp autumn air.
It makes me so happy when the cool autumn wind tickles my face.
Jane: I like summer better. I like to go to the beach.
The days are longer and I can hang out with my pals outside.
In autumn the days are getting shorter.
I just don't like it when it starts to get dark at four. It is a very glooming sign.
Susan: well, you are entitled to your opinions.
One thing we are in common is that we both value our friendships, right?有一点跟你相同的就是我们对待友情的看法是一至的.

Jane: you are absolutely right.
Here is my home. See you tomorrow.
Susan: see you tomorrow.

A: Hi, Bruce!
B: Hi, Alice! How are you?
A: Pretty good. The summer vacation is approaching, do you have any plan for it?
B: I want to go to Disneyland in Los Angeles.
A: That's cool! Why do you want to go there?
B: My cousin went there last year, and he said he enjoyed himself a lot there.
C: Hey, Bruce and Alice.What are you guys talking about?
A: Bruce says that he's going to Disneyland this summer.
C: Really? I'm planning to go there, too. Shall we go together, Bruce?
B: That will be interesting! Haha!


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