
作者&投稿:别疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语 短文改错~


1.trying 改成 try(and为并列连词,read和try应为同一词性) 2.in 改成 by(用心用by heart记住就行) 3.form(打错了,养成) 后加a(一个好习惯,可数) 4.listening改为listen,此处缺谓语 5.去掉with后的the(此处没有特指其余全部) 6.I 后加have(根据上下文,这里指练习后现在的结果,而不是过去的事情,故须在I后加 have以构成现在完成时.) 7.speaking改成spoken(口语应是spoken English) 8.best 后加to(try one's best to do sth尽力做某事,固定搭配) 9.me 改成 myself(express oneself意为表达思想) 10.why 改成 how(这里的表语从句应是学英语的方式,而不是学英语的原因)注:你是不是哪个地方打错了,应该是有一个是对的呀,请与原文校对。

A couple of month(1、months,复数) ago, I went to Qingdao with my parents. I learned that it lied(2、lies,现在时态) in the eastern part of Shandong Province. It is far away from the city in what(3、which,定语从句引导词) we live, so when we got there it was getting dark. When we got off the bus, the wind was so much(4、去掉much,多余) heavy that we all felt very cold. Then we took a taxi to the hotel we have(5、had,过去完成时态) ordered. The next morning, they(6、we,我们) had some seafood for breakfast, which tasted deliciously(7、delicious,形容词). Then we went for (8、加上a,去散步,习惯说法)walk in a park, see(9、seeing,见到) a few kites flying high in the sky. We spent a few days there. Once(10、Though,虽然) we were tired, we felt very happy.

第二排:in what的what改为which
第三排:去掉so much里的much
第四排:have ordered里的have改为had,they had改为we had
第五排:deliciously改为delicious , walk前面加个a ,see改为seeing
最后一排: Once改为Although

A couple of month (months) ago,I went to Qingdao with my parents.I learned that it lied (lies) in the eastern part of Shandong Province.It is far away from the city in what (which) we live,so when we got there it was getting dark.When we got off the bus,the wind was so much (去掉much) heavy that we all felt very cold.Then we took a taxi to the hotel we have (had) ordered. The next morning,they had some seafood (seafoods)for breakfast,which tasted deliciously(delicious).Then we went for (a)walk in a park,see (seeing)a few kites flying high in the sky.We spent a few days there.Once (Although) we were tired,we felt very happy.

A couple of
【months】ago ,I went to Qingdao with my parents .I know it is
【situated】 in the eastern part of shangdong Province of China .It is far away from the city
【where】 we live. when we got there ,it was already at night .when we got off the bus , the wind blew so hard that we fel so cold .we took a taxi to go back to our hotel . The next morning, they had some seafood for breakfast which tasted so delicious , we were walking delectably when we saw a kite flying in the sky , we spent a few days to stay there , tried as we felt , we felt so happy

A couple of 【months】 ago,I went to Qingdao with my parents.I learned that it 【lied-lies】 in the eastern part of Shandong Province.It 【is-was】 far away from the city in 【what-which】 we 【live-lived】,so when we got there it was getting dark.When we got off the bus,the wind was so 【去掉much】 heavy that we all felt very cold.Then we took a taxi to the hotel we 【have-had】 ordered. The next morning,they had some seafood for breakfast,which tasted 【deliciously-delicious】.Then we went for 【加a】walk in a park,【see-saw】 a few kites flying high in the sky.We spent a few days there.Once we were tired,we felt very happy.

短文改错解题思路和检查原则: 1.句中各部分的结构是否完整,特别是每个句子要有动词;2. 谓语动词的时态、语态;3.非谓语动词的用法;4.名词的单、复数,格的使用是否正确;5.定冠词和不定冠词是否正确;6.代词的格和性的使用是否有误;7.定语从句中关系代词、副词是否准确无误;8.并列句中的并列连...


英语短文改错口诀解析 高考英语短文改错与书面表达一样,最能反映一个人的语言功底。考生在该题上失分最厉害,因为此题而影响英语总成绩的占大多数。下面我给大家带来英语短文改错口诀解析,欢迎大家阅读。英语短文改错口诀解析 短文改错口诀(一)动词形,名词数;注意形和副;非谓动词细辨别;习惯用法要...

I am angry about the act of dishonesty in the exams.1、去掉the,因为是泛指。I'm a good student and that I've never cheated.2、去掉 that,这是并列句,that 多余。I once write the answer on my hand for a history test but,3、把write改成wrote,因为once表示曾经,是过去时间。

1 After I finished my school 去掉my 2 Now several months had passed, and I haven't found the job I'm interested.had 改为 have 3 and 改为 yet 4 改为 I'm interested in 5 I received a phone call from a man naming Mr.Wang.改为 named 6 I hear you do well on your...

为你解答。A couple of month(1、months,复数) ago, I went to Qingdao with my parents. I learned that it lied(2、lies,现在时态) in the eastern part of Shandong Province. It is far away from the city in what(3、which,定语从句引导词) we live, so when we got there it...

英语短文改错 10处
I accepted【received】 your letter yesterday and I was very glad to hear【加about,hear about sth,表示听到某事】 your success in your examination. You are always 【去掉doing,有always用一般时态】 good in your lessons. I just finished a trip to ...

一、解题方法 三步法解题:(1)通读全文,了解全文大意和主题; (2)找错并改正;(3)通读全文,核对检验。在短文改错过程中,还须遵循以下步骤:(1)在理解句子的基础上,先从动词、句法的角度判断有无这方面的错误以及错误的位置;(2)确定无句法错误后,再考虑用法、搭配和近形近义方面的错误;(3)在...

英语改错题的解答技巧及答题套路是什么?无非就是文章中的时态和语法使用的是否得当,想要具体了解改错题如何作答,就接着看的文章吧!高考英语短文改错解答技巧,绝对有用!短文改错解题思路和检查原则 1. 句中各部分的结构是否完整,特别是每个句子要有动词;2. 谓语动词的时态、语态;3. 非谓语动词的...


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柴司甲磺: 您好,这篇短文改错,共有11个错误,不确定文章本身是否有误?1)第一行:rule 改成 rules(one of the + 复数名词)2)第二行:takes 改成 took3)第三行:learn 改成 leaning(现在分词词组作宾语从句的主语)4)第三行:第一个 the 改成 a,为...

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柴司甲磺: 短文改错一般有9个错,有一行是正确的!1. he is doing → he was doing2. Nobody allowed → Nobody was allowed3. how importance → how important4. fly London → fly to London5. was giving to...

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枝江市15733162058: 英语短文改错技巧 -
柴司甲磺: 一、解题方法 三步法解题:(1)通读全文,了解全文大意和主题; (2)找错并改正;(3)通读全文,核对检验.在短文改错过程中,还须遵循以下步骤:(1)在理解句子的基础上,先从动词、句法的角度判断有无这方面的错误以及错误的...

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柴司甲磺: 英语短文改错涉及到英语语法知识、篇章理解、词汇拼写、单词的大小写等.其设错方式有: 1. 错词更正;2. 多词删除; 3. 漏词补漏. 做短文改错时只要记住”三步“、”五原则“ 和”四不改“就能提高得分率: 三步: 1. 通读全文,理解文...

枝江市15733162058: 英文短文改错 -
柴司甲磺: 1.went改成goe2.buys改成buy3.our改成on4.无错 5.about改成on6.to get 改成getting7.had to wait 改成waited; 8.it改成there.9.told后面的to删掉10.very改成more.

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柴司甲磺:[答案] 第一行:drink-drinking(介词of后跟动名词),去掉第二个the第二行:them-it(指代那瓶茅台)第三行:meant-meaning(现在分词作状语),bottles后加of,late-later第四行:paying-pay(offer to do sth),pleasant-ple...

枝江市15733162058: 一篇英语短文改错! -
柴司甲磺: 1.recently改为recent;2.spend改为spent;3.compare改为compared;4.luxurious life前加a;5.that was 中的that改为it;6.正确;7.but 改为and;8.最后的the划掉;9.最后的have后面加had;10.but改为so;(...

枝江市15733162058: 英语短文改错,在线等
柴司甲磺: 1.在by之前加wrote2.when删除


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