
作者&投稿:卞律 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语短文改错 10个~


My hometown is a pretty city,so(so 改成and,加 the,前后无因果关系,名词前要定冠词the) people there are kind and polite. With(the) coming of spring,grass and trees turn green,and flowers grew(grew 改成 grow,时态一致) in many colors. In summer, the sea under the blue skies(skies 改成 sky) is even more beautiful. After(after 改成 when) autumn arrives,the city looks as(as 改成 like) an old man with leaves fallen(fallen 改成 falling) from the trees. In winter,a lot of white birds come to my city for food. I can wait more(去掉more 没有比较关系) patiently above(above 改成 beside) the sea for quite a longtime. While(while 改成 when 或者 once) they find fishes come to the surface, they fly down immediately and catch them without delay. That is my city, and I love it so much.

I am angry about the act of dishonesty in the exams.
I'm a good student and that I've never cheated.
2、去掉 that,这是并列句,that 多余。I once write the answer on my hand for a history test but,
3、把write改成wrote,因为once表示曾经,是过去时间。unluckily, caught by my teacher.
4、在caught前加was,因为but是连词,连接两个谓语,“被抓到”需要用被动语态。Because she was one of my most favorites,
5、去掉most,因为favorite本意就包含“最”there were no words to desribe how sorry I felt at once.
I thought cheat would help me keep my straight A's.
6、把cheat变成cheating,动名词作主语。动词原形不能作主语。Little I know that I was hurting
7、在little前加助动词did,因为是部分倒装,该处需要借助助动词,且注意时态not only herself but also my teachers.
8、把herself改成myself,意思错误From this lesson I know teachers want students to succeed by learning
9、students前加their, 老师们想让“他们的”学生靠真才实学获得成功
with their own and do the best they can, not by cheating.
10、把with改成on,on one's own独立

I am angry about the action of dishonesty in the exams. I'm a good student and I've never cheated. I once wrote the answer by my hand for a history test but, unluckily,I was caught by my teacher. Because she was one of my most favorites, there were no words to desribe how sorry I felt at once. I thought cheating would help me keep my straight A's. Later I know that I was hurting not only myself but also my teachers. From this lesson I know teachers want students to succeed by learning by their own and do the best they can, not by cheating.

cheated--been cheated
but luckily--luckily

英语短文改错涉及到英语语法知识、篇章理解、词汇拼写、单词的大小写等。其设错方式有: 1. 错词更正;2. 多词删除; 3. 漏词补漏。做短文改错时只要记住”三步“、”五原则“ 和”四不改“就能提高得分率:三步:1. 通读全文,理解文章;2. 先易后难,找出明错;3. 对照考点,深入审读。五...

英语短文改错套路1、语义矛盾 通过对近年改错部分的分析,发现出现错误率的频率最高的就是上下文语义矛盾这一项,上下文语义矛盾,也就是说,根据上文的内容,紧接下来的部分应该是肯定意义,结果原文却用了否定;反之,根据上下文的连贯关系,下文本该用否定却用了肯定。英语短文改错套路2、缺漏和多余 缺漏...

(in改成on) her way to school, Lily found a wallet (lay改成lying) on the road. She picked it up and found a lot of money and a calling card in (them改成it). She thought the loser must be worried. (Without改成With) the wallet, ...

名词错误主要体现在名词单复数错误,确定名词单复数有以下几种方法:看修饰语;看主谓语一致性;可数名词前无单数修饰语一定要用复数;看其它限制。例 You can find all kinds of information in just a few minute on the Internet. (04全国IV)析:a few应修饰复数可数名词,因此minute应改为minutes。

第一行里,把of改成in;When he is改成When he was;第二行里,把Mark Twain was her改成Mark Twain was his 第三行里,把and write a lot of 改成and wrote a lot of 第四行里,把and his work 改成and his works(works复数的固定用法,“著作”的意思);把He become one of 改成...

minded it 时态 Therefore改为However 连词 She stopped (visting) her 去掉visiting前的to 动词固定搭配 was such (a) mean woman 冠词 She was (truely) sorry 副词 (words) really mean a lot 名词复数 (we) should really think twice 前后主语不一致 in order not to (hurt) 固定搭配 ...

是组织机构,非我族类 6.in改成on处:具体时间用介词on 7.加入is处:which day OK with you语法错误,没意义 8.you改成me处:你打电话给我you phone me 9.is改成are处:here后面的谓语由后面的名词决定 10.hear改成hearing处:look forward to sth.希望对你英语学习有帮助,\\(^o^)\/~

1 After I finished my school 去掉my 2 Now several months had passed, and I haven't found the job I'm interested.had 改为 have 3 and 改为 yet 4 改为 I'm interested in 5 I received a phone call from a man naming Mr.Wang.改为 named 6 I hear you do well on your...

1、去掉the,因为是泛指。I'm a good student and that I've never cheated.2、去掉 that,这是并列句,that 多余。I once write the answer on my hand for a history test but,3、把write改成wrote,因为once表示曾经,是过去时间。unluckily, caught by my teacher.4、在caught前加was,因为...

英语短文改错套路十点 高考英语改错技巧及固定规律
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邕宁县17263888314: 初中英语短文改错(每一行都有一处错误) It is on Sunday today. Early in the morning my 1、————classmate and I went to Xi Shan by bus to plant 2、——... -
夏侄洛普:[答案] 1.去on 今天是星期天,不加on2.classmate改classmates 从句子上看classmate本没有错,但是只有一个同学讲不通.3.began后加to begin to do4.planted改were planting 应该是进行时.5.Both改 All6.much改many7..are改were...

邕宁县17263888314: 一篇英语短文改错,请帮忙改一下(10处错误)One afternoon becasue Chaplie was sitting togeter with his friends and talking ,a fly flew into a room and kept ... -
夏侄洛普:[答案] One afternoon 【when】Chaplie was sitting together with his friends and talking ,a fly flew into 【the】 room and kept flying around ChPalie's head.Chaplie waved his hands to drive it away,but the fly soon 【came】 back 【again删除】.For once it ...

邕宁县17263888314: 英语短文改错,急一共有十处错误,找出并改正.最好能告诉我错在哪儿.短文如下:Dear Mr.wood,How are everything with you?I'm writing to tell you that there ... -
夏侄洛普:[答案] 短文改错一般是9个错,有一行是对的. 1.How are everything → How is everything 2.a 8000-metre race →an 8000-metre race 3.it won't rain → it doesn't rain 4.then turning right → then turn right 5.After taken the second turning → After taking the second...

邕宁县17263888314: 一篇英语短文改错,One of our destination on our Texas vacation 1__is Lake Somerville.Whe we went into the bathroom2__of the hotel which we stayed ,we ... -
夏侄洛普:[答案] 1、destination →destinations 2、is → was 3、which → where 4、asked → asking 5、to 删掉 6、but → and 7、obvious → obviously 8、what → that 9、both → all 10、√

邕宁县17263888314: 英语短文改错1.这是一篇短文改错2.这里有10处错误3.I am a Senior 1 student.In the begining of this term,my parents or teachers asked me to live in the school ... -
夏侄洛普:[答案] 改错题要分行的!请楼主注意!短文改错只有9个错的,还有一行是正确的!而楼主没有分行,所以正确的那一行请你自行判断!1.In the beginning→At the beginning2.my parents or teachers→my parents and teachers3.make i...

邕宁县17263888314: 一个简单的英语短文改错,请英语大手帮忙,急I'm happy to write to you for the first time.You were introduced to myself by Mr johnson,my foreign teather.... -
夏侄洛普:[答案] 按序myself→mebecause of→becausewanted→wantgood friend→good friendsstudent of→a student ofwould be→will bespecially→especiallyDid you→Do youinteresting→interestedhis→their

邕宁县17263888314: 一篇英语短文改错! -
夏侄洛普: 1.recently改为recent;2.spend改为spent;3.compare改为compared;4.luxurious life前加a;5.that was 中的that改为it;6.正确;7.but 改为and;8.最后的the划掉;9.最后的have后面加had;10.but改为so;(...

邕宁县17263888314: 英语短文改错 10处 1行1个I.m a Senior Three student.I have done very bad inmy exams,so I,m trying my best to catch up others.But I am so concerning about my... -
夏侄洛普:[答案] bad - badly catch up - catch up with concerning - concerned and - or is - if,have studied - study hard - harder attention - attentions opinions - opinion in - on what - how

邕宁县17263888314: 英语短文改错,求帮帮忙 -
夏侄洛普: interesting改interestedme改myselfthat改whatthousands改thousandwhile改whenin改withcheck改checkinglosing改lostwas去掉take改taking

邕宁县17263888314: 一篇英语短文改错题! -
夏侄洛普: 1.want—wants2.advices—advice3.like后加a4.overuse—overused5.person后加who/that6.easy—easier7.正确8.older—old9.去掉not10.himself—yourself

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